15 million dollar highway project stopped because of rare spider discovery

Construction has been terminated until the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Federal Highway Administration can determine the best way to continue the project without disturbing the rare spider's habitat.

You really can't make this nonsense up.
This project (in TEXAS no less) is funded by Obama's stimulus. Why are you complaining that it is now on hold?

In February 2009, Congress approved a national economic "stimulus" plan that would pour additional federal money into road construction projects. The MPO approved allocating San Antonio's share of transportation stimulus funding to be used as matching funds to leverage state funding for the half of a 281/1604 interchange. This project would build all four of the ramps connecting to 281 south of 1604, specifically northbound 281 to both directions of 1604, and both directions of 1604 to southbound 281. The use of the federal funds will allow the ramps to be toll-free. It was determined that ramps connecting to 281 north of 1604 could not be built until lingering issues stemming from the lawsuits and associated environmental studies for 281 north of 1604 were resolved as building those ramps would inherently prejudice the possible options. The TTC approved the funding request on March 5th, 2009 and construction began in February 2011. For more information on the 281/1604 interchange, click here.

The TTC also approved using stimulus funds to expand Loop 1604 to a four lane divided highway from FM 78 to Graytown Rd. near Randolph AFB. That work is underway and expected to be complete in late 2011.
Construction has been terminated until the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Federal Highway Administration can determine the best way to continue the project without disturbing the rare spider's habitat.

You really can't make this nonsense up.

:lmao: Spider tunnels....thats the ticket...

Come on, we do it for other species....
This project (in TEXAS no less) is funded by Obama's stimulus. Why are you complaining that it is now on hold?

In February 2009, Congress approved a national economic "stimulus" plan that would pour additional federal money into road construction projects. The MPO approved allocating San Antonio's share of transportation stimulus funding to be used as matching funds to leverage state funding for the half of a 281/1604 interchange. This project would build all four of the ramps connecting to 281 south of 1604, specifically northbound 281 to both directions of 1604, and both directions of 1604 to southbound 281. The use of the federal funds will allow the ramps to be toll-free. It was determined that ramps connecting to 281 north of 1604 could not be built until lingering issues stemming from the lawsuits and associated environmental studies for 281 north of 1604 were resolved as building those ramps would inherently prejudice the possible options. The TTC approved the funding request on March 5th, 2009 and construction began in February 2011. For more information on the 281/1604 interchange, click here.

The TTC also approved using stimulus funds to expand Loop 1604 to a four lane divided highway from FM 78 to Graytown Rd. near Randolph AFB. That work is underway and expected to be complete in late 2011.

Are you capable of not deflecting?
Construction has been terminated until the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Federal Highway Administration can determine the best way to continue the project without disturbing the rare spider's habitat

maybe you should study the lessons of the dust bowl and easter Island
Construction has been terminated until the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Federal Highway Administration can determine the best way to continue the project without disturbing the rare spider's habitat

maybe you should study the lessons of the dust bowl and easter Island

Yeah. Good point!

(What the fuck are you talking about?)

Construction has been terminated until the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Federal Highway Administration can determine the best way to continue the project without disturbing the rare spider's habitat

maybe you should study the lessons of the dust bowl and easter Island

Yeah. Good point!

(What the fuck are you talking about?)


Maybe the highway is going to blow away if we disturb the spider? Or big blocks of granite will magically appear on it?
New infrastructure not bein' built with highway funds...
Only 5.2% of Highway Funds Used to Build New Roads
February 1, 2013 - Approximately 5.2 percent of funds obligated to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) during fiscal years 2009-2011 actually went to the construction of new highways.
An additional two and a half percent of that funding went to new construction of bridges, according to a Jan. 16 report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) entitled “Highway Trust Fund Obligations, Fiscal Years 2009 to 2011.” Between FY 2009-2011, the Department of Transportation [DOT] authorized $144 billion from the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) to four separate administrations within the Department. Of that $144 billion, $116.7 billion went to the FHWA. FHWA then devoted 81 percent ($94 billion) of the funding it received towards “construction and maintenance purposes.” Of the total $116.7 billion to the FHWA, $6.094 billion (5.2 percent) was spent on the construction of new highways and $2.963 billion (2.5 percent) on new bridges.

The remaining 19 percent of FHWA funds were devoted to “Transportation Enhancements” and “Other” costs that included but were not limited to: “planning,” “Rail/Highway crossing,” and making carpool (HOV) lanes operational. The Transportation Enhancements category contains costs separate from construction and maintenance. For example, FHWA spent $1.951 billion on “facilities for pedestrians and bicycles” as well as an additional $9 million on “preservation of abandoned railway corridors.” "Transportation Enhancements” also included $98 million for “safety and education for pedestrians and bicyclists.”

Set up in 1956, the Highway Trust Fund uses federal excise taxes on fuel to provide money for the construction and maintenance of federally controlled roads. The government also funds the HTF through truck-related taxes. “Receipts from the HTF are derived from two main sources: federal excise taxes on motor fuels (gasoline, diesel, and special fuels taxes) and truck-related taxes (truck and trailer sales, truck tire, and heavy-vehicle use taxes)” according to the Jan. 16 report. “Motor fuels tax receipts constitute the single largest source of HTF revenue. The Highway Account receives the majority of the tax receipts allocated to the fund.” In other words, the more gas taxes a motorist pays to the federal government, the more he or she is paying into the HTF.

According to Treasury Statements from FY 2009-2011, the U.S. government received approximately $106.9 billion in excise taxes that went to the HTF. A May 2012 report from the Congressional Budget Office noted that for much of the past decade, the Highway Trust Fund’s outlays have exceeded receipts. In recent years, the shortfall has been covered by transfers from the U.S. Treasury’s general fund. "Policies that are designed to reduce gasoline consumption, including those that would impose stricter standards for the fuel economy of vehicles, could decrease revenues for the trust fund and thus could add to the shortfall," the CBO said. On July 6, 2012, President Obama signed into law the “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act” (MAP-21), which authorized $40.4 billion from the HTF for highway projects in FY 2013, and another $41 billion for FY 2014.

Funny thing about spiders. You knock their webs down, spray some Raid, and they start a new one elsewhere.

You'd think that no insect is mobile and they are confined to one area. Spiders like warm areas, like under our dryers. Every time I check, there are spider eggs under my dryer. Should I delay moving till the experts can see about relocating them?
This project (in TEXAS no less) is funded by Obama's stimulus. Why are you complaining that it is now on hold?

In February 2009, Congress approved a national economic "stimulus" plan that would pour additional federal money into road construction projects. The MPO approved allocating San Antonio's share of transportation stimulus funding to be used as matching funds to leverage state funding for the half of a 281/1604 interchange. This project would build all four of the ramps connecting to 281 south of 1604, specifically northbound 281 to both directions of 1604, and both directions of 1604 to southbound 281. The use of the federal funds will allow the ramps to be toll-free. It was determined that ramps connecting to 281 north of 1604 could not be built until lingering issues stemming from the lawsuits and associated environmental studies for 281 north of 1604 were resolved as building those ramps would inherently prejudice the possible options. The TTC approved the funding request on March 5th, 2009 and construction began in February 2011. For more information on the 281/1604 interchange, click here.

The TTC also approved using stimulus funds to expand Loop 1604 to a four lane divided highway from FM 78 to Graytown Rd. near Randolph AFB. That work is underway and expected to be complete in late 2011.

Oh please.
Fucking spiders!?!!! Seriously, they're spiders! Where are these things, I'll come stomp them dead. WTF!
Construction has been terminated until the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Federal Highway Administration can determine the best way to continue the project without disturbing the rare spider's habitat

maybe you should study the lessons of the dust bowl and easter Island

Yes, essential highway projects create 1 million square mile barren wastelands.
You are without a doubt the most stupid person on planet Earth.
Construction has been terminated until the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Federal Highway Administration can determine the best way to continue the project without disturbing the rare spider's habitat

maybe you should study the lessons of the dust bowl and easter Island

Yes, essential highway projects create 1 million square mile barren wastelands.
You are without a doubt the most stupid person on planet Earth.

Lol she has some stiff competition on USMB
The only good spider is a dead spider.

I fucking hate those little shits.

I got bit when I was about 10. Memory tells me it was horrific. Common sense says it was JUST A FUCKING SPIDER. My foster mom jared it as it was stikl in my pants and eushed me to the hospital.

A few years later a bee or wasp hit the mirror of the car we were crusin down the highway in and its stinger ricocheted into my neck. Only fekt like a small prick till I tbought it was a bug and slapped it driving it into my neck. THAT HURT

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