10 stupid myths liberals believe

Liberals love to give out money to help other people..................

Problem is they give out other people's money..........................


Liberals believe in 'tax and spend' government. PAY as you go. Conservatives, starting with the great socialist Ronald Reagan, believe in 'BORROW and spend' government. Borrow and burden future generations with the bill that was run up on the Beijing credit card.

The results are in...the Reagan revolution was as big of a failure of ideology as the other great failure of the 20th century...the Bolshevik revolution.



"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.


So.......you can draw circles and lines..........most people can do that.
Bfgrn, Your chart is a phony.
Bush 43 added 4.9 trillion in 8 years
Obama has added 6.5 in just 5 years
I think this is called the "scarcity mentality"
People who live by "abundance mentality" believe in investing and helping people first, and then this grows and everyone benefits.

I talked with a friend about what causes the shift from "scarcity" to "abundance" mentality:
I said it was overcoming fear through forgiveness.

I don't think this is determined by liberal/conservative but by forgiveness and personal empowerment.

If you are AFRAID of other people having more than you or you cannot compete,
that causes people to cling to past fears and stay stuck in victimhood.
The more we can FORGIVE past conflicts or imbalances, and can work toward
empowering and improving our situations, we have more faith others can do the same.

but if we don't have any concept how to fix our own problems,
we think other people have more power than we do, so we project outward.

What if we look at what makes them operate more efficiently?
again, the difference between abundance mentality or "law of attraction"
that ATTRACTS positive people, relations and growth/development
scarcity or victim mentality where negative fears and limits keep getting repeated like a track in a loop that keeps people stuck, projecting past fears onto the present and future

Here's one that they have had for decades and still have:

Liberals believe that wealth is finite. It is the over-riding misconception that is at the heart of their dogma. They believe that wealth is finite and therefor if someone has wealth, someone else cannot have it. They believe that the rich are hoarding wealth and they think that that is the reason the poor cannot get out of poverty. They believe that there is only so much wealth and that is someone has it then they got it from someone else.

They cannot understand that wealth is created, they cannot understand that there is no limit to the amount of wealth that is available. They can't understand it and in fact they WON'T understand it. If they did, it would undermine all of their core beliefs.

IMO it is the most important myth that the democrats think is true.
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1. I'll have the most transparent administration.

2. I'm gonna close gitmo

3. I will pass comprehensive immigration reform in my first year.

4. I will rein in the overreach of the executive branch.

5. I will work across the isle to build concensus

6. If you like your insurance you can keep it. Period

7. Red lines have consequences

8. Obama isn't a liberal

9. Obama had a real job prior to the Senate

10. Obama has been a good president

Yikes, that's an impressive list ... I'll add one more, it's also rumored than many (but not all) "liberals" still believe in Santa Claus.

"Ho, Ho, Ho muthafucka" --- attributed to Snoop Doggy Claus
Here's one that they have had for decades and still have:

Liberals believe that wealth is finite. It is the over-riding misconception that is at the heart of their dogma. They believe that wealth is finite and therefor if someone has wealth, someone else cannot have it. They believe that the rich are hoarding wealth and they think that that is the reason the poor cannot get out of poverty. They believe that there is only so much wealth and that is someone has it then they got it from someone else.

They cannot understand that wealth is created, they cannot understand that there is no limit to the amount of wealth that is available. They can't understand it and in fact they WON'T understand it. If they did, it would undermine all of their core beliefs.

IMO it is the most important myth that the democrats think is true.

They believe that because most of their idols, Dem politicians, tend to be lawyers. Lawyers don't create wealth, they find legal loopholes and often trickery to confiscate it. If they had a clue as to how the private sector works, and how it made this country what it is, they would know that a job is the best welfare program (as stated by Reagan) and that people have the power to improve their own lives without the government having to steal on their behalf. Obama often talked about returning the wealth to it's rightful owners, as if people used to have money until the big, bad corporations stole it from them.

I find that the worst way to lose money to the big and powerful is simply by paying more and more taxes. The government has unfairly taken more money than anyone else. We have no choice.

With businesses, we can opt to buy their products and services or not. If they become wealthy, it's because we make them that way. We are in control because we do have a choice.

Of course, while government sees all the money in the country as being rightfully theirs, they blame the private sector for hoarding money. Government expects us to be grateful for allowing us to keep enough earnings to survive on, though they'd rather collect it all and dole it out as they see fit.

They talk about how money is distributed unevenly as if we only have what we have because some politician gave it to us. It's creepy how they look at things and it all comes from a gross lack of understanding about how wealth is created.
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Bfgrn is another self-deceiving idiot walloing in willful ignorance.
Reagan couldnt have spent a penny without the consent of his 8-YEAR DEMOCRAT HOUSE MAJORITY WHO HELD THE PURSE STRINGS.

just comical; the same kind of left-wing nutjobs insist the Democrat MAJORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS for all of Bush's last 2 years was helpless in stopping all the things the Left say were so disastrous; but the Republican House MINORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS for all of Obama's first two years was somehow able to "hold hostage" and "obstruct" this brilliant communnity organizer; and his huge Dem-majority of both chambers of Congress

libs are losers who lie to themselves
1. I'll have the most transparent administration.

2. I'm gonna close gitmo

3. I will pass comprehensive immigration reform in my first year.

4. I will rein in the overreach of the executive branch.

5. I will work across the isle to build concensus

6. If you like your insurance you can keep it. Period

7. Red lines have consequences

8. Obama isn't a liberal

9. Obama had a real job prior to the Senate

10. Obama has been a good president

Good Old Weird Grumpy Gramps-shits-pants strikes out again! :eek:


1. Everyone claims this. Only fools argue with those who believe such nonsense. Why? Birds of a feather :eusa_shhh:

2. Dante being a liberal laughed at anti-war leftists who despise liberals and believed GITMO would be closed. Dante quoted Cheney on this long ago before Obama won any election

Obama isn't a liberal as much as he is a pragmatists and a progressive.

Good gawd jesus you're a tool
1. I'll have the most transparent administration.

2. I'm gonna close gitmo

3. I will pass comprehensive immigration reform in my first year.

4. I will rein in the overreach of the executive branch.

5. I will work across the isle to build concensus

6. If you like your insurance you can keep it. Period

7. Red lines have consequences

8. Obama isn't a liberal

9. Obama had a real job prior to the Senate

10. Obama has been a good president

Good Old Weird Grumpy Gramps-shits-pants strikes out again! :eek:


1. Everyone claims this. Only fools argue with those who believe such nonsense. Why? Birds of a feather :eusa_shhh:

2. Dante being a liberal laughed at anti-war leftists who despise liberals and believed GITMO would be closed. Dante quoted Cheney on this long ago before Obama won any election

Obama isn't a liberal as much as he is a pragmatists and a progressive.

Good gawd jesus you're a tool

good gawd the only fool is you. you didnt rebut anything. he didnt strike out; you did moron
Bfgrn, Your chart is a phony.
Bush 43 added 4.9 trillion in 8 years
Obama has added 6.5 in just 5 years
Obama added the cost of two Bush wars, that Bush hadn't put into the budget.


more moronic stupidity and excuses

the cost of the war was expensed in supplemental appropriations; obama did it the same way

you're a joke lying to himself

obama has outspent the cost of both wars and then some

ur a joke lying to himself
1. I'll have the most transparent administration.

2. I'm gonna close gitmo

3. I will pass comprehensive immigration reform in my first year.

4. I will rein in the overreach of the executive branch.

5. I will work across the isle to build concensus

6. If you like your insurance you can keep it. Period

7. Red lines have consequences

8. Obama isn't a liberal

9. Obama had a real job prior to the Senate

10. Obama has been a good president

Good Old Weird Grumpy Gramps-shits-pants strikes out again! :eek:


1. Everyone claims this. Only fools argue with those who believe such nonsense. Why? Birds of a feather :eusa_shhh:

2. Dante being a liberal laughed at anti-war leftists who despise liberals and believed GITMO would be closed. Dante quoted Cheney on this long ago before Obama won any election

Obama isn't a liberal as much as he is a pragmatists and a progressive.

Good gawd jesus you're a tool

good gawd the only fool is you. you didnt rebut anything. he didnt strike out; you did moron

Gramp-shit-in-pants didn't prove anything let alone anything regarding 'liberals'

Carter caused Stagflation, Bfgrn. Energy policy and economic policy have nothing to do with one another. By clamping down on the money supply via the Federal Reserve Board he planted the seeds of a recession. He refused to resupply the economy with the money it needed and caused it to fall into a big recession.

But the most important element in the war against inflation was the Federal Reserve Board, which clamped down hard on the money supply beginning in 1979. By refusing to supply all the money an inflation-ravaged economy wanted, the Fed caused interest rates to rise. As a result, consumer spending and business borrowing slowed abruptly. The economy soon fell into a deep recession.

Stagflation in the 1970s

The narrative is wrong, however, for thoroughly documentable reasons. First, it was Carter not Reagan who appointed Volcker a full 14 months before Reagan became president. Carter knew that Volcker would raise rates sharply probably causing a recession but told his counselors who advised against the appointment to let him worry about the politics.

The Federal Funds rate was 11 percent when Carter appointed Volcker in August 1979. By the time Reagan took office in January 1981, Volcker had pushed the rate to 20 percent (the prime was 21 percent) and rates never went higher. So contrary to the mythology, Carter took the political risks not Reagan. Indeed during the first year of Reagan's administration Volcker brought the Federal Funds rate down from 20 to 12 percent, and pushed it down to 8.5 percent by the end of 1982. It took no political fortitude on Reagan's part to tolerate a 60 percent decline in rates over his first two years.

Bernanke's replacement also should understand that the Fed role in ending inflation three decades ago has been significantly exaggerated. A bigger factor over the 30 year period has been more intense competition in large sectors to the American economy as a result of legislation Carter pushed through.

Carter took on bruising political fights with Congress to end price fixing by airlines (1978) and trucking companies and railroads (1980). He opened the auto and steel industries to more intense competition (1980), as well as oil, natural gas, and electricity (1978) with the same anti-inflationary results. These were political fights in Congress against powerful interests that Reagan never had to take on.

Paul A. London: Inflation: The Reagan Myth and Carter Record

Uhh, you lost me at "myth.' This isn't Mythbusters.

Another thing. About this image you took from the Liberal leaning Economic Policy Institute:


Notice how it skipped the 1980s altogether. Also notice how it never states how much the incomes of the lower classes actually decreased under Bush. This is obfuscation.

As for this little gem you took from MoveOn.org:


It was debunked and given 4 Pinnochios by the Washington Post.

A bogus chart on Obama and the debt gets a new lease on life - The Washington Post

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

-Winston Churchill

Some more facts:

Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!

Now you're throwing random irrelevant facts at me. Not to mention you are copy pasting without your sources.

Here's some reality:

In the past 5 years the total debt of the US has increased $7.4 trillion, under Obama's watch. If it took Reagan 5 years to add $1 trillion, that means Obama took same amount of time increasing the debt by seven and a half times as much. From what I'm seeing, Obama has added more debt than either the Bush or Reagan Administrations COMBINED.

Let me repeat that for you. It took 19 years for the debt to get to $4 trillion. It took Obama 5 years to add $7.4 trillion, an increase of sevenfold of Reagan, and double that of Bush. He has nearly doubled the spending of all of those administrations put together. Get your facts straight.

Provide the list of discretionary spending you are blaming on Obama. I want facts and figure, not dogma and propaganda.
Liberals love to give out money to help other people..................

Problem is they give out other people's money..........................


Liberals believe in 'tax and spend' government. PAY as you go. Conservatives, starting with the great socialist Ronald Reagan, believe in 'BORROW and spend' government. Borrow and burden future generations with the bill that was run up on the Beijing credit card.

The results are in...the Reagan revolution was as big of a failure of ideology as the other great failure of the 20th century...the Bolshevik revolution.



"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.



Reagan didnt increase the Debtl his EIGHT-YEAR DEMOCRAT HOUSE MAJORITY THAT HELD THE PURSE STRINGS DID. its hilarious; these are the same morons who voted for all of the "Reagan" Debt; and support all of the obama debt: trying to make some kind of point that Republicans are supposedly hypocrites since they spent alot. what is the point of making that point if you are on the side that supported all of THAT debt and continue to support deficit spending even as the Debt is over $17 trillion dollars?

How can you think you are exposing someone else as a hypocrite when you supported everything they did; even INCREASED THE DEBT?
Reagan had an 8-year Dem House holding the purse strings; he had to make deals. Reagan was also a Democrat in his earlier years.

So many Dems voted for Reagan's policies the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT was coined to refer to them.

Despite Reagan's "welfare queen" remark spending on social programs INCREASED under Reagan. liberals support that kind of spending; so how can they come here with a chart and a graph and pretend they didnt support Reagan's spending???


we're still waiting for all that "progress" under the inept, failed excuse of a leader named obama

the same liberal idiots like chart guy above whine that republicans have been able to "obstruct" obama; even thought repubs were the MINORITY OF BOTH CHAMBERS of Congress for all of obama's first two years.................

yet somehow the EIGHT-YEAR Reagan House majority was helpless in stopping all that "Reagan spending"?

libs are losers who lie to themselves

TOTAL bullshit...

"The excuse cannot be used that Congress massively increased Reagan's budget proposals. On the contrary, there was never much difference between Reagan's and Congress's budgets, and despite propaganda to the contrary, Reagan never proposed a cut in the total budget."
Murray N. Rothbard - former Dean of the Austrian School, an economist, economic historian, and libertarian political philosopher

Conservatives are embarrassed by the way Reagan and the Bushes ran the debt up and out of control. So they have invented a cover story: The Democratic Congress did it. I have run into this lie dozens of times. So, I dug deep to set the record straight.


As the figure shows, Reagan and Bush senior got almost exactly the budgets they requested in each of their 12 budget years.

The first budget — passed by all Republicans and a few conservative Southern Democrats.
This increased the debt by $144 Billion.
The next 5 budgets — passed by the Republican Senate and signed by Reagan.
The last 2 budgets — passed by a Democratic Congress
Totaled slightly less than Reagan requested.
G. H. W. Bush:
Democratic Congresses under Bush passed smaller budgets than he requested in 3 out of 4 years.
These four Democratic budgets totaled $14.6 Billion less than Bush requested.
G. W. Bush:
The first two budgets — Senate was split 50/50 and the House was Democratic.
Bipartisan and totaled $20 Billion less than Bush requested.
The biggest cause of deficits was Bush's enormous tax cut, mainly for the rich.
The next 4 budgets — the Congress was solid Republican.
The last 2 budgets — Bush vetoed modest Democratic attempts at spending.

In summary: Democrats controlled Congress during 8 out the 20 years. During 4 of those years, Democrats decreased the budgets proposed by the Republican presidents. Their total effect during those 8 years was to reduce Republican budgets by $17 Billion (which is only 0.2%).

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

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