18 teenage girls accuse David Copperfield of rape and other crimes

I saw Copperfield back in 2015, and during his show he accused Trump of being an anti-latino racist for being opposed to illegal immigration. We didn't go to his show to hear his politics. The Democrats want mass illegal immigration because they view White Voters as their opposition. Copperfield is a Democrat bigot.
I agree. I am there to see them as entertainers.
There is no way to prove them. Memories are so bad after 40 years, we have people who cannot even remember what day it was, when or where, etc...

I just do not believe them after that long of a time. There have been too many times where women lied about a man, to either try and destroy his character and career, or to gain celebrity status or sympathy. I just do not believe these decades old tales.
I looked in the Open Secrets database. It shows political donations by personal name and other criteria. I didn't see Copperfield. This makes marvin martian ' s claim of "big dem donor" rather dubious.

What say you, Marv?

"David Copperfield" is obviously not his real name, dipshit.
The jokes write themselves. :laugh:
Why do you have a swastika as your avatar? This is a discussion board and it’s polite to answer to these concerns. I’m not here to judge you. But myself and another poster simply want to find out why you’re doing this. Are you a left-wing person who is trying to cause trouble or do you actually believe in the ideals of Hitler. Or maybe you are a Hindu, which is why you are supporting the avatar.
I just do not believe these allegations that are from 30-40 years ago. I'm done believing women like that.
The first Lady in the story said she was invited on stage in full public view. Family members present. Then years later had consensual sex after age of 18. Now wants paid years later. Ya if he groped her on stage in full public view seems that would be the time for a police report when witnesses could confirm. But no complaints made and then years later go and bangs him. I find this woman, well I am at a loss of words for her.

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