1288th Anniversary of Tours

October 10, 732, Chuck the Hammer Martel defeated Abdul Rahman in western France.

Had Rahman won, France would have become Muslim and history would have changed forever.

Would Bridget Bardot been as popular in a burqa?

Actually, there's no real evidence that Tours was anything other than a scouting action....
Actually, there's no real evidence that Tours was anything other than a scouting action....

Western Civilization was saved in the 8th Century by Charles The Hammer Martel, the fact that it survived is the evidence.

Where it was in Tours in 732, or if the critical turning point actually happened somewhere else in a different year, it still happened and this is what is celebrated today.

Western Civ survived, much to the chagrin of libs, who marched in California led by Jesse Jackson chanting "hey hey ho ho western civ has got to go"

I can see Rahman's men chanting that during the battle.

October 10, 732, Chuck the Hammer Martel defeated Abdul Rahman in western France.

Had Rahman won, France would have become Muslim and history would have changed forever.

Would Bridget Bardot been as popular in a burqa?

I am NOT being sarcastic or unkind, but it does seem that -- thanks to Frau Merkel's kindness -- Muslims are now arriving in large numbers, something that Martel prevented so many years ago.

And on another serious note, Ms. Bardot has been fined several times for saying unkind things about Muslim immigrants in her beloved France. Here in the States, saying certain things can get one banned from the Internet. In France, it is a crime.
Wow. American liberals are tearing down statues and erasing 160 year old Civil War history while they are celebrating the 1288 year anniversary of a battle in Europe that nobody remembers

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