16.Mai Roma Resistance Day for Existence


Gold Member
On 16th Mai the Roma mark the memory on the holocaust and genocide against Roma, just like Jews have also their days and memories of the Shoah etc... But I think not really many people outside the roma community know about this, it didnt spread the message really, and i guess it has not much media attention.

On 16th Mai the Roma mark the memory on the holocaust and genocide against Roma, just like Jews have also their days and memories of the Shoah etc... But I think not really many people outside the roma community know about this, it didnt spread the message really, and i guess it has not much media attention.

Is there a Day for the victims of Gypsy crime waves that Europeans have had to endure for centuries? Gypsies have ruined peoples lives. They stole money from families that were already broke, but now their children would starve. The gypsies didnt care though, they stole from poor people anyway without a second thought about their hungry children. The misery that was spread everywhere their thieving caravans went, cannot be understated.
Is there a Day for the victims of Gypsy crime waves that Europeans have had to endure for centuries? Gypsies have ruined peoples lives. They stole money from families that were already broke, but now their children would starve. The gypsies didnt care though, they stole from poor people anyway, without a second thought about their hungry children. The misery that was spread everywhere their thieving caravans went, cannot be understated.

I think that is a "blood libel" and myth, half truths, stereotypes, generalisations etc. sure there are gypsy criminals, there are criminals in every ethnic group, are there some crimes which are more often commited by gypsies, sure, are there crimes which are less often commited by gypsies then some others sure there are too, that cannot be compared to industrial genocide based on ancestry, extermination of a people for solely who they are.
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I think that is a "blood libel" and myth, half truths, stereotypes, generalisations etc. sure there are gypsy criminals, there are criminals in every ethnic group, are there some crimes which are more often commited by gypsies, sure, are there crimes which are less often commited by gypsies then some others sure there are too, that cannot be compared to industrial genocide based on ancestry, extermination of a people for solely who they are.
These reputations dont come out of nowhere. You are downplaying the level of theft committed by gypsies over the centuries. It was so much that they became world famous for being thieves.
These reputations dont come out of nowhere. You are understating the level of theft committed by gypsies over the centuries. It was so much that they became world famous for being thieves.

I think it has something to do with medieval caste system, not only that gypsies always steal so much, gypsies were placed at the bottom of the caste system, they also used to do low caste labor like entertainer, at some point in history being a musician, entertainer or even a actor was the same as being a prostitute. that was because of that system and mentality, also gypsies had no chance of entering knighthood, nobility or even peasantry (they would not be allowed to own land themselfes). so why gypsy means gypsy is historical and by far not their own guilt only.
I think it has something to do with medieval caste system, not only that gypsies always steal so much, gypsies were placed at the bottom of the caste system, they also used to do low caste labor like entertainer, at some point in history being a musician, entertainer or even a actor was the same as being a prostitute. that was because of that system and mentality, also gypsies had no chance of entering knighthood, nobility or even peasantry (they would not be allowed to own land themselfes). so why gypsy means gypsy is historical and by far not their own guilt only.
They came (uninvited) to another peoples lands, so of course they were at the bottom of the system. That doesnt give them the right to invade foreign lands and steal everything in sight.
They came (uninvited) to another peoples lands, so of course they were at the bottom of the system. That doesnt give them the right to invade foreign lands and steal everything in sight.

Maybe but that was over a thousand years ago. Now they can not be considered foreign or invaders, anymore, just like you are not a slave master, because your ancestor was.
Maybe but that was over a thousand years ago. Now they can not be considered foreign or invaders, anymore, just like you are not a slave master, because your ancestor was.
They still steal though and they have done so for the thousand years they were in Europe. Nothing has changed. :dunno:
I answered that in my first post addressed to you. It repeats in circles what you say. And that is a insult and not rational or a reasonable argument.
Its insulting that you downplay and excuse gypsy crime. Maybe if more gypsies had chastised this behavior over the years, this reputation would have never been earned in the first place. Now after people got ripped off, you want to get angry at those who point out the thievery. :dunno:
Its insulting that you downplay and excuse gypsy crime. Maybe if more gypsies had chastised this behavior over the years, this reputation would have never been earned in the first place. Now after ripping people off, you want to get angry at those who point out your peoples thievery. :dunno:

I could say your ancestors are murders and nothing changed they are murders, that wouldnt be true, and it would be a insult and hate speech. Do all Gypsies steal? No, does no one else except gypsies steal? No. Is stealing or petty crime the worst crime there is? Probably not I consider murder worse for example. You are irrational and hateful.
I could say your ancestors are murders and nothing changed they are murders, that wouldnt be true, and it would be a insult and hate speech. Do all Gypsies steal? No, does no one else except gypsies steal? No. Is stealing or petty crime the worst crime there is? Probably not I consider murder worse for example. You are irrational and hateful.
You are acting like gypsies commit no more crime than anyone else. You arent being honest. I dont have 100 generations of criminals in my family, and although some were criminals im sure, it wasnt generation after generation of criminals.
I said some types of crimes are commited more by gypsies, BUT some types of crimes are commited more by other nationalities/groups so that is honest and rational, you are irrational.
Those other nationalities/groups deserve contempt from the rest of us as well. Im quite sure that you are referring to black violence, right? You have no problem pointing THAT out. I just take it one logical step further and point out YOUR peoples crime too.
Those other nationalities/groups deserve contempt from the rest of us as well. Im quite sure that you are referring to black violence, right? You have no problem pointing that out, I just take it one logical step further and point out YOUR peoples crime too.

I refer to everyone, im sure there are certain type of crimes which are commited more by generic white americans before anyone else.
I refer to everyone, im sure there are certain type of crimes which are commited more by generic white americans before anyone else.
Im unaware of any such crime. White people in the US are underrepresented when it comes to crime, meaning we commit less percentage of overall crime than the percentage of our population. We are 70% of the population, but we only commit about 50% of the crime.
Im unaware of any such crime. White people in the US are underrepresented when it comes to crime, meaning we commit less percentage of overall crime than the percentage of our population.

Statistics can be manipulated and white people are racist to black people. I think there are more white massshooters then gypsy massshooters if we want to compare that way for example, i actually never heard before of a gypsy massshooter so far.
Statistics can be manipulated and white people are racist to black people. I think there are more white massshooters then gypsy massshooters if we want to compare that way for example, i actually never heard before of a gypsy massshooter so far.
I dont believe you can back up any of the above claims with actual statistics.

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