121 Dead in South Africa, Gun-Owners and Organized Militias Save Local Communities from Complete Devastation


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

121 Dead in South Africa, Gun-Owners and Organized Militias Save Local Communities from Complete Devastation​

17 Jul 2021 ~~ By Richard Abelson
At least 121 people are dead in South Africa and 2556 have been arrested after a week of rioting and looting following the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma, who is accused of corruption (GP reported).
Massive lines formed before supermarkets, as the government struggled to restore order.



Speaking with Tucker Carlson, AfriForum spokesman Ernst Roets, author of the definitive book on farm murders “Kill the Boer“, saw South Africa as “a warning to America”: “To put it frankly, there’s a very strong anti-Western sentiment underneath this whole thing.”

Writing in “Revolver”, Darren Beattie said:
“The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice. South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.
This is about more than riots. This wave of violence will eventually peter out. But there is no reason to be optimistic when that happens. There will be no sense of having survived a calamity, and having a chance to rebuild. When this wave of burning and looting and killing are over, there is nothing to look forward to but the next wave.”

Many observers believe the riots would spell the end of efforts to make gun ownership in self-defense illegal in South Africa: “Lawful firearm owners saved our democracy this week”, Paul Oxley, National Chairman of the Gun Owners South Africa (GOSA) wrote:
“GOSA has always maintained that an armed citizenry is the final defence of democracy. We never thought we would see a large scale experiment played out before our eyes to prove this… and yet here we are after a tumultuous week during which an orchestrated attack on our fledgling democracy was launched, and largely thwarted due, primarily, to thousands of armed South African citizens who stood in the way of anarchy and defended themselves, their families, and their communities.”
Echoing another debate ongoing in the US, others sought to place blame with social media, which often were the only source of up-to-date info on rioting and looting in South Africa this week. The Institute for Security Studies wrote that “the instigators of what started at the weekend as a campaign of politically motivated economic sabotage have demonstrated how social media can be weaponized, with devastating consequences.”

We are seeing this happen here in America and the PM/DSA Democrat Commie powers in control want it to get worse. Destabilization is part of their plan.
What we are seeing in South Africa is coming here to America, but Marxist BLM doesn't have the numbers to pull it off at this scale in our country even with the help of Antifa
But, just wait until the Ruling Ethnic-Mafia "activates" their LaRaza brigades. "La Raza" means "The Race" in Spanish, and their motto is "All For The Race, and NONE For The Rest." They seem to be waiting for the next 'Shamnesty' before that begins.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies push for Social Justice and diversity when they don't believe or want SJ or diversity hence why they target and attack whites.
But I thought SA was supposed to be the idyllic socialist's paradise where all God's chilluns live together in perfect harmony, sharing a Coca-Cola while toasting marshmallows over a burning tire, singing "Kumbaya" in perfect three-part harmony?

Bet they miss their Afrikaner rule now. :21: :lmao::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:
Unfortunately , the Union of South Africa has really gone to heck in a handbasket in recent years. Maybe its time to bring PW Botha out of retirement to return the nation to order, mercenary leader Colonel DeBeers can act as chief of staff.
Unfortunately , the Union of South Africa has really gone to heck in a handbasket in recent years. Maybe its time to bring PW Botha out of retirement to return the nation to order, mercenary leader Colonel DeBeers can act as chief of staff.

That would be kinda hard since PW Botha died in 2006...

121 Dead in South Africa, Gun-Owners and Organized Militias Save Local Communities from Complete Devastation​

17 Jul 2021 ~~ By Richard Abelson
At least 121 people are dead in South Africa and 2556 have been arrested after a week of rioting and looting following the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma, who is accused of corruption (GP reported).
Massive lines formed before supermarkets, as the government struggled to restore order.



Speaking with Tucker Carlson, AfriForum spokesman Ernst Roets, author of the definitive book on farm murders “Kill the Boer“, saw South Africa as “a warning to America”: “To put it frankly, there’s a very strong anti-Western sentiment underneath this whole thing.”

Writing in “Revolver”, Darren Beattie said:
“The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice. South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.
This is about more than riots. This wave of violence will eventually peter out. But there is no reason to be optimistic when that happens. There will be no sense of having survived a calamity, and having a chance to rebuild. When this wave of burning and looting and killing are over, there is nothing to look forward to but the next wave.”

Many observers believe the riots would spell the end of efforts to make gun ownership in self-defense illegal in South Africa: “Lawful firearm owners saved our democracy this week”, Paul Oxley, National Chairman of the Gun Owners South Africa (GOSA) wrote:
“GOSA has always maintained that an armed citizenry is the final defence of democracy. We never thought we would see a large scale experiment played out before our eyes to prove this… and yet here we are after a tumultuous week during which an orchestrated attack on our fledgling democracy was launched, and largely thwarted due, primarily, to thousands of armed South African citizens who stood in the way of anarchy and defended themselves, their families, and their communities.”
Echoing another debate ongoing in the US, others sought to place blame with social media, which often were the only source of up-to-date info on rioting and looting in South Africa this week. The Institute for Security Studies wrote that “the instigators of what started at the weekend as a campaign of politically motivated economic sabotage have demonstrated how social media can be weaponized, with devastating consequences.”

We are seeing this happen here in America and the PM/DSA Democrat Commie powers in control want it to get worse. Destabilization is part of their plan.
What we are seeing in South Africa is coming here to America, but Marxist BLM doesn't have the numbers to pull it off at this scale in our country even with the help of Antifa
But, just wait until the Ruling Ethnic-Mafia "activates" their LaRaza brigades. "La Raza" means "The Race" in Spanish, and their motto is "All For The Race, and NONE For The Rest." They seem to be waiting for the next 'Shamnesty' before that begins.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies push for Social Justice and diversity when they don't believe or want SJ or diversity hence why they target and attack whites.

Were they all vaccinated?

121 Dead in South Africa, Gun-Owners and Organized Militias Save Local Communities from Complete Devastation​

17 Jul 2021 ~~ By Richard Abelson
At least 121 people are dead in South Africa and 2556 have been arrested after a week of rioting and looting following the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma, who is accused of corruption (GP reported).
Massive lines formed before supermarkets, as the government struggled to restore order.



Speaking with Tucker Carlson, AfriForum spokesman Ernst Roets, author of the definitive book on farm murders “Kill the Boer“, saw South Africa as “a warning to America”: “To put it frankly, there’s a very strong anti-Western sentiment underneath this whole thing.”

Writing in “Revolver”, Darren Beattie said:
“The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice. South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.
This is about more than riots. This wave of violence will eventually peter out. But there is no reason to be optimistic when that happens. There will be no sense of having survived a calamity, and having a chance to rebuild. When this wave of burning and looting and killing are over, there is nothing to look forward to but the next wave.”

Many observers believe the riots would spell the end of efforts to make gun ownership in self-defense illegal in South Africa: “Lawful firearm owners saved our democracy this week”, Paul Oxley, National Chairman of the Gun Owners South Africa (GOSA) wrote:
“GOSA has always maintained that an armed citizenry is the final defence of democracy. We never thought we would see a large scale experiment played out before our eyes to prove this… and yet here we are after a tumultuous week during which an orchestrated attack on our fledgling democracy was launched, and largely thwarted due, primarily, to thousands of armed South African citizens who stood in the way of anarchy and defended themselves, their families, and their communities.”
Echoing another debate ongoing in the US, others sought to place blame with social media, which often were the only source of up-to-date info on rioting and looting in South Africa this week. The Institute for Security Studies wrote that “the instigators of what started at the weekend as a campaign of politically motivated economic sabotage have demonstrated how social media can be weaponized, with devastating consequences.”

We are seeing this happen here in America and the PM/DSA Democrat Commie powers in control want it to get worse. Destabilization is part of their plan.
What we are seeing in South Africa is coming here to America, but Marxist BLM doesn't have the numbers to pull it off at this scale in our country even with the help of Antifa
But, just wait until the Ruling Ethnic-Mafia "activates" their LaRaza brigades. "La Raza" means "The Race" in Spanish, and their motto is "All For The Race, and NONE For The Rest." They seem to be waiting for the next 'Shamnesty' before that begins.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies push for Social Justice and diversity when they don't believe or want SJ or diversity hence why they target and attack whites.

Were they all vaccinated?

Does it matter, when the people of South Africa are starving because of the actions of the ANC Commies that have corrupted the government?

121 Dead in South Africa, Gun-Owners and Organized Militias Save Local Communities from Complete Devastation​

17 Jul 2021 ~~ By Richard Abelson
At least 121 people are dead in South Africa and 2556 have been arrested after a week of rioting and looting following the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma, who is accused of corruption (GP reported).
Massive lines formed before supermarkets, as the government struggled to restore order.



Speaking with Tucker Carlson, AfriForum spokesman Ernst Roets, author of the definitive book on farm murders “Kill the Boer“, saw South Africa as “a warning to America”: “To put it frankly, there’s a very strong anti-Western sentiment underneath this whole thing.”

Writing in “Revolver”, Darren Beattie said:
“The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice. South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.
This is about more than riots. This wave of violence will eventually peter out. But there is no reason to be optimistic when that happens. There will be no sense of having survived a calamity, and having a chance to rebuild. When this wave of burning and looting and killing are over, there is nothing to look forward to but the next wave.”

Many observers believe the riots would spell the end of efforts to make gun ownership in self-defense illegal in South Africa: “Lawful firearm owners saved our democracy this week”, Paul Oxley, National Chairman of the Gun Owners South Africa (GOSA) wrote:
“GOSA has always maintained that an armed citizenry is the final defence of democracy. We never thought we would see a large scale experiment played out before our eyes to prove this… and yet here we are after a tumultuous week during which an orchestrated attack on our fledgling democracy was launched, and largely thwarted due, primarily, to thousands of armed South African citizens who stood in the way of anarchy and defended themselves, their families, and their communities.”
Echoing another debate ongoing in the US, others sought to place blame with social media, which often were the only source of up-to-date info on rioting and looting in South Africa this week. The Institute for Security Studies wrote that “the instigators of what started at the weekend as a campaign of politically motivated economic sabotage have demonstrated how social media can be weaponized, with devastating consequences.”

We are seeing this happen here in America and the PM/DSA Democrat Commie powers in control want it to get worse. Destabilization is part of their plan.
What we are seeing in South Africa is coming here to America, but Marxist BLM doesn't have the numbers to pull it off at this scale in our country even with the help of Antifa
But, just wait until the Ruling Ethnic-Mafia "activates" their LaRaza brigades. "La Raza" means "The Race" in Spanish, and their motto is "All For The Race, and NONE For The Rest." They seem to be waiting for the next 'Shamnesty' before that begins.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies push for Social Justice and diversity when they don't believe or want SJ or diversity hence why they target and attack whites.

Were they all vaccinated?

Does it matter, when the people of South Africa are starving because of the actions of the ANC Commies that have corrupted the government?

Hmmmm...eating food vs. getting the flu ...hmmm...can I do both?

121 Dead in South Africa, Gun-Owners and Organized Militias Save Local Communities from Complete Devastation​

17 Jul 2021 ~~ By Richard Abelson
At least 121 people are dead in South Africa and 2556 have been arrested after a week of rioting and looting following the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma, who is accused of corruption (GP reported).
Massive lines formed before supermarkets, as the government struggled to restore order.



Speaking with Tucker Carlson, AfriForum spokesman Ernst Roets, author of the definitive book on farm murders “Kill the Boer“, saw South Africa as “a warning to America”: “To put it frankly, there’s a very strong anti-Western sentiment underneath this whole thing.”

Writing in “Revolver”, Darren Beattie said:
“The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice. South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.
This is about more than riots. This wave of violence will eventually peter out. But there is no reason to be optimistic when that happens. There will be no sense of having survived a calamity, and having a chance to rebuild. When this wave of burning and looting and killing are over, there is nothing to look forward to but the next wave.”

Many observers believe the riots would spell the end of efforts to make gun ownership in self-defense illegal in South Africa: “Lawful firearm owners saved our democracy this week”, Paul Oxley, National Chairman of the Gun Owners South Africa (GOSA) wrote:
“GOSA has always maintained that an armed citizenry is the final defence of democracy. We never thought we would see a large scale experiment played out before our eyes to prove this… and yet here we are after a tumultuous week during which an orchestrated attack on our fledgling democracy was launched, and largely thwarted due, primarily, to thousands of armed South African citizens who stood in the way of anarchy and defended themselves, their families, and their communities.”
Echoing another debate ongoing in the US, others sought to place blame with social media, which often were the only source of up-to-date info on rioting and looting in South Africa this week. The Institute for Security Studies wrote that “the instigators of what started at the weekend as a campaign of politically motivated economic sabotage have demonstrated how social media can be weaponized, with devastating consequences.”

We are seeing this happen here in America and the PM/DSA Democrat Commie powers in control want it to get worse. Destabilization is part of their plan.
What we are seeing in South Africa is coming here to America, but Marxist BLM doesn't have the numbers to pull it off at this scale in our country even with the help of Antifa
But, just wait until the Ruling Ethnic-Mafia "activates" their LaRaza brigades. "La Raza" means "The Race" in Spanish, and their motto is "All For The Race, and NONE For The Rest." They seem to be waiting for the next 'Shamnesty' before that begins.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies push for Social Justice and diversity when they don't believe or want SJ or diversity hence why they target and attack whites.

Were they all vaccinated?

Does it matter, when the people of South Africa are starving because of the actions of the ANC Commies that have corrupted the government?

Hmmmm...eating food vs. getting the flu ...hmmm...can I do both?

Be my guest.... As long as you serve his liver with Fava beans and a bottle of Chianti.
BLM/Pantfa will run like the craven little scum that they are, the moment the shooting starts.
As the corporate sector is tied to the government via many think tanks and round table groups. . . . . militias, patriot groups, and various private gun owners will probably be required to have either insurance and/or onerous licensing fees, making private fire arm ownership prohibitive to all but the very wealthy or private security firms.

They will try a variety of means to disarm or otherwise make exercising the second amendment impossible for the average American to do in a legal manner. . . thus, allying the STATE with, as you say, the "craven little scum," which are paid by the ruling oligarchs.

We've already seen how the STATE is going to treat these folks. . . the warning has been made perfectly clear already.

. . . and? IMO, it will only get worse.


". . .On February 24, 2021, U.S. attorney Richard G. Callahan was appointed as a special prosecutor to the case.[37]

On June 17, 2021, the McCloskeys pleaded guilty to misdemeanor offenses, with Mark being charged with fourth-degree assault and Patricia being charged with second-degree harassment.[4] Mark acknowledged that he had committed a crime and also said that he would do it again.[4]"
Unfortunately , the Union of South Africa has really gone to heck in a handbasket in recent years. Maybe its time to bring PW Botha out of retirement to return the nation to order, mercenary leader Colonel DeBeers can act as chief of staff.

That would be kinda hard since PW Botha died in 2006...

My condolences to the Botha family for their loss. Its terrible when someone gets taken in the prime of life.
Tucker couldnt find a black guy to talk to ? Figures.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the third world, a defeated con man encouraged his followers to "take the capitol" and string up the VP.
Lying limey asshole.
It was on fux and all the networks.
I haven't trusted Fakes Nooz in a loooong time, Corky.

Now go eat a bag of dicks, lying limey asshole.
Now you are just hiding from the truth. Typical trumper trash.

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