16 Years since the murder of Rachel Corrie

yes, because the most impartial observers around are people who just saw their idiot friend stand in front of an armored bulldozer with limited visibility.
What makes your opinion on this matter more significant than eyewitness accounts that claim Rachel was kneeling in full view of the bulldozer operator and an IDF tank functioning as a spotter?

Four eyewitnesses describe the murder of Rachel Corrie

"We’d been monitoring and occasionally obstructing the 2 bulldozers for about 2 hours when 1 of them turned toward a house we knew to be threatened with demolition.

"Rachel knelt down in its way.

"She was 10-20 metres in front of the bulldozer, clearly visible, the only object for many metres, directly in its view.

"They were in radio contact with a tank that had a profile view of the situation.

"There is no way she could not have been seen by them in their elevated cabin.

"They knew where she was, there is no doubt."
They did not see her
They did scrap that pancake goo up and put it in a metal box and Fed ex it back
yes, because the most impartial observers around are people who just saw their idiot friend stand in front of an armored bulldozer with limited visibility.
What makes your opinion on this matter more significant than eyewitness accounts that claim Rachel was kneeling in full view of the bulldozer operator and an IDF tank functioning as a spotter?

Four eyewitnesses describe the murder of Rachel Corrie

"We’d been monitoring and occasionally obstructing the 2 bulldozers for about 2 hours when 1 of them turned toward a house we knew to be threatened with demolition.

"Rachel knelt down in its way.

"She was 10-20 metres in front of the bulldozer, clearly visible, the only object for many metres, directly in its view.

"They were in radio contact with a tank that had a profile view of the situation.

"There is no way she could not have been seen by them in their elevated cabin.

"They knew where she was, there is no doubt."
They did not see her
They did scrap that pancake goo up and put it in a metal box and Fed ex it back
Stop telling outright lies.
yes, because the most impartial observers around are people who just saw their idiot friend stand in front of an armored bulldozer with limited visibility.
What makes your opinion on this matter more significant than eyewitness accounts that claim Rachel was kneeling in full view of the bulldozer operator and an IDF tank functioning as a spotter?

Four eyewitnesses describe the murder of Rachel Corrie

"We’d been monitoring and occasionally obstructing the 2 bulldozers for about 2 hours when 1 of them turned toward a house we knew to be threatened with demolition.

"Rachel knelt down in its way.

"She was 10-20 metres in front of the bulldozer, clearly visible, the only object for many metres, directly in its view.

"They were in radio contact with a tank that had a profile view of the situation.

"There is no way she could not have been seen by them in their elevated cabin.

"They knew where she was, there is no doubt."

because those eyewitnesses hated Israel as much as she did?

Fuck of you jew hating commie cocksucker.
Wow when losing an argument you get angry and get into name calling.wow how mature.i met one of those witnesses who was friends with her,I saw the video and I was horrified by how they kept going when it was clear they saw her.i was clueless to who Rachel corrie was at the time when he was talking to us about her and how they deliberately knew she was there,matter of fact I forgot that name completely.

wasnt till I came here and saw threads like this a couple years later that it dawned on me that the girl that guy was telling me about was the same person in theses threads,that rachel corrie was that girl he was talking to me about back then.

I go to name calling to anti-semite commie douchebags like george-phil-up-his-throat as a matter of principle.

She was a fucking moron who got what was coming to her.
because those eyewitnesses hated Israel as much as she did?
Because Greedy Jew can never steal enough land and water from non-Jews in Palestine, Moshe. Don't cry; you'll always have Jared:stir:

Jared Kushner's peace plan is now hated by everyone
because those eyewitnesses hated Israel as much as she did?
Because Greedy Jew can never steal enough land and water from non-Jews in Palestine, Moshe. Don't cry; you'll always have Jared:stir:

Jared Kushner's peace plan is now hated by everyone

I'm an Irish/Italian Descent Roman Catholic, you Himmler wanna-be.

I find the old stories funny as Irish kids fought with Italian kids in the old days for turf
I am Jewish and I think the Jews sided with the Italians
You are avoiding the fact that the Us supports this murder it’s warmonger state.

I have no sympathy for Americans who leave this country, stick their nose in other folks business, and end up suffering unpleasant consequences.

if she’d been at home in the Zeus, cooking and cleaning for a husband she’d still be alive.
because those eyewitnesses hated Israel as much as she did?
Because Greedy Jew can never steal enough land and water from non-Jews in Palestine, Moshe. Don't cry; you'll always have Jared:stir:

Jared Kushner's peace plan is now hated by everyone

I'm an Irish/Italian Descent Roman Catholic, you Himmler wanna-be.

I find the old stories funny as Irish kids fought with Italian kids in the old days for turf
I am Jewish and I think the Jews sided with the Italians

The Irish-Italian story was the guys fought each other and then married each other's sisters.
The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice

And yet the US still finances an apartheid state.

If the dumb bitch didn’t lay down in front of a bulldozer she’d still be alive.
You are avoiding the fact that the Us supports this murder it’s warmonger state.
The Palestinians were using homes as weapon storage depots
Israel conducted a meticulous investigation and the driver just did not see her
Other witnesses said the same and even the “ high Jewish court” agreed

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