12 years a slave


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I can't find the original thread....so...just wanted to say it is on pay per view..and that is where I am heading right now.

My earliest ancestor came to America in the mid 1600s as a slave. White slave that is. It happened so long ago that I don't hold a grudge against whomever owned him. I think he was finally freed after a time. Thank God the law no longer allows slavery whether a person is white or black or red or yellow. Fortunately, we can all look to the future and pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and make the best of the here and now and the days to come. The past is the past and it's over and done with.
Another white guilt movie

If history makes someone feel guilty. (It's based on an autobiography and is claimed to be historically accurate. Should history be censored? Of course no one will be forced to watch.)
My earliest ancestor came to America in the mid 1600s as a slave. White slave that is. It happened so long ago that I don't hold a grudge against whomever owned him. I think he was finally freed after a time. Thank God the law no longer allows slavery whether a person is white or black or red or yellow. Fortunately, we can all look to the future and pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and make the best of the here and now and the days to come. The past is the past and it's over and done with.

Well....I watched it.

I'm not sure what else to say. Except it pissed me off. A lot.
Well. You gotta realize I am not black. Nor have ever been a slave. However, I have been beaten before. Badly. By the ex. And I mean punched, kicked, spit on, choked...you know. The usual.

So...with that said...and in some way it kinda goes along with why I was soooooo pissed of I was yelling at the tv.....and hubby came in to see what I was furiously cussing at...all these things have to be taken together in one bit stew pot for it to bring forth the emotion I felt watching it.

The first thing I would have done when the asshole told me to beat the girl on the post....was to take the whip, say Yessa Massa, then turn and smack him and scramble for the gun. Nobody else was around to help him. Except his scuzzy wife. NOBODY. I don't understand why they didn't fight back. I really don't. Fear. Ok. I can accept that. I was scared too. But I fought back when I saw ex coming at me with that look in his eye. I knew what was fixing to come raining down on me and I held firm, looked for a weapon I could use, and I gave him as much as he gave me. So...why did Solomon not fight? That's what pissed me off. He could have snapped that gun out of assholes hand, beat the fuck out of him, then turn the whip on the bitch wife. Who would stop him? The other slaves? They were too scared to save themselves by teaming up, much less protect Massa.

Solomon hung there for hours. Kids playing. Women wandering to and fro. And nobody..I mean NOBODY was there to stop them from cutting him down. The overseer was somewhere else. So why not help him? Fear.

I guess what I am trying to say is...yes, if they fought back, they would have been hung or beaten to death. But I'd rather die fighting back than dance in a drunks house at his demand. Kill my ass cuz if you don't, you're dead yourself sorta thing.

THAT is why it pissed me off.
Yes, it's "just a movie" but it depicts what went down back then. Horrible things. Cruel people. Constant betrayal. Corruption. Insanity. Evil.

And I already knew from history, what I have read over the years, what I have heard over the years, what I experienced myself but not to that extent since I could leave any time I wanted to...which I did after three or four beatings (and him being doctored as well cuz like I said...I didn't go down without a fight). THEY couldn't leave. THEY were "owned".

I guess it just pissed me off cuz it reminded me of my own experiences. And it pissed me off that people could be so......awful to other people.
Slaves were very expensive and there health and well being depended on the success of a plantation.

I wonder how a movie about a slave owner who treated his slaves well would do?
Wtf??? Health and well being? Are you fucking insane??? Is your hate that deep? Boy, you had me fooled for a long time, Tank.
Well. You gotta realize I am not black. Nor have ever been a slave. However, I have been beaten before. Badly. By the ex. And I mean punched, kicked, spit on, choked...you know. The usual.

So...with that said...and in some way it kinda goes along with why I was soooooo pissed of I was yelling at the tv.....and hubby came in to see what I was furiously cussing at...all these things have to be taken together in one bit stew pot for it to bring forth the emotion I felt watching it.

The first thing I would have done when the asshole told me to beat the girl on the post....was to take the whip, say Yessa Massa, then turn and smack him and scramble for the gun. Nobody else was around to help him. Except his scuzzy wife. NOBODY. I don't understand why they didn't fight back. I really don't. Fear. Ok. I can accept that. I was scared too. But I fought back when I saw ex coming at me with that look in his eye. I knew what was fixing to come raining down on me and I held firm, looked for a weapon I could use, and I gave him as much as he gave me. So...why did Solomon not fight? That's what pissed me off. He could have snapped that gun out of assholes hand, beat the fuck out of him, then turn the whip on the bitch wife. Who would stop him? The other slaves? They were too scared to save themselves by teaming up, much less protect Massa.

Solomon hung there for hours. Kids playing. Women wandering to and fro. And nobody..I mean NOBODY was there to stop them from cutting him down. The overseer was somewhere else. So why not help him? Fear.

I guess what I am trying to say is...yes, if they fought back, they would have been hung or beaten to death. But I'd rather die fighting back than dance in a drunks house at his demand. Kill my ass cuz if you don't, you're dead yourself sorta thing.

THAT is why it pissed me off.

Ever hear the personal stories of people who survived places like Auschwitz and Buchenwald, and what they actually did and what they suffered to survive?
Ever hear the personal stories of people who survived places like Auschwitz and Buchenwald, and what they actually did and what they suffered to survive?

Of course. There is alot in history that is awful.
Look I understand that some slave were treated horrible, but for the most part the majority were treated well, much better then the lives they had in Africa.

Just the fact that in the 1800's a slave was able to write a "memoir" is proof in it's self, how many memoirs were written in Africa that year?

Anyways here are some other writing by slaves that will never be a movie:

“The Slave Narratives are overwhelmingly favorable in the judgment of slave masters as ‘good men.’” They found out of 331 narratives that had a reference to a master, 86% suggested that their masters were “good” or “kind.” Some of those references also suggested that the master did not allow whippings and a number of them only allowed whippings while they were present. Wilkins and Wilson also suggest that slave masters did not want slaves who were defiant and lazy. They wanted hardworking and responsible slaves. “Such attitudes cannot be beaten into slaves. They had to be elicited.”

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Look I understand that some slave were treated horrible, but for the most part the majority were treated well, much better then the lives they had in Africa.

Just the fact that in the 1800's a slave was able to write a "memoir" is proof in it's self, how many memoirs were written in Africa that year?

Anyways here are some other writing by slaves that will never be a movie:

“The Slave Narratives are overwhelmingly favorable in the judgment of slave masters as ‘good men.’” They found out of 331 narratives that had a reference to a master, 86% suggested that their masters were “good” or “kind.” Some of those references also suggested that the master did not allow whippings and a number of them only allowed whippings while they were present. Wilkins and Wilson also suggest that slave masters did not want slaves who were defiant and lazy. They wanted hardworking and responsible slaves. “Such attitudes cannot be beaten into slaves. They had to be elicited.”

Slave Narratives Full - YouTube

Yes, he could write. He wasn't a slave initially, he was kidnapped and sold. He had a family, a job and yes he could write.

That's the thing, because of his skin color, this travesty was allowed to happen to him.
Yes, it's "just a movie" but it depicts what went down back then. Horrible things. Cruel people. Constant betrayal. Corruption. Insanity. Evil.

And I already knew from history, what I have read over the years, what I have heard over the years, what I experienced myself but not to that extent since I could leave any time I wanted to...which I did after three or four beatings (and him being doctored as well cuz like I said...I didn't go down without a fight). THEY couldn't leave. THEY were "owned".

I guess it just pissed me off cuz it reminded me of my own experiences. And it pissed me off that people could be so......awful to other people.
Are you really comparing your life to that of a slave?

Man, that movie did a number on you.

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