15 Trends To Earth Federation In Next 50 Years


Jul 10, 2017
1, General trends of the universe.
2, General trends of the earth.
3, All kinds of religions will disappear.
4, Intellectualism will replace capitalism.
5, Marriage and family will disappear.
6, Populations will reduce greatly.
7, All of drugs will be legalized.
8. Powers of politicians will be greatly weakened.
9, Calendar will be simplified greatly.
10, English will be simplified greatly.
11, Tall or big men will lose dominance over the world.
12, Molecular food will become the staple food.
13, China will counterbalance US on hard power within a decade.
14, EU will become the European Federation and lead the world.
15, The earth will become a politically integrated earth federation.

1, General trends of the universe.
First of all, what are the basic substances in the universe? How do they move? Does the universe have a beginning and an end? These questions are not only the most important physical questions but also the most important philosophical questions. The main movement way of particles, planets and stars is cyclic rotation rather than non-cyclic translational motion. Moreover, in the universe, there are always contradictory and unified contradictions such as negative and positive, sunrise and sunset, ebb and flow, coldness and hotness, rise and fall, pain and happiness. Therefore, constant balance and ever-changing contradiction are the basic characteristics of the universe. The various contradictions in the universe always counterbalance each other so as to keep the balance of the whole universe forever.

The basic characteristics of substances in the universe are connection and fluctuation. All of substances must be seamlessly interconnected and never separate, and there must be only one kind of basic substances. If there are two or more kinds of basic substances in the universe, the contact point between different substances must break up early or late and the different substances must separate to break the balance of the universe.

To meet the above conditions, the universe must be a closed, cylindrical and extremely long string, which never fractures, with uniform thickness and without any contact point, intertwining in extremely complex forms. Strictly speaking, there is only one substance in the whole universe. There is no isolated substance in the universe, and the butterfly effect applies to the entire universe. The diameter of the cross section of the string is perhaps equal to the Planck length.

Parts of the string intertwine into the ordered and mass-concentrated substances, such as photons, atoms, humans, the earth and the sun, which are similar to spiders. Other parts of the string interwine into the disordered, mass-dispersed and retiform substances which are similar to spider webs. Spiders and spider webs cannot transform each other, but the retiform substances and other substances of the string can transform each other constantly because of the law of unity of opposites. There must be retiform substances between protons and neutrons, and between nucleus and electrons. All of forces, including gravitation, electromagnetic force, weak force and strong force, originate from fluctuations of the string.

The universe has no beginning and no end, and time has no beginning and no end. The Big Bang hypothesis is extremely absurd and seriously hindered the development of science. Gravity does not exist in all parts of the universe but in some parts of the universe. Some kind of unknown repulsive force in some parts of the universe counterbalances the gravity in the other parts of the universe keeping the balance of the whole universe. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for gravity to indefinitely gather substances into indefinitely dense singularities that do not exist. Besides, everything has a cause and effect, and the universe could never have been created by a so-called singularity for nothing.

There's only one universe. There may be parallel galaxies but there must be no parallel universe. All of substances connect mutually and make up the universe space with physical meanings and borders. No substance can escape the boundaries of the universe space to be isolated. It is the absolute vacuum without physical meanings beyond the universe space. The expansion and contraction of substances in the universe always counterbalance each other, just as the ebb and flow of the tides always counterbalance each other, so total volume of the universe is approximately constant. The universe can never obviously expand so Einstein was right to add the cosmological constant to the equations of gravity.

Mathematics and physics are the two most basic subjects in the universe. Everything in the universe can be explained by mathematics and physics. In the computer world, many things can be described by various software programs with 0 and 1. In fact, everything in the universe can be described by the various combinations of the three basic values "-1, 0 and +1 "of a basic physical quantity in the three-dimensional space, so everything in the universe has a corresponding mathematical expression. No matter how the universe changes, a large number of -1 and +1 always counterbalance each other keeping the balance of the universe. The sum of any kind of vector quantity of all of substances in the whole universe is equal to zero forever. For example, the total momentum of all of substances is equal to zero forever.

Evolutions of stars are physical evolutions based on infinite loops between small substances and big substances. Dynamic balance equation is: basic retiform substances ⇌ atoms ⇌ inorganic substances ⇌ star. Evolution of lives is chemical evolution based on infinite loops between simple substances and complex substances. Dynamic balance equation is: inorganic substances ⇌ germs ⇌ animals ⇌ ancient humans ⇌ now humans ⇌ future humans.

From the point of view of physics, the universe = (big substance⇌ small substances) + (small substances ⇌ big substance) +……+ (big substance⇌ small substances) + (small substances ⇌ big substance). From the point of view of chemistry, the universe = (simple substances ⇌ complex substance) + (complex substance ⇌ simple substances) +…… + (simple substances ⇌ complex substance) + (complex substance ⇌ simple substances). All of above dynamic equations keep the balance of volume and entropy of the whole universe.

Every star system in the universe has a physical center and a chemical center where there are probably lives. The lives in some star systems are more advanced than we are. But the lives in another star systems fall behind us. Some of them live in the process of development but others live in the process of degeneration. But the entirety of balanced universe has never development or degeneration. Assuming the universe has 2 billion and one star systems with lives, the evolution degree of all of these star systems could be respectively marked with the integers -1000000000, . . . . . . , -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, . . . . . . , +1000000000 and the sum of all of the integers is zero. Any of the humans on the planet in any star system cannot safely arrive to any other planet with humans in another star system, because the hypervelocity required for an interstellar crossing would make anyone's body disintegrate before a successful crossing.

2, General trends of the earth.
The sun is the physical center of the sun system and the earth is the chemical center of the sun system. The process of life evolution is the process of chemical synthesis, and the process of life degradation is the process of chemical decomposition. The chemical evolution of life is also the building of a chemical pyramid. From the bottom to top of the chemical pyramid is: the sun, the inorganic substances on the earth, plants, animals, underclasses of humans, middle classes of humans, upper classes of humans. Based on physical mass, humans are very tiny in the sun system; based on chemical structure, humans are the most high-ranking and most intelligent objects in the sun system. The height of the chemical pyramid represents the degree of human evolution. When the height of the chemical pyramid reaches its maximum, human beings will begin to degrade. The process of human degradation is the process of the gradual collapse of the chemical pyramid.

In the same star system, the physical evolution of the physical center and the chemical evolution of the chemical center are always in the opposite pace. For example, the physical mass of the sun is becoming smaller and the sun is in degradation, while the chemical structure of human body on the earth is becoming bigger and the earth is in evolution. The chemical pyramid can be subdivided into hundreds of hierarchies, and the starting point of every hierarchy can be marked by 10, 100, 1000, 10000……of the mathematical decimal system. In a high-efficiency society, people move from one hierarchy to another at a speed consistent with the development speed of productivity.

High buildings need strong foundations. In the same way, the chemical pyramid becomes higher after lower hierarchies of the pyramid become wider. The resources of building the pyramid are always limited, so there is a contradiction between making the pyramid higher and making it wider, similar to the contradiction between quantity and quality. Whenever the height of the pyramid increases more than the width of the pyramid, the pyramid will briefly become lower to accelerate the growth of the width. The chemical pyramid has to go through the process of being lower to make the pyramid wider for many times and then makes the pyramid higher for many times, which embodies the philosophical principle of negation of negation.

Everyone is part of the chemical pyramid, so everyone's chemical structure affects the structure of the chemical pyramid. Human chemical structure depends on human genes, which are similar to the foundations of a building, and the degree of gene expression is similar to the height of a building. Whenever human gene expression exceeds the limit, human will encounter setbacks to optimize the gene structure and lay the foundation for higher gene expression. Therefore, the human world are always full of the stories of negation of negation, and the stories of survival of the fittest.

The earth is also the information center of the sun system, the evolution process of lives is also the connection process of informations of substances, the degradation process of lives is also the fracture process of informations of substances. Informations of substances by human vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch connect to the neural networks of human brain. In the course of human growth and evolution, more and more informations of substances in the universe have been connecting to human brains so human neural networks have been getting more and more complex. Many planets of many star systems have humans, but only one planet's human brains can connect all of key informations of the whole universe so as to get to the peak of human intelligence. The human brains on the earth are far away from that peak.

After the informations entering human brains, they will auto arrange layer-by-layer just like the electrons outside the nucleus. Important informations arrange in the inner layer and subordinate informations arrange in the outer layer. When we are asleep, our brains layer the informations received over the rencent day so as to make them logical. Therefore, sometimes we could have some good ideas or understand some difficult problems when we wake up. When our brains receive too many informations,
the informations at the outermost layer in the brains will break loose just like the free electrons of metals and freely combine into littery and illusory dreams.

Human has three kinds of basic states: painful, balanced and happy. Everybody is always in elastic fluctuation among the three states. We can use -1, 0 and +1 to mark the lowest degree of pain, balance and lowest degree of happiness so the states of everybody's lifetime are made up of complex combinations of -1, 0 and +1. On the evolutionary planets, such as our earth, competitions are generally positive-sum competitions so total happiness of the people is generally greater than total pain of the people. For most individuals, the total happiness in their whole lifetime is generally greater than their total pain. In most times of the earth's human history, social competitions were positive-sum competitions. On the degenerative planets, the competitions are negative-sum competitions so total pain is greater than total happiness. But positive-sum and negative-sum competitions in partial universe together make up zero-sum competitions of the whole universe.

The human nature of all people at any time is tending happiness and avoiding pain. The human nature is neutral and there is no virtue or vice. Neutral human nature is like colorless chemical test paper which shows different colors after encountering different reagents. If a person luckily gets happiness of long time because of others, he will become virtuous. If a person unluckily gets pain of long time because of others, he will become evil. Human is more intelligent than any animal, but nature of humans is not kinder or more distingue than nature of any animal. Nature of humans and all of animals is neutral forever. There are not the good people and the bad people but the strong and the weak, the lucky and the unlucky.

In the process of everyone's life, health is the foundation, happiness is the goal, cognition is the way and power is the tool. Power and cognition are not certainly proportional to happiness. Cognition reflects one's ideal and power reflects one's reality. When power is stronger than cognition, human is happy; when power and cognition are proportionable, human emotion is balanced; when power is weaker than cognition, human is painful. Weak women are generally happier than powerful men, and childish children are generally happier than mature adults, because power of women and children is generally greater than their cognition.

For a country, the more objective the people's perceptions are, the powerful the country is. In the past thousands of years, human perceptions became more and more objective so human lives became netter and better. For individuals, the more objective a person's perceptions are, the more intelligent the person is; the more truths a person say, the happier the person is. In a word, the process of human evolution is also the process of seeking truths. And the hypocritical attitudes of the U.S. government and congress toward the Chinese company Huawei indicate that the national strength of the United States is about to decline sharply.

From slave society to feudal society and capitalist society in the past thousands of years, there were two main clues of the social developments: technology improvements and power flattening, which respectively represent development of productive forces and productive relations. Technological inventions such as paper, books, trains, cars, planes, telephones, computers and mobile phones have all accelerated the spread of informations and flattened the distribution of social powers.

The coming 5G communication network and Internet of Things will greatly accelerate the spread of informations and continue flattening the distribution of social power, which will trigger the following series of social revolutions and the fifth technological revolution.

3, All kinds of religions will disappear.
All kinds of religions are hypocritical and the only difference between them is hypocrisy degree. The religion with lowest degree of hypocrisy is Protestantism. Catholicism is the most hypocritical of the three branches of Christianity because of existence of the redundant Pope. Buddhism is a negative and escapist religion so it is the most hypocritical religion.

If gods really exist and they control human happiness and pain, power and wealth, why aren't the clergies, who are closest to gods, the happiest or the richest or the most long-lived people in the world? Why do they need the help of doctor when they have a cold? Why can't they predict the stock market and the presidential election accurately? In fact, they are all the cheats who have not any special useful ability.

The universe is made up of interconnected and counterbalanced substances and the butterfly effect applies to the entire universe. Thus, 100% of personal fate depends on dynamic universe, about 99.99% of personal fate depends on dynamic solar system, about 50% of personal fate directly depends on dynamic earth, about 10% of personal fate depends on our dynamic nation, and about 1% of personal fate depends on oneself. Though these numbers are not precise, they can roughly explain that everyone is too tiny in the external environment to control one's fate.

The environments are too powerful and unpredictable, which is one of the key reasons why many people believe gods. They believe that the gods control human destiny. The other of the key reasons is that scientists have not yet been able to explain everything in the universe. Therefore, human abilities of perceiving and controlling the environments are inversely proportional to human belief degree of religions. Scientists will explain everything one day.

On the other hand, people's ability to improve their fate is also inversely proportional to the degree of believing religions. Most of People in China, Japan and South Korea do not believe in any religion because the three countries have undergone great changes in recent decades. Their people have been acutely aware that not religions but reforms, openness and technologies have rapidly improved their fate. On the contrary, west Asia, South Asia, southeast Asia and Africa, which were not able to significantly improve their fate in the past hundreds of years, are just the most religiously superstitious regions in the world, so their people generally place their hopes of improving their fate in religions rather than in governments.

The significance of religions for adult believers is actually like the significance of fantasy fairy tales for children. That is to say, religions are the fairy tales for the adult believers. In order to pacify weak children's fear of the strange and cruel world, adults make a lot of fantasy fairy tale, cartoons and animated films. However, as the children grow up, they query and give up these tales gradually. In the same way, as the science and technology develop, more and more people will query and give up religions until all kinds of religions disappear.

4, Intellectualism will replace capitalism.
Why could capitalism replace feudalism? Capitalism followed the trend of power flattening and wiped out the power bastions of hereditary aristocracies so as to make powers flow to civilians faster. How will capitalism change to follow the trend of power flattening?

Economy in today's world is driven primarily by technologies and finance, but future economy will be driven primarily by technologies. Technological innovations are based on intelligence so the main character of future economy will be intellectualism. The intermediary role of finance in economic development will be greatly weakened.

All of objects and people in the universe are always in the dynamic balance between getting energies and losing energies. If a person can't get enough energies to balance the losing energies, he will decline. In other words, everyone boats against water flow and will recede if not advance. In the future, all of assets will follow the aforementioned law of nature. All of assets of all individuals over extreme poverty line will be taxed. That is to say, the building taxes will be applied to all of assets. The more assets a person owns, the more taxes he must pay, so the asset tax reflects the balance of rights and responsibilities.

The enterprise income tax, individual income tax and sales tax will be all abolished and the individual asset tax will become the major income source of governments. All of enterprises will not directly pay tax because all of enterprises are individual assets of someone or some ones, who must pay individual asset tax for all of their assets including their enterprise assets. For the people over extreme poverty line, no matter whether they earn incomes and no matter how many incomes they earn, the tax rate for the net assets of all individuals will be same. All of assets will flow faster in the whole society. Innovative enterprises and individuals will benefit greatly.

The only exception is: the tax rate for the monopolistic enterprises with more than 50 percent of the market share, such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, will be far higher so as to guarantee fair market competitions. That is to say, the shareholders of the monopolistic enterprises will pay more individual asset tax. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and Morgan ever monopolized American oil, steel and electric power, which were later curbed by the anti-monopoly law. Today some IT companies monopolize search engines, social softwares, shopping websites, operating systems and personal data, which will be curbed by high tax rate.

All of assets will flow faster among kinds of people, benefiting innovative people who can appreciate their assets substantially. Only those who rely on sustained intellectual innovation can maintain or increase their wealth, which is the core goal of intellectualism.

Huawei, No.1 high-tech company of China, has never been listed since it was founded in 1987. All of its shares are held by about 97 thousands of excellent employees who have made obvious contributions to the company. About 91 thousands of other employees without obvious contributions have no share. Moreover, the shares held by the key employees are valid for long term and the other shares are valid for only five years. For most of shareholders, their shares will be forcedly bought back by the company when they leave the company. Not the speculators but the important employees with contributions share the profits and take risks together, which is the most advanced share system in the world.

And this kind of flat ownership structure follows the general trend of power flattening so it will be imitated by most of enterprises in the world. More and more start-ups will not sell their shares in the stock exchanges. In addition, most of listed companies will gradually withdraw from the stock exchanges. The listed companies will be less and less so that useness of the stock market will be weakened greatly. Huawei is the first Chinese company that is ahead of European, American and Japanese companies in both technologies and company systems. The US government has tried all of means to crack down on Huawei, which will only accelerate Huawei's development.

In addition, more assets will flow to the knowledge creators such as mathematician, scientists, philosophers and economists because all of technological inventions and all of laws were based on the basic theories created by them. Euclid, Archimedes, Newton, Euler, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Adam Smith, Keynes, Gauss, Riemann, Bentham, Montesquieu... are the smartest people in human history who are more than 10 times smarter than Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. The influences of the stars like Euclid or Newton will last hundreds or even thousands of years but the influences of the shooting stars like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates will not.

However, most of the theorists were not rich and their assets did not match their wisdom. Moreover, current theorists can not apply for theory patents yet and 9 millions of Swedish kronor of the Nobel Prize is far too few. Some of the World Cup winners in esports are naive minors, but they get far more money than a Nobel Prize. In the future, all of excellent theorists will be very rich because their theories will become the patents with high values and will be not freely quoted and used any longer.

5, Marriage and family will disappear.
Any mutual love is based on mutually meeting the lover's needs. But needs of everyone change constantly with time and space because everyone always stay in ever-changing environments. No one can always keep up with dynamic needs of one's lovers so love is easy to deteriorate and disappear. We can easily lose old love and easily get new love again. All kinds of emotions between lovers or family members or friends follow the above rules. Some people often ask their lovers:"Do you truly love me?" In fact, difference between all kinds of loves is not "true or false" but different shelf life. Thus, marriages are fragile and there will be more and more extramarital loves and divorces until all of marriages disintegrate completely.

And family seriously hinders optimal allocation of resources. Some clever children live in bad families but some foolish children live in good families. Poorness, quarrel, fight, divorce and death of parents could hinder development of children; and children's trouble could also hinder lives and work of parents. In short, family is baggage of both parents and children. Giving up family will liberate both parents and children, and will improve society efficiency greatly.

In addition, fostering children is essentially one kind of strategic investment of long time. The average rate of return on this investment will continue declining in the future because of human selfishness and the aging population, which is also an important reason why marriages and families will disappear.

Therefore, future lovers will be dynamic and temporary couples based on their dynamic needs and desires. The free society completely based on individuals will appear. Current interpersonal relationship is just like time-consuming dinners but future interpersonal relationship will be like brief snacks. The society without marriage and family would run as follows:

(1) Women in the future will not endure much pain to gratis give birth to the society so governments will reward all of puerperae. And governments will dynamically change quantity of rewards to avoid too many or too few populations. Perhaps, in vitro fertilization and artificial uterus will completely replace the role of pregnant women.

(2) Temporary couples give their babies to governments. Then the parents will be not the sociological parents any longer but the biological parents of the babies. There will be not any of direct rights and obligation between parents and children. Legacy of everyone will be completely confiscated by governments.

(3) Governments will set up some special organizations at densely populated areas and hire some professional nurses and teachers to raise and teach children. All of working people must pay the fostering taxes but they will never directly foster children so as to have more time to work and play. In today's society, the rights and obligations between parents and children are very vague, and some parents and children have almost endless responsibilities and obligations. In the future, the rights and obligations between parents and children are very clear.

(4) The influences of richness or poverty of families on children will be eliminated completely, and any student who makes physical violence to bully others will be severely punished. The good learning environments will greatly improve the intellectual level of students.

The above ways of raising and educating children amount to an improved version of Nordic socialism. With the development of communication network and transportation network, the weak have more and more chances to defeat the strong. The social powers will flow faster and faster among people. For the first time, socialism will become a kind of viable and advanced social model. In the future, the role of American individualism will be weaker and the role of socialism will be stronger. The happiness gap between people will decrease but the overall security of human society will increase.

6, Populations will reduce greatly.
The earth's populations will soon reach the peak because more and more people are not willing to marriage and foster child, more and more people want to change the crowded society, and machines and robots replace more and more workers and farmers. The earth's populations will never reach 10 billion predicted by the United Nations. The turning point will appear before populations reach to 8 billion and then populations will reduce about 50 percent in the next 50 years and then gradually reduce to less than 1 billion.

The urbanization lasting few hundreds of years will be reversed. The population of crowded cities will greatly reduce and the population of suburbs and rural areas with better ecological environment will greatly increase. The number of tourists to Antarctica, the Arctic Circle, the virgin forests and the savannas will increase greatly.

Most of the white-collar workers will have their own independent office, per-capita area of offices will gradually increase, and per-capita area of single residence will gradually reach to more than 1000 square meters. Most of high buildings in New York, Tokyo, Singapore, HongKong and Shanghai will become slums or disappear. There will be not a city with more than 1 million populations. Thus we will not need harsh measures to reduce carbon emission.

Faster and better Internet and the Internet of things will support low-density and dispersive society in the future. Bandwidth of Internet will be increased by dozens of times to hundreds of times. Video phone, network shopping, network education, network meeting will be popularized gradually. The necessity of contact between people at short range will reduce greatly. Except for experiments of physics and chemistry, all of theory lessons of natural science and social science will spread through Internet. Many middle-aged and old people will get the degrees of famous universities through the network schools. The Internet of things will enable people to remotely control a large number of living and producing equipment through mobile phones and computers, which will greatly reduce the needs for transportation.

As the population shrinks, the problem of aging will be worse and worse. No government can take care of all interests of all people, so the governments will have to withdraw from the pension system and no longer intervene in the pension fund. Compared with the unfortunate deaths of minors, young people and middle-aged people, the elderly are fortunate. Human society is nearly zero-sum-competition society, so the comfortable old people make others bear too much competitive pressure, which makes many criminal cases and social problems.

The cost of supporting the underage population will also be greatly reduced. Winter and summer holidays for all students will be abolished, and all students' holidays will be the same as those for adult workers. The 12 years leading up to college will be reduced to nine, accelerating the pace of learning and reducing the cost of education. Teachers' holidays will also be reduced, and teaching will no longer be the world's least busy job. Teachers' salaries will increase in line with their workload, which will attract better people to the teaching profession and improve the quality of teaching. Meanwhile, today's information technology has dramatically increased the speed at which minors mature, so the age standard for adults will lower from 18 to 15.

American anti-abortion laws are woefully backward. In the future, the whole world will allow abortion. Moreover, euthanasia for all of people, including the babies with serious birth defects and the old people with serious disease, will be legalized. All of deaths except accidental deaths will be painless euthanasia. Painful suicides, such as falling from a building or cutting one's wrists, will disappear.

If populations reduce greatly, humans will not need to make harsh measures to cope with climate warming. It's very wise for America to quit the Paris Agreement because the most effective way for environmental protection is to reduce the populations in the world.

7, All drugs will be legalized.
Survival of the fittest has always been the first law of human society, which stimulates the desire of all people to win. At any time and in any country, about a third of the people are winners, about a third are losers, and the another third are neither winners nor losers. As a result, only about one third of the people can beat their rivals in their studies or careers so as to get the pleasure of winning. About two-thirds of the population had to resort to video games, board and card games, religions, alcohol, tobacco and drugs for relieving pains and getting alternative pleasures. However, the government's ban on drugs deprives many people of their happiness and forces them to live a depressed life or commit suicide or crime.

Chinese people are more dependent on tobacco than most countries, because they are less dependent on religions than most countries. Hypocritical religions can help ease the anger and anxiety of some naive losers. However, all religions will disappear completely, and all losers will rely on tobacco, alcohol, drugs and so on to relieve anger and anxiety. Drug sales around the world are bound to rise sharply with the decline of religions.

Abolishing the ban on all of drugs would reduce crime by more than 90 per cent and make a harmonious society a reality. The government should not only legalize all of drugs, but also provide cheap drugs such as marijuana for free to those who need drugs but cannot afford them. Although drugs may cause harm to the human body, the life of depression, endless hatred and killing are far more harmful to human body than all of drugs.

Besides, isn't the process of obtaining proper happiness harmful to the body? Almost all of workers suffer from a variety of illnesses due to stress or poor working conditions. Miners and machine operators may suffer work-related injuries, programmers who work too much overtime may die of overwork, soldiers and police may die on the job, truck drivers may be injured or killed in accidents and so on. In short, there are few completely healthy jobs in the world, and there are few completely healthy ways to get happiness. Quick and alternative pleasures from drugs can harm the body, as can slow orthodox pleasures from professional success. Drugs are toxic but jobs are toxic too.

8. The power of politicians will be greatly weakened.
The Internet has been making wisdom and power flow around the world at unprecedented speeds, and making all kinds of informations around the world more and more transparent. As a result, the distribution of social powers will become more and more flat, and strongman politics will completely end.

Future politicians will be more executors of public opinions than dominators of people. Powers of politicians will be greatly reduced and burdens of taxpayers providing for politicians will be greatly weakened.

With the developments of the Internet and biometrics, electors will participate in various elections and votes through the Internet. There will be at least one online referendum every year to shape national policies and give politicians a vote of confidence or no confidence.

9, Calendar will be simplified greatly.
(1) Month1, Month2, Month3......Month12 will respectively replace January, February, March......December. Week1, Week2, Week3, Week4, Week5, Week6 and Week7 will respectively replace Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

(2) Today's complicated Gregorian calendar is based on the Julian calendar containing the unreasonable personal elements of the Roman Emperor more than two thousand years ago so as to be abolished. Here is a very simple calendar that fits the working habits of contemporary people: (in common year) 365 days = ( 7 days * 4 weeks+1 day+1 day ) * 12 months+5 days, and (in leap year) 366 days = ( 7 days * 4 weeks+1 day+1 day )*12 months+6 days. "5 days" or "6 days" therein will be used for Christmas. "1 day+1 day" therein will be the 29th day and the 30th day of every month. The 29th day will become the fixed holiday to replace all of current disorderly holidays except Christmas. The 30th day will be a special working day or activity day for holding meetings that summarize work of this month and plan work of the next month or holding other special activities of company.

Thus the work days and holidays will be connected. The questions, such as "what day is today" and "how many days does this month have", will be far easier for us. Some of our brain cells can be liberated from disorderly calendar. And all of holidays will be synchronous all over the world for the first time, which is very important for the process of global integration. Maybe some people think that holidays such as National Day are too serious to change, but why should we be chained to the history of the past? As long as it is a beneficial thing, we can do it.

10, English will be simplified greatly.
The earth will surely become a unified federation just like that the first emperor of China unified the seven kingdoms of China and Lincoln unified the south and the north of USA in the past. The earth federation only needs one kind of unified language. English is the most popular language of the world but so far no nation has volunteered giving up its own language and completely accepting English. Thus English is not enough simple and most of English learners are attracted not by English itself but power of UK and USA. It's impossible for current complex English to become the language of the earth federation.

English will absorb the advantages of other languages such as Chinese, Italian, Japanese and German and be greatly simplified so as to become common language of the world. A kind of language is like a truck carrying informations. On the premise that the same informations can be transmitted accurately, the lighter the truck is, the more efficient the transmission of informations is. English will be simplified at the following aspects:

(1) Unify all of letters and all of phonetic symbols of English, and simplify the forms and pronunciations of all words as follows:
Merge all of similar phonetic symbols. Merge [a:] and [∧] into [a], i.e. [a:]=[∧]→[a] for short, the same below: [i:]=[ ɪ ]→[ i ], [ɔː]=[ɒ]→[o], [u:]=[ ʊ ]→[ u ], [ɜː]=[ə]→[ə], [ l ]=[ ð ]→[ l ], [ʒ]=[dʒ]→[ʒ], [n]=[ŋ]→[n], [ s ]=[θ]→[ s ].

The letters "c, q, x, y" will be abolished because there are not the phonetic symbols "[c], [q], [x], [y]". And "ə, ∫, ʒ" will be not only phonetic symbols but also letters. Then there will be respectively 6 vowel letters and 6 single vowels, 19 consonant letters and 19 single consonants. The 25 basic phonetic symbols will just match the 25 letters one on one in any word. For example, [ a ], [ ə ], [ e ], [ i ], [ o ], [ u ] will be respectively the pronunciations of the letters "a, ə, e, i, o, u" in any word. There will be not any silent letter in any word. Twenty-five new letters will be:
a , e , ə , i , o , u
b , d , f , g , h , j , k , l , m , n , p , r , s , t , v , w , ∫ , ʒ , z

Moreover, [bl]=[bəu] [dl]=[dəu] [gl]=[gəu] [kl]=[kəu] [nl]=[nəl]=[nəu] [pl]=[pəu] [sl]=[səu] [tl]=[təu].

For almost all of disyllabic and polysyllabic words, the consonants except n at the end of the words not only are useless but also hinder speaking English, so they will be abolished. Some monosyllabic homophones need to be deformed to avoid homophones.

Many words will deform according to above rules. For example, English will be replaced by Inli, i.e. (English, Inli). The following are some simple words: (I, Ai) (you, ju) (he, hi) (she, ∫i) (we, wi) (they, lei) (my, mai) (your, jo) (her, hə) (our, auə) (their, leə) (do, du) (what, wot) (who, hu) (why, wai) (where, weə) (when, wen) (which, wit∫) (America, əmerikə) (Europe, Juərə) (China,T∫ainə) (Russia, Ra∫ə) (Canada, Kænədə) (country, kantri) (oxygen, osiʒən) (sure, ∫uə) (president, prezidən) (finish, fini) (calculate, kækjulei) (Christmas, krimə) (exhibition, esibi∫ən) (physics, fizi) (philosophy, filosəfi) (economy, ikonəmi) (phone, fəun) (often, ofən) (anything, enisin) (everything, erisin) (nothing, nasin) (receive, risi) (accept, əse) (cable, keibəu) (one, wan) (two, tu) (too, tju) (tool, tuə) (three, sri) (four, fo) (for, foə) (five, faiv) (six, siks) (seven, sevən) (eight, eit) (nine, nain) (hundred, handrə) (thousand, sauzən) (million, miljən) (billion, biljən) (war, wo) (wall, woə), (see, si) (sea, siə) (tell, teə) (contact, kəntæ) (baby, beibi) (knife, naif) (night, nait).

(2) Transformations of verbs will be simplified greatly.
Merge "am, is, are" into "bi", merge "was, were" into "woz". Let "biin do sth" replace "am(is, are) doing sth"; let "wozin do sth" replace "was(were) doing sth"; let "di do sth" replace "do-ed sth"; let "hævən do sth" replace "have(has) done sth"; let "hædən do sth" replace "had done sth"; let "hævən biin do sth" replace "have(has) been doing sth", let "hædən biin do sth" replace "had been doing sth", let "will biin do sth" replace "will be doing sth", let "will hævən do sth" replace "will have done sth", let "will hævən biin do sth" replace "will have been doing sth", let "would biin do sth" replace "would be doing sth", let "would hævən do sth" replace "would have done sth", let "would hævən biin do sth" replace "would have been doing sth". Moreover, singular form in third personal of verbs will be abolished. Thus, all of verbs will never transform in any tense. The new words -- biin, wozin, di, hævən, hædən are all auxiliaries similar to will and would. These auxiliaries can make all of verbs not need to transform any longer in any of the sixteen tenses.

(3) The past participle forms of the verbs remain in the passive voice. And some of past participles will continue as adjectives. The gerund "do-ing" will be replaced by "do-in".

(4) Let "mo adj" replace "adj-er or more adj" to express the comparative adjectives of all adjectives. And let "məu adj" replace "adj-est or most adj" to express the superlative adjectives of all adjectives. "mo" and "məu" respectively are simplified words from more and most. All adverbs obey the same rules. Thus all of adjectives and all of adverbs will not transform any longer.

11, Tall or big men will lose dominance over the world.
Why did the huge dinosaurs die out early? Why did light humans defeat heavy lions, tigers, elephants, whales, crocodiles and polar bears and become the rulers on the earth? Because the main axis and the key to the evolution of animals and humans are not muscles or bones but the brains, and human brains are far smarter than the brains of any kind of animals.

However, why do light men (short and thin men) and women hardly challenge heavy men (tall or big men) since thousands of years ago? Humans can isolate the brutal animals but light men and women have to contact with heavy men at close range. Heavy men depend on their bones and muscles to protect themselves and threaten others so that they can get more and better living spaces and life experiences to make their brains smarter. Restricted and repressed lives hinder the developments of the brains of light men and women. Thus, bones and muscles make heavy men get both physical advantages and intellectual advantages.

Though three technology revolutions in the last hundreds of years made powers of heavy men weaken greatly, they made quantitative changes of powers rather than qualitative change. The qualitative changes of powers will certainly happen because two sides of contradictions, such as the big and the small, the strong and the weak, are not only interdependent but also interchangeable. Light men and women must get the ability of sufficient self-defense, which is the precondition of qualitative change of powers.

Many actions in American sci-fi movies like Star Wars and Star Trek lack high technologies. The main characters in the movies don't wear protective suits with helmets when they fight at close range, and the lightsabers they use aren't effortless, long-range weapons. Even worse, sometimes the main characters fight with aliens with their bare hands. They need high-tech protective suits and weapons.

In the future, some enterprises will invent powerful protective suits and light weapons which make light men and women get sufficient self-defense ability. The protective suits similar to space suits or the suits of the Iron Man and Ultraman will protect the whole body of human. The protective suits will resist physical violence, guns, metal knives, bludgeon, hotness and coldness, filter air and be equipped with rearview mirror and night-vision. And all of protective suits in the future will be smart devices and be connected to the Internet of things for public security so that the policemen can immediately receive the wireless signal for help from anywhere. Perhaps the suits must be bulletproof unless governments will ban civilians from owning guns.

Will protective suits make people hard to move quickly? Yes, more or less. However, nothing is more important than body safety and protective suits will make it possible for light men and women to turn over the weak status lasting thousands of years. It is worthy for them to endure a little of inconveniences. Moreover, Internet shopping, home office and Internet teaching will become more and more popular and population and population density will both reduce greatly, which will greatly reduce necessity for people to contact at short range. Thus, the people need to wear protective suits just at few dangerous cases. And protective suits will become more and more powerful, lighter and lighter, cheaper and cheaper with progress of science and technologies, which is similar to the development course of computers and mobile phones.

Some of the aged people, the light men and women are senior officials or rich people. Though they have high social status, they always lack sense of safety when they alone face heavy men at short range. Thus, they most need and will first own the powerful protective suits and weapons which will become important guarantee and symbol of their social status. And they will greatly reduce dependence on bodyguards. The attacks of high-tech weapons, without body touch, will replace barefisted attacks. Long-range attacks by high-tech weapons will widely replace close-range attacks by bones and muscles. Bones and muscles will be not advantage of heavy men but their burden and weaknesses so their power will be surpassed by light men and women. And women will greatly reduce dependence on cosmetic products, cosmetic surgery and high-heeled shoes which ever help them please men.

People will not adore and aspire for tall and strong body shape any longer. The only purpose of physical training will be to maintain physical fitness so all of professional sports tournaments such as Football World Cup, NBA, Olympic Games will disappear. The "heavy" sports of high intensity will be greatly changed or disappear. For example, the height of basketry for basketball will reduce. The "light" sports of low intensity, such as table tennis and badminton, will be more popular. Thus bones and muscles of our bodies will shrink. Height and weight of our bodies will reduce. Consumption quantity of human foods will reduce, which is conducive to environment protection. There will be more and more elites as thin as Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba.

In the future, most of light men will take the dominant positions of the society. In the further future, based on the law of unity of opposites that is universally applicable in the universe, most of women will take the dominant positions of the society. Most men's lives are like boating against water flow, and most women's lives are like boating down water flow. Water flow is just like the trend of the world. Adverse water often makes men depressed and favorable water often makes women free and easy. Most of women are happier than most of men, although most of women are ruled by most of men.

12, Molecular foods will become staple foods.
After the populations greatly reduce and human bodies become shorter and thinner, humans will be able to gradually popularize high quality and high price of molecular foods. Long long ago, animals and primitive people ate uncooked foods and drank unboiled water. Then humans ate cooked foods and drank boiled water, which was an important milestone of human evolution. However, the current staple foods are not fundamentally different from the staple food of more than 2,000 years ago.

It is time for human beings to prepare for the revolution about staple foods. It will be the next milestone of human evolution that accurate molecular foods become staple foods. In the future, most of foods that we eat will be purer and purer. Most of grains, vegetables and meats will be sent into foods factories then we will industrially extract what our bodies really need: carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and mineral substances. The difference between now rough foods and future molecular foods is like the difference between ordinary bombs and precision-guided bombs. Various delicate nutrients, such as vitamins, lutein and Omega-3, extracted from animals and plants by some companies are some kinds of molecular foods and will become more and more popular.

High-tech medical equipments in the future will help us know which and how many of carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and mineral substances and then we can choose different kinds of molecular foods. Large molecular food factories will bring together many of top talents so the average income of biological talents will catch up with or surpass that of IT talents, and the biological age will indeed come. The number of chefs will reduce greatly and the few remaining chefs will be proficient in biochemistry.

All of people except the poor will choose different kinds of molecular foods as their staple foods and choose some of rough foods as auxiliary foods so that we can greatly reduce germs and viruses entering our bodies with foods. In addition, extracting and processing rough foods by high-tech food factories will replace some work of the digestive organs such as teeth, throat, stomach, intestines and liver, so the burden and volume of the digestive organs such as stomach, intestine and liver will greatly reduce. As a result, human belly will become smaller and human stature will become lower.

The protective clothing, molecular foods and medical technologies above are all related to human safety and health, and will together cause the fifth technological revolution.

13, China will counterbalance US on hard power within a decade.
Egypt was the first great country in human history, followed by Greece and Rome. The three countries are all near the geographical center of the earth -- the Mediterranean Sea. Geographical advantage made them become the collecting and distributing center of commodities and wisdom of Africa, Asia and Europe. Before the maritime navigation era, only around the geographical center of the world, could there be great country. The Britain was ever ruled by the Romans, the Nordics and the French, and later learned Netherlandish capitalism. The Britain had learned the most sufficient wisdom of foreign culture so that the recent Britain was the most influential country in human history.

US, on the geographical edge of the world, was ever isolated and fell behind. Then many of European invaders and immigrants completely rebuilt the US. European exellent wisdom further developed after entering US which is much larger than any common Europe country, which made US rise rapidly. Later, the elites all over the world poured into US, which made US the great country with the most global influences in human history.

To sum up, there has never been a pure great nation in the world, and all of great innovations are not pure originalities. Learning and absorbing the wisdom of the strong is the key reason for the weak to become the strong, while being learned and absorbed by the weak is the key reason for the strong to become the weak, and isolation is the key reason for the weak to become weaker. Chinese culture has never had a profound impact on the world because China is geographically marginal and does not have the opportunity to learn enough foreign wisdom.

The history of mankind is the history of the weak learning, challenging and surpassing the strong so the past Egypt, Greece, Rome and Britain could not maintain their leadership and the US will lose its leadership too. The global Internet invented by the US made the developing countries such as China learn and absorb global wisdom at an unprecedented speed. Distribution of powers on the earth will flatten faster and trend towards multipolarity faster. US hegemony is facing unprecedented challenges from China.

Huge population is China's greatest advantage to counterbalance the US. Only China can greatly contribute to the broader democracy in world politics by ending the hegemony of the US. The trade war instigated by the US will accelerate US's decline with unleashing China's potential. US's future has been severely overdrafted by huge national debts and stockmarket bubbles of US. The market values of many companies such as Amazon and Apple have huge bubbles.

Within a decade, China's hard power will be strong enough to counterbalance USA. China's rising will weaken Europe in some ways, but China's One Belt And One Road strategy will benefit Europe by integrating Asia and Europe economically.

US officials often accuse China of threatening international rules. At the heart of today's international rules, however, is the hegemony of US, which has long used its military bases all over the world, hegemony of the US dollar and the monopoly of the companies like Microsoft and Google to squeeze other countries. It will benefit the most people in the world for China to end the hegemony of US.

14, EU will become the European Federation and lead the world.
The No.3 part to No.10 part of above are the frameworks of the future social revolutions, which will be triggered by the fourth technological revolution based on 5G communication and the Internet of things. No.11 part and No.12 part belong to the fifth technological revolution. Where will the social revolutions and the fifth technological revolution take place first?

Although US has been making new achievements in scientific and technological innovations, it has not made great achievements in culture innovation. US has only made some little changes on the basis of European culture. The innovations of culture in the future must meet the trend of power flattening. However, as the only superpower and vested interests in the world today, US will not actively release power to meet the trend of power flattening. Therefore, US has not enough motivation to build a new world.

However, the huge population is also the biggest disadvantage for China to become a high quality country. China has the largest quantity of high-density but low-quality buildings in the world. China has not any city like US high-tech center-- Silicon Valley where is made up of low-density but high-quality buildings. It will take several decades for China to reduce so many redundant populations. The populous China will not practice the most cutting-edge culture and social system. China can cultivate some of the world's most cutting-edge companies and individuals, but their wisdom cannot be fully used in the populous and conservative China. Therefore, China is doomed not to lead the world.

EU faces the danger of further fragmentation and strong pressures from the assertive US and the rising China, so EU has a strong incentive for revolution. Disunity is both disadvantage and advantage of EU. The area of EU has always been the best experiment area for social revolution. Greece, Rome, Netherlands and Britain were successively the most influential country in the world. The major philosophical, scientific and economic theories and major technologies originated in EU far exceed those of any other region so EU has the most profound cultural deposits. In addition, EU is very close to the Mediterranean Sea which is the geographical center of the world. Therefore, EU has the most potentials to guide the world on future culture.

US is like a strong acid, China is like a weak base but will gradually become a strong base to balance US. The future EU will be like neutral water and represent the universal culture of the world to guide the world. EU will plant the future seeds of "make Europe truly unite" and "make Europe great again" within ten years. However, President Trump's slogan, "make America great again", is a complete joke.

US is also like the lion king, China is like the strongest elephant, India is like the fattest elephant, Japan is like an alone wolf, Russia is like a remote polar bear and EU is like a pack of non-united wolves. Only united wolves can surpass the lion king.

In the short term, the EU could break up. In the long term, the EU is bound to become a politically integrated European federation. Strong pressures on the EU from the assertive US and the rising China would unleash the potential of the lazy EU and force EU to unite as never before. A frumpy EU would become a politically integrated European Union. Then the fifth technological revolution will take place first in the European Federation, which will lead the world in hard power.

15, The earth will become a politically integrated earth federation.
The essence of democratization is power flattening. The democratization of a country is the embodiment of power flattening in the country, while the democratization of the whole earth is the embodiment of power flattening in the whole earth. The trend towards democratization of the whole earth is the earth federation.

After the EU becomes a politically integrated European Federation, it will form a three-way world together with US and China. The European Federation will have world leadership, but it cannot have absolute dominance because global Internet and transport networks make wisdom and power move around the earth at unprecedented speeds. The relative balance of future three-way world would make the earth federation become the best choice for most countries.

The Star War movies have been popular for more than 40 years, but the real star wars will probably never happen. Even if they happen, they will happen in the very, very distant future. We should first make the earth a politically integrated federation so that we can unite all the forces on the earth to meet the challenges from other planets or stars.

The outer space environment will influence humans more and more obviously so we must become not only the dominator of the earth but also the dominator of the sun system. We will send more and more satellites to explore the moon, the sun and all of other planets of the sun system, and build many exploration bases on the moon and all of other planets. We must try to prevent all of possible collisions from meteorites. All of these actions in outer space will need global cooperation based on the earth federation.

Different people have same human nature and different living habits so earth federation will have the same earth constitution and different member states will have different sub-laws, just like America. At last the world will use the same language, the same constitution, the same currency, the same traffic rules and the same telecommunication network so that human efficiency will improve greatly. Digital currency based on Bitcoin will completely replace paper currency so the total amount of money will remain constant and the central bank will no longer be able to foul printing money at will.

The Mediterranean Sea is the geographical center of the world so a city near the Mediterranean Sea will become the capital of the earth federation. The earth federation will adopt the presidential system similar to that of the United States or France rather than the cabinet system similar to that of Germany or Italy. In the earth federation, competitions between people are borderless and more intense than they are now. Anyone from anywhere will have the right to be elected as the President of the earth federation.
1, General trends of the universe.
2, General trends of the earth.
3, All kinds of religions will disappear.
4, Intellectualism will replace capitalism.
5, Marriage and family will disappear.
6, Populations will reduce greatly.
7, All of drugs will be legalized.
8. Powers of politicians will be greatly weakened.
9, Calendar will be simplified greatly.
10, English will be simplified greatly.
11, Tall or big men will lose dominance over the world.
12, Molecular food will become the staple food.
13, China will counterbalance US on hard power within a decade.
14, EU will become the European Federation and lead the world.
15, The earth will become a politically integrated earth federation.

1, General trends of the universe.
First of all, what are the basic substances in the universe? How do they move? Does the universe have a beginning and an end? These questions are not only the most important physical questions but also the most important philosophical questions. The main movement way of particles, planets and stars is cyclic rotation rather than non-cyclic translational motion. Moreover, in the universe, there are always contradictory and unified contradictions such as negative and positive, sunrise and sunset, ebb and flow, coldness and hotness, rise and fall, pain and happiness. Therefore, constant balance and ever-changing contradiction are the basic characteristics of the universe. The various contradictions in the universe always counterbalance each other so as to keep the balance of the whole universe forever.

The basic characteristics of substances in the universe are connection and fluctuation. All of substances must be seamlessly interconnected and never separate, and there must be only one kind of basic substances. If there are two or more kinds of basic substances in the universe, the contact point between different substances must break up early or late and the different substances must separate to break the balance of the universe.

To meet the above conditions, the universe must be a closed, cylindrical and extremely long string, which never fractures, with uniform thickness and without any contact point, intertwining in extremely complex forms. Strictly speaking, there is only one substance in the whole universe. There is no isolated substance in the universe, and the butterfly effect applies to the entire universe. The diameter of the cross section of the string is perhaps equal to the Planck length.

Parts of the string intertwine into the ordered and mass-concentrated substances, such as photons, atoms, humans, the earth and the sun, which are similar to spiders. Other parts of the string interwine into the disordered, mass-dispersed and retiform substances which are similar to spider webs. Spiders and spider webs cannot transform each other, but the retiform substances and other substances of the string can transform each other constantly because of the law of unity of opposites. There must be retiform substances between protons and neutrons, and between nucleus and electrons. All of forces, including gravitation, electromagnetic force, weak force and strong force, originate from fluctuations of the string.

The universe has no beginning and no end, and time has no beginning and no end. The Big Bang hypothesis is extremely absurd and seriously hindered the development of science. Gravity does not exist in all parts of the universe but in some parts of the universe. Some kind of unknown repulsive force in some parts of the universe counterbalances the gravity in the other parts of the universe keeping the balance of the whole universe. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for gravity to indefinitely gather substances into indefinitely dense singularities that do not exist. Besides, everything has a cause and effect, and the universe could never have been created by a so-called singularity for nothing.

There's only one universe. There may be parallel galaxies but there must be no parallel universe. All of substances connect mutually and make up the universe space with physical meanings and borders. No substance can escape the boundaries of the universe space to be isolated. It is the absolute vacuum without physical meanings beyond the universe space. The expansion and contraction of substances in the universe always counterbalance each other, just as the ebb and flow of the tides always counterbalance each other, so total volume of the universe is approximately constant. The universe can never obviously expand so Einstein was right to add the cosmological constant to the equations of gravity.

Mathematics and physics are the two most basic subjects in the universe. Everything in the universe can be explained by mathematics and physics. In the computer world, many things can be described by various software programs with 0 and 1. In fact, everything in the universe can be described by the various combinations of the three basic values "-1, 0 and +1 "of a basic physical quantity in the three-dimensional space, so everything in the universe has a corresponding mathematical expression. No matter how the universe changes, a large number of -1 and +1 always counterbalance each other keeping the balance of the universe. The sum of any kind of vector quantity of all of substances in the whole universe is equal to zero forever. For example, the total momentum of all of substances is equal to zero forever.

Evolutions of stars are physical evolutions based on infinite loops between small substances and big substances. Dynamic balance equation is: basic retiform substances ⇌ atoms ⇌ inorganic substances ⇌ star. Evolution of lives is chemical evolution based on infinite loops between simple substances and complex substances. Dynamic balance equation is: inorganic substances ⇌ germs ⇌ animals ⇌ ancient humans ⇌ now humans ⇌ future humans.

From the point of view of physics, the universe = (big substance⇌ small substances) + (small substances ⇌ big substance) +……+ (big substance⇌ small substances) + (small substances ⇌ big substance). From the point of view of chemistry, the universe = (simple substances ⇌ complex substance) + (complex substance ⇌ simple substances) +…… + (simple substances ⇌ complex substance) + (complex substance ⇌ simple substances). All of above dynamic equations keep the balance of volume and entropy of the whole universe.

Every star system in the universe has a physical center and a chemical center where there are probably lives. The lives in some star systems are more advanced than we are. But the lives in another star systems fall behind us. Some of them live in the process of development but others live in the process of degeneration. But the entirety of balanced universe has never development or degeneration. Assuming the universe has 2 billion and one star systems with lives, the evolution degree of all of these star systems could be respectively marked with the integers -1000000000, . . . . . . , -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, . . . . . . , +1000000000 and the sum of all of the integers is zero. Any of the humans on the planet in any star system cannot safely arrive to any other planet with humans in another star system, because the hypervelocity required for an interstellar crossing would make anyone's body disintegrate before a successful crossing.

2, General trends of the earth.
The sun is the physical center of the sun system and the earth is the chemical center of the sun system. The process of life evolution is the process of chemical synthesis, and the process of life degradation is the process of chemical decomposition. The chemical evolution of life is also the building of a chemical pyramid. From the bottom to top of the chemical pyramid is: the sun, the inorganic substances on the earth, plants, animals, underclasses of humans, middle classes of humans, upper classes of humans. Based on physical mass, humans are very tiny in the sun system; based on chemical structure, humans are the most high-ranking and most intelligent objects in the sun system. The height of the chemical pyramid represents the degree of human evolution. When the height of the chemical pyramid reaches its maximum, human beings will begin to degrade. The process of human degradation is the process of the gradual collapse of the chemical pyramid.

In the same star system, the physical evolution of the physical center and the chemical evolution of the chemical center are always in the opposite pace. For example, the physical mass of the sun is becoming smaller and the sun is in degradation, while the chemical structure of human body on the earth is becoming bigger and the earth is in evolution. The chemical pyramid can be subdivided into hundreds of hierarchies, and the starting point of every hierarchy can be marked by 10, 100, 1000, 10000……of the mathematical decimal system. In a high-efficiency society, people move from one hierarchy to another at a speed consistent with the development speed of productivity.

High buildings need strong foundations. In the same way, the chemical pyramid becomes higher after lower hierarchies of the pyramid become wider. The resources of building the pyramid are always limited, so there is a contradiction between making the pyramid higher and making it wider, similar to the contradiction between quantity and quality. Whenever the height of the pyramid increases more than the width of the pyramid, the pyramid will briefly become lower to accelerate the growth of the width. The chemical pyramid has to go through the process of being lower to make the pyramid wider for many times and then makes the pyramid higher for many times, which embodies the philosophical principle of negation of negation.

Everyone is part of the chemical pyramid, so everyone's chemical structure affects the structure of the chemical pyramid. Human chemical structure depends on human genes, which are similar to the foundations of a building, and the degree of gene expression is similar to the height of a building. Whenever human gene expression exceeds the limit, human will encounter setbacks to optimize the gene structure and lay the foundation for higher gene expression. Therefore, the human world are always full of the stories of negation of negation, and the stories of survival of the fittest.

The earth is also the information center of the sun system, the evolution process of lives is also the connection process of informations of substances, the degradation process of lives is also the fracture process of informations of substances. Informations of substances by human vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch connect to the neural networks of human brain. In the course of human growth and evolution, more and more informations of substances in the universe have been connecting to human brains so human neural networks have been getting more and more complex. Many planets of many star systems have humans, but only one planet's human brains can connect all of key informations of the whole universe so as to get to the peak of human intelligence. The human brains on the earth are far away from that peak.

After the informations entering human brains, they will auto arrange layer-by-layer just like the electrons outside the nucleus. Important informations arrange in the inner layer and subordinate informations arrange in the outer layer. When we are asleep, our brains layer the informations received over the rencent day so as to make them logical. Therefore, sometimes we could have some good ideas or understand some difficult problems when we wake up. When our brains receive too many informations,
the informations at the outermost layer in the brains will break loose just like the free electrons of metals and freely combine into littery and illusory dreams.

Human has three kinds of basic states: painful, balanced and happy. Everybody is always in elastic fluctuation among the three states. We can use -1, 0 and +1 to mark the lowest degree of pain, balance and lowest degree of happiness so the states of everybody's lifetime are made up of complex combinations of -1, 0 and +1. On the evolutionary planets, such as our earth, competitions are generally positive-sum competitions so total happiness of the people is generally greater than total pain of the people. For most individuals, the total happiness in their whole lifetime is generally greater than their total pain. In most times of the earth's human history, social competitions were positive-sum competitions. On the degenerative planets, the competitions are negative-sum competitions so total pain is greater than total happiness. But positive-sum and negative-sum competitions in partial universe together make up zero-sum competitions of the whole universe.

The human nature of all people at any time is tending happiness and avoiding pain. The human nature is neutral and there is no virtue or vice. Neutral human nature is like colorless chemical test paper which shows different colors after encountering different reagents. If a person luckily gets happiness of long time because of others, he will become virtuous. If a person unluckily gets pain of long time because of others, he will become evil. Human is more intelligent than any animal, but nature of humans is not kinder or more distingue than nature of any animal. Nature of humans and all of animals is neutral forever. There are not the good people and the bad people but the strong and the weak, the lucky and the unlucky.

In the process of everyone's life, health is the foundation, happiness is the goal, cognition is the way and power is the tool. Power and cognition are not certainly proportional to happiness. Cognition reflects one's ideal and power reflects one's reality. When power is stronger than cognition, human is happy; when power and cognition are proportionable, human emotion is balanced; when power is weaker than cognition, human is painful. Weak women are generally happier than powerful men, and childish children are generally happier than mature adults, because power of women and children is generally greater than their cognition.

For a country, the more objective the people's perceptions are, the powerful the country is. In the past thousands of years, human perceptions became more and more objective so human lives became netter and better. For individuals, the more objective a person's perceptions are, the more intelligent the person is; the more truths a person say, the happier the person is. In a word, the process of human evolution is also the process of seeking truths. And the hypocritical attitudes of the U.S. government and congress toward the Chinese company Huawei indicate that the national strength of the United States is about to decline sharply.

From slave society to feudal society and capitalist society in the past thousands of years, there were two main clues of the social developments: technology improvements and power flattening, which respectively represent development of productive forces and productive relations. Technological inventions such as paper, books, trains, cars, planes, telephones, computers and mobile phones have all accelerated the spread of informations and flattened the distribution of social powers.

The coming 5G communication network and Internet of Things will greatly accelerate the spread of informations and continue flattening the distribution of social power, which will trigger the following series of social revolutions and the fifth technological revolution.

3, All kinds of religions will disappear.
All kinds of religions are hypocritical and the only difference between them is hypocrisy degree. The religion with lowest degree of hypocrisy is Protestantism. Catholicism is the most hypocritical of the three branches of Christianity because of existence of the redundant Pope. Buddhism is a negative and escapist religion so it is the most hypocritical religion.

If gods really exist and they control human happiness and pain, power and wealth, why aren't the clergies, who are closest to gods, the happiest or the richest or the most long-lived people in the world? Why do they need the help of doctor when they have a cold? Why can't they predict the stock market and the presidential election accurately? In fact, they are all the cheats who have not any special useful ability.

The universe is made up of interconnected and counterbalanced substances and the butterfly effect applies to the entire universe. Thus, 100% of personal fate depends on dynamic universe, about 99.99% of personal fate depends on dynamic solar system, about 50% of personal fate directly depends on dynamic earth, about 10% of personal fate depends on our dynamic nation, and about 1% of personal fate depends on oneself. Though these numbers are not precise, they can roughly explain that everyone is too tiny in the external environment to control one's fate.

The environments are too powerful and unpredictable, which is one of the key reasons why many people believe gods. They believe that the gods control human destiny. The other of the key reasons is that scientists have not yet been able to explain everything in the universe. Therefore, human abilities of perceiving and controlling the environments are inversely proportional to human belief degree of religions. Scientists will explain everything one day.

On the other hand, people's ability to improve their fate is also inversely proportional to the degree of believing religions. Most of People in China, Japan and South Korea do not believe in any religion because the three countries have undergone great changes in recent decades. Their people have been acutely aware that not religions but reforms, openness and technologies have rapidly improved their fate. On the contrary, west Asia, South Asia, southeast Asia and Africa, which were not able to significantly improve their fate in the past hundreds of years, are just the most religiously superstitious regions in the world, so their people generally place their hopes of improving their fate in religions rather than in governments.

The significance of religions for adult believers is actually like the significance of fantasy fairy tales for children. That is to say, religions are the fairy tales for the adult believers. In order to pacify weak children's fear of the strange and cruel world, adults make a lot of fantasy fairy tale, cartoons and animated films. However, as the children grow up, they query and give up these tales gradually. In the same way, as the science and technology develop, more and more people will query and give up religions until all kinds of religions disappear.

4, Intellectualism will replace capitalism.
Why could capitalism replace feudalism? Capitalism followed the trend of power flattening and wiped out the power bastions of hereditary aristocracies so as to make powers flow to civilians faster. How will capitalism change to follow the trend of power flattening?

Economy in today's world is driven primarily by technologies and finance, but future economy will be driven primarily by technologies. Technological innovations are based on intelligence so the main character of future economy will be intellectualism. The intermediary role of finance in economic development will be greatly weakened.

All of objects and people in the universe are always in the dynamic balance between getting energies and losing energies. If a person can't get enough energies to balance the losing energies, he will decline. In other words, everyone boats against water flow and will recede if not advance. In the future, all of assets will follow the aforementioned law of nature. All of assets of all individuals over extreme poverty line will be taxed. That is to say, the building taxes will be applied to all of assets. The more assets a person owns, the more taxes he must pay, so the asset tax reflects the balance of rights and responsibilities.

The enterprise income tax, individual income tax and sales tax will be all abolished and the individual asset tax will become the major income source of governments. All of enterprises will not directly pay tax because all of enterprises are individual assets of someone or some ones, who must pay individual asset tax for all of their assets including their enterprise assets. For the people over extreme poverty line, no matter whether they earn incomes and no matter how many incomes they earn, the tax rate for the net assets of all individuals will be same. All of assets will flow faster in the whole society. Innovative enterprises and individuals will benefit greatly.

The only exception is: the tax rate for the monopolistic enterprises with more than 50 percent of the market share, such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, will be far higher so as to guarantee fair market competitions. That is to say, the shareholders of the monopolistic enterprises will pay more individual asset tax. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and Morgan ever monopolized American oil, steel and electric power, which were later curbed by the anti-monopoly law. Today some IT companies monopolize search engines, social softwares, shopping websites, operating systems and personal data, which will be curbed by high tax rate.

All of assets will flow faster among kinds of people, benefiting innovative people who can appreciate their assets substantially. Only those who rely on sustained intellectual innovation can maintain or increase their wealth, which is the core goal of intellectualism.

Huawei, No.1 high-tech company of China, has never been listed since it was founded in 1987. All of its shares are held by about 97 thousands of excellent employees who have made obvious contributions to the company. About 91 thousands of other employees without obvious contributions have no share. Moreover, the shares held by the key employees are valid for long term and the other shares are valid for only five years. For most of shareholders, their shares will be forcedly bought back by the company when they leave the company. Not the speculators but the important employees with contributions share the profits and take risks together, which is the most advanced share system in the world.

And this kind of flat ownership structure follows the general trend of power flattening so it will be imitated by most of enterprises in the world. More and more start-ups will not sell their shares in the stock exchanges. In addition, most of listed companies will gradually withdraw from the stock exchanges. The listed companies will be less and less so that useness of the stock market will be weakened greatly. Huawei is the first Chinese company that is ahead of European, American and Japanese companies in both technologies and company systems. The US government has tried all of means to crack down on Huawei, which will only accelerate Huawei's development.

In addition, more assets will flow to the knowledge creators such as mathematician, scientists, philosophers and economists because all of technological inventions and all of laws were based on the basic theories created by them. Euclid, Archimedes, Newton, Euler, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Adam Smith, Keynes, Gauss, Riemann, Bentham, Montesquieu... are the smartest people in human history who are more than 10 times smarter than Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. The influences of the stars like Euclid or Newton will last hundreds or even thousands of years but the influences of the shooting stars like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates will not.

However, most of the theorists were not rich and their assets did not match their wisdom. Moreover, current theorists can not apply for theory patents yet and 9 millions of Swedish kronor of the Nobel Prize is far too few. Some of the World Cup winners in esports are naive minors, but they get far more money than a Nobel Prize. In the future, all of excellent theorists will be very rich because their theories will become the patents with high values and will be not freely quoted and used any longer.

5, Marriage and family will disappear.
Any mutual love is based on mutually meeting the lover's needs. But needs of everyone change constantly with time and space because everyone always stay in ever-changing environments. No one can always keep up with dynamic needs of one's lovers so love is easy to deteriorate and disappear. We can easily lose old love and easily get new love again. All kinds of emotions between lovers or family members or friends follow the above rules. Some people often ask their lovers:"Do you truly love me?" In fact, difference between all kinds of loves is not "true or false" but different shelf life. Thus, marriages are fragile and there will be more and more extramarital loves and divorces until all of marriages disintegrate completely.

And family seriously hinders optimal allocation of resources. Some clever children live in bad families but some foolish children live in good families. Poorness, quarrel, fight, divorce and death of parents could hinder development of children; and children's trouble could also hinder lives and work of parents. In short, family is baggage of both parents and children. Giving up family will liberate both parents and children, and will improve society efficiency greatly.

In addition, fostering children is essentially one kind of strategic investment of long time. The average rate of return on this investment will continue declining in the future because of human selfishness and the aging population, which is also an important reason why marriages and families will disappear.

Therefore, future lovers will be dynamic and temporary couples based on their dynamic needs and desires. The free society completely based on individuals will appear. Current interpersonal relationship is just like time-consuming dinners but future interpersonal relationship will be like brief snacks. The society without marriage and family would run as follows:

(1) Women in the future will not endure much pain to gratis give birth to the society so governments will reward all of puerperae. And governments will dynamically change quantity of rewards to avoid too many or too few populations. Perhaps, in vitro fertilization and artificial uterus will completely replace the role of pregnant women.

(2) Temporary couples give their babies to governments. Then the parents will be not the sociological parents any longer but the biological parents of the babies. There will be not any of direct rights and obligation between parents and children. Legacy of everyone will be completely confiscated by governments.

(3) Governments will set up some special organizations at densely populated areas and hire some professional nurses and teachers to raise and teach children. All of working people must pay the fostering taxes but they will never directly foster children so as to have more time to work and play. In today's society, the rights and obligations between parents and children are very vague, and some parents and children have almost endless responsibilities and obligations. In the future, the rights and obligations between parents and children are very clear.

(4) The influences of richness or poverty of families on children will be eliminated completely, and any student who makes physical violence to bully others will be severely punished. The good learning environments will greatly improve the intellectual level of students.

The above ways of raising and educating children amount to an improved version of Nordic socialism. With the development of communication network and transportation network, the weak have more and more chances to defeat the strong. The social powers will flow faster and faster among people. For the first time, socialism will become a kind of viable and advanced social model. In the future, the role of American individualism will be weaker and the role of socialism will be stronger. The happiness gap between people will decrease but the overall security of human society will increase.

6, Populations will reduce greatly.
The earth's populations will soon reach the peak because more and more people are not willing to marriage and foster child, more and more people want to change the crowded society, and machines and robots replace more and more workers and farmers. The earth's populations will never reach 10 billion predicted by the United Nations. The turning point will appear before populations reach to 8 billion and then populations will reduce about 50 percent in the next 50 years and then gradually reduce to less than 1 billion.

The urbanization lasting few hundreds of years will be reversed. The population of crowded cities will greatly reduce and the population of suburbs and rural areas with better ecological environment will greatly increase. The number of tourists to Antarctica, the Arctic Circle, the virgin forests and the savannas will increase greatly.

Most of the white-collar workers will have their own independent office, per-capita area of offices will gradually increase, and per-capita area of single residence will gradually reach to more than 1000 square meters. Most of high buildings in New York, Tokyo, Singapore, HongKong and Shanghai will become slums or disappear. There will be not a city with more than 1 million populations. Thus we will not need harsh measures to reduce carbon emission.

Faster and better Internet and the Internet of things will support low-density and dispersive society in the future. Bandwidth of Internet will be increased by dozens of times to hundreds of times. Video phone, network shopping, network education, network meeting will be popularized gradually. The necessity of contact between people at short range will reduce greatly. Except for experiments of physics and chemistry, all of theory lessons of natural science and social science will spread through Internet. Many middle-aged and old people will get the degrees of famous universities through the network schools. The Internet of things will enable people to remotely control a large number of living and producing equipment through mobile phones and computers, which will greatly reduce the needs for transportation.

As the population shrinks, the problem of aging will be worse and worse. No government can take care of all interests of all people, so the governments will have to withdraw from the pension system and no longer intervene in the pension fund. Compared with the unfortunate deaths of minors, young people and middle-aged people, the elderly are fortunate. Human society is nearly zero-sum-competition society, so the comfortable old people make others bear too much competitive pressure, which makes many criminal cases and social problems.

The cost of supporting the underage population will also be greatly reduced. Winter and summer holidays for all students will be abolished, and all students' holidays will be the same as those for adult workers. The 12 years leading up to college will be reduced to nine, accelerating the pace of learning and reducing the cost of education. Teachers' holidays will also be reduced, and teaching will no longer be the world's least busy job. Teachers' salaries will increase in line with their workload, which will attract better people to the teaching profession and improve the quality of teaching. Meanwhile, today's information technology has dramatically increased the speed at which minors mature, so the age standard for adults will lower from 18 to 15.

American anti-abortion laws are woefully backward. In the future, the whole world will allow abortion. Moreover, euthanasia for all of people, including the babies with serious birth defects and the old people with serious disease, will be legalized. All of deaths except accidental deaths will be painless euthanasia. Painful suicides, such as falling from a building or cutting one's wrists, will disappear.

If populations reduce greatly, humans will not need to make harsh measures to cope with climate warming. It's very wise for America to quit the Paris Agreement because the most effective way for environmental protection is to reduce the populations in the world.

7, All drugs will be legalized.
Survival of the fittest has always been the first law of human society, which stimulates the desire of all people to win. At any time and in any country, about a third of the people are winners, about a third are losers, and the another third are neither winners nor losers. As a result, only about one third of the people can beat their rivals in their studies or careers so as to get the pleasure of winning. About two-thirds of the population had to resort to video games, board and card games, religions, alcohol, tobacco and drugs for relieving pains and getting alternative pleasures. However, the government's ban on drugs deprives many people of their happiness and forces them to live a depressed life or commit suicide or crime.

Chinese people are more dependent on tobacco than most countries, because they are less dependent on religions than most countries. Hypocritical religions can help ease the anger and anxiety of some naive losers. However, all religions will disappear completely, and all losers will rely on tobacco, alcohol, drugs and so on to relieve anger and anxiety. Drug sales around the world are bound to rise sharply with the decline of religions.

Abolishing the ban on all of drugs would reduce crime by more than 90 per cent and make a harmonious society a reality. The government should not only legalize all of drugs, but also provide cheap drugs such as marijuana for free to those who need drugs but cannot afford them. Although drugs may cause harm to the human body, the life of depression, endless hatred and killing are far more harmful to human body than all of drugs.

Besides, isn't the process of obtaining proper happiness harmful to the body? Almost all of workers suffer from a variety of illnesses due to stress or poor working conditions. Miners and machine operators may suffer work-related injuries, programmers who work too much overtime may die of overwork, soldiers and police may die on the job, truck drivers may be injured or killed in accidents and so on. In short, there are few completely healthy jobs in the world, and there are few completely healthy ways to get happiness. Quick and alternative pleasures from drugs can harm the body, as can slow orthodox pleasures from professional success. Drugs are toxic but jobs are toxic too.

8. The power of politicians will be greatly weakened.
The Internet has been making wisdom and power flow around the world at unprecedented speeds, and making all kinds of informations around the world more and more transparent. As a result, the distribution of social powers will become more and more flat, and strongman politics will completely end.

Future politicians will be more executors of public opinions than dominators of people. Powers of politicians will be greatly reduced and burdens of taxpayers providing for politicians will be greatly weakened.

With the developments of the Internet and biometrics, electors will participate in various elections and votes through the Internet. There will be at least one online referendum every year to shape national policies and give politicians a vote of confidence or no confidence.

9, Calendar will be simplified greatly.
(1) Month1, Month2, Month3......Month12 will respectively replace January, February, March......December. Week1, Week2, Week3, Week4, Week5, Week6 and Week7 will respectively replace Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

(2) Today's complicated Gregorian calendar is based on the Julian calendar containing the unreasonable personal elements of the Roman Emperor more than two thousand years ago so as to be abolished. Here is a very simple calendar that fits the working habits of contemporary people: (in common year) 365 days = ( 7 days * 4 weeks+1 day+1 day ) * 12 months+5 days, and (in leap year) 366 days = ( 7 days * 4 weeks+1 day+1 day )*12 months+6 days. "5 days" or "6 days" therein will be used for Christmas. "1 day+1 day" therein will be the 29th day and the 30th day of every month. The 29th day will become the fixed holiday to replace all of current disorderly holidays except Christmas. The 30th day will be a special working day or activity day for holding meetings that summarize work of this month and plan work of the next month or holding other special activities of company.

Thus the work days and holidays will be connected. The questions, such as "what day is today" and "how many days does this month have", will be far easier for us. Some of our brain cells can be liberated from disorderly calendar. And all of holidays will be synchronous all over the world for the first time, which is very important for the process of global integration. Maybe some people think that holidays such as National Day are too serious to change, but why should we be chained to the history of the past? As long as it is a beneficial thing, we can do it.

10, English will be simplified greatly.
The earth will surely become a unified federation just like that the first emperor of China unified the seven kingdoms of China and Lincoln unified the south and the north of USA in the past. The earth federation only needs one kind of unified language. English is the most popular language of the world but so far no nation has volunteered giving up its own language and completely accepting English. Thus English is not enough simple and most of English learners are attracted not by English itself but power of UK and USA. It's impossible for current complex English to become the language of the earth federation.

English will absorb the advantages of other languages such as Chinese, Italian, Japanese and German and be greatly simplified so as to become common language of the world. A kind of language is like a truck carrying informations. On the premise that the same informations can be transmitted accurately, the lighter the truck is, the more efficient the transmission of informations is. English will be simplified at the following aspects:

(1) Unify all of letters and all of phonetic symbols of English, and simplify the forms and pronunciations of all words as follows:
Merge all of similar phonetic symbols. Merge [a:] and [∧] into [a], i.e. [a:]=[∧]→[a] for short, the same below: [i:]=[ ɪ ]→[ i ], [ɔː]=[ɒ]→[o], [u:]=[ ʊ ]→[ u ], [ɜː]=[ə]→[ə], [ l ]=[ ð ]→[ l ], [ʒ]=[dʒ]→[ʒ], [n]=[ŋ]→[n], [ s ]=[θ]→[ s ].

The letters "c, q, x, y" will be abolished because there are not the phonetic symbols "[c], [q], [x], [y]". And "ə, ∫, ʒ" will be not only phonetic symbols but also letters. Then there will be respectively 6 vowel letters and 6 single vowels, 19 consonant letters and 19 single consonants. The 25 basic phonetic symbols will just match the 25 letters one on one in any word. For example, [ a ], [ ə ], [ e ], [ i ], [ o ], [ u ] will be respectively the pronunciations of the letters "a, ə, e, i, o, u" in any word. There will be not any silent letter in any word. Twenty-five new letters will be:
a , e , ə , i , o , u
b , d , f , g , h , j , k , l , m , n , p , r , s , t , v , w , ∫ , ʒ , z

Moreover, [bl]=[bəu] [dl]=[dəu] [gl]=[gəu] [kl]=[kəu] [nl]=[nəl]=[nəu] [pl]=[pəu] [sl]=[səu] [tl]=[təu].

For almost all of disyllabic and polysyllabic words, the consonants except n at the end of the words not only are useless but also hinder speaking English, so they will be abolished. Some monosyllabic homophones need to be deformed to avoid homophones.

Many words will deform according to above rules. For example, English will be replaced by Inli, i.e. (English, Inli). The following are some simple words: (I, Ai) (you, ju) (he, hi) (she, ∫i) (we, wi) (they, lei) (my, mai) (your, jo) (her, hə) (our, auə) (their, leə) (do, du) (what, wot) (who, hu) (why, wai) (where, weə) (when, wen) (which, wit∫) (America, əmerikə) (Europe, Juərə) (China,T∫ainə) (Russia, Ra∫ə) (Canada, Kænədə) (country, kantri) (oxygen, osiʒən) (sure, ∫uə) (president, prezidən) (finish, fini) (calculate, kækjulei) (Christmas, krimə) (exhibition, esibi∫ən) (physics, fizi) (philosophy, filosəfi) (economy, ikonəmi) (phone, fəun) (often, ofən) (anything, enisin) (everything, erisin) (nothing, nasin) (receive, risi) (accept, əse) (cable, keibəu) (one, wan) (two, tu) (too, tju) (tool, tuə) (three, sri) (four, fo) (for, foə) (five, faiv) (six, siks) (seven, sevən) (eight, eit) (nine, nain) (hundred, handrə) (thousand, sauzən) (million, miljən) (billion, biljən) (war, wo) (wall, woə), (see, si) (sea, siə) (tell, teə) (contact, kəntæ) (baby, beibi) (knife, naif) (night, nait).

(2) Transformations of verbs will be simplified greatly.
Merge "am, is, are" into "bi", merge "was, were" into "woz". Let "biin do sth" replace "am(is, are) doing sth"; let "wozin do sth" replace "was(were) doing sth"; let "di do sth" replace "do-ed sth"; let "hævən do sth" replace "have(has) done sth"; let "hædən do sth" replace "had done sth"; let "hævən biin do sth" replace "have(has) been doing sth", let "hædən biin do sth" replace "had been doing sth", let "will biin do sth" replace "will be doing sth", let "will hævən do sth" replace "will have done sth", let "will hævən biin do sth" replace "will have been doing sth", let "would biin do sth" replace "would be doing sth", let "would hævən do sth" replace "would have done sth", let "would hævən biin do sth" replace "would have been doing sth". Moreover, singular form in third personal of verbs will be abolished. Thus, all of verbs will never transform in any tense. The new words -- biin, wozin, di, hævən, hædən are all auxiliaries similar to will and would. These auxiliaries can make all of verbs not need to transform any longer in any of the sixteen tenses.

(3) The past participle forms of the verbs remain in the passive voice. And some of past participles will continue as adjectives. The gerund "do-ing" will be replaced by "do-in".

(4) Let "mo adj" replace "adj-er or more adj" to express the comparative adjectives of all adjectives. And let "məu adj" replace "adj-est or most adj" to express the superlative adjectives of all adjectives. "mo" and "məu" respectively are simplified words from more and most. All adverbs obey the same rules. Thus all of adjectives and all of adverbs will not transform any longer.

11, Tall or big men will lose dominance over the world.
Why did the huge dinosaurs die out early? Why did light humans defeat heavy lions, tigers, elephants, whales, crocodiles and polar bears and become the rulers on the earth? Because the main axis and the key to the evolution of animals and humans are not muscles or bones but the brains, and human brains are far smarter than the brains of any kind of animals.

However, why do light men (short and thin men) and women hardly challenge heavy men (tall or big men) since thousands of years ago? Humans can isolate the brutal animals but light men and women have to contact with heavy men at close range. Heavy men depend on their bones and muscles to protect themselves and threaten others so that they can get more and better living spaces and life experiences to make their brains smarter. Restricted and repressed lives hinder the developments of the brains of light men and women. Thus, bones and muscles make heavy men get both physical advantages and intellectual advantages.

Though three technology revolutions in the last hundreds of years made powers of heavy men weaken greatly, they made quantitative changes of powers rather than qualitative change. The qualitative changes of powers will certainly happen because two sides of contradictions, such as the big and the small, the strong and the weak, are not only interdependent but also interchangeable. Light men and women must get the ability of sufficient self-defense, which is the precondition of qualitative change of powers.

Many actions in American sci-fi movies like Star Wars and Star Trek lack high technologies. The main characters in the movies don't wear protective suits with helmets when they fight at close range, and the lightsabers they use aren't effortless, long-range weapons. Even worse, sometimes the main characters fight with aliens with their bare hands. They need high-tech protective suits and weapons.

In the future, some enterprises will invent powerful protective suits and light weapons which make light men and women get sufficient self-defense ability. The protective suits similar to space suits or the suits of the Iron Man and Ultraman will protect the whole body of human. The protective suits will resist physical violence, guns, metal knives, bludgeon, hotness and coldness, filter air and be equipped with rearview mirror and night-vision. And all of protective suits in the future will be smart devices and be connected to the Internet of things for public security so that the policemen can immediately receive the wireless signal for help from anywhere. Perhaps the suits must be bulletproof unless governments will ban civilians from owning guns.

Will protective suits make people hard to move quickly? Yes, more or less. However, nothing is more important than body safety and protective suits will make it possible for light men and women to turn over the weak status lasting thousands of years. It is worthy for them to endure a little of inconveniences. Moreover, Internet shopping, home office and Internet teaching will become more and more popular and population and population density will both reduce greatly, which will greatly reduce necessity for people to contact at short range. Thus, the people need to wear protective suits just at few dangerous cases. And protective suits will become more and more powerful, lighter and lighter, cheaper and cheaper with progress of science and technologies, which is similar to the development course of computers and mobile phones.

Some of the aged people, the light men and women are senior officials or rich people. Though they have high social status, they always lack sense of safety when they alone face heavy men at short range. Thus, they most need and will first own the powerful protective suits and weapons which will become important guarantee and symbol of their social status. And they will greatly reduce dependence on bodyguards. The attacks of high-tech weapons, without body touch, will replace barefisted attacks. Long-range attacks by high-tech weapons will widely replace close-range attacks by bones and muscles. Bones and muscles will be not advantage of heavy men but their burden and weaknesses so their power will be surpassed by light men and women. And women will greatly reduce dependence on cosmetic products, cosmetic surgery and high-heeled shoes which ever help them please men.

People will not adore and aspire for tall and strong body shape any longer. The only purpose of physical training will be to maintain physical fitness so all of professional sports tournaments such as Football World Cup, NBA, Olympic Games will disappear. The "heavy" sports of high intensity will be greatly changed or disappear. For example, the height of basketry for basketball will reduce. The "light" sports of low intensity, such as table tennis and badminton, will be more popular. Thus bones and muscles of our bodies will shrink. Height and weight of our bodies will reduce. Consumption quantity of human foods will reduce, which is conducive to environment protection. There will be more and more elites as thin as Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba.

In the future, most of light men will take the dominant positions of the society. In the further future, based on the law of unity of opposites that is universally applicable in the universe, most of women will take the dominant positions of the society. Most men's lives are like boating against water flow, and most women's lives are like boating down water flow. Water flow is just like the trend of the world. Adverse water often makes men depressed and favorable water often makes women free and easy. Most of women are happier than most of men, although most of women are ruled by most of men.

12, Molecular foods will become staple foods.
After the populations greatly reduce and human bodies become shorter and thinner, humans will be able to gradually popularize high quality and high price of molecular foods. Long long ago, animals and primitive people ate uncooked foods and drank unboiled water. Then humans ate cooked foods and drank boiled water, which was an important milestone of human evolution. However, the current staple foods are not fundamentally different from the staple food of more than 2,000 years ago.

It is time for human beings to prepare for the revolution about staple foods. It will be the next milestone of human evolution that accurate molecular foods become staple foods. In the future, most of foods that we eat will be purer and purer. Most of grains, vegetables and meats will be sent into foods factories then we will industrially extract what our bodies really need: carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and mineral substances. The difference between now rough foods and future molecular foods is like the difference between ordinary bombs and precision-guided bombs. Various delicate nutrients, such as vitamins, lutein and Omega-3, extracted from animals and plants by some companies are some kinds of molecular foods and will become more and more popular.

High-tech medical equipments in the future will help us know which and how many of carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and mineral substances and then we can choose different kinds of molecular foods. Large molecular food factories will bring together many of top talents so the average income of biological talents will catch up with or surpass that of IT talents, and the biological age will indeed come. The number of chefs will reduce greatly and the few remaining chefs will be proficient in biochemistry.

All of people except the poor will choose different kinds of molecular foods as their staple foods and choose some of rough foods as auxiliary foods so that we can greatly reduce germs and viruses entering our bodies with foods. In addition, extracting and processing rough foods by high-tech food factories will replace some work of the digestive organs such as teeth, throat, stomach, intestines and liver, so the burden and volume of the digestive organs such as stomach, intestine and liver will greatly reduce. As a result, human belly will become smaller and human stature will become lower.

The protective clothing, molecular foods and medical technologies above are all related to human safety and health, and will together cause the fifth technological revolution.

13, China will counterbalance US on hard power within a decade.
Egypt was the first great country in human history, followed by Greece and Rome. The three countries are all near the geographical center of the earth -- the Mediterranean Sea. Geographical advantage made them become the collecting and distributing center of commodities and wisdom of Africa, Asia and Europe. Before the maritime navigation era, only around the geographical center of the world, could there be great country. The Britain was ever ruled by the Romans, the Nordics and the French, and later learned Netherlandish capitalism. The Britain had learned the most sufficient wisdom of foreign culture so that the recent Britain was the most influential country in human history.

US, on the geographical edge of the world, was ever isolated and fell behind. Then many of European invaders and immigrants completely rebuilt the US. European exellent wisdom further developed after entering US which is much larger than any common Europe country, which made US rise rapidly. Later, the elites all over the world poured into US, which made US the great country with the most global influences in human history.

To sum up, there has never been a pure great nation in the world, and all of great innovations are not pure originalities. Learning and absorbing the wisdom of the strong is the key reason for the weak to become the strong, while being learned and absorbed by the weak is the key reason for the strong to become the weak, and isolation is the key reason for the weak to become weaker. Chinese culture has never had a profound impact on the world because China is geographically marginal and does not have the opportunity to learn enough foreign wisdom.

The history of mankind is the history of the weak learning, challenging and surpassing the strong so the past Egypt, Greece, Rome and Britain could not maintain their leadership and the US will lose its leadership too. The global Internet invented by the US made the developing countries such as China learn and absorb global wisdom at an unprecedented speed. Distribution of powers on the earth will flatten faster and trend towards multipolarity faster. US hegemony is facing unprecedented challenges from China.

Huge population is China's greatest advantage to counterbalance the US. Only China can greatly contribute to the broader democracy in world politics by ending the hegemony of the US. The trade war instigated by the US will accelerate US's decline with unleashing China's potential. US's future has been severely overdrafted by huge national debts and stockmarket bubbles of US. The market values of many companies such as Amazon and Apple have huge bubbles.

Within a decade, China's hard power will be strong enough to counterbalance USA. China's rising will weaken Europe in some ways, but China's One Belt And One Road strategy will benefit Europe by integrating Asia and Europe economically.

US officials often accuse China of threatening international rules. At the heart of today's international rules, however, is the hegemony of US, which has long used its military bases all over the world, hegemony of the US dollar and the monopoly of the companies like Microsoft and Google to squeeze other countries. It will benefit the most people in the world for China to end the hegemony of US.

14, EU will become the European Federation and lead the world.
The No.3 part to No.10 part of above are the frameworks of the future social revolutions, which will be triggered by the fourth technological revolution based on 5G communication and the Internet of things. No.11 part and No.12 part belong to the fifth technological revolution. Where will the social revolutions and the fifth technological revolution take place first?

Although US has been making new achievements in scientific and technological innovations, it has not made great achievements in culture innovation. US has only made some little changes on the basis of European culture. The innovations of culture in the future must meet the trend of power flattening. However, as the only superpower and vested interests in the world today, US will not actively release power to meet the trend of power flattening. Therefore, US has not enough motivation to build a new world.

However, the huge population is also the biggest disadvantage for China to become a high quality country. China has the largest quantity of high-density but low-quality buildings in the world. China has not any city like US high-tech center-- Silicon Valley where is made up of low-density but high-quality buildings. It will take several decades for China to reduce so many redundant populations. The populous China will not practice the most cutting-edge culture and social system. China can cultivate some of the world's most cutting-edge companies and individuals, but their wisdom cannot be fully used in the populous and conservative China. Therefore, China is doomed not to lead the world.

EU faces the danger of further fragmentation and strong pressures from the assertive US and the rising China, so EU has a strong incentive for revolution. Disunity is both disadvantage and advantage of EU. The area of EU has always been the best experiment area for social revolution. Greece, Rome, Netherlands and Britain were successively the most influential country in the world. The major philosophical, scientific and economic theories and major technologies originated in EU far exceed those of any other region so EU has the most profound cultural deposits. In addition, EU is very close to the Mediterranean Sea which is the geographical center of the world. Therefore, EU has the most potentials to guide the world on future culture.

US is like a strong acid, China is like a weak base but will gradually become a strong base to balance US. The future EU will be like neutral water and represent the universal culture of the world to guide the world. EU will plant the future seeds of "make Europe truly unite" and "make Europe great again" within ten years. However, President Trump's slogan, "make America great again", is a complete joke.

US is also like the lion king, China is like the strongest elephant, India is like the fattest elephant, Japan is like an alone wolf, Russia is like a remote polar bear and EU is like a pack of non-united wolves. Only united wolves can surpass the lion king.

In the short term, the EU could break up. In the long term, the EU is bound to become a politically integrated European federation. Strong pressures on the EU from the assertive US and the rising China would unleash the potential of the lazy EU and force EU to unite as never before. A frumpy EU would become a politically integrated European Union. Then the fifth technological revolution will take place first in the European Federation, which will lead the world in hard power.

15, The earth will become a politically integrated earth federation.
The essence of democratization is power flattening. The democratization of a country is the embodiment of power flattening in the country, while the democratization of the whole earth is the embodiment of power flattening in the whole earth. The trend towards democratization of the whole earth is the earth federation.

After the EU becomes a politically integrated European Federation, it will form a three-way world together with US and China. The European Federation will have world leadership, but it cannot have absolute dominance because global Internet and transport networks make wisdom and power move around the earth at unprecedented speeds. The relative balance of future three-way world would make the earth federation become the best choice for most countries.

The Star War movies have been popular for more than 40 years, but the real star wars will probably never happen. Even if they happen, they will happen in the very, very distant future. We should first make the earth a politically integrated federation so that we can unite all the forces on the earth to meet the challenges from other planets or stars.

The outer space environment will influence humans more and more obviously so we must become not only the dominator of the earth but also the dominator of the sun system. We will send more and more satellites to explore the moon, the sun and all of other planets of the sun system, and build many exploration bases on the moon and all of other planets. We must try to prevent all of possible collisions from meteorites. All of these actions in outer space will need global cooperation based on the earth federation.

Different people have same human nature and different living habits so earth federation will have the same earth constitution and different member states will have different sub-laws, just like America. At last the world will use the same language, the same constitution, the same currency, the same traffic rules and the same telecommunication network so that human efficiency will improve greatly. Digital currency based on Bitcoin will completely replace paper currency so the total amount of money will remain constant and the central bank will no longer be able to foul printing money at will.

The Mediterranean Sea is the geographical center of the world so a city near the Mediterranean Sea will become the capital of the earth federation. The earth federation will adopt the presidential system similar to that of the United States or France rather than the cabinet system similar to that of Germany or Italy. In the earth federation, competitions between people are borderless and more intense than they are now. Anyone from anywhere will have the right to be elected as the President of the earth federation.
Kinda long. What I got was, it may happen or may not.
The EU has turned itself evil. Also, if you can't make your girl happy by marrying her then both genders will be unhappy. Then add the death of religions and you have the devils paradise. I guess the bible is right, the earth will pass away.
1, General trends of the universe.
2, General trends of the earth.
3, All kinds of religions will disappear.
4, Intellectualism will replace capitalism.
5, Marriage and family will disappear.
6, Populations will reduce greatly.
7, All of drugs will be legalized.
8. Powers of politicians will be greatly weakened.
9, Calendar will be simplified greatly.
10, English will be simplified greatly.
11, Tall or big men will lose dominance over the world.
12, Molecular food will become the staple food.
13, China will counterbalance US on hard power within a decade.
14, EU will become the European Federation and lead the world.
15, The earth will become a politically integrated earth federation.

1, General trends of the universe.
First of all, what are the basic substances in the universe? How do they move? Does the universe have a beginning and an end? These questions are not only the most important physical questions but also the most important philosophical questions. The main movement way of particles, planets and stars is cyclic rotation rather than non-cyclic translational motion. Moreover, in the universe, there are always contradictory and unified contradictions such as negative and positive, sunrise and sunset, ebb and flow, coldness and hotness, rise and fall, pain and happiness. Therefore, constant balance and ever-changing contradiction are the basic characteristics of the universe. The various contradictions in the universe always counterbalance each other so as to keep the balance of the whole universe forever.

The basic characteristics of substances in the universe are connection and fluctuation. All of substances must be seamlessly interconnected and never separate, and there must be only one kind of basic substances. If there are two or more kinds of basic substances in the universe, the contact point between different substances must break up early or late and the different substances must separate to break the balance of the universe.

To meet the above conditions, the universe must be a closed, cylindrical and extremely long string, which never fractures, with uniform thickness and without any contact point, intertwining in extremely complex forms. Strictly speaking, there is only one substance in the whole universe. There is no isolated substance in the universe, and the butterfly effect applies to the entire universe. The diameter of the cross section of the string is perhaps equal to the Planck length.

Parts of the string intertwine into the ordered and mass-concentrated substances, such as photons, atoms, humans, the earth and the sun, which are similar to spiders. Other parts of the string interwine into the disordered, mass-dispersed and retiform substances which are similar to spider webs. Spiders and spider webs cannot transform each other, but the retiform substances and other substances of the string can transform each other constantly because of the law of unity of opposites. There must be retiform substances between protons and neutrons, and between nucleus and electrons. All of forces, including gravitation, electromagnetic force, weak force and strong force, originate from fluctuations of the string.

The universe has no beginning and no end, and time has no beginning and no end. The Big Bang hypothesis is extremely absurd and seriously hindered the development of science. Gravity does not exist in all parts of the universe but in some parts of the universe. Some kind of unknown repulsive force in some parts of the universe counterbalances the gravity in the other parts of the universe keeping the balance of the whole universe. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for gravity to indefinitely gather substances into indefinitely dense singularities that do not exist. Besides, everything has a cause and effect, and the universe could never have been created by a so-called singularity for nothing.

There's only one universe. There may be parallel galaxies but there must be no parallel universe. All of substances connect mutually and make up the universe space with physical meanings and borders. No substance can escape the boundaries of the universe space to be isolated. It is the absolute vacuum without physical meanings beyond the universe space. The expansion and contraction of substances in the universe always counterbalance each other, just as the ebb and flow of the tides always counterbalance each other, so total volume of the universe is approximately constant. The universe can never obviously expand so Einstein was right to add the cosmological constant to the equations of gravity.

Mathematics and physics are the two most basic subjects in the universe. Everything in the universe can be explained by mathematics and physics. In the computer world, many things can be described by various software programs with 0 and 1. In fact, everything in the universe can be described by the various combinations of the three basic values "-1, 0 and +1 "of a basic physical quantity in the three-dimensional space, so everything in the universe has a corresponding mathematical expression. No matter how the universe changes, a large number of -1 and +1 always counterbalance each other keeping the balance of the universe. The sum of any kind of vector quantity of all of substances in the whole universe is equal to zero forever. For example, the total momentum of all of substances is equal to zero forever.

Evolutions of stars are physical evolutions based on infinite loops between small substances and big substances. Dynamic balance equation is: basic retiform substances ⇌ atoms ⇌ inorganic substances ⇌ star. Evolution of lives is chemical evolution based on infinite loops between simple substances and complex substances. Dynamic balance equation is: inorganic substances ⇌ germs ⇌ animals ⇌ ancient humans ⇌ now humans ⇌ future humans.

From the point of view of physics, the universe = (big substance⇌ small substances) + (small substances ⇌ big substance) +……+ (big substance⇌ small substances) + (small substances ⇌ big substance). From the point of view of chemistry, the universe = (simple substances ⇌ complex substance) + (complex substance ⇌ simple substances) +…… + (simple substances ⇌ complex substance) + (complex substance ⇌ simple substances). All of above dynamic equations keep the balance of volume and entropy of the whole universe.

Every star system in the universe has a physical center and a chemical center where there are probably lives. The lives in some star systems are more advanced than we are. But the lives in another star systems fall behind us. Some of them live in the process of development but others live in the process of degeneration. But the entirety of balanced universe has never development or degeneration. Assuming the universe has 2 billion and one star systems with lives, the evolution degree of all of these star systems could be respectively marked with the integers -1000000000, . . . . . . , -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, . . . . . . , +1000000000 and the sum of all of the integers is zero. Any of the humans on the planet in any star system cannot safely arrive to any other planet with humans in another star system, because the hypervelocity required for an interstellar crossing would make anyone's body disintegrate before a successful crossing.

2, General trends of the earth.
The sun is the physical center of the sun system and the earth is the chemical center of the sun system. The process of life evolution is the process of chemical synthesis, and the process of life degradation is the process of chemical decomposition. The chemical evolution of life is also the building of a chemical pyramid. From the bottom to top of the chemical pyramid is: the sun, the inorganic substances on the earth, plants, animals, underclasses of humans, middle classes of humans, upper classes of humans. Based on physical mass, humans are very tiny in the sun system; based on chemical structure, humans are the most high-ranking and most intelligent objects in the sun system. The height of the chemical pyramid represents the degree of human evolution. When the height of the chemical pyramid reaches its maximum, human beings will begin to degrade. The process of human degradation is the process of the gradual collapse of the chemical pyramid.

In the same star system, the physical evolution of the physical center and the chemical evolution of the chemical center are always in the opposite pace. For example, the physical mass of the sun is becoming smaller and the sun is in degradation, while the chemical structure of human body on the earth is becoming bigger and the earth is in evolution. The chemical pyramid can be subdivided into hundreds of hierarchies, and the starting point of every hierarchy can be marked by 10, 100, 1000, 10000……of the mathematical decimal system. In a high-efficiency society, people move from one hierarchy to another at a speed consistent with the development speed of productivity.

High buildings need strong foundations. In the same way, the chemical pyramid becomes higher after lower hierarchies of the pyramid become wider. The resources of building the pyramid are always limited, so there is a contradiction between making the pyramid higher and making it wider, similar to the contradiction between quantity and quality. Whenever the height of the pyramid increases more than the width of the pyramid, the pyramid will briefly become lower to accelerate the growth of the width. The chemical pyramid has to go through the process of being lower to make the pyramid wider for many times and then makes the pyramid higher for many times, which embodies the philosophical principle of negation of negation.

Everyone is part of the chemical pyramid, so everyone's chemical structure affects the structure of the chemical pyramid. Human chemical structure depends on human genes, which are similar to the foundations of a building, and the degree of gene expression is similar to the height of a building. Whenever human gene expression exceeds the limit, human will encounter setbacks to optimize the gene structure and lay the foundation for higher gene expression. Therefore, the human world are always full of the stories of negation of negation, and the stories of survival of the fittest.

The earth is also the information center of the sun system, the evolution process of lives is also the connection process of informations of substances, the degradation process of lives is also the fracture process of informations of substances. Informations of substances by human vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch connect to the neural networks of human brain. In the course of human growth and evolution, more and more informations of substances in the universe have been connecting to human brains so human neural networks have been getting more and more complex. Many planets of many star systems have humans, but only one planet's human brains can connect all of key informations of the whole universe so as to get to the peak of human intelligence. The human brains on the earth are far away from that peak.

After the informations entering human brains, they will auto arrange layer-by-layer just like the electrons outside the nucleus. Important informations arrange in the inner layer and subordinate informations arrange in the outer layer. When we are asleep, our brains layer the informations received over the rencent day so as to make them logical. Therefore, sometimes we could have some good ideas or understand some difficult problems when we wake up. When our brains receive too many informations,
the informations at the outermost layer in the brains will break loose just like the free electrons of metals and freely combine into littery and illusory dreams.

Human has three kinds of basic states: painful, balanced and happy. Everybody is always in elastic fluctuation among the three states. We can use -1, 0 and +1 to mark the lowest degree of pain, balance and lowest degree of happiness so the states of everybody's lifetime are made up of complex combinations of -1, 0 and +1. On the evolutionary planets, such as our earth, competitions are generally positive-sum competitions so total happiness of the people is generally greater than total pain of the people. For most individuals, the total happiness in their whole lifetime is generally greater than their total pain. In most times of the earth's human history, social competitions were positive-sum competitions. On the degenerative planets, the competitions are negative-sum competitions so total pain is greater than total happiness. But positive-sum and negative-sum competitions in partial universe together make up zero-sum competitions of the whole universe.

The human nature of all people at any time is tending happiness and avoiding pain. The human nature is neutral and there is no virtue or vice. Neutral human nature is like colorless chemical test paper which shows different colors after encountering different reagents. If a person luckily gets happiness of long time because of others, he will become virtuous. If a person unluckily gets pain of long time because of others, he will become evil. Human is more intelligent than any animal, but nature of humans is not kinder or more distingue than nature of any animal. Nature of humans and all of animals is neutral forever. There are not the good people and the bad people but the strong and the weak, the lucky and the unlucky.

In the process of everyone's life, health is the foundation, happiness is the goal, cognition is the way and power is the tool. Power and cognition are not certainly proportional to happiness. Cognition reflects one's ideal and power reflects one's reality. When power is stronger than cognition, human is happy; when power and cognition are proportionable, human emotion is balanced; when power is weaker than cognition, human is painful. Weak women are generally happier than powerful men, and childish children are generally happier than mature adults, because power of women and children is generally greater than their cognition.

For a country, the more objective the people's perceptions are, the powerful the country is. In the past thousands of years, human perceptions became more and more objective so human lives became netter and better. For individuals, the more objective a person's perceptions are, the more intelligent the person is; the more truths a person say, the happier the person is. In a word, the process of human evolution is also the process of seeking truths. And the hypocritical attitudes of the U.S. government and congress toward the Chinese company Huawei indicate that the national strength of the United States is about to decline sharply.

From slave society to feudal society and capitalist society in the past thousands of years, there were two main clues of the social developments: technology improvements and power flattening, which respectively represent development of productive forces and productive relations. Technological inventions such as paper, books, trains, cars, planes, telephones, computers and mobile phones have all accelerated the spread of informations and flattened the distribution of social powers.

The coming 5G communication network and Internet of Things will greatly accelerate the spread of informations and continue flattening the distribution of social power, which will trigger the following series of social revolutions and the fifth technological revolution.

3, All kinds of religions will disappear.
All kinds of religions are hypocritical and the only difference between them is hypocrisy degree. The religion with lowest degree of hypocrisy is Protestantism. Catholicism is the most hypocritical of the three branches of Christianity because of existence of the redundant Pope. Buddhism is a negative and escapist religion so it is the most hypocritical religion.

If gods really exist and they control human happiness and pain, power and wealth, why aren't the clergies, who are closest to gods, the happiest or the richest or the most long-lived people in the world? Why do they need the help of doctor when they have a cold? Why can't they predict the stock market and the presidential election accurately? In fact, they are all the cheats who have not any special useful ability.

The universe is made up of interconnected and counterbalanced substances and the butterfly effect applies to the entire universe. Thus, 100% of personal fate depends on dynamic universe, about 99.99% of personal fate depends on dynamic solar system, about 50% of personal fate directly depends on dynamic earth, about 10% of personal fate depends on our dynamic nation, and about 1% of personal fate depends on oneself. Though these numbers are not precise, they can roughly explain that everyone is too tiny in the external environment to control one's fate.

The environments are too powerful and unpredictable, which is one of the key reasons why many people believe gods. They believe that the gods control human destiny. The other of the key reasons is that scientists have not yet been able to explain everything in the universe. Therefore, human abilities of perceiving and controlling the environments are inversely proportional to human belief degree of religions. Scientists will explain everything one day.

On the other hand, people's ability to improve their fate is also inversely proportional to the degree of believing religions. Most of People in China, Japan and South Korea do not believe in any religion because the three countries have undergone great changes in recent decades. Their people have been acutely aware that not religions but reforms, openness and technologies have rapidly improved their fate. On the contrary, west Asia, South Asia, southeast Asia and Africa, which were not able to significantly improve their fate in the past hundreds of years, are just the most religiously superstitious regions in the world, so their people generally place their hopes of improving their fate in religions rather than in governments.

The significance of religions for adult believers is actually like the significance of fantasy fairy tales for children. That is to say, religions are the fairy tales for the adult believers. In order to pacify weak children's fear of the strange and cruel world, adults make a lot of fantasy fairy tale, cartoons and animated films. However, as the children grow up, they query and give up these tales gradually. In the same way, as the science and technology develop, more and more people will query and give up religions until all kinds of religions disappear.

4, Intellectualism will replace capitalism.
Why could capitalism replace feudalism? Capitalism followed the trend of power flattening and wiped out the power bastions of hereditary aristocracies so as to make powers flow to civilians faster. How will capitalism change to follow the trend of power flattening?

Economy in today's world is driven primarily by technologies and finance, but future economy will be driven primarily by technologies. Technological innovations are based on intelligence so the main character of future economy will be intellectualism. The intermediary role of finance in economic development will be greatly weakened.

All of objects and people in the universe are always in the dynamic balance between getting energies and losing energies. If a person can't get enough energies to balance the losing energies, he will decline. In other words, everyone boats against water flow and will recede if not advance. In the future, all of assets will follow the aforementioned law of nature. All of assets of all individuals over extreme poverty line will be taxed. That is to say, the building taxes will be applied to all of assets. The more assets a person owns, the more taxes he must pay, so the asset tax reflects the balance of rights and responsibilities.

The enterprise income tax, individual income tax and sales tax will be all abolished and the individual asset tax will become the major income source of governments. All of enterprises will not directly pay tax because all of enterprises are individual assets of someone or some ones, who must pay individual asset tax for all of their assets including their enterprise assets. For the people over extreme poverty line, no matter whether they earn incomes and no matter how many incomes they earn, the tax rate for the net assets of all individuals will be same. All of assets will flow faster in the whole society. Innovative enterprises and individuals will benefit greatly.

The only exception is: the tax rate for the monopolistic enterprises with more than 50 percent of the market share, such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, will be far higher so as to guarantee fair market competitions. That is to say, the shareholders of the monopolistic enterprises will pay more individual asset tax. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and Morgan ever monopolized American oil, steel and electric power, which were later curbed by the anti-monopoly law. Today some IT companies monopolize search engines, social softwares, shopping websites, operating systems and personal data, which will be curbed by high tax rate.

All of assets will flow faster among kinds of people, benefiting innovative people who can appreciate their assets substantially. Only those who rely on sustained intellectual innovation can maintain or increase their wealth, which is the core goal of intellectualism.

Huawei, No.1 high-tech company of China, has never been listed since it was founded in 1987. All of its shares are held by about 97 thousands of excellent employees who have made obvious contributions to the company. About 91 thousands of other employees without obvious contributions have no share. Moreover, the shares held by the key employees are valid for long term and the other shares are valid for only five years. For most of shareholders, their shares will be forcedly bought back by the company when they leave the company. Not the speculators but the important employees with contributions share the profits and take risks together, which is the most advanced share system in the world.

And this kind of flat ownership structure follows the general trend of power flattening so it will be imitated by most of enterprises in the world. More and more start-ups will not sell their shares in the stock exchanges. In addition, most of listed companies will gradually withdraw from the stock exchanges. The listed companies will be less and less so that useness of the stock market will be weakened greatly. Huawei is the first Chinese company that is ahead of European, American and Japanese companies in both technologies and company systems. The US government has tried all of means to crack down on Huawei, which will only accelerate Huawei's development.

In addition, more assets will flow to the knowledge creators such as mathematician, scientists, philosophers and economists because all of technological inventions and all of laws were based on the basic theories created by them. Euclid, Archimedes, Newton, Euler, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Adam Smith, Keynes, Gauss, Riemann, Bentham, Montesquieu... are the smartest people in human history who are more than 10 times smarter than Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. The influences of the stars like Euclid or Newton will last hundreds or even thousands of years but the influences of the shooting stars like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates will not.

However, most of the theorists were not rich and their assets did not match their wisdom. Moreover, current theorists can not apply for theory patents yet and 9 millions of Swedish kronor of the Nobel Prize is far too few. Some of the World Cup winners in esports are naive minors, but they get far more money than a Nobel Prize. In the future, all of excellent theorists will be very rich because their theories will become the patents with high values and will be not freely quoted and used any longer.

5, Marriage and family will disappear.
Any mutual love is based on mutually meeting the lover's needs. But needs of everyone change constantly with time and space because everyone always stay in ever-changing environments. No one can always keep up with dynamic needs of one's lovers so love is easy to deteriorate and disappear. We can easily lose old love and easily get new love again. All kinds of emotions between lovers or family members or friends follow the above rules. Some people often ask their lovers:"Do you truly love me?" In fact, difference between all kinds of loves is not "true or false" but different shelf life. Thus, marriages are fragile and there will be more and more extramarital loves and divorces until all of marriages disintegrate completely.

And family seriously hinders optimal allocation of resources. Some clever children live in bad families but some foolish children live in good families. Poorness, quarrel, fight, divorce and death of parents could hinder development of children; and children's trouble could also hinder lives and work of parents. In short, family is baggage of both parents and children. Giving up family will liberate both parents and children, and will improve society efficiency greatly.

In addition, fostering children is essentially one kind of strategic investment of long time. The average rate of return on this investment will continue declining in the future because of human selfishness and the aging population, which is also an important reason why marriages and families will disappear.

Therefore, future lovers will be dynamic and temporary couples based on their dynamic needs and desires. The free society completely based on individuals will appear. Current interpersonal relationship is just like time-consuming dinners but future interpersonal relationship will be like brief snacks. The society without marriage and family would run as follows:

(1) Women in the future will not endure much pain to gratis give birth to the society so governments will reward all of puerperae. And governments will dynamically change quantity of rewards to avoid too many or too few populations. Perhaps, in vitro fertilization and artificial uterus will completely replace the role of pregnant women.

(2) Temporary couples give their babies to governments. Then the parents will be not the sociological parents any longer but the biological parents of the babies. There will be not any of direct rights and obligation between parents and children. Legacy of everyone will be completely confiscated by governments.

(3) Governments will set up some special organizations at densely populated areas and hire some professional nurses and teachers to raise and teach children. All of working people must pay the fostering taxes but they will never directly foster children so as to have more time to work and play. In today's society, the rights and obligations between parents and children are very vague, and some parents and children have almost endless responsibilities and obligations. In the future, the rights and obligations between parents and children are very clear.

(4) The influences of richness or poverty of families on children will be eliminated completely, and any student who makes physical violence to bully others will be severely punished. The good learning environments will greatly improve the intellectual level of students.

The above ways of raising and educating children amount to an improved version of Nordic socialism. With the development of communication network and transportation network, the weak have more and more chances to defeat the strong. The social powers will flow faster and faster among people. For the first time, socialism will become a kind of viable and advanced social model. In the future, the role of American individualism will be weaker and the role of socialism will be stronger. The happiness gap between people will decrease but the overall security of human society will increase.

6, Populations will reduce greatly.
The earth's populations will soon reach the peak because more and more people are not willing to marriage and foster child, more and more people want to change the crowded society, and machines and robots replace more and more workers and farmers. The earth's populations will never reach 10 billion predicted by the United Nations. The turning point will appear before populations reach to 8 billion and then populations will reduce about 50 percent in the next 50 years and then gradually reduce to less than 1 billion.

The urbanization lasting few hundreds of years will be reversed. The population of crowded cities will greatly reduce and the population of suburbs and rural areas with better ecological environment will greatly increase. The number of tourists to Antarctica, the Arctic Circle, the virgin forests and the savannas will increase greatly.

Most of the white-collar workers will have their own independent office, per-capita area of offices will gradually increase, and per-capita area of single residence will gradually reach to more than 1000 square meters. Most of high buildings in New York, Tokyo, Singapore, HongKong and Shanghai will become slums or disappear. There will be not a city with more than 1 million populations. Thus we will not need harsh measures to reduce carbon emission.

Faster and better Internet and the Internet of things will support low-density and dispersive society in the future. Bandwidth of Internet will be increased by dozens of times to hundreds of times. Video phone, network shopping, network education, network meeting will be popularized gradually. The necessity of contact between people at short range will reduce greatly. Except for experiments of physics and chemistry, all of theory lessons of natural science and social science will spread through Internet. Many middle-aged and old people will get the degrees of famous universities through the network schools. The Internet of things will enable people to remotely control a large number of living and producing equipment through mobile phones and computers, which will greatly reduce the needs for transportation.

As the population shrinks, the problem of aging will be worse and worse. No government can take care of all interests of all people, so the governments will have to withdraw from the pension system and no longer intervene in the pension fund. Compared with the unfortunate deaths of minors, young people and middle-aged people, the elderly are fortunate. Human society is nearly zero-sum-competition society, so the comfortable old people make others bear too much competitive pressure, which makes many criminal cases and social problems.

The cost of supporting the underage population will also be greatly reduced. Winter and summer holidays for all students will be abolished, and all students' holidays will be the same as those for adult workers. The 12 years leading up to college will be reduced to nine, accelerating the pace of learning and reducing the cost of education. Teachers' holidays will also be reduced, and teaching will no longer be the world's least busy job. Teachers' salaries will increase in line with their workload, which will attract better people to the teaching profession and improve the quality of teaching. Meanwhile, today's information technology has dramatically increased the speed at which minors mature, so the age standard for adults will lower from 18 to 15.

American anti-abortion laws are woefully backward. In the future, the whole world will allow abortion. Moreover, euthanasia for all of people, including the babies with serious birth defects and the old people with serious disease, will be legalized. All of deaths except accidental deaths will be painless euthanasia. Painful suicides, such as falling from a building or cutting one's wrists, will disappear.

If populations reduce greatly, humans will not need to make harsh measures to cope with climate warming. It's very wise for America to quit the Paris Agreement because the most effective way for environmental protection is to reduce the populations in the world.

7, All drugs will be legalized.
Survival of the fittest has always been the first law of human society, which stimulates the desire of all people to win. At any time and in any country, about a third of the people are winners, about a third are losers, and the another third are neither winners nor losers. As a result, only about one third of the people can beat their rivals in their studies or careers so as to get the pleasure of winning. About two-thirds of the population had to resort to video games, board and card games, religions, alcohol, tobacco and drugs for relieving pains and getting alternative pleasures. However, the government's ban on drugs deprives many people of their happiness and forces them to live a depressed life or commit suicide or crime.

Chinese people are more dependent on tobacco than most countries, because they are less dependent on religions than most countries. Hypocritical religions can help ease the anger and anxiety of some naive losers. However, all religions will disappear completely, and all losers will rely on tobacco, alcohol, drugs and so on to relieve anger and anxiety. Drug sales around the world are bound to rise sharply with the decline of religions.

Abolishing the ban on all of drugs would reduce crime by more than 90 per cent and make a harmonious society a reality. The government should not only legalize all of drugs, but also provide cheap drugs such as marijuana for free to those who need drugs but cannot afford them. Although drugs may cause harm to the human body, the life of depression, endless hatred and killing are far more harmful to human body than all of drugs.

Besides, isn't the process of obtaining proper happiness harmful to the body? Almost all of workers suffer from a variety of illnesses due to stress or poor working conditions. Miners and machine operators may suffer work-related injuries, programmers who work too much overtime may die of overwork, soldiers and police may die on the job, truck drivers may be injured or killed in accidents and so on. In short, there are few completely healthy jobs in the world, and there are few completely healthy ways to get happiness. Quick and alternative pleasures from drugs can harm the body, as can slow orthodox pleasures from professional success. Drugs are toxic but jobs are toxic too.

8. The power of politicians will be greatly weakened.
The Internet has been making wisdom and power flow around the world at unprecedented speeds, and making all kinds of informations around the world more and more transparent. As a result, the distribution of social powers will become more and more flat, and strongman politics will completely end.

Future politicians will be more executors of public opinions than dominators of people. Powers of politicians will be greatly reduced and burdens of taxpayers providing for politicians will be greatly weakened.

With the developments of the Internet and biometrics, electors will participate in various elections and votes through the Internet. There will be at least one online referendum every year to shape national policies and give politicians a vote of confidence or no confidence.

9, Calendar will be simplified greatly.
(1) Month1, Month2, Month3......Month12 will respectively replace January, February, March......December. Week1, Week2, Week3, Week4, Week5, Week6 and Week7 will respectively replace Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

(2) Today's complicated Gregorian calendar is based on the Julian calendar containing the unreasonable personal elements of the Roman Emperor more than two thousand years ago so as to be abolished. Here is a very simple calendar that fits the working habits of contemporary people: (in common year) 365 days = ( 7 days * 4 weeks+1 day+1 day ) * 12 months+5 days, and (in leap year) 366 days = ( 7 days * 4 weeks+1 day+1 day )*12 months+6 days. "5 days" or "6 days" therein will be used for Christmas. "1 day+1 day" therein will be the 29th day and the 30th day of every month. The 29th day will become the fixed holiday to replace all of current disorderly holidays except Christmas. The 30th day will be a special working day or activity day for holding meetings that summarize work of this month and plan work of the next month or holding other special activities of company.

Thus the work days and holidays will be connected. The questions, such as "what day is today" and "how many days does this month have", will be far easier for us. Some of our brain cells can be liberated from disorderly calendar. And all of holidays will be synchronous all over the world for the first time, which is very important for the process of global integration. Maybe some people think that holidays such as National Day are too serious to change, but why should we be chained to the history of the past? As long as it is a beneficial thing, we can do it.

10, English will be simplified greatly.
The earth will surely become a unified federation just like that the first emperor of China unified the seven kingdoms of China and Lincoln unified the south and the north of USA in the past. The earth federation only needs one kind of unified language. English is the most popular language of the world but so far no nation has volunteered giving up its own language and completely accepting English. Thus English is not enough simple and most of English learners are attracted not by English itself but power of UK and USA. It's impossible for current complex English to become the language of the earth federation.

English will absorb the advantages of other languages such as Chinese, Italian, Japanese and German and be greatly simplified so as to become common language of the world. A kind of language is like a truck carrying informations. On the premise that the same informations can be transmitted accurately, the lighter the truck is, the more efficient the transmission of informations is. English will be simplified at the following aspects:

(1) Unify all of letters and all of phonetic symbols of English, and simplify the forms and pronunciations of all words as follows:
Merge all of similar phonetic symbols. Merge [a:] and [∧] into [a], i.e. [a:]=[∧]→[a] for short, the same below: [i:]=[ ɪ ]→[ i ], [ɔː]=[ɒ]→[o], [u:]=[ ʊ ]→[ u ], [ɜː]=[ə]→[ə], [ l ]=[ ð ]→[ l ], [ʒ]=[dʒ]→[ʒ], [n]=[ŋ]→[n], [ s ]=[θ]→[ s ].

The letters "c, q, x, y" will be abolished because there are not the phonetic symbols "[c], [q], [x], [y]". And "ə, ∫, ʒ" will be not only phonetic symbols but also letters. Then there will be respectively 6 vowel letters and 6 single vowels, 19 consonant letters and 19 single consonants. The 25 basic phonetic symbols will just match the 25 letters one on one in any word. For example, [ a ], [ ə ], [ e ], [ i ], [ o ], [ u ] will be respectively the pronunciations of the letters "a, ə, e, i, o, u" in any word. There will be not any silent letter in any word. Twenty-five new letters will be:
a , e , ə , i , o , u
b , d , f , g , h , j , k , l , m , n , p , r , s , t , v , w , ∫ , ʒ , z

Moreover, [bl]=[bəu] [dl]=[dəu] [gl]=[gəu] [kl]=[kəu] [nl]=[nəl]=[nəu] [pl]=[pəu] [sl]=[səu] [tl]=[təu].

For almost all of disyllabic and polysyllabic words, the consonants except n at the end of the words not only are useless but also hinder speaking English, so they will be abolished. Some monosyllabic homophones need to be deformed to avoid homophones.

Many words will deform according to above rules. For example, English will be replaced by Inli, i.e. (English, Inli). The following are some simple words: (I, Ai) (you, ju) (he, hi) (she, ∫i) (we, wi) (they, lei) (my, mai) (your, jo) (her, hə) (our, auə) (their, leə) (do, du) (what, wot) (who, hu) (why, wai) (where, weə) (when, wen) (which, wit∫) (America, əmerikə) (Europe, Juərə) (China,T∫ainə) (Russia, Ra∫ə) (Canada, Kænədə) (country, kantri) (oxygen, osiʒən) (sure, ∫uə) (president, prezidən) (finish, fini) (calculate, kækjulei) (Christmas, krimə) (exhibition, esibi∫ən) (physics, fizi) (philosophy, filosəfi) (economy, ikonəmi) (phone, fəun) (often, ofən) (anything, enisin) (everything, erisin) (nothing, nasin) (receive, risi) (accept, əse) (cable, keibəu) (one, wan) (two, tu) (too, tju) (tool, tuə) (three, sri) (four, fo) (for, foə) (five, faiv) (six, siks) (seven, sevən) (eight, eit) (nine, nain) (hundred, handrə) (thousand, sauzən) (million, miljən) (billion, biljən) (war, wo) (wall, woə), (see, si) (sea, siə) (tell, teə) (contact, kəntæ) (baby, beibi) (knife, naif) (night, nait).

(2) Transformations of verbs will be simplified greatly.
Merge "am, is, are" into "bi", merge "was, were" into "woz". Let "biin do sth" replace "am(is, are) doing sth"; let "wozin do sth" replace "was(were) doing sth"; let "di do sth" replace "do-ed sth"; let "hævən do sth" replace "have(has) done sth"; let "hædən do sth" replace "had done sth"; let "hævən biin do sth" replace "have(has) been doing sth", let "hædən biin do sth" replace "had been doing sth", let "will biin do sth" replace "will be doing sth", let "will hævən do sth" replace "will have done sth", let "will hævən biin do sth" replace "will have been doing sth", let "would biin do sth" replace "would be doing sth", let "would hævən do sth" replace "would have done sth", let "would hævən biin do sth" replace "would have been doing sth". Moreover, singular form in third personal of verbs will be abolished. Thus, all of verbs will never transform in any tense. The new words -- biin, wozin, di, hævən, hædən are all auxiliaries similar to will and would. These auxiliaries can make all of verbs not need to transform any longer in any of the sixteen tenses.

(3) The past participle forms of the verbs remain in the passive voice. And some of past participles will continue as adjectives. The gerund "do-ing" will be replaced by "do-in".

(4) Let "mo adj" replace "adj-er or more adj" to express the comparative adjectives of all adjectives. And let "məu adj" replace "adj-est or most adj" to express the superlative adjectives of all adjectives. "mo" and "məu" respectively are simplified words from more and most. All adverbs obey the same rules. Thus all of adjectives and all of adverbs will not transform any longer.

11, Tall or big men will lose dominance over the world.
Why did the huge dinosaurs die out early? Why did light humans defeat heavy lions, tigers, elephants, whales, crocodiles and polar bears and become the rulers on the earth? Because the main axis and the key to the evolution of animals and humans are not muscles or bones but the brains, and human brains are far smarter than the brains of any kind of animals.

However, why do light men (short and thin men) and women hardly challenge heavy men (tall or big men) since thousands of years ago? Humans can isolate the brutal animals but light men and women have to contact with heavy men at close range. Heavy men depend on their bones and muscles to protect themselves and threaten others so that they can get more and better living spaces and life experiences to make their brains smarter. Restricted and repressed lives hinder the developments of the brains of light men and women. Thus, bones and muscles make heavy men get both physical advantages and intellectual advantages.

Though three technology revolutions in the last hundreds of years made powers of heavy men weaken greatly, they made quantitative changes of powers rather than qualitative change. The qualitative changes of powers will certainly happen because two sides of contradictions, such as the big and the small, the strong and the weak, are not only interdependent but also interchangeable. Light men and women must get the ability of sufficient self-defense, which is the precondition of qualitative change of powers.

Many actions in American sci-fi movies like Star Wars and Star Trek lack high technologies. The main characters in the movies don't wear protective suits with helmets when they fight at close range, and the lightsabers they use aren't effortless, long-range weapons. Even worse, sometimes the main characters fight with aliens with their bare hands. They need high-tech protective suits and weapons.

In the future, some enterprises will invent powerful protective suits and light weapons which make light men and women get sufficient self-defense ability. The protective suits similar to space suits or the suits of the Iron Man and Ultraman will protect the whole body of human. The protective suits will resist physical violence, guns, metal knives, bludgeon, hotness and coldness, filter air and be equipped with rearview mirror and night-vision. And all of protective suits in the future will be smart devices and be connected to the Internet of things for public security so that the policemen can immediately receive the wireless signal for help from anywhere. Perhaps the suits must be bulletproof unless governments will ban civilians from owning guns.

Will protective suits make people hard to move quickly? Yes, more or less. However, nothing is more important than body safety and protective suits will make it possible for light men and women to turn over the weak status lasting thousands of years. It is worthy for them to endure a little of inconveniences. Moreover, Internet shopping, home office and Internet teaching will become more and more popular and population and population density will both reduce greatly, which will greatly reduce necessity for people to contact at short range. Thus, the people need to wear protective suits just at few dangerous cases. And protective suits will become more and more powerful, lighter and lighter, cheaper and cheaper with progress of science and technologies, which is similar to the development course of computers and mobile phones.

Some of the aged people, the light men and women are senior officials or rich people. Though they have high social status, they always lack sense of safety when they alone face heavy men at short range. Thus, they most need and will first own the powerful protective suits and weapons which will become important guarantee and symbol of their social status. And they will greatly reduce dependence on bodyguards. The attacks of high-tech weapons, without body touch, will replace barefisted attacks. Long-range attacks by high-tech weapons will widely replace close-range attacks by bones and muscles. Bones and muscles will be not advantage of heavy men but their burden and weaknesses so their power will be surpassed by light men and women. And women will greatly reduce dependence on cosmetic products, cosmetic surgery and high-heeled shoes which ever help them please men.

People will not adore and aspire for tall and strong body shape any longer. The only purpose of physical training will be to maintain physical fitness so all of professional sports tournaments such as Football World Cup, NBA, Olympic Games will disappear. The "heavy" sports of high intensity will be greatly changed or disappear. For example, the height of basketry for basketball will reduce. The "light" sports of low intensity, such as table tennis and badminton, will be more popular. Thus bones and muscles of our bodies will shrink. Height and weight of our bodies will reduce. Consumption quantity of human foods will reduce, which is conducive to environment protection. There will be more and more elites as thin as Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba.

In the future, most of light men will take the dominant positions of the society. In the further future, based on the law of unity of opposites that is universally applicable in the universe, most of women will take the dominant positions of the society. Most men's lives are like boating against water flow, and most women's lives are like boating down water flow. Water flow is just like the trend of the world. Adverse water often makes men depressed and favorable water often makes women free and easy. Most of women are happier than most of men, although most of women are ruled by most of men.

12, Molecular foods will become staple foods.
After the populations greatly reduce and human bodies become shorter and thinner, humans will be able to gradually popularize high quality and high price of molecular foods. Long long ago, animals and primitive people ate uncooked foods and drank unboiled water. Then humans ate cooked foods and drank boiled water, which was an important milestone of human evolution. However, the current staple foods are not fundamentally different from the staple food of more than 2,000 years ago.

It is time for human beings to prepare for the revolution about staple foods. It will be the next milestone of human evolution that accurate molecular foods become staple foods. In the future, most of foods that we eat will be purer and purer. Most of grains, vegetables and meats will be sent into foods factories then we will industrially extract what our bodies really need: carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and mineral substances. The difference between now rough foods and future molecular foods is like the difference between ordinary bombs and precision-guided bombs. Various delicate nutrients, such as vitamins, lutein and Omega-3, extracted from animals and plants by some companies are some kinds of molecular foods and will become more and more popular.

High-tech medical equipments in the future will help us know which and how many of carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and mineral substances and then we can choose different kinds of molecular foods. Large molecular food factories will bring together many of top talents so the average income of biological talents will catch up with or surpass that of IT talents, and the biological age will indeed come. The number of chefs will reduce greatly and the few remaining chefs will be proficient in biochemistry.

All of people except the poor will choose different kinds of molecular foods as their staple foods and choose some of rough foods as auxiliary foods so that we can greatly reduce germs and viruses entering our bodies with foods. In addition, extracting and processing rough foods by high-tech food factories will replace some work of the digestive organs such as teeth, throat, stomach, intestines and liver, so the burden and volume of the digestive organs such as stomach, intestine and liver will greatly reduce. As a result, human belly will become smaller and human stature will become lower.

The protective clothing, molecular foods and medical technologies above are all related to human safety and health, and will together cause the fifth technological revolution.

13, China will counterbalance US on hard power within a decade.
Egypt was the first great country in human history, followed by Greece and Rome. The three countries are all near the geographical center of the earth -- the Mediterranean Sea. Geographical advantage made them become the collecting and distributing center of commodities and wisdom of Africa, Asia and Europe. Before the maritime navigation era, only around the geographical center of the world, could there be great country. The Britain was ever ruled by the Romans, the Nordics and the French, and later learned Netherlandish capitalism. The Britain had learned the most sufficient wisdom of foreign culture so that the recent Britain was the most influential country in human history.

US, on the geographical edge of the world, was ever isolated and fell behind. Then many of European invaders and immigrants completely rebuilt the US. European exellent wisdom further developed after entering US which is much larger than any common Europe country, which made US rise rapidly. Later, the elites all over the world poured into US, which made US the great country with the most global influences in human history.

To sum up, there has never been a pure great nation in the world, and all of great innovations are not pure originalities. Learning and absorbing the wisdom of the strong is the key reason for the weak to become the strong, while being learned and absorbed by the weak is the key reason for the strong to become the weak, and isolation is the key reason for the weak to become weaker. Chinese culture has never had a profound impact on the world because China is geographically marginal and does not have the opportunity to learn enough foreign wisdom.

The history of mankind is the history of the weak learning, challenging and surpassing the strong so the past Egypt, Greece, Rome and Britain could not maintain their leadership and the US will lose its leadership too. The global Internet invented by the US made the developing countries such as China learn and absorb global wisdom at an unprecedented speed. Distribution of powers on the earth will flatten faster and trend towards multipolarity faster. US hegemony is facing unprecedented challenges from China.

Huge population is China's greatest advantage to counterbalance the US. Only China can greatly contribute to the broader democracy in world politics by ending the hegemony of the US. The trade war instigated by the US will accelerate US's decline with unleashing China's potential. US's future has been severely overdrafted by huge national debts and stockmarket bubbles of US. The market values of many companies such as Amazon and Apple have huge bubbles.

Within a decade, China's hard power will be strong enough to counterbalance USA. China's rising will weaken Europe in some ways, but China's One Belt And One Road strategy will benefit Europe by integrating Asia and Europe economically.

US officials often accuse China of threatening international rules. At the heart of today's international rules, however, is the hegemony of US, which has long used its military bases all over the world, hegemony of the US dollar and the monopoly of the companies like Microsoft and Google to squeeze other countries. It will benefit the most people in the world for China to end the hegemony of US.

14, EU will become the European Federation and lead the world.
The No.3 part to No.10 part of above are the frameworks of the future social revolutions, which will be triggered by the fourth technological revolution based on 5G communication and the Internet of things. No.11 part and No.12 part belong to the fifth technological revolution. Where will the social revolutions and the fifth technological revolution take place first?

Although US has been making new achievements in scientific and technological innovations, it has not made great achievements in culture innovation. US has only made some little changes on the basis of European culture. The innovations of culture in the future must meet the trend of power flattening. However, as the only superpower and vested interests in the world today, US will not actively release power to meet the trend of power flattening. Therefore, US has not enough motivation to build a new world.

However, the huge population is also the biggest disadvantage for China to become a high quality country. China has the largest quantity of high-density but low-quality buildings in the world. China has not any city like US high-tech center-- Silicon Valley where is made up of low-density but high-quality buildings. It will take several decades for China to reduce so many redundant populations. The populous China will not practice the most cutting-edge culture and social system. China can cultivate some of the world's most cutting-edge companies and individuals, but their wisdom cannot be fully used in the populous and conservative China. Therefore, China is doomed not to lead the world.

EU faces the danger of further fragmentation and strong pressures from the assertive US and the rising China, so EU has a strong incentive for revolution. Disunity is both disadvantage and advantage of EU. The area of EU has always been the best experiment area for social revolution. Greece, Rome, Netherlands and Britain were successively the most influential country in the world. The major philosophical, scientific and economic theories and major technologies originated in EU far exceed those of any other region so EU has the most profound cultural deposits. In addition, EU is very close to the Mediterranean Sea which is the geographical center of the world. Therefore, EU has the most potentials to guide the world on future culture.

US is like a strong acid, China is like a weak base but will gradually become a strong base to balance US. The future EU will be like neutral water and represent the universal culture of the world to guide the world. EU will plant the future seeds of "make Europe truly unite" and "make Europe great again" within ten years. However, President Trump's slogan, "make America great again", is a complete joke.

US is also like the lion king, China is like the strongest elephant, India is like the fattest elephant, Japan is like an alone wolf, Russia is like a remote polar bear and EU is like a pack of non-united wolves. Only united wolves can surpass the lion king.

In the short term, the EU could break up. In the long term, the EU is bound to become a politically integrated European federation. Strong pressures on the EU from the assertive US and the rising China would unleash the potential of the lazy EU and force EU to unite as never before. A frumpy EU would become a politically integrated European Union. Then the fifth technological revolution will take place first in the European Federation, which will lead the world in hard power.

15, The earth will become a politically integrated earth federation.
The essence of democratization is power flattening. The democratization of a country is the embodiment of power flattening in the country, while the democratization of the whole earth is the embodiment of power flattening in the whole earth. The trend towards democratization of the whole earth is the earth federation.

After the EU becomes a politically integrated European Federation, it will form a three-way world together with US and China. The European Federation will have world leadership, but it cannot have absolute dominance because global Internet and transport networks make wisdom and power move around the earth at unprecedented speeds. The relative balance of future three-way world would make the earth federation become the best choice for most countries.

The Star War movies have been popular for more than 40 years, but the real star wars will probably never happen. Even if they happen, they will happen in the very, very distant future. We should first make the earth a politically integrated federation so that we can unite all the forces on the earth to meet the challenges from other planets or stars.

The outer space environment will influence humans more and more obviously so we must become not only the dominator of the earth but also the dominator of the sun system. We will send more and more satellites to explore the moon, the sun and all of other planets of the sun system, and build many exploration bases on the moon and all of other planets. We must try to prevent all of possible collisions from meteorites. All of these actions in outer space will need global cooperation based on the earth federation.

Different people have same human nature and different living habits so earth federation will have the same earth constitution and different member states will have different sub-laws, just like America. At last the world will use the same language, the same constitution, the same currency, the same traffic rules and the same telecommunication network so that human efficiency will improve greatly. Digital currency based on Bitcoin will completely replace paper currency so the total amount of money will remain constant and the central bank will no longer be able to foul printing money at will.

The Mediterranean Sea is the geographical center of the world so a city near the Mediterranean Sea will become the capital of the earth federation. The earth federation will adopt the presidential system similar to that of the United States or France rather than the cabinet system similar to that of Germany or Italy. In the earth federation, competitions between people are borderless and more intense than they are now. Anyone from anywhere will have the right to be elected as the President of the earth federation.
You've been watching/reading too much sci fi.......... Good luck with your fantasy writings...........
You've been watching/reading too much sci fi.......... Good luck with your fantasy writings...........
Humans need some imaginations. I am the father of the earth federation.
By the way, I think the sci-fi movies like Star Wars and Star Trek have many disadvantages.
You've been watching/reading too much sci fi.......... Good luck with your fantasy writings...........
Humans need some imaginations. I am the father of the earth federation.
By the way, I think the sci-fi movies like Star Wars and Star Trek have many disadvantages.
Everyone has to have a fantasy. Mine are more mundane.

BTW, seen any Borg cubes lately? I need new body parts.......
most members do not read OPs that are that long
providing a link and the critical points are enough
But I want to fully expound the important things and deeply discuss with some people. I think this forum needs some long posts and some people like long posts.
1, General trends of the universe.
2, General trends of the earth.
3, All kinds of religions will disappear.
4, Intellectualism will replace capitalism.
5, Marriage and family will disappear.
6, Populations will reduce greatly.
7, All of drugs will be legalized.
8. Powers of politicians will be greatly weakened.
9, Calendar will be simplified greatly.
10, English will be simplified greatly.
11, Tall or big men will lose dominance over the world.
12, Molecular food will become the staple food.
13, China will counterbalance US on hard power within a decade.
14, EU will become the European Federation and lead the world.
15, The earth will become a politically integrated earth federation.

1, General trends of the universe.
First of all, what are the basic substances in the universe? How do they move? Does the universe have a beginning and an end? These questions are not only the most important physical questions but also the most important philosophical questions. The main movement way of particles, planets and stars is cyclic rotation rather than non-cyclic translational motion. Moreover, in the universe, there are always contradictory and unified contradictions such as negative and positive, sunrise and sunset, ebb and flow, coldness and hotness, rise and fall, pain and happiness. Therefore, constant balance and ever-changing contradiction are the basic characteristics of the universe. The various contradictions in the universe always counterbalance each other so as to keep the balance of the whole universe forever.

The basic characteristics of substances in the universe are connection and fluctuation. All of substances must be seamlessly interconnected and never separate, and there must be only one kind of basic substances. If there are two or more kinds of basic substances in the universe, the contact point between different substances must break up early or late and the different substances must separate to break the balance of the universe.

To meet the above conditions, the universe must be a closed, cylindrical and extremely long string, which never fractures, with uniform thickness and without any contact point, intertwining in extremely complex forms. Strictly speaking, there is only one substance in the whole universe. There is no isolated substance in the universe, and the butterfly effect applies to the entire universe. The diameter of the cross section of the string is perhaps equal to the Planck length.

Parts of the string intertwine into the ordered and mass-concentrated substances, such as photons, atoms, humans, the earth and the sun, which are similar to spiders. Other parts of the string interwine into the disordered, mass-dispersed and retiform substances which are similar to spider webs. Spiders and spider webs cannot transform each other, but the retiform substances and other substances of the string can transform each other constantly because of the law of unity of opposites. There must be retiform substances between protons and neutrons, and between nucleus and electrons. All of forces, including gravitation, electromagnetic force, weak force and strong force, originate from fluctuations of the string.

The universe has no beginning and no end, and time has no beginning and no end. The Big Bang hypothesis is extremely absurd and seriously hindered the development of science. Gravity does not exist in all parts of the universe but in some parts of the universe. Some kind of unknown repulsive force in some parts of the universe counterbalances the gravity in the other parts of the universe keeping the balance of the whole universe. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for gravity to indefinitely gather substances into indefinitely dense singularities that do not exist. Besides, everything has a cause and effect, and the universe could never have been created by a so-called singularity for nothing.

There's only one universe. There may be parallel galaxies but there must be no parallel universe. All of substances connect mutually and make up the universe space with physical meanings and borders. No substance can escape the boundaries of the universe space to be isolated. It is the absolute vacuum without physical meanings beyond the universe space. The expansion and contraction of substances in the universe always counterbalance each other, just as the ebb and flow of the tides always counterbalance each other, so total volume of the universe is approximately constant. The universe can never obviously expand so Einstein was right to add the cosmological constant to the equations of gravity.

Mathematics and physics are the two most basic subjects in the universe. Everything in the universe can be explained by mathematics and physics. In the computer world, many things can be described by various software programs with 0 and 1. In fact, everything in the universe can be described by the various combinations of the three basic values "-1, 0 and +1 "of a basic physical quantity in the three-dimensional space, so everything in the universe has a corresponding mathematical expression. No matter how the universe changes, a large number of -1 and +1 always counterbalance each other keeping the balance of the universe. The sum of any kind of vector quantity of all of substances in the whole universe is equal to zero forever. For example, the total momentum of all of substances is equal to zero forever.

Evolutions of stars are physical evolutions based on infinite loops between small substances and big substances. Dynamic balance equation is: basic retiform substances ⇌ atoms ⇌ inorganic substances ⇌ star. Evolution of lives is chemical evolution based on infinite loops between simple substances and complex substances. Dynamic balance equation is: inorganic substances ⇌ germs ⇌ animals ⇌ ancient humans ⇌ now humans ⇌ future humans.

From the point of view of physics, the universe = (big substance⇌ small substances) + (small substances ⇌ big substance) +……+ (big substance⇌ small substances) + (small substances ⇌ big substance). From the point of view of chemistry, the universe = (simple substances ⇌ complex substance) + (complex substance ⇌ simple substances) +…… + (simple substances ⇌ complex substance) + (complex substance ⇌ simple substances). All of above dynamic equations keep the balance of volume and entropy of the whole universe.

Every star system in the universe has a physical center and a chemical center where there are probably lives. The lives in some star systems are more advanced than we are. But the lives in another star systems fall behind us. Some of them live in the process of development but others live in the process of degeneration. But the entirety of balanced universe has never development or degeneration. Assuming the universe has 2 billion and one star systems with lives, the evolution degree of all of these star systems could be respectively marked with the integers -1000000000, . . . . . . , -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, . . . . . . , +1000000000 and the sum of all of the integers is zero. Any of the humans on the planet in any star system cannot safely arrive to any other planet with humans in another star system, because the hypervelocity required for an interstellar crossing would make anyone's body disintegrate before a successful crossing.

2, General trends of the earth.
The sun is the physical center of the sun system and the earth is the chemical center of the sun system. The process of life evolution is the process of chemical synthesis, and the process of life degradation is the process of chemical decomposition. The chemical evolution of life is also the building of a chemical pyramid. From the bottom to top of the chemical pyramid is: the sun, the inorganic substances on the earth, plants, animals, underclasses of humans, middle classes of humans, upper classes of humans. Based on physical mass, humans are very tiny in the sun system; based on chemical structure, humans are the most high-ranking and most intelligent objects in the sun system. The height of the chemical pyramid represents the degree of human evolution. When the height of the chemical pyramid reaches its maximum, human beings will begin to degrade. The process of human degradation is the process of the gradual collapse of the chemical pyramid.

In the same star system, the physical evolution of the physical center and the chemical evolution of the chemical center are always in the opposite pace. For example, the physical mass of the sun is becoming smaller and the sun is in degradation, while the chemical structure of human body on the earth is becoming bigger and the earth is in evolution. The chemical pyramid can be subdivided into hundreds of hierarchies, and the starting point of every hierarchy can be marked by 10, 100, 1000, 10000……of the mathematical decimal system. In a high-efficiency society, people move from one hierarchy to another at a speed consistent with the development speed of productivity.

High buildings need strong foundations. In the same way, the chemical pyramid becomes higher after lower hierarchies of the pyramid become wider. The resources of building the pyramid are always limited, so there is a contradiction between making the pyramid higher and making it wider, similar to the contradiction between quantity and quality. Whenever the height of the pyramid increases more than the width of the pyramid, the pyramid will briefly become lower to accelerate the growth of the width. The chemical pyramid has to go through the process of being lower to make the pyramid wider for many times and then makes the pyramid higher for many times, which embodies the philosophical principle of negation of negation.

Everyone is part of the chemical pyramid, so everyone's chemical structure affects the structure of the chemical pyramid. Human chemical structure depends on human genes, which are similar to the foundations of a building, and the degree of gene expression is similar to the height of a building. Whenever human gene expression exceeds the limit, human will encounter setbacks to optimize the gene structure and lay the foundation for higher gene expression. Therefore, the human world are always full of the stories of negation of negation, and the stories of survival of the fittest.

The earth is also the information center of the sun system, the evolution process of lives is also the connection process of informations of substances, the degradation process of lives is also the fracture process of informations of substances. Informations of substances by human vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch connect to the neural networks of human brain. In the course of human growth and evolution, more and more informations of substances in the universe have been connecting to human brains so human neural networks have been getting more and more complex. Many planets of many star systems have humans, but only one planet's human brains can connect all of key informations of the whole universe so as to get to the peak of human intelligence. The human brains on the earth are far away from that peak.

After the informations entering human brains, they will auto arrange layer-by-layer just like the electrons outside the nucleus. Important informations arrange in the inner layer and subordinate informations arrange in the outer layer. When we are asleep, our brains layer the informations received over the rencent day so as to make them logical. Therefore, sometimes we could have some good ideas or understand some difficult problems when we wake up. When our brains receive too many informations,
the informations at the outermost layer in the brains will break loose just like the free electrons of metals and freely combine into littery and illusory dreams.

Human has three kinds of basic states: painful, balanced and happy. Everybody is always in elastic fluctuation among the three states. We can use -1, 0 and +1 to mark the lowest degree of pain, balance and lowest degree of happiness so the states of everybody's lifetime are made up of complex combinations of -1, 0 and +1. On the evolutionary planets, such as our earth, competitions are generally positive-sum competitions so total happiness of the people is generally greater than total pain of the people. For most individuals, the total happiness in their whole lifetime is generally greater than their total pain. In most times of the earth's human history, social competitions were positive-sum competitions. On the degenerative planets, the competitions are negative-sum competitions so total pain is greater than total happiness. But positive-sum and negative-sum competitions in partial universe together make up zero-sum competitions of the whole universe.

The human nature of all people at any time is tending happiness and avoiding pain. The human nature is neutral and there is no virtue or vice. Neutral human nature is like colorless chemical test paper which shows different colors after encountering different reagents. If a person luckily gets happiness of long time because of others, he will become virtuous. If a person unluckily gets pain of long time because of others, he will become evil. Human is more intelligent than any animal, but nature of humans is not kinder or more distingue than nature of any animal. Nature of humans and all of animals is neutral forever. There are not the good people and the bad people but the strong and the weak, the lucky and the unlucky.

In the process of everyone's life, health is the foundation, happiness is the goal, cognition is the way and power is the tool. Power and cognition are not certainly proportional to happiness. Cognition reflects one's ideal and power reflects one's reality. When power is stronger than cognition, human is happy; when power and cognition are proportionable, human emotion is balanced; when power is weaker than cognition, human is painful. Weak women are generally happier than powerful men, and childish children are generally happier than mature adults, because power of women and children is generally greater than their cognition.

For a country, the more objective the people's perceptions are, the powerful the country is. In the past thousands of years, human perceptions became more and more objective so human lives became netter and better. For individuals, the more objective a person's perceptions are, the more intelligent the person is; the more truths a person say, the happier the person is. In a word, the process of human evolution is also the process of seeking truths. And the hypocritical attitudes of the U.S. government and congress toward the Chinese company Huawei indicate that the national strength of the United States is about to decline sharply.

From slave society to feudal society and capitalist society in the past thousands of years, there were two main clues of the social developments: technology improvements and power flattening, which respectively represent development of productive forces and productive relations. Technological inventions such as paper, books, trains, cars, planes, telephones, computers and mobile phones have all accelerated the spread of informations and flattened the distribution of social powers.

The coming 5G communication network and Internet of Things will greatly accelerate the spread of informations and continue flattening the distribution of social power, which will trigger the following series of social revolutions and the fifth technological revolution.

3, All kinds of religions will disappear.
All kinds of religions are hypocritical and the only difference between them is hypocrisy degree. The religion with lowest degree of hypocrisy is Protestantism. Catholicism is the most hypocritical of the three branches of Christianity because of existence of the redundant Pope. Buddhism is a negative and escapist religion so it is the most hypocritical religion.

If gods really exist and they control human happiness and pain, power and wealth, why aren't the clergies, who are closest to gods, the happiest or the richest or the most long-lived people in the world? Why do they need the help of doctor when they have a cold? Why can't they predict the stock market and the presidential election accurately? In fact, they are all the cheats who have not any special useful ability.

The universe is made up of interconnected and counterbalanced substances and the butterfly effect applies to the entire universe. Thus, 100% of personal fate depends on dynamic universe, about 99.99% of personal fate depends on dynamic solar system, about 50% of personal fate directly depends on dynamic earth, about 10% of personal fate depends on our dynamic nation, and about 1% of personal fate depends on oneself. Though these numbers are not precise, they can roughly explain that everyone is too tiny in the external environment to control one's fate.

The environments are too powerful and unpredictable, which is one of the key reasons why many people believe gods. They believe that the gods control human destiny. The other of the key reasons is that scientists have not yet been able to explain everything in the universe. Therefore, human abilities of perceiving and controlling the environments are inversely proportional to human belief degree of religions. Scientists will explain everything one day.

On the other hand, people's ability to improve their fate is also inversely proportional to the degree of believing religions. Most of People in China, Japan and South Korea do not believe in any religion because the three countries have undergone great changes in recent decades. Their people have been acutely aware that not religions but reforms, openness and technologies have rapidly improved their fate. On the contrary, west Asia, South Asia, southeast Asia and Africa, which were not able to significantly improve their fate in the past hundreds of years, are just the most religiously superstitious regions in the world, so their people generally place their hopes of improving their fate in religions rather than in governments.

The significance of religions for adult believers is actually like the significance of fantasy fairy tales for children. That is to say, religions are the fairy tales for the adult believers. In order to pacify weak children's fear of the strange and cruel world, adults make a lot of fantasy fairy tale, cartoons and animated films. However, as the children grow up, they query and give up these tales gradually. In the same way, as the science and technology develop, more and more people will query and give up religions until all kinds of religions disappear.

4, Intellectualism will replace capitalism.
Why could capitalism replace feudalism? Capitalism followed the trend of power flattening and wiped out the power bastions of hereditary aristocracies so as to make powers flow to civilians faster. How will capitalism change to follow the trend of power flattening?

Economy in today's world is driven primarily by technologies and finance, but future economy will be driven primarily by technologies. Technological innovations are based on intelligence so the main character of future economy will be intellectualism. The intermediary role of finance in economic development will be greatly weakened.

All of objects and people in the universe are always in the dynamic balance between getting energies and losing energies. If a person can't get enough energies to balance the losing energies, he will decline. In other words, everyone boats against water flow and will recede if not advance. In the future, all of assets will follow the aforementioned law of nature. All of assets of all individuals over extreme poverty line will be taxed. That is to say, the building taxes will be applied to all of assets. The more assets a person owns, the more taxes he must pay, so the asset tax reflects the balance of rights and responsibilities.

The enterprise income tax, individual income tax and sales tax will be all abolished and the individual asset tax will become the major income source of governments. All of enterprises will not directly pay tax because all of enterprises are individual assets of someone or some ones, who must pay individual asset tax for all of their assets including their enterprise assets. For the people over extreme poverty line, no matter whether they earn incomes and no matter how many incomes they earn, the tax rate for the net assets of all individuals will be same. All of assets will flow faster in the whole society. Innovative enterprises and individuals will benefit greatly.

The only exception is: the tax rate for the monopolistic enterprises with more than 50 percent of the market share, such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, will be far higher so as to guarantee fair market competitions. That is to say, the shareholders of the monopolistic enterprises will pay more individual asset tax. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and Morgan ever monopolized American oil, steel and electric power, which were later curbed by the anti-monopoly law. Today some IT companies monopolize search engines, social softwares, shopping websites, operating systems and personal data, which will be curbed by high tax rate.

All of assets will flow faster among kinds of people, benefiting innovative people who can appreciate their assets substantially. Only those who rely on sustained intellectual innovation can maintain or increase their wealth, which is the core goal of intellectualism.

Huawei, No.1 high-tech company of China, has never been listed since it was founded in 1987. All of its shares are held by about 97 thousands of excellent employees who have made obvious contributions to the company. About 91 thousands of other employees without obvious contributions have no share. Moreover, the shares held by the key employees are valid for long term and the other shares are valid for only five years. For most of shareholders, their shares will be forcedly bought back by the company when they leave the company. Not the speculators but the important employees with contributions share the profits and take risks together, which is the most advanced share system in the world.

And this kind of flat ownership structure follows the general trend of power flattening so it will be imitated by most of enterprises in the world. More and more start-ups will not sell their shares in the stock exchanges. In addition, most of listed companies will gradually withdraw from the stock exchanges. The listed companies will be less and less so that useness of the stock market will be weakened greatly. Huawei is the first Chinese company that is ahead of European, American and Japanese companies in both technologies and company systems. The US government has tried all of means to crack down on Huawei, which will only accelerate Huawei's development.

In addition, more assets will flow to the knowledge creators such as mathematician, scientists, philosophers and economists because all of technological inventions and all of laws were based on the basic theories created by them. Euclid, Archimedes, Newton, Euler, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Adam Smith, Keynes, Gauss, Riemann, Bentham, Montesquieu... are the smartest people in human history who are more than 10 times smarter than Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. The influences of the stars like Euclid or Newton will last hundreds or even thousands of years but the influences of the shooting stars like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates will not.

However, most of the theorists were not rich and their assets did not match their wisdom. Moreover, current theorists can not apply for theory patents yet and 9 millions of Swedish kronor of the Nobel Prize is far too few. Some of the World Cup winners in esports are naive minors, but they get far more money than a Nobel Prize. In the future, all of excellent theorists will be very rich because their theories will become the patents with high values and will be not freely quoted and used any longer.

5, Marriage and family will disappear.
Any mutual love is based on mutually meeting the lover's needs. But needs of everyone change constantly with time and space because everyone always stay in ever-changing environments. No one can always keep up with dynamic needs of one's lovers so love is easy to deteriorate and disappear. We can easily lose old love and easily get new love again. All kinds of emotions between lovers or family members or friends follow the above rules. Some people often ask their lovers:"Do you truly love me?" In fact, difference between all kinds of loves is not "true or false" but different shelf life. Thus, marriages are fragile and there will be more and more extramarital loves and divorces until all of marriages disintegrate completely.

And family seriously hinders optimal allocation of resources. Some clever children live in bad families but some foolish children live in good families. Poorness, quarrel, fight, divorce and death of parents could hinder development of children; and children's trouble could also hinder lives and work of parents. In short, family is baggage of both parents and children. Giving up family will liberate both parents and children, and will improve society efficiency greatly.

In addition, fostering children is essentially one kind of strategic investment of long time. The average rate of return on this investment will continue declining in the future because of human selfishness and the aging population, which is also an important reason why marriages and families will disappear.

Therefore, future lovers will be dynamic and temporary couples based on their dynamic needs and desires. The free society completely based on individuals will appear. Current interpersonal relationship is just like time-consuming dinners but future interpersonal relationship will be like brief snacks. The society without marriage and family would run as follows:

(1) Women in the future will not endure much pain to gratis give birth to the society so governments will reward all of puerperae. And governments will dynamically change quantity of rewards to avoid too many or too few populations. Perhaps, in vitro fertilization and artificial uterus will completely replace the role of pregnant women.

(2) Temporary couples give their babies to governments. Then the parents will be not the sociological parents any longer but the biological parents of the babies. There will be not any of direct rights and obligation between parents and children. Legacy of everyone will be completely confiscated by governments.

(3) Governments will set up some special organizations at densely populated areas and hire some professional nurses and teachers to raise and teach children. All of working people must pay the fostering taxes but they will never directly foster children so as to have more time to work and play. In today's society, the rights and obligations between parents and children are very vague, and some parents and children have almost endless responsibilities and obligations. In the future, the rights and obligations between parents and children are very clear.

(4) The influences of richness or poverty of families on children will be eliminated completely, and any student who makes physical violence to bully others will be severely punished. The good learning environments will greatly improve the intellectual level of students.

The above ways of raising and educating children amount to an improved version of Nordic socialism. With the development of communication network and transportation network, the weak have more and more chances to defeat the strong. The social powers will flow faster and faster among people. For the first time, socialism will become a kind of viable and advanced social model. In the future, the role of American individualism will be weaker and the role of socialism will be stronger. The happiness gap between people will decrease but the overall security of human society will increase.

6, Populations will reduce greatly.
The earth's populations will soon reach the peak because more and more people are not willing to marriage and foster child, more and more people want to change the crowded society, and machines and robots replace more and more workers and farmers. The earth's populations will never reach 10 billion predicted by the United Nations. The turning point will appear before populations reach to 8 billion and then populations will reduce about 50 percent in the next 50 years and then gradually reduce to less than 1 billion.

The urbanization lasting few hundreds of years will be reversed. The population of crowded cities will greatly reduce and the population of suburbs and rural areas with better ecological environment will greatly increase. The number of tourists to Antarctica, the Arctic Circle, the virgin forests and the savannas will increase greatly.

Most of the white-collar workers will have their own independent office, per-capita area of offices will gradually increase, and per-capita area of single residence will gradually reach to more than 1000 square meters. Most of high buildings in New York, Tokyo, Singapore, HongKong and Shanghai will become slums or disappear. There will be not a city with more than 1 million populations. Thus we will not need harsh measures to reduce carbon emission.

Faster and better Internet and the Internet of things will support low-density and dispersive society in the future. Bandwidth of Internet will be increased by dozens of times to hundreds of times. Video phone, network shopping, network education, network meeting will be popularized gradually. The necessity of contact between people at short range will reduce greatly. Except for experiments of physics and chemistry, all of theory lessons of natural science and social science will spread through Internet. Many middle-aged and old people will get the degrees of famous universities through the network schools. The Internet of things will enable people to remotely control a large number of living and producing equipment through mobile phones and computers, which will greatly reduce the needs for transportation.

As the population shrinks, the problem of aging will be worse and worse. No government can take care of all interests of all people, so the governments will have to withdraw from the pension system and no longer intervene in the pension fund. Compared with the unfortunate deaths of minors, young people and middle-aged people, the elderly are fortunate. Human society is nearly zero-sum-competition society, so the comfortable old people make others bear too much competitive pressure, which makes many criminal cases and social problems.

The cost of supporting the underage population will also be greatly reduced. Winter and summer holidays for all students will be abolished, and all students' holidays will be the same as those for adult workers. The 12 years leading up to college will be reduced to nine, accelerating the pace of learning and reducing the cost of education. Teachers' holidays will also be reduced, and teaching will no longer be the world's least busy job. Teachers' salaries will increase in line with their workload, which will attract better people to the teaching profession and improve the quality of teaching. Meanwhile, today's information technology has dramatically increased the speed at which minors mature, so the age standard for adults will lower from 18 to 15.

American anti-abortion laws are woefully backward. In the future, the whole world will allow abortion. Moreover, euthanasia for all of people, including the babies with serious birth defects and the old people with serious disease, will be legalized. All of deaths except accidental deaths will be painless euthanasia. Painful suicides, such as falling from a building or cutting one's wrists, will disappear.

If populations reduce greatly, humans will not need to make harsh measures to cope with climate warming. It's very wise for America to quit the Paris Agreement because the most effective way for environmental protection is to reduce the populations in the world.

7, All drugs will be legalized.
Survival of the fittest has always been the first law of human society, which stimulates the desire of all people to win. At any time and in any country, about a third of the people are winners, about a third are losers, and the another third are neither winners nor losers. As a result, only about one third of the people can beat their rivals in their studies or careers so as to get the pleasure of winning. About two-thirds of the population had to resort to video games, board and card games, religions, alcohol, tobacco and drugs for relieving pains and getting alternative pleasures. However, the government's ban on drugs deprives many people of their happiness and forces them to live a depressed life or commit suicide or crime.

Chinese people are more dependent on tobacco than most countries, because they are less dependent on religions than most countries. Hypocritical religions can help ease the anger and anxiety of some naive losers. However, all religions will disappear completely, and all losers will rely on tobacco, alcohol, drugs and so on to relieve anger and anxiety. Drug sales around the world are bound to rise sharply with the decline of religions.

Abolishing the ban on all of drugs would reduce crime by more than 90 per cent and make a harmonious society a reality. The government should not only legalize all of drugs, but also provide cheap drugs such as marijuana for free to those who need drugs but cannot afford them. Although drugs may cause harm to the human body, the life of depression, endless hatred and killing are far more harmful to human body than all of drugs.

Besides, isn't the process of obtaining proper happiness harmful to the body? Almost all of workers suffer from a variety of illnesses due to stress or poor working conditions. Miners and machine operators may suffer work-related injuries, programmers who work too much overtime may die of overwork, soldiers and police may die on the job, truck drivers may be injured or killed in accidents and so on. In short, there are few completely healthy jobs in the world, and there are few completely healthy ways to get happiness. Quick and alternative pleasures from drugs can harm the body, as can slow orthodox pleasures from professional success. Drugs are toxic but jobs are toxic too.

8. The power of politicians will be greatly weakened.
The Internet has been making wisdom and power flow around the world at unprecedented speeds, and making all kinds of informations around the world more and more transparent. As a result, the distribution of social powers will become more and more flat, and strongman politics will completely end.

Future politicians will be more executors of public opinions than dominators of people. Powers of politicians will be greatly reduced and burdens of taxpayers providing for politicians will be greatly weakened.

With the developments of the Internet and biometrics, electors will participate in various elections and votes through the Internet. There will be at least one online referendum every year to shape national policies and give politicians a vote of confidence or no confidence.

9, Calendar will be simplified greatly.
(1) Month1, Month2, Month3......Month12 will respectively replace January, February, March......December. Week1, Week2, Week3, Week4, Week5, Week6 and Week7 will respectively replace Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

(2) Today's complicated Gregorian calendar is based on the Julian calendar containing the unreasonable personal elements of the Roman Emperor more than two thousand years ago so as to be abolished. Here is a very simple calendar that fits the working habits of contemporary people: (in common year) 365 days = ( 7 days * 4 weeks+1 day+1 day ) * 12 months+5 days, and (in leap year) 366 days = ( 7 days * 4 weeks+1 day+1 day )*12 months+6 days. "5 days" or "6 days" therein will be used for Christmas. "1 day+1 day" therein will be the 29th day and the 30th day of every month. The 29th day will become the fixed holiday to replace all of current disorderly holidays except Christmas. The 30th day will be a special working day or activity day for holding meetings that summarize work of this month and plan work of the next month or holding other special activities of company.

Thus the work days and holidays will be connected. The questions, such as "what day is today" and "how many days does this month have", will be far easier for us. Some of our brain cells can be liberated from disorderly calendar. And all of holidays will be synchronous all over the world for the first time, which is very important for the process of global integration. Maybe some people think that holidays such as National Day are too serious to change, but why should we be chained to the history of the past? As long as it is a beneficial thing, we can do it.

10, English will be simplified greatly.
The earth will surely become a unified federation just like that the first emperor of China unified the seven kingdoms of China and Lincoln unified the south and the north of USA in the past. The earth federation only needs one kind of unified language. English is the most popular language of the world but so far no nation has volunteered giving up its own language and completely accepting English. Thus English is not enough simple and most of English learners are attracted not by English itself but power of UK and USA. It's impossible for current complex English to become the language of the earth federation.

English will absorb the advantages of other languages such as Chinese, Italian, Japanese and German and be greatly simplified so as to become common language of the world. A kind of language is like a truck carrying informations. On the premise that the same informations can be transmitted accurately, the lighter the truck is, the more efficient the transmission of informations is. English will be simplified at the following aspects:

(1) Unify all of letters and all of phonetic symbols of English, and simplify the forms and pronunciations of all words as follows:
Merge all of similar phonetic symbols. Merge [a:] and [∧] into [a], i.e. [a:]=[∧]→[a] for short, the same below: [i:]=[ ɪ ]→[ i ], [ɔː]=[ɒ]→[o], [u:]=[ ʊ ]→[ u ], [ɜː]=[ə]→[ə], [ l ]=[ ð ]→[ l ], [ʒ]=[dʒ]→[ʒ], [n]=[ŋ]→[n], [ s ]=[θ]→[ s ].

The letters "c, q, x, y" will be abolished because there are not the phonetic symbols "[c], [q], [x], [y]". And "ə, ∫, ʒ" will be not only phonetic symbols but also letters. Then there will be respectively 6 vowel letters and 6 single vowels, 19 consonant letters and 19 single consonants. The 25 basic phonetic symbols will just match the 25 letters one on one in any word. For example, [ a ], [ ə ], [ e ], [ i ], [ o ], [ u ] will be respectively the pronunciations of the letters "a, ə, e, i, o, u" in any word. There will be not any silent letter in any word. Twenty-five new letters will be:
a , e , ə , i , o , u
b , d , f , g , h , j , k , l , m , n , p , r , s , t , v , w , ∫ , ʒ , z

Moreover, [bl]=[bəu] [dl]=[dəu] [gl]=[gəu] [kl]=[kəu] [nl]=[nəl]=[nəu] [pl]=[pəu] [sl]=[səu] [tl]=[təu].

For almost all of disyllabic and polysyllabic words, the consonants except n at the end of the words not only are useless but also hinder speaking English, so they will be abolished. Some monosyllabic homophones need to be deformed to avoid homophones.

Many words will deform according to above rules. For example, English will be replaced by Inli, i.e. (English, Inli). The following are some simple words: (I, Ai) (you, ju) (he, hi) (she, ∫i) (we, wi) (they, lei) (my, mai) (your, jo) (her, hə) (our, auə) (their, leə) (do, du) (what, wot) (who, hu) (why, wai) (where, weə) (when, wen) (which, wit∫) (America, əmerikə) (Europe, Juərə) (China,T∫ainə) (Russia, Ra∫ə) (Canada, Kænədə) (country, kantri) (oxygen, osiʒən) (sure, ∫uə) (president, prezidən) (finish, fini) (calculate, kækjulei) (Christmas, krimə) (exhibition, esibi∫ən) (physics, fizi) (philosophy, filosəfi) (economy, ikonəmi) (phone, fəun) (often, ofən) (anything, enisin) (everything, erisin) (nothing, nasin) (receive, risi) (accept, əse) (cable, keibəu) (one, wan) (two, tu) (too, tju) (tool, tuə) (three, sri) (four, fo) (for, foə) (five, faiv) (six, siks) (seven, sevən) (eight, eit) (nine, nain) (hundred, handrə) (thousand, sauzən) (million, miljən) (billion, biljən) (war, wo) (wall, woə), (see, si) (sea, siə) (tell, teə) (contact, kəntæ) (baby, beibi) (knife, naif) (night, nait).

(2) Transformations of verbs will be simplified greatly.
Merge "am, is, are" into "bi", merge "was, were" into "woz". Let "biin do sth" replace "am(is, are) doing sth"; let "wozin do sth" replace "was(were) doing sth"; let "di do sth" replace "do-ed sth"; let "hævən do sth" replace "have(has) done sth"; let "hædən do sth" replace "had done sth"; let "hævən biin do sth" replace "have(has) been doing sth", let "hædən biin do sth" replace "had been doing sth", let "will biin do sth" replace "will be doing sth", let "will hævən do sth" replace "will have done sth", let "will hævən biin do sth" replace "will have been doing sth", let "would biin do sth" replace "would be doing sth", let "would hævən do sth" replace "would have done sth", let "would hævən biin do sth" replace "would have been doing sth". Moreover, singular form in third personal of verbs will be abolished. Thus, all of verbs will never transform in any tense. The new words -- biin, wozin, di, hævən, hædən are all auxiliaries similar to will and would. These auxiliaries can make all of verbs not need to transform any longer in any of the sixteen tenses.

(3) The past participle forms of the verbs remain in the passive voice. And some of past participles will continue as adjectives. The gerund "do-ing" will be replaced by "do-in".

(4) Let "mo adj" replace "adj-er or more adj" to express the comparative adjectives of all adjectives. And let "məu adj" replace "adj-est or most adj" to express the superlative adjectives of all adjectives. "mo" and "məu" respectively are simplified words from more and most. All adverbs obey the same rules. Thus all of adjectives and all of adverbs will not transform any longer.

11, Tall or big men will lose dominance over the world.
Why did the huge dinosaurs die out early? Why did light humans defeat heavy lions, tigers, elephants, whales, crocodiles and polar bears and become the rulers on the earth? Because the main axis and the key to the evolution of animals and humans are not muscles or bones but the brains, and human brains are far smarter than the brains of any kind of animals.

However, why do light men (short and thin men) and women hardly challenge heavy men (tall or big men) since thousands of years ago? Humans can isolate the brutal animals but light men and women have to contact with heavy men at close range. Heavy men depend on their bones and muscles to protect themselves and threaten others so that they can get more and better living spaces and life experiences to make their brains smarter. Restricted and repressed lives hinder the developments of the brains of light men and women. Thus, bones and muscles make heavy men get both physical advantages and intellectual advantages.

Though three technology revolutions in the last hundreds of years made powers of heavy men weaken greatly, they made quantitative changes of powers rather than qualitative change. The qualitative changes of powers will certainly happen because two sides of contradictions, such as the big and the small, the strong and the weak, are not only interdependent but also interchangeable. Light men and women must get the ability of sufficient self-defense, which is the precondition of qualitative change of powers.

Many actions in American sci-fi movies like Star Wars and Star Trek lack high technologies. The main characters in the movies don't wear protective suits with helmets when they fight at close range, and the lightsabers they use aren't effortless, long-range weapons. Even worse, sometimes the main characters fight with aliens with their bare hands. They need high-tech protective suits and weapons.

In the future, some enterprises will invent powerful protective suits and light weapons which make light men and women get sufficient self-defense ability. The protective suits similar to space suits or the suits of the Iron Man and Ultraman will protect the whole body of human. The protective suits will resist physical violence, guns, metal knives, bludgeon, hotness and coldness, filter air and be equipped with rearview mirror and night-vision. And all of protective suits in the future will be smart devices and be connected to the Internet of things for public security so that the policemen can immediately receive the wireless signal for help from anywhere. Perhaps the suits must be bulletproof unless governments will ban civilians from owning guns.

Will protective suits make people hard to move quickly? Yes, more or less. However, nothing is more important than body safety and protective suits will make it possible for light men and women to turn over the weak status lasting thousands of years. It is worthy for them to endure a little of inconveniences. Moreover, Internet shopping, home office and Internet teaching will become more and more popular and population and population density will both reduce greatly, which will greatly reduce necessity for people to contact at short range. Thus, the people need to wear protective suits just at few dangerous cases. And protective suits will become more and more powerful, lighter and lighter, cheaper and cheaper with progress of science and technologies, which is similar to the development course of computers and mobile phones.

Some of the aged people, the light men and women are senior officials or rich people. Though they have high social status, they always lack sense of safety when they alone face heavy men at short range. Thus, they most need and will first own the powerful protective suits and weapons which will become important guarantee and symbol of their social status. And they will greatly reduce dependence on bodyguards. The attacks of high-tech weapons, without body touch, will replace barefisted attacks. Long-range attacks by high-tech weapons will widely replace close-range attacks by bones and muscles. Bones and muscles will be not advantage of heavy men but their burden and weaknesses so their power will be surpassed by light men and women. And women will greatly reduce dependence on cosmetic products, cosmetic surgery and high-heeled shoes which ever help them please men.

People will not adore and aspire for tall and strong body shape any longer. The only purpose of physical training will be to maintain physical fitness so all of professional sports tournaments such as Football World Cup, NBA, Olympic Games will disappear. The "heavy" sports of high intensity will be greatly changed or disappear. For example, the height of basketry for basketball will reduce. The "light" sports of low intensity, such as table tennis and badminton, will be more popular. Thus bones and muscles of our bodies will shrink. Height and weight of our bodies will reduce. Consumption quantity of human foods will reduce, which is conducive to environment protection. There will be more and more elites as thin as Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba.

In the future, most of light men will take the dominant positions of the society. In the further future, based on the law of unity of opposites that is universally applicable in the universe, most of women will take the dominant positions of the society. Most men's lives are like boating against water flow, and most women's lives are like boating down water flow. Water flow is just like the trend of the world. Adverse water often makes men depressed and favorable water often makes women free and easy. Most of women are happier than most of men, although most of women are ruled by most of men.

12, Molecular foods will become staple foods.
After the populations greatly reduce and human bodies become shorter and thinner, humans will be able to gradually popularize high quality and high price of molecular foods. Long long ago, animals and primitive people ate uncooked foods and drank unboiled water. Then humans ate cooked foods and drank boiled water, which was an important milestone of human evolution. However, the current staple foods are not fundamentally different from the staple food of more than 2,000 years ago.

It is time for human beings to prepare for the revolution about staple foods. It will be the next milestone of human evolution that accurate molecular foods become staple foods. In the future, most of foods that we eat will be purer and purer. Most of grains, vegetables and meats will be sent into foods factories then we will industrially extract what our bodies really need: carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and mineral substances. The difference between now rough foods and future molecular foods is like the difference between ordinary bombs and precision-guided bombs. Various delicate nutrients, such as vitamins, lutein and Omega-3, extracted from animals and plants by some companies are some kinds of molecular foods and will become more and more popular.

High-tech medical equipments in the future will help us know which and how many of carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and mineral substances and then we can choose different kinds of molecular foods. Large molecular food factories will bring together many of top talents so the average income of biological talents will catch up with or surpass that of IT talents, and the biological age will indeed come. The number of chefs will reduce greatly and the few remaining chefs will be proficient in biochemistry.

All of people except the poor will choose different kinds of molecular foods as their staple foods and choose some of rough foods as auxiliary foods so that we can greatly reduce germs and viruses entering our bodies with foods. In addition, extracting and processing rough foods by high-tech food factories will replace some work of the digestive organs such as teeth, throat, stomach, intestines and liver, so the burden and volume of the digestive organs such as stomach, intestine and liver will greatly reduce. As a result, human belly will become smaller and human stature will become lower.

The protective clothing, molecular foods and medical technologies above are all related to human safety and health, and will together cause the fifth technological revolution.

13, China will counterbalance US on hard power within a decade.
Egypt was the first great country in human history, followed by Greece and Rome. The three countries are all near the geographical center of the earth -- the Mediterranean Sea. Geographical advantage made them become the collecting and distributing center of commodities and wisdom of Africa, Asia and Europe. Before the maritime navigation era, only around the geographical center of the world, could there be great country. The Britain was ever ruled by the Romans, the Nordics and the French, and later learned Netherlandish capitalism. The Britain had learned the most sufficient wisdom of foreign culture so that the recent Britain was the most influential country in human history.

US, on the geographical edge of the world, was ever isolated and fell behind. Then many of European invaders and immigrants completely rebuilt the US. European exellent wisdom further developed after entering US which is much larger than any common Europe country, which made US rise rapidly. Later, the elites all over the world poured into US, which made US the great country with the most global influences in human history.

To sum up, there has never been a pure great nation in the world, and all of great innovations are not pure originalities. Learning and absorbing the wisdom of the strong is the key reason for the weak to become the strong, while being learned and absorbed by the weak is the key reason for the strong to become the weak, and isolation is the key reason for the weak to become weaker. Chinese culture has never had a profound impact on the world because China is geographically marginal and does not have the opportunity to learn enough foreign wisdom.

The history of mankind is the history of the weak learning, challenging and surpassing the strong so the past Egypt, Greece, Rome and Britain could not maintain their leadership and the US will lose its leadership too. The global Internet invented by the US made the developing countries such as China learn and absorb global wisdom at an unprecedented speed. Distribution of powers on the earth will flatten faster and trend towards multipolarity faster. US hegemony is facing unprecedented challenges from China.

Huge population is China's greatest advantage to counterbalance the US. Only China can greatly contribute to the broader democracy in world politics by ending the hegemony of the US. The trade war instigated by the US will accelerate US's decline with unleashing China's potential. US's future has been severely overdrafted by huge national debts and stockmarket bubbles of US. The market values of many companies such as Amazon and Apple have huge bubbles.

Within a decade, China's hard power will be strong enough to counterbalance USA. China's rising will weaken Europe in some ways, but China's One Belt And One Road strategy will benefit Europe by integrating Asia and Europe economically.

US officials often accuse China of threatening international rules. At the heart of today's international rules, however, is the hegemony of US, which has long used its military bases all over the world, hegemony of the US dollar and the monopoly of the companies like Microsoft and Google to squeeze other countries. It will benefit the most people in the world for China to end the hegemony of US.

14, EU will become the European Federation and lead the world.
The No.3 part to No.10 part of above are the frameworks of the future social revolutions, which will be triggered by the fourth technological revolution based on 5G communication and the Internet of things. No.11 part and No.12 part belong to the fifth technological revolution. Where will the social revolutions and the fifth technological revolution take place first?

Although US has been making new achievements in scientific and technological innovations, it has not made great achievements in culture innovation. US has only made some little changes on the basis of European culture. The innovations of culture in the future must meet the trend of power flattening. However, as the only superpower and vested interests in the world today, US will not actively release power to meet the trend of power flattening. Therefore, US has not enough motivation to build a new world.

However, the huge population is also the biggest disadvantage for China to become a high quality country. China has the largest quantity of high-density but low-quality buildings in the world. China has not any city like US high-tech center-- Silicon Valley where is made up of low-density but high-quality buildings. It will take several decades for China to reduce so many redundant populations. The populous China will not practice the most cutting-edge culture and social system. China can cultivate some of the world's most cutting-edge companies and individuals, but their wisdom cannot be fully used in the populous and conservative China. Therefore, China is doomed not to lead the world.

EU faces the danger of further fragmentation and strong pressures from the assertive US and the rising China, so EU has a strong incentive for revolution. Disunity is both disadvantage and advantage of EU. The area of EU has always been the best experiment area for social revolution. Greece, Rome, Netherlands and Britain were successively the most influential country in the world. The major philosophical, scientific and economic theories and major technologies originated in EU far exceed those of any other region so EU has the most profound cultural deposits. In addition, EU is very close to the Mediterranean Sea which is the geographical center of the world. Therefore, EU has the most potentials to guide the world on future culture.

US is like a strong acid, China is like a weak base but will gradually become a strong base to balance US. The future EU will be like neutral water and represent the universal culture of the world to guide the world. EU will plant the future seeds of "make Europe truly unite" and "make Europe great again" within ten years. However, President Trump's slogan, "make America great again", is a complete joke.

US is also like the lion king, China is like the strongest elephant, India is like the fattest elephant, Japan is like an alone wolf, Russia is like a remote polar bear and EU is like a pack of non-united wolves. Only united wolves can surpass the lion king.

In the short term, the EU could break up. In the long term, the EU is bound to become a politically integrated European federation. Strong pressures on the EU from the assertive US and the rising China would unleash the potential of the lazy EU and force EU to unite as never before. A frumpy EU would become a politically integrated European Union. Then the fifth technological revolution will take place first in the European Federation, which will lead the world in hard power.

15, The earth will become a politically integrated earth federation.
The essence of democratization is power flattening. The democratization of a country is the embodiment of power flattening in the country, while the democratization of the whole earth is the embodiment of power flattening in the whole earth. The trend towards democratization of the whole earth is the earth federation.

After the EU becomes a politically integrated European Federation, it will form a three-way world together with US and China. The European Federation will have world leadership, but it cannot have absolute dominance because global Internet and transport networks make wisdom and power move around the earth at unprecedented speeds. The relative balance of future three-way world would make the earth federation become the best choice for most countries.

The Star War movies have been popular for more than 40 years, but the real star wars will probably never happen. Even if they happen, they will happen in the very, very distant future. We should first make the earth a politically integrated federation so that we can unite all the forces on the earth to meet the challenges from other planets or stars.

The outer space environment will influence humans more and more obviously so we must become not only the dominator of the earth but also the dominator of the sun system. We will send more and more satellites to explore the moon, the sun and all of other planets of the sun system, and build many exploration bases on the moon and all of other planets. We must try to prevent all of possible collisions from meteorites. All of these actions in outer space will need global cooperation based on the earth federation.

Different people have same human nature and different living habits so earth federation will have the same earth constitution and different member states will have different sub-laws, just like America. At last the world will use the same language, the same constitution, the same currency, the same traffic rules and the same telecommunication network so that human efficiency will improve greatly. Digital currency based on Bitcoin will completely replace paper currency so the total amount of money will remain constant and the central bank will no longer be able to foul printing money at will.

The Mediterranean Sea is the geographical center of the world so a city near the Mediterranean Sea will become the capital of the earth federation. The earth federation will adopt the presidential system similar to that of the United States or France rather than the cabinet system similar to that of Germany or Italy. In the earth federation, competitions between people are borderless and more intense than they are now. Anyone from anywhere will have the right to be elected as the President of the earth federation.
Concise and to the point. Thanks!

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