18 hours of Right Wing Radio! Oh my god, such b***s***


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
"You didn't earn that!" said some nut job on the radio around Baton Rouge. He was "quoting" Elizabeth Warren who said "You didn't build that." Meaning the infrastructure.

Another local channel was full of incoming calls praising the local city council for quashing homosexuals trying to run businesses in their parish.

Flip around some more and Rush Limbaugh's idiot substitute is on and all he could do was rant about how immoral the dating site Tinder is. Just a sex hook up site. He ranted for 3 hours about it.

QUESTION: I listened to 18 hours of right wing radio from New Jersey to Houston. Why in the fuck can't these idiots talk about how to move the country forward in 2016?

WHY can't they talk about their wonderful candidates instead of obsessing...I mean FUCKING OBSESSING about Hillary Clinton and her email?

Tiny, itty, bitty, bullshit minds making right wingers focus on everything except the fact that the conservatives have NOTHING to offer in 2016. Nothing... Zero. Nada. Zip.

"You didn't earn that!" said some nut job on the radio around Baton Rouge. He was "quoting" Elizabeth Warren who said "You didn't build that." Meaning the infrastructure.

Another local channel was full of incoming calls praising the local city council for quashing homosexuals trying to run businesses in their parish.

Flip around some more and Rush Limbaugh's idiot substitute is on and all he could do was rant about how immoral the dating site Tinder is. Just a sex hook up site. He ranted for 3 hours about it.

QUESTION: I listened to 18 hours of right wing radio from New Jersey to Houston. Why in the fuck can't these idiots talk about how to move the country forward in 2016?

WHY can't they talk about their wonderful candidates instead of obsessing...I mean FUCKING OBSESSING about Hillary Clinton and her email?

Tiny, itty, bitty, bullshit minds making right wingers focus on everything except the fact that the conservatives have NOTHING to offer in 2016. Nothing... Zero. Nada. Zip.

Same as we see on this board. They lift one line, out of context, and then build an entire lie around it.

If it hurts the country, they're in favor of it.

"You didn't earn that!" said some nut job on the radio around Baton Rouge. He was "quoting" Elizabeth Warren who said "You didn't build that." Meaning the infrastructure.

Another local channel was full of incoming calls praising the local city council for quashing homosexuals trying to run businesses in their parish.

Flip around some more and Rush Limbaugh's idiot substitute is on and all he could do was rant about how immoral the dating site Tinder is. Just a sex hook up site. He ranted for 3 hours about it.

QUESTION: I listened to 18 hours of right wing radio from New Jersey to Houston. Why in the fuck can't these idiots talk about how to move the country forward in 2016?

WHY can't they talk about their wonderful candidates instead of obsessing...I mean FUCKING OBSESSING about Hillary Clinton and her email?

Tiny, itty, bitty, bullshit minds making right wingers focus on everything except the fact that the conservatives have NOTHING to offer in 2016. Nothing... Zero. Nada. Zip.

Same as we see on this board. They lift one line, out of context, and then build an entire lie around it.

If it hurts the country, they're in favor of it.

when you say "they"....you mean both parties right?....
"You didn't earn that!" said some nut job on the radio around Baton Rouge. He was "quoting" Elizabeth Warren who said "You didn't build that." Meaning the infrastructure.

Another local channel was full of incoming calls praising the local city council for quashing homosexuals trying to run businesses in their parish.

Flip around some more and Rush Limbaugh's idiot substitute is on and all he could do was rant about how immoral the dating site Tinder is. Just a sex hook up site. He ranted for 3 hours about it.

QUESTION: I listened to 18 hours of right wing radio from New Jersey to Houston. Why in the fuck can't these idiots talk about how to move the country forward in 2016?

WHY can't they talk about their wonderful candidates instead of obsessing...I mean FUCKING OBSESSING about Hillary Clinton and her email?

Tiny, itty, bitty, bullshit minds making right wingers focus on everything except the fact that the conservatives have NOTHING to offer in 2016. Nothing... Zero. Nada. Zip.

Same as we see on this board. They lift one line, out of context, and then build an entire lie around it.

If it hurts the country, they're in favor of it.


With you lefties, it's always a misspeak, something taken out of context, or a mistake. When you screw up so often, it's the rule not the exception for you idiots.
"You didn't earn that!" said some nut job on the radio around Baton Rouge. He was "quoting" Elizabeth Warren who said "You didn't build that." Meaning the infrastructure.

Another local channel was full of incoming calls praising the local city council for quashing homosexuals trying to run businesses in their parish.

Flip around some more and Rush Limbaugh's idiot substitute is on and all he could do was rant about how immoral the dating site Tinder is. Just a sex hook up site. He ranted for 3 hours about it.

QUESTION: I listened to 18 hours of right wing radio from New Jersey to Houston. Why in the fuck can't these idiots talk about how to move the country forward in 2016?

WHY can't they talk about their wonderful candidates instead of obsessing...I mean FUCKING OBSESSING about Hillary Clinton and her email?

Tiny, itty, bitty, bullshit minds making right wingers focus on everything except the fact that the conservatives have NOTHING to offer in 2016. Nothing... Zero. Nada. Zip.

All the left idiots have to offer is liars and socialists. Glad you listened to truth for once.
"You didn't earn that!" said some nut job on the radio around Baton Rouge. He was "quoting" Elizabeth Warren who said "You didn't build that." Meaning the infrastructure.

Another local channel was full of incoming calls praising the local city council for quashing homosexuals trying to run businesses in their parish.

Flip around some more and Rush Limbaugh's idiot substitute is on and all he could do was rant about how immoral the dating site Tinder is. Just a sex hook up site. He ranted for 3 hours about it.

QUESTION: I listened to 18 hours of right wing radio from New Jersey to Houston. Why in the fuck can't these idiots talk about how to move the country forward in 2016?

WHY can't they talk about their wonderful candidates instead of obsessing...I mean FUCKING OBSESSING about Hillary Clinton and her email?

Tiny, itty, bitty, bullshit minds making right wingers focus on everything except the fact that the conservatives have NOTHING to offer in 2016. Nothing... Zero. Nada. Zip.

Why the hell would you DO that to yourself?

This here Kindle Fire has over 1,000 songs that I love on it.

Just charge it thru the cig lighter and never hear the same song twice all the way there.

Dunno why you would punish your own self like that.

Regards from Rosie
Rush's guests are usually very good. Mark Steyn is hysterical. He could do freaking stand up and make a million. Politics with a great sense of humor.

Not one guest host would do three hours on one topic. That's not how the show is run. That boat would never float with Rush listeners at any given time. And if you were listening to Mark Belling he talked about more than Tinder.

I listen to radio 24/7 by the way. Even out in the hinterlands I pick up many stations. WLS is one of my favorites out of Chicago.
yeah....I switch between Rush and Dennis Miller in the afternoon.....great programming....the fill in isn't one of my favorites...I like Mark Steyn and used to really like it when Walter Williams would fill in....

I tried to listen to Air America...and that nut job randy Rhodes....what nuts....no wonder they can't float a radio show.......at least they finally failed and got kicked off the air...funny thing....if a radio show sucks....it gets cancelled...Rush has been on over 20 years and is still going strong.......

That whole point about having to get ratings really burns their asses....that is why they love government controlled media......NPR, PBS....they can run crap 24/7 and they can't get taken off the air....like everything the left loves....it must be mandated by their deity....the government....or the Borg Queen...but enough about Hilary....
"You didn't earn that!" said some nut job on the radio around Baton Rouge. He was "quoting" Elizabeth Warren who said "You didn't build that." Meaning the infrastructure.

Another local channel was full of incoming calls praising the local city council for quashing homosexuals trying to run businesses in their parish.

Flip around some more and Rush Limbaugh's idiot substitute is on and all he could do was rant about how immoral the dating site Tinder is. Just a sex hook up site. He ranted for 3 hours about it.

QUESTION: I listened to 18 hours of right wing radio from New Jersey to Houston. Why in the fuck can't these idiots talk about how to move the country forward in 2016?

WHY can't they talk about their wonderful candidates instead of obsessing...I mean FUCKING OBSESSING about Hillary Clinton and her email?

Tiny, itty, bitty, bullshit minds making right wingers focus on everything except the fact that the conservatives have NOTHING to offer in 2016. Nothing... Zero. Nada. Zip.

Why the hell would you DO that to yourself?

This here Kindle Fire has over 1,000 songs that I love on it.

Just charge it thru the cig lighter and never hear the same song twice all the way there.

Dunno why you would punish your own self like that.

Regards from Rosie

Perhaps the idiot was trying to learn something. Guess not. When someone is that retarded, you can't teach them to breathe.
"You didn't earn that!" said some nut job on the radio around Baton Rouge. He was "quoting" Elizabeth Warren who said "You didn't build that." Meaning the infrastructure.

Another local channel was full of incoming calls praising the local city council for quashing homosexuals trying to run businesses in their parish.

Flip around some more and Rush Limbaugh's idiot substitute is on and all he could do was rant about how immoral the dating site Tinder is. Just a sex hook up site. He ranted for 3 hours about it.

QUESTION: I listened to 18 hours of right wing radio from New Jersey to Houston. Why in the fuck can't these idiots talk about how to move the country forward in 2016?

WHY can't they talk about their wonderful candidates instead of obsessing...I mean FUCKING OBSESSING about Hillary Clinton and her email?

Tiny, itty, bitty, bullshit minds making right wingers focus on everything except the fact that the conservatives have NOTHING to offer in 2016. Nothing... Zero. Nada. Zip.

One needn't imagine – reading the threads started on this very forum by conservatives illustrates well the ignorance, hate, and stupidity heard on rightwing radio.
Why would someone who claims to hate conservative talk radio listen to 18 hours of it? Either stop listening to it or stop bitching about it.
"You didn't earn that!" said some nut job on the radio around Baton Rouge. He was "quoting" Elizabeth Warren who said "You didn't build that." Meaning the infrastructure.

Another local channel was full of incoming calls praising the local city council for quashing homosexuals trying to run businesses in their parish.

Flip around some more and Rush Limbaugh's idiot substitute is on and all he could do was rant about how immoral the dating site Tinder is. Just a sex hook up site. He ranted for 3 hours about it.

QUESTION: I listened to 18 hours of right wing radio from New Jersey to Houston. Why in the fuck can't these idiots talk about how to move the country forward in 2016?

WHY can't they talk about their wonderful candidates instead of obsessing...I mean FUCKING OBSESSING about Hillary Clinton and her email?

Tiny, itty, bitty, bullshit minds making right wingers focus on everything except the fact that the conservatives have NOTHING to offer in 2016. Nothing... Zero. Nada. Zip.

It's clear you didn't actually listen to 18 hours of "right wing radio" any time this week because you didn't reference some of the points raised with regards to Hillary's emails, more Benghazi, and the Iran nuclear negotiations. However you do raise a good point, that there are maybe 10 topics on any given day that are pounded into the ground over and over and over again. It's annoying.

What's funny is that the market spoke and even this drivel was convincingly regarded as superior to the best that the left could offer on talk radio.

That right there is some funny shit.
Why would someone who claims to hate conservative talk radio listen to 18 hours of it? Either stop listening to it or stop bitching about it.

See...that isn't how they think....they don't like it so it isn't enough to just not listen to it.....they want it completely off the air...it is one of the mental issues they suffer from......

I used to post on a martial arts website, a sister site to this one.....there were 200 threads on martial arts and entertainment topics...and one fwhere you could post about politics....you had to actively seek out my posts amidst these 200 threads...my posting did not stop others from posting whatever they wanted in whatever thread they wanted including the political thread......they could post as much left wing crap as they wanted....I also invited them to counter post to things I posted....

and the lefties on the site bitched and moaned constantly about my posts.....to the point they tried to get me kicked off the site, several times, and eventually the guys who own U.S. Just stopped allowing political discussion on that one thread out of 200.... Because the leftists there wouldn't stop bitching and moaning....

I am here because of the totalitarian impulses of the type that started this thread......

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