$174,308 retirement a year at 59 for Public Sector Worker!

"After nearly 40 years in public education, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Public retirement ages come under greater scrutiny - Yahoo! News

Can't get on this train, friend.

No...I attribute neither blame nor greed to our lucky retired public service employee....

....the greed is squarely placed at the feet of the elected officials who were happy to sign away taxpayer money in perpetuity for the votes of the union in question.

What some call greed is a fact of human nature...would you have public employees refuse largesse? Really?

Why don't I see the names of the governors, legislators who signed onto this fief from the public fisc???
"After nearly 40 years in public education, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Almost 15 million people looking for work in this country. Someone retires, freeing up a job, and you complain about it.


So it's justifiable to earn 174k the rest of there life as a teacher retiring at 59 when the tax payers are paying for it and the moron moonbeam wants to increase taxes. Apparently you have failed at math but stand in front of the line depending on ignorance

It's up to the people who object to this to elect representatives who will change the system.
Almost 15 million people looking for work in this country. Someone retires, freeing up a job, and you complain about it.


So it's justifiable to earn 174k the rest of there life as a teacher retiring at 59 when the tax payers are paying for it and the moron moonbeam wants to increase taxes. Apparently you have failed at math but stand in front of the line depending on ignorance

It's up to the people who object to this to elect representatives who will change the system.

Ah, the people did that in Wisconsin and all you progressives shut down the system. So much for that theory...
So it's justifiable to earn 174k the rest of there life as a teacher retiring at 59 when the tax payers are paying for it and the moron moonbeam wants to increase taxes. Apparently you have failed at math but stand in front of the line depending on ignorance

It's up to the people who object to this to elect representatives who will change the system.

Ah, the people did that in Wisconsin and all you progressives shut down the system. So much for that theory...

Tell it like it was.

They ran off like scared little girls.
So it's justifiable to earn 174k the rest of there life as a teacher retiring at 59 when the tax payers are paying for it and the moron moonbeam wants to increase taxes. Apparently you have failed at math but stand in front of the line depending on ignorance

It's up to the people who object to this to elect representatives who will change the system.

Ah, the people did that in Wisconsin and all you progressives shut down the system. So much for that theory...

You are forgetting the FACT that Wanker never ran on the crap that he's been trying to do. The actions he took in regards to Union bargaining rights were never mentioned in ANY of his campaigning. That's why there is a recall effort against him.
So it's justifiable to earn 174k the rest of there life as a teacher retiring at 59 when the tax payers are paying for it and the moron moonbeam wants to increase taxes. Apparently you have failed at math but stand in front of the line depending on ignorance

It's up to the people who object to this to elect representatives who will change the system.

Ah, the people did that in Wisconsin and all you progressives shut down the system. So much for that theory...

Are Walker's laws still on the books? Are they being implemented?
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says he campaigned on his budget repair plan, including curtailing collective bargaining


"After nearly 40 years in public education, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.

His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308 a year for the rest of his life.

Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do."

And the Democrats answer is raisng taxes. The Democrats are owned by the Public Sector Unions.

Public retirement ages come under greater scrutiny - Yahoo! News

Public sector workers such as in the military?
My military retirement, which people like Ravi and company claim is wrong, would be 14400 a year with medical coverage at 75 percent of allowed charges.

What I do receive is about 33600 from VA a year and 12000 from SS. My medical is about 90 percent covered.. Still a far cry from the article though.

I don't know that anybody thinks military retirement is wrong, just that it's hard to fathom someone who receives government benefits to critisize somepone else who receives government benefits. Both are earned.

When my wife retires from her teaching her pension will be less than your $33,600 per year and she is ineleligible to receive SS benefits (either on her own or as my widow). She also gets her medical covered at around 80%.

Yeah, she'll just be rolling in the dough alright. :mm:

This sounds more credible in most states.
Just for the record, this guy was a school superintendent for 9 years of his career. Before that he was a teacher, athletic director, assistant principal, principal, and assistant superintendent.

School superintendent steps down - Folsom Telegraph

Just for those who might not get the point of the above,

it appears that most of the big money this guy made was from salaries paid in non-union administrative/supervisory positions.
It's up to the people who object to this to elect representatives who will change the system.

Ah, the people did that in Wisconsin and all you progressives shut down the system. So much for that theory...

You are forgetting the FACT that Wanker never ran on the crap that he's been trying to do. The actions he took in regards to Union bargaining rights were never mentioned in ANY of his campaigning. That's why there is a recall effort against him.

Let's be honest here, Sea...the REASON there is a recall effort against him is that he's trying to do away with out of control pensions and benefits just like this guy is getting...things that we can't afford to pay...and the unions are fighting back tooth and nail because they don't want to give up the cushy bennies. That's what the recall effort is all about in Wisconsin. That's why the unions are pouring money into Wisconsin and why progressives have done their level best to shut the State down. Despite their best efforts however, Walker has managed to do something rather remarkable...he's erased a 3 billion dollar deficit, without raising taxes and without laying off teachers, cops or firefighters. You can see why "he" has to go. What would happen if EVERY State had a governor who did that? THE HORROR!!!!
Ah, the people did that in Wisconsin and all you progressives shut down the system. So much for that theory...

You are forgetting the FACT that Wanker never ran on the crap that he's been trying to do. The actions he took in regards to Union bargaining rights were never mentioned in ANY of his campaigning. That's why there is a recall effort against him.

Let's be honest here, Sea...the REASON there is a recall effort against him is that he's trying to do away with out of control pensions and benefits just like this guy is getting...things that we can't afford to pay...and the unions are fighting back tooth and nail because they don't want to give up the cushy bennies. That's what the recall effort is all about in Wisconsin. That's why the unions are pouring money into Wisconsin and why progressives have done their level best to shut the State down. Despite their best efforts however, Walker has managed to do something rather remarkable...he's erased a 3 billion dollar deficit, without raising taxes and without laying off teachers, cops or firefighters. You can see why "he" has to go. What would happen if EVERY State had a governor who did that? THE HORROR!!!!

It appears this guy made most of his money in non-union management positions. Am I wrong?
Ah, the people did that in Wisconsin and all you progressives shut down the system. So much for that theory...

You are forgetting the FACT that Wanker never ran on the crap that he's been trying to do. The actions he took in regards to Union bargaining rights were never mentioned in ANY of his campaigning. That's why there is a recall effort against him.

Let's be honest here, Sea...the REASON there is a recall effort against him is that he's trying to do away with out of control pensions and benefits just like this guy is getting...things that we can't afford to pay...and the unions are fighting back tooth and nail because they don't want to give up the cushy bennies. That's what the recall effort is all about in Wisconsin. That's why the unions are pouring money into Wisconsin and why progressives have done their level best to shut the State down. Despite their best efforts however, Walker has managed to do something rather remarkable...he's erased a 3 billion dollar deficit, without raising taxes and without laying off teachers, cops or firefighters. You can see why "he" has to go. What would happen if EVERY State had a governor who did that? THE HORROR!!!!

He is being subject to a recall effort because he did not campaign on the issues he is focusing on. Candidate says he will do A and B, but when gets into office does C and D...things he never mentioned when campaigning, did not promise to do and that do not have the results they claim...you don't think that is a recallable "offense"?

Walker says ‘overwhelming number’ of Wisconsin school districts’ staffs grew or stayed the same after 2011-2013 state budget

Ah, the people did that in Wisconsin and all you progressives shut down the system. So much for that theory...

You are forgetting the FACT that Wanker never ran on the crap that he's been trying to do. The actions he took in regards to Union bargaining rights were never mentioned in ANY of his campaigning. That's why there is a recall effort against him.

Let's be honest here, Sea...the REASON there is a recall effort against him is that he's trying to do away with out of control pensions and benefits just like this guy is getting...things that we can't afford to pay...and the unions are fighting back tooth and nail because they don't want to give up the cushy bennies. That's what the recall effort is all about in Wisconsin. That's why the unions are pouring money into Wisconsin and why progressives have done their level best to shut the State down. Despite their best efforts however, Walker has managed to do something rather remarkable...he's erased a 3 billion dollar deficit, without raising taxes and without laying off teachers, cops or firefighters. You can see why "he" has to go. What would happen if EVERY State had a governor who did that? THE HORROR!!!!

Is this story untrue then?

Wisconsin Teacher Layoffs: Scott Walker
You are forgetting the FACT that Wanker never ran on the crap that he's been trying to do. The actions he took in regards to Union bargaining rights were never mentioned in ANY of his campaigning. That's why there is a recall effort against him.

Let's be honest here, Sea...the REASON there is a recall effort against him is that he's trying to do away with out of control pensions and benefits just like this guy is getting...things that we can't afford to pay...and the unions are fighting back tooth and nail because they don't want to give up the cushy bennies. That's what the recall effort is all about in Wisconsin. That's why the unions are pouring money into Wisconsin and why progressives have done their level best to shut the State down. Despite their best efforts however, Walker has managed to do something rather remarkable...he's erased a 3 billion dollar deficit, without raising taxes and without laying off teachers, cops or firefighters. You can see why "he" has to go. What would happen if EVERY State had a governor who did that? THE HORROR!!!!

It appears this guy made most of his money in non-union management positions. Am I wrong?

That's how it is where I work. I'm in local county government, make a decent salary (about 50K a year), have a cost share of my benefits and my health benefits only last as long as I have sick leave on the books when I retire.

My manager (who does a hell of a lot less work than we all do) makes three times as much, has benefits for life and has no cost share for his benefits. He's not represented by any, fucking, union.

Just as a contrast, because these types of stories always seem to want to focus on the very top of the employment food-chain for a given organization. By that what I mean is that, as in this case there is 1, yes 1, Superintendent for a school system. The school system where I work as over 4000 employees, but only 1 Superintendent.

I joined the school system fairly late in life, at 65 I can retire with 25 years. If I were to retire today with that 25 years I'd receive retirement pension of $27,300 based on a salary of $65,000. If I had 30-years with the division retirement would be would be $33,100.

The fact is that these types of stories rarely focus on the vast majority of government employees and what they will receive, the focus on the very top tier employees to inflame the masses and to build resentment.


BTW - I have no problem with transitioning from a defined benefit plan to a defined contribution plan for government employees, however, when employees have worked there entire life under an existing plan then those promises should be honored. Transition to defined contribution plans for those entering the system with stepped changes based on longevity for those already in the system. It would take 30-40 years to wean government entities from defined benefit plans, but that would be the only way to honor commitments already made.

BTW2 - Just to piss off those that want to piss and moan about pensions that we have earned, I'm retired military if I retired today under my existing plans, then my total pension compensation would be about $44,500 (State + Military) after 45 years of service. While my wife and I should be able to live a modestly comfortable lifestyle on that amount, it's hardly rolling-in-the-dough.

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That's just it... they find the most extreme example and assign that to the "norm". It's dishonest.
A non-union supervisory individual would have his salary, benefits, etc., set by, or offered by the local School Board, in all likelihood;

local government in charge! The conservative utopia.
I've been saying that for a while... the smaller your government, the smaller your tax base, the smaller your tax base, the more you'll be taxed for the cost of services.

These people who want the Federal Government slashed to the core aren't getting that... That along with those cuts, there also goes the funding to the states. The states need those Federal Dollars to keep running...once those federal dollars are gone... the state tax rates go up to make up the difference. If they in turn slash the State Government to the core... the localities pick up the tab.

At the Federal Level... Money is taken in from all citizens and distributed as needed. Take Highways for instance(or any other population based need/service). Western States, who do not have as much need, get less Federal Funding than a State like NY or California. But in turn... Those Western States don't pay as much in. There are some exceptions.. Like Alaska.. small population... huge amounts of subsidies from the Fed. No wonder Palin could brag about her "Fiscal Responsibility" as Governor... she didn't have to worry about it.

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