18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

"18-year-old Rhinelander, Wisconsin high school student Austin Sauer was arrested Thursday for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement, and exposing his genitals to a child inside the school's gender-neutral bathroom, according to the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.

After the incident, the school closed the gender-neutral bathroom.

Reports currently do not indicate the sex of the minor victim, but both available reports stressed that the crime occurred in a gender-neutral bathroom, indicating that the child is a girl."

18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

^^^^^ The stench of "Progressivism".
Fuckin' sexually repressed republicans can't restrain themselves.
We don't want men in girls lockers rooms. Your party does.
"18-year-old Rhinelander, Wisconsin high school student Austin Sauer was arrested Thursday for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement, and exposing his genitals to a child inside the school's gender-neutral bathroom, according to the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.

After the incident, the school closed the gender-neutral bathroom.

Reports currently do not indicate the sex of the minor victim, but both available reports stressed that the crime occurred in a gender-neutral bathroom, indicating that the child is a girl."

18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

^^^^^ The stench of "Progressivism".
She was a little girl. There was exposure in a public bathroom that accepted both boys and girls, and the little girl was likely horrified to see a naked male's package if she had never seen one before and got grossed out.

Yet, he's in trouble for "exposing" himself in a bathroom (4th degree sexual assault.)

The school is setting young men/boys up for being on a sexual predator's list for life by opening public school bathrooms to immature children of both sexes.

Disaster for all concerned! WE shouldn't be forced to read this kind of stuff online. It's nauseating on account of the liberals forcing situations on public schools to flaunt their agenda in the world in which nobody is free because they're tearing the walls down to create their own religion of no-holds-barred against anything, but go after white adult males with guns a-blazing if they have to go to the bathroom.

Liberals ruined another innocent young white boy with unisex bathrooms.
How do you know he was white and why does race matter?

Coyote sez: "How do you know he was white..."
You didn't see the young man's picture in the article that was linked? Well, kiss my grits.

Coyote sez: "...and why does race matter?"
You haven't noticed how the womens' movement is angry at the white male establishment in the United States?
And you haven't noticed how the womens' movement has attacked stay-at-home moms for "not having a job?"

I reserve the right to defend my many professional and other white males who are being tarnished by the "women's movement" as I have been for having scrimped and made do raising my children without a job, depending on my husband who enjoyed his male role in providing for our family?

Zeeze Louise, Coyote. Liberals want to know every detail in minutia of the personal lives of their hate objects so they can simply assassinate their characters over and over and over and over. Kind of like the God damned democrats who took President Trump into their murky hate world, drummed up some charges for one reason and one reason only: to get rid of a white male from the office of the President to make room for their amoral, athiestic manlike women who eat white mens' brains for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I'm sick of liberals and their hateful, nasty mean conniving and petty ways against the people I think are working hard to make America a good place for families to live.

And forcing young men into restrooms where they zip down and use their male equipment to relieve their bladder with a little girl looking on who'd never seen one before is just way over the top of what's right and wrong.

Schools have no business of taking nontraditional wishes and forcing them on school youth who were raised in regular all-American homes, some of whom have brothers only, some who have sisters only, and some who have both, but the parents do not let them into the same bathroom to show their business to each other not ever.

Good laws of mercy. This entire scenario those two kids were exposed to suck, and the outcome hurts who? The little girl? Yes. Making her think only her wishes and regurgitive responses amount to rape is stuff for the looney bin. and the other person, a young man who had to relieve his bladder, which means he has to pull something out of the front of his pants while the unescorted little girl looks on with great interest.


And that's what I think.
Obviously that since this has happened thousands of times in the Catholic Church, we need to shut them down.
Plain disgusting. To go to a place where you are supposed to be protected from perverts and creeps. The girl's family needs to sue the school for not protecting their child from this disgusting piece of trash.
Gender neutral restrooms are typically one person at a time restrooms. That would seem a good way to protect whomever uses it.

It seems the outrage is misdirected here.

That's a lie
What is a lie?

I guess that I have been lucky. I have used the gender neutral restroom at Walmart 2 or 3 times, and never was molested. Of course, I lock the door after I enter. The way I see it, this kid was either old enough to know to lock the door when he went in, or was too young to be without parental supervision and using a gender neutral restroom. One can not help but speculate that there were non neutral gender bathrooms available.
Blaming the victim for being sexually assaulted. That’s a new low for the left wing idiots. The police charged the perp, no reason to blame the victim, that is why they weren’t arrested.
"18-year-old Rhinelander, Wisconsin high school student Austin Sauer was arrested Thursday for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement, and exposing his genitals to a child inside the school's gender-neutral bathroom, according to the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.

After the incident, the school closed the gender-neutral bathroom.

Reports currently do not indicate the sex of the minor victim, but both available reports stressed that the crime occurred in a gender-neutral bathroom, indicating that the child is a girl."

18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

^^^^^ The stench of "Progressivism".

Probably and underaged girlfriend like 15 who also attends that school...
This doesn't look like pedophilia or rape more like statutory violations.

I hate the way that we don't have any information on the "child". I'm really feeling that laws protecting minors information, are really causing issues for society.

Child? What does that mean? Was someone's little 6 year old sister going to the rest room and monster attacked?

Or was it his 17 year old ex-girl friend who had been fucking him like crazy the week before, before the break up?

Not sure why we need to know that. I'm thinking the important part is that the victim was someone he shouldn't have been in the bathroom with, if we didn't live in leftist Bizarro World these days.
Perhaps this kind of bathroom should not be one with multiple stalls, therefore only one person at a time can be in it.

God bless you and the victim always!!!


Yeah, the problem with that is that a separate "gender neutral" bathroom isn't good enough for these activist loons, because it doesn't contribute enough to their feeling of "I'm perfectly normal because I force everyone to pretend I am". They just turn around and insist that they have to have access to other people's privacy.

And there's no way a school can manage with only single-use bathrooms. Too many people.
Again....................instead of blaming the bathroom, why don't you guys blame the dude that did the assault? Granted, the unisex bathroom may have had a small part in it, but that was just because it presented an opportunity. I'm guessing that this dude is messed up enough that if he had a chance via another avenue other than gender neutral bathrooms, he would have still done it.

Bathrooms aren't the problem. Perverts are.

But not in a gender neutral restroom.

There is absolutely no reason to allow this anywhere let alone in a school. None
Sexual assault is not allowed anywhere and can occur in any bathroom.

It's a lot less likely when there are separate bathrooms and people actually enforcing that.

This whole "well, people do bad things, so we might as well make it as easy as possible for them" attitude impresses no one.
Again....................instead of blaming the bathroom, why don't you guys blame the dude that did the assault? Granted, the unisex bathroom may have had a small part in it, but that was just because it presented an opportunity. I'm guessing that this dude is messed up enough that if he had a chance via another avenue other than gender neutral bathrooms, he would have still done it.

Bathrooms aren't the problem. Perverts are.

But not in a gender neutral restroom.

There is absolutely no reason to allow this anywhere let alone in a school. None
Sexual assault is not allowed anywhere and can occur in any bathroom.

It's a lot less likely when there are separate bathrooms and people actually enforcing that.

This whole "well, people do bad things, so we might as well make it as easy as possible for them" attitude impresses no one.
There's no evidence the purported perp in this case used that bathroom under the guise of being a transgender. This could have occurred in any bathroom.
Again....................instead of blaming the bathroom, why don't you guys blame the dude that did the assault? Granted, the unisex bathroom may have had a small part in it, but that was just because it presented an opportunity. I'm guessing that this dude is messed up enough that if he had a chance via another avenue other than gender neutral bathrooms, he would have still done it.

Bathrooms aren't the problem. Perverts are.

But not in a gender neutral restroom.

There is absolutely no reason to allow this anywhere let alone in a school. None
Sexual assault is not allowed anywhere and can occur in any bathroom.

It's a lot less likely when there are separate bathrooms and people actually enforcing that.

This whole "well, people do bad things, so we might as well make it as easy as possible for them" attitude impresses no one.
There's no evidence the purported perp in this case used that bathroom under the guise of being a transgender. This could have occurred in any bathroom.

They won't understand that.
Again....................instead of blaming the bathroom, why don't you guys blame the dude that did the assault? Granted, the unisex bathroom may have had a small part in it, but that was just because it presented an opportunity. I'm guessing that this dude is messed up enough that if he had a chance via another avenue other than gender neutral bathrooms, he would have still done it.

Bathrooms aren't the problem. Perverts are.

But not in a gender neutral restroom.

There is absolutely no reason to allow this anywhere let alone in a school. None
Sexual assault is not allowed anywhere and can occur in any bathroom.

It's a lot less likely when there are separate bathrooms and people actually enforcing that.

This whole "well, people do bad things, so we might as well make it as easy as possible for them" attitude impresses no one.
There's no evidence the purported perp in this case used that bathroom under the guise of being a transgender. This could have occurred in any bathroom.

They won't understand that.
Well they have an agenda to fulfill.
Gender neutral restrooms are typically one person at a time restrooms. That would seem a good way to protect whomever uses it.

It seems the outrage is misdirected here.
This wasn’t-
Rhinelander High School launches bathroom for everyone
RHINELANDER, Wis. (WAOW) — Rhinelander High School installed new stalls in October, making what was a men’s bathroom gender-neutral.

The director of learning support, Maggie Peterson, said more students at the school have been coming out as transgender or gender expansive. “So, we started having discussions about what policies and practices. We need to examine so that we can better meet their needs,” she said.

About a year later, they installed the gender-neutral bathroom. Instead of a single person bathroom, it has floor-to-ceiling stalls.

“This was a very cost-effective way to do it,” she said. “All we had to do was swap out the stalls.”
Gender neutral restrooms are typically one person at a time restrooms. That would seem a good way to protect whomever uses it.

It seems the outrage is misdirected here.
This wasn’t-
Rhinelander High School launches bathroom for everyone
RHINELANDER, Wis. (WAOW) — Rhinelander High School installed new stalls in October, making what was a men’s bathroom gender-neutral.

The director of learning support, Maggie Peterson, said more students at the school have been coming out as transgender or gender expansive. “So, we started having discussions about what policies and practices. We need to examine so that we can better meet their needs,” she said.

About a year later, they installed the gender-neutral bathroom. Instead of a single person bathroom, it has floor-to-ceiling stalls.

“This was a very cost-effective way to do it,” she said. “All we had to do was swap out the stalls.”
Special rights for the mentally ill
Well they have an agenda to fulfill.

And what is your side's motive for demanding that boys be allowed in girls' restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms and such. Doesn't your side have an agenda as well? And if your agenda demands that it be supported by pursuing such blatantly insane and immoral policies, then what value can that agenda possibly have?
I hate the way that we don't have any information on the "child". I'm really feeling that laws protecting minors information, are really causing issues for society.

Child? What does that mean? Was someone's little 6 year old sister going to the rest room and monster attacked?

Or was it his 17 year old ex-girl friend who had been fucking him like crazy the week before, before the break up?

Not sure it matters really. Either one is a sexual deviancy, and supported by the left wing.
"18-year-old Rhinelander, Wisconsin high school student Austin Sauer was arrested Thursday for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement, and exposing his genitals to a child inside the school's gender-neutral bathroom, according to the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.

After the incident, the school closed the gender-neutral bathroom.

Reports currently do not indicate the sex of the minor victim, but both available reports stressed that the crime occurred in a gender-neutral bathroom, indicating that the child is a girl."

18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

^^^^^ The stench of "Progressivism".

If its gender neutral what's wrong with exposing himself???

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