10 things blamed on "global warming" in 2008.....

yes every single dissenting voice is wrong. only you have the answers

did you read the study, of course not.

So the testimony of scientists in government hearings is also no good?


seems to me a lot of scientists question the alarmists.

The scientists are not the question.

The question is, if you increase CO2 in the atmosphere by 40%, will it warm the earth?

The answer is, yes.

Soon we will have doubled the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

What will the result of that be?

i'm hoping it causes vagina beach to sink neath the waves.

Quick, where is vagina beach?:lol:
Um, isn't Wikipedia user generated? Regarding this, it's purely agenda driven. Lefty wackos. We're all gonna die!!!!! :ack-1:

Silly ass. That is a quote from the European Geophysical Union. Were you to follow the links in the wiki site, you would get the policy statements of the world's scientific organizations. And, yes, we are all going to die. That is in the contract when we are born. However, the world we leave to our children is up to us. Right now, we have not done so well in that department.

Okay, okay. Yes, the world we leave to our children is in our hands, so, we do need to treat our earth kindly. I've never disagreed with that. I do, however, disagree with the notion that us humans and cows are killing the earth. It's been around a whole lot longer than we have!

As for the European Geophysical Union. I could really care less what they say. They are there to initiate panic among the people. To create an issue... that will cost you and me money in the future (and with Obama in the house, the future is near).

In the mean time, I'll keep using my incandescent light bulbs (till their off the market, of course).

Lordy, lordy, another halfwit proud of their willfull ignorance.
I heard cell phones are now a cause for global warming? It's hard to figure but isn't this year one of the coldest records in history? N. Dakota had record lows a couple of week ago at 45 degrees below zero!

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