15 year old charged with murdering Rabbi in Florida


How do you get to be a career criminal by 14? My odds of being on the next mission to the ISS are greater than the odds Obama will comment on this.

How do you get to be a career criminal by 14? My odds of being on the next mission to the ISS are greater than the odds Obama will comment on this.
Was either one of them a tranny?
It's so messed up what's happening to kids these days... I'm not sure how we can "tighten up the loose screws" in these criminal kids' heads :/

Or perhaps it's always been that way... or that "young"... but we got un-used to it... I do recall that kids in the past had a lot more responsibility and duties way back when.
(sorry I updated a little after your reply there.)

Yea.. I mean consequences do go a ways for sure, but there is something broke in the mind of /anyone/ who kills another person, not just kids. Even a lot of our adult soldiers have trouble coming to grips with killing in war and such. People who kill in self-defense have a kind of PTS as well. Legal justification, even self-preservation, doesn't always remove that "what have I done" pain. I just think there has to be a mental illness component in there, perhaps even more so than a not understanding cause and effect or consequences component.
Psychiatric testing and post graduate work programs to help the community/country should be implemented. Better than unemployment and teach them a skill of some kind. Handyman work for elderly and disabled. Working for low income housing. Repairing old building for new residential and rent control apartments. Neighborhood watch. Community work to encourage business back to the area. Interns for local politicians or state provided attorneys. Even odd jobs in the police station will encourage better interaction and community relations. Even sweeping floors in a hospital or filing at community health centers.

There are all types of gopher jobs that can open door for the teens and the community. There might be scholarship opportunities or college credits and encourage some to get a degree.

There should also be return to neighborhood service for those who have gotten grants for college, a pay back system.

So, it won't be 100 K jobs but it would be better than jail, unemployed, welfare or dead.

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