$174,308 retirement a year at 59 for Public Sector Worker!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
"After nearly 40 years in public education, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Public retirement ages come under greater scrutiny - Yahoo! News
Way too many things today make us ask "how did this happen"? In almost every case, it can be attributed to simple greed. Not to say greed is always a terrible thing, but when it becomes perverted, then we see the result.
My military retirement, which people like Ravi and company claim is wrong, would be 14400 a year with medical coverage at 75 percent of allowed charges.

What I do receive is about 33600 from VA a year and 12000 from SS. My medical is about 90 percent covered.. Still a far cry from the article though.
"After nearly 40 years in public education, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Almost 15 million people looking for work in this country. Someone retires, freeing up a job, and you complain about it.

"After nearly 40 years in public education, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Almost 15 million people looking for work in this country. Someone retires, freeing up a job, and you complain about it.


So it's justifiable to earn 174k the rest of there life as a teacher retiring at 59 when the tax payers are paying for it and the moron moonbeam wants to increase taxes. Apparently you have failed at math but stand in front of the line depending on ignorance
]"After nearly 40 years in public educ[/B]ation, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Public retirement ages come under greater scrutiny - Yahoo! News

How much did Pat make while working? Was he a top ranking administrator?

So I fail to see the point of outrage here.

A person who was well paid while working gets an equally fat pension?

This is bad, why?
"After nearly 40 years in public education, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Almost 15 million people looking for work in this country. Someone retires, freeing up a job, and you complain about it.


Hey, "Don't be stupid"............Don't be stupid!
]"After nearly 40 years in public educ[/B]ation, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Public retirement ages come under greater scrutiny - Yahoo! News

How much did Pat make while working? Was he a top ranking administrator?

So I fail to see the point of outrage here.

A person who was well paid while working gets an equally fat pension?

This is bad, why?

Number 1, the story isn't about 1 person. Number 2 it's taxpayer money.

My military retirement, which people like Ravi and company claim is wrong, would be 14400 a year with medical coverage at 75 percent of allowed charges.

What I do receive is about 33600 from VA a year and 12000 from SS. My medical is about 90 percent covered.. Still a far cry from the article though.

I don't know that anybody thinks military retirement is wrong, just that it's hard to fathom someone who receives government benefits to critisize somepone else who receives government benefits. Both are earned.

When my wife retires from her teaching her pension will be less than your $33,600 per year and she is ineleligible to receive SS benefits (either on her own or as my widow). She also gets her medical covered at around 80%.

Yeah, she'll just be rolling in the dough alright. :mm:
]"After nearly 40 years in public educ[/B]ation, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Public retirement ages come under greater scrutiny - Yahoo! News

How much did Pat make while working? Was he a top ranking administrator?

So I fail to see the point of outrage here.

A person who was well paid while working gets an equally fat pension?

This is bad, why?

Number 1, the story isn't about 1 person. Number 2 it's taxpayer money.-

It's also about services provided to the taxpayer. If you want your roads fixed, house fire put out, drunks off the road, garbage picked up, water treated, etc. you have to PAY for those services.

I'll be the first to admit that the person referred to in the story is getting a pension that is excessive. 174k per year is a LOT of money. But keep in mind he was an ADMINISTRATOR and he put 40 years of his life in that profession.
]"After nearly 40 years in public educ[/B]ation, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Public retirement ages come under greater scrutiny - Yahoo! News

How much did Pat make while working? Was he a top ranking administrator?

So I fail to see the point of outrage here.

A person who was well paid while working gets an equally fat pension?

This is bad, why?

Because now they are paying another fat assed bureaucrat as well as the guy who retired. It's unsustainable.

public sector employees should be put on defined contribution retirement plans like the rest of us.
I am suspicious of that article. First - how many teachers make $173,000? Second - how many states offer a 100% pension?

In NJ, a teacher making $70K who retires after 30 years, will receive a 30/60 pension - $35K. I don't think that is unreasonable. However, now they have raised the retirement age to 65, so many cannot afford to leave the classroom at 50% pay. We will see many more working 40+ years - 40/60. I'm not sure if that's good for the students.
Almost 15 million people looking for work in this country. Someone retires, freeing up a job

...and you get an F in Economics

the taxes to support a $174k pension will kill more jobs than the one created by this guy's retirement

No. Under normal circumstances what he said is 100% correct. Once a teacher retires he or she falls under an entirely different scenario. That person no longer gets paid by the local school district with local taxes. The school can then hire someone new at a much lower salary. And the same is true for most all public employees.

Another thing that you're missing is that in many cases teacher pensions are funded in part by the teachers themselves via contributions they have to make. That was one of the issues in Wisconsin. The Governor wanted the public employees to contribute more of their money towards their pensions.

So what grade would you give yourself in Economics? Probably not the same as what I would give you.
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"After nearly 40 years in public education, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Almost 15 million people looking for work in this country. Someone retires, freeing up a job, and you complain about it.

Well wouldnt be fucking amazing if that was his complaint.
]"After nearly 40 years in public educ[/B]ation, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Public retirement ages come under greater scrutiny - Yahoo! News

How much did Pat make while working? Was he a top ranking administrator?

So I fail to see the point of outrage here.

A person who was well paid while working gets an equally fat pension?

This is bad, why?

Number 1, the story isn't about 1 person. Number 2 it's taxpayer money.


Bullshit... it's HIS money. He earned that retirement for over 40 years of putting up with assholes like you. I notice it fails to say what he did for a living... I'd be willing to bet he wasn't a janitor.

EDIT: that's the problem with you dickheads... you take one or two, or even a dozen of extreme examples and use that for the NORM. Most people working for a State are like me... 30-40K/year people.
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BTW.... if it's so fucking great.. I have a solution to your problems.... Take a fucking civil service test.
"After nearly 40 years in public education, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Public retirement ages come under greater scrutiny - Yahoo! News

There are millions of people who have retired from public education who make a 174,000 a year pension?

a guy making that kind of money...

...does that make him rich enough to be a Job Creator?
So let me see if I understand the rationale of the progressives here...you think Pat is "entitled" to that large of a pension because he was making so much money WHILE he was working as an administrator? An administrator in an education system that spends more per student than practically any country on earth yet keeps falling further behind in what our kids know? His huge pension is the reward for that accomplishment?

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