$12,075 on paella and 32 other wacky things the candidates bought


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

I wonder who spends the time to go through all these forms? And I’m certain these are onlt the tip of the iceberg. Wonder what it costs to rent a bus?

Here’s the list to give you all a good chuckle:

Joe Biden: $102,353 for the launch ad that never was

Kirsten Gillibrand: $350,000 on a digital firm that the campaign ditched

10 campaigns: $4.1 million in direct payments to Facebook for ads

Tulsi Gabbard: $100,198 on billboards

Bernie Sanders: $751,068 on swag = T-shirts, buttons, hats and bumper stickers

Joe Biden: $256,798 on private jet travel

Pete Buttigieg: $299,066 on private jet travel

Joe Biden: $12,075 on paella = Spanish seafood and rice dish

Pete Buttigieg: $64,000 to two event spaces in NYC, Fenway Park

Marianne Williamson: $2,011 to self-help movie company Streaming for the Soul

Seven candidates: $652,517 to powerhouse Democratic law firm Perkins Coie

Jay Inslee: $30,226 to the mysterious, ingeniously named fundraising firm Banana Stand LLC

Joe Biden: $3.5 million on digital advertising

Andrew Yang and Bernie Sanders: $16,497 and $13,634, respectively, on Airbnb

Cory Booker: $1,500 to rent out space in a private club in Philadelphia

Elizabeth Warren: $9,295 to a PAC helping her bid

Seth Moulton: $1,109 on Harvard Clubs

Kamala Harris: $4,943 at upscale hotels = can’t have her sleeping in seedy motels

Pete Buttigieg: $112,890 on lodging during the Democratic National Committee’s first debate

Beto O’Rourke: $328 on minor league baseball

Kamala Harris: $500,000 for new online donors = buying contact lists of possible donors

Amy Klobuchar: $324 on a Minneapolis Star-Tribune subscription

Eric Swalwell and Seth Moulton: $9,066 and $12,400, respectively, for coworking spaces

Pete Buttigieg: $153,048 on security

Seth Moulton: $116,300 on primary state research

Pete Buttigieg: $1,133,151 on merch

Michael Bennet: $550 on books at Barnes and Noble

Andrew Yang: $377 on a karaoke event space

Amy Klobuchar: $65,000 on office set-up services

John Delaney: $699 on cake

Now you know where just a tiny bit of all those campaign donations go.

@ $12,075 on paella and 32 other wacky things the candidates bought
No real details on what was bought and why

Probably best ignored

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