Time for South Africa to take control of their country

White people built and made South Africa a prosperous nation. The land was uninhabited when they first colonized it. All undone by ending apartheid and let the blacks take over what they built, and they have pretty much destroyed it. It’s now a shit hole African country that is persecuting whites, which of course delights the likes of self loathing degenerates like yourself.
Where do you get this shit ?
Its been a long time since apartheid ended but the shadow of it lives on. The Mandela govt tried to retain a civil society but it is time to put some boosters on it to form a better world.

As a start I would restore the land stolen from farmers in the 60s when they were all herded onto the wretched townships. There will be records of this and it should be a quick win. There should be no compensation to the settlers.

Secondly the country needs to nationalise its mineral industry and use the proceeds to modernise the country. Housing schools and hospitals.

There could be ways of doing this such as allowing the likes of De Beers t
this was done in Zimbawe , why do yo hate SA SO MUCH ?

THE only solution :


background :

White people built and made South Africa a prosperous nation. The land was uninhabited when they first colonized it. All undone by ending apartheid and let the blacks take over what they built, and they have pretty much destroyed it. It’s now a shit hole African country that is persecuting whites, which of course delights the likes of self loathing degenerates like yourself.
Remember what happened in Zimbabwe ? They went from the food basket of Africa to a food desert that teeters on the edge of starvation. Bantus as the colonial masters (SA is an empire , much like 🇷🇺 Muscovy) not much better than Mongol - Muscovite

South Africa has just become more inclusive. The ANC dropped its one-party rule and formed a coalition government with the white parliamentary opposition party, Democratic Alliance (DA), which also fought against Apartheid. White South Africans should be properly represented in the government to keep the economy going. Some black voters who supported the DA in the general election know it.

The run-up to South Africa’s general elections Wednesday has been mostly peaceful but not without incident. In Western Cape province, the opposition Democratic Alliance, or DA, accused rival parties of trying to intimidate voters in February by chanting violent slogans and brandishing weapons at voter registration locations.

For years, some black voters in the province have been scared of being attacked if they admit to supporting the white-led DA.

According to reports from South Africa’s Auditor-General, the Western Cape, which the DA party governs at the provincial level, is the best run province in the country.

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The whole world is corrupt. Ideally they should close down private schools. Then we would see ordinary schools improve.
The broader pictire is that a white elitelives just like under apartheid. The wealth needs to be redistributed.

But they wouldn't see ordinary schools close. They'd just see more money in their pockets.

And yes, there's corruption everywhere, but the levels of corruption in South Africa are much, much higher than in the UK or US where school funding ends up going to schools.

No, wealth doesn't need to be redistributed to the point where you get rid of private schools and the like.
Where do you get this shit ?
Some years ago, in literature there the way of living in Africa where the residents live for the now. They do not save those acorns for the future. That is how their farming was. White farmers when transitions happened have tried to teach the African citizens this. It does not register enough in the numbers needed. Coming from warm abundant lush fauna, they never had to do it. And they had their wars against each other when food was much scarcer and even with any abundance.

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