100,000 dead ain't Sheyat compared to 40 million out of work....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
I have grown tired of the debate about Trump's bloodguilt toward 100,000 so called COVID deaths...it's bullshit anyway. However from a purely pragmatic point of view I say .... Tough Shit .... life comes with death as an option...it always did. You think you can make a case based on one hundred thousand???....hell you can't even make a case based on one million.... Go ahead...run with that false narrative and pretend that it's true and I'll tell you what.... Even if it was true it doesn't matter because forty million people are not going to sit down and just give up the ghost so they can hate on a President..... The GOP may have one of the strongest rallying cries in the History of modern politics at this point.... " YOU WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK? VOTE REPUBLICAN! "

See ya in November suckers...

I have grown tired of the debate about Trump's bloodguilt toward 100,000 so called COVID deaths...it's bullshit anyway. However from a purely pragmatic point of view I say .... Tough Shit .... life comes with death as an option...it always did. You think you can make a case based on one hundred thousand???....hell you can't even make a case based on one million.... Go ahead...run with that false narrative and pretend that it's true and I'll tell you what.... Even if it was true it doesn't matter because forty million people are not going to sit down and just give up the ghost so they can hate on a President..... The GOP may have one of the strongest rallying cries in the History of modern politics at this point.... " YOU WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK? VOTE REPUBLICAN! "

See ya in November suckers...


C'mon, just say it. Anybody who gets the virus..and who dies, is just an "Acceptable Loss" in the eyes of Republicans and Conservatives. Why can't you just be up front about it?
You bloviate this BS and at the same time, won't back any of the preventative measures (wearing masks, social distancing) that will aid in getting people back to work and out and about.

You want reason and sanity? This November, vote Democrat.
I have grown tired of the debate about Trump's bloodguilt toward 100,000 so called COVID deaths...it's bullshit anyway. However from a purely pragmatic point of view I say .... Tough Shit .... life comes with death as an option...it always did. You think you can make a case based on one hundred thousand???....hell you can't even make a case based on one million.... Go ahead...run with that false narrative and pretend that it's true and I'll tell you what.... Even if it was true it doesn't matter because forty million people are not going to sit down and just give up the ghost so they can hate on a President..... The GOP may have one of the strongest rallying cries in the History of modern politics at this point.... " YOU WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK? VOTE REPUBLICAN! "

See ya in November suckers...


C'mon, just say it. Anybody who gets the virus..and who dies, is just an "Acceptable Loss" in the eyes of Republicans and Conservatives. Why can't you just be up front about it?
You bloviate this BS and at the same time, won't back any of the preventative measures (wearing masks, social distancing) that will aid in getting people back to work and out and about.

You want reason and sanity? This November, vote Democrat.

Nope....i'm saying this.... " tough shit "..... that simple.

C'mon, just say it. Anybody who gets the virus..and who dies, is just an "Acceptable Loss" in the eyes of Republicans and Conservatives. Why can't you just be upfront about it?

And when people die for lack of being able to pay for food and shelter, it will be an "acceptable loss" to people like you. Your paranoia has taken you hostage.

There are other things that can kill people other than COVID-19 you know.
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I have grown tired of the debate about Trump's bloodguilt toward 100,000 so called COVID deaths...it's bullshit anyway. However from a purely pragmatic point of view I say .... Tough Shit .... life comes with death as an option...it always did. You think you can make a case based on one hundred thousand???....hell you can't even make a case based on one million.... Go ahead...run with that false narrative and pretend that it's true and I'll tell you what.... Even if it was true it doesn't matter because forty million people are not going to sit down and just give up the ghost so they can hate on a President..... The GOP may have one of the strongest rallying cries in the History of modern politics at this point.... " YOU WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK? VOTE REPUBLICAN! "

See ya in November suckers...


C'mon, just say it. Anybody who gets the virus..and who dies, is just an "Acceptable Loss" in the eyes of Republicans and Conservatives. Why can't you just be up front about it?
You bloviate this BS and at the same time, won't back any of the preventative measures (wearing masks, social distancing) that will aid in getting people back to work and out and about.

You want reason and sanity? This November, vote Democrat.

Nope....i'm saying this.... " tough shit "..... that simple.


Yep. That's what I said pretty much. You covidiots are cowards. Willing to sacrifice the weakest to serve your lord and savior.
But, as a member of the opposition, I will agree with you. See you in November. The majority rules. To the winner, the spoils. Left or right.
It's the same as always. The right sees suffering somewhere else and say tough shit, let them die. Then they start to suffer and the outpouring of self-pity would be embarrassing if they had any shame. You want some pity? I pity you, feel better?
I have grown tired of the debate about Trump's bloodguilt toward 100,000 so called COVID deaths...it's bullshit anyway.

Of that 100,000:
  • 30% of them were very old, very sick people in nursing homes looking for the next slightest thing to push them over the edge, so 70,000.
  • 20% were misdiagnosed as Covid to bump the number up just because they found some virus in their mouth swab, so 50,000.
  • Another 10% were written up as Covid to hide medical malpractice, so 40,000 REAL Covid deaths.
  • Heart disease: Number of deaths per year: 635,260
  • Cancer: Number of deaths per year: 598,038
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): Number of deaths per year: 161,374
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: Number of deaths per year: 154,596
  • Stroke: Number of deaths per year: 142,142
  • Alzheimer’s disease: Number of deaths per year: 116,103
  • Diabetes: Number of deaths per year: 80,058
  • Influenza and pneumonia: Number of deaths per year: 51,537
  • Kidney disease: Number of deaths per year: 50,046
  • Suicide: Number of deaths per year: 44,965
  • Septicemia: Number of deaths per year: 38,940
  • Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis: Number of deaths per year: 38,170

That is over 2,100,000 people dead every year just from the top 12 leading causes, with 51,000 dead every year from Flu alone and last year closer to 80,000. But nobody gave a shit. If 100,000 deaths are so important, then why aren't 2 million? We could shut down an entire nation and economy, lose billions, collapse untold companies, jobs, businesses, savings and lives, many gone forever, many never to recover, but we can't get the government to reform living, working and eating habits and eliminate junk and processed food and give people more time to live healthy to reduce heart disease, COPD, stroke, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Kidney, and liver, much less improve life to reduce suicide?
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C'mon, just say it. Anybody who gets the virus..and who dies, is just an "Acceptable Loss" in the eyes of Republicans and Conservatives. Why can't you just be up front about it?
You bloviate this BS and at the same time, won't back any of the preventative measures (wearing masks, social distancing) that will aid in getting people back to work and out and about.

No surprise, coming from you, who has a username that boasts of a lack of employable skills. You don't care how many honest Americans, who want to be productive workers, and make an honest living, have to die homeless and starving on the streets, because you ignorantly imagine that no matter how many people wind up that way, you'll be able to continue to live safely in your mother's basement, eating out of her magically-restocked kitchen, and never, ever, ever, doing a damned thing to contribute to society.

You can't even be bothered to think about what will happen when your mother gets kicked out of her home, or when she is no longer able to obtain food with which to restock her kitchen; and you haven't got the intelligence to try.

I'm not saying that any loss is “acceptable”, but I am saying that it's certainly not acceptable to kill more people through poverty, homelessness, and starvation, in a vain effort to save a smaller number of people from getting an overhyped flu bug, that everyone is going to eventually get anyway.
I have grown tired of the debate about Trump's bloodguilt toward 100,000 so called COVID deaths...it's bullshit anyway. However from a purely pragmatic point of view I say .... Tough Shit .... life comes with death as an option...it always did. You think you can make a case based on one hundred thousand???....hell you can't even make a case based on one million.... Go ahead...run with that false narrative and pretend that it's true and I'll tell you what.... Even if it was true it doesn't matter because forty million people are not going to sit down and just give up the ghost so they can hate on a President..... The GOP may have one of the strongest rallying cries in the History of modern politics at this point.... " YOU WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK? VOTE REPUBLICAN! "

See ya in November suckers...

Trump blew off the pandemic and it is his fault there are 100,000 dead and 40 million unemployed. Golfing and rallies were more important than American lives and jobs.

It's amazing how karma has come back and bitch slapped Trump for every single failing he projected onto others in all those years of tweeting.

And now he is the Food Stamp President.

Well played, karma. Well played.
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  • Heart disease: Number of deaths per year: 635,260
  • Cancer: Number of deaths per year: 598,038
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): Number of deaths per year: 161,374
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: Number of deaths per year: 154,596
  • Stroke: Number of deaths per year: 142,142
  • Alzheimer’s disease: Number of deaths per year: 116,103
  • Diabetes: Number of deaths per year: 80,058
  • Influenza and pneumonia: Number of deaths per year: 51,537
  • Kidney disease: Number of deaths per year: 50,046
  • Suicide: Number of deaths per year: 44,965
  • Septicemia: Number of deaths per year: 38,940
  • Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis: Number of deaths per year: 38,170

Don't leave out abortion. Somewhere in the millions, per year.
  • Heart disease: Number of deaths per year: 635,260
  • Cancer: Number of deaths per year: 598,038
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): Number of deaths per year: 161,374
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: Number of deaths per year: 154,596
  • Stroke: Number of deaths per year: 142,142
  • Alzheimer’s disease: Number of deaths per year: 116,103
  • Diabetes: Number of deaths per year: 80,058
  • Influenza and pneumonia: Number of deaths per year: 51,537
  • Kidney disease: Number of deaths per year: 50,046
  • Suicide: Number of deaths per year: 44,965
  • Septicemia: Number of deaths per year: 38,940
  • Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis: Number of deaths per year: 38,170

Don't leave out abortion. Somewhere in the millions, per year.
I love how you tards just pull totally made up numbers out of your asses. You actually show off your ignorance in public and are proud of yourselves!

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You left out "WHAT" as there is no longer any requirement that presidential candidates be of any particular minimum age or place of birth.

Why do you so HATE all the other-planet beings that might so much more lucid candidates than Gropey Joey who seems the best you thing you have at the moemnt?
Yes, the retarded, illiterate, completely incompetent and disgraceful Pussy Grabber is far better!

Project much, retard?
C'mon, just say it. Anybody who gets the virus..and who dies, is just an "Acceptable Loss" in the eyes of Republicans and Conservatives. Why can't you just be up front about it?

And when people die from lack of being able to pay for food and shelter, it will be an "acceptable loss" to people like you. Your paranoia has taken you hostage.

There are other things that can kill people other than COVID-19 you know.
That and the suicide’s from being locked away from people. And of course the seniors the left murdered in nursing homes.
Sundowner's Syndrome is a sad thing to watch.

Here is what a pro-choice fuckwit who is pro-abortion all the way up to the 9th month looks like when he tries to pretend he is pro-life:

C'mon, just say it. Anybody who gets the virus..and who dies, is just an "Acceptable Loss" in the eyes of Republicans and Conservatives. Why can't you just be up front about it?

And when people die from lack of being able to pay for food and shelter, it will be an "acceptable loss" to people like you. Your paranoia has taken you hostage.

There are other things that can kill people other than COVID-19 you know.
That and the suicide’s from being locked away from people. And of course the seniors the left murdered in nursing homes.
Suicide rates have been rising all during Trump's presidency, retard. Trump's incompetence has been killing American's from the get-go. Especially among farmers.

You tards really need to stop parroting the manufactured bullshit talking points being fed to you by your propagandists.

I have never seen such submissive parroting tards in my life than the Trump tard herd.


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