19.5% of America is on Welfare?

Something’s wrong when 20% of Americans need government assistance to survive.
Do you think it means there is something wrong with those people or maybe it says something about unregulated free market capitalism?

I showed you that CEO pay has skyrocketed 1322% since 1978. Our pay only went up 18%. And union membership has declined from 35% to 9% in that time. 45 years roughly.

In 1964, 19.0 percent of the population lived in official poverty. The rate fell to 11.1percent by 1973 following the economic expansions in the 1960s and early 1970s. Following the recessions in 1980, 1981, and 1990, the official poverty rate increased tojust above 15 percent.3The rate fell substantially with the growing economy of the1990s, once again approaching 11 percent by 2000. Beginning with the brief recession in 2001, the official poverty rate began to rise nearlycontinuously during the first decade of the new century, growing more quickly with theonset of the Great Recession in 2007 before beginning to decline again during economicrecovery.
I have been predicting this for years. Is there actually a study now out proving my theory correct? It's obvious. Suddenly women who didn't want to be parents and wouldn't raise their kids properly could just abort? Problem solved.

So now we have how many fewer unwanted children running around?

I believe 70% of the prisoners receive zero visitors while in prison. Unwanted people.

I don't need a study to show me that if people who don't want to be parents are forced to have them, crime is going to go up because they aren't going to be good parents.

616,000 abortions a year means at least 300,000 fewer criminals running around.
Elderly disabled people need to get off their asses and stop being such bums?
Something is wrong when our countries largest employer (Walmart) has a business model that has so many of their employees who qualify and receive welfare.

Don't call them lazy. They work. Just they work for shit wages. So they qualify for snap. I know, you would take that food away from them. Only give them grits and flour if they are hungry. But Walmart loves it that their own employees can spend their welfare on anything they want so long as they spend it at Walmart. Where else are they going to spend it?
I don't have a link. I just knew it.

It's like predicting that the population would stop increasing at such a rapid pace when abortion was made legal. Of course i will.

And of course if suddenly in 1970 women who before for forced to have and raise a child they didn't want, suddenly could just kill it and continue their lives.

I don't have a link for that but I found this. What is it you tell people to do instead of get an abortion? You say put the kid up for adoption? Did you know that doing that also increases crime? So those people would have done us all a favor if they would have aborted instead of putting the kid up for adoption. Here is what I found

The evidence is overwhelming. Children aging out of the foster care system experience numerous difficulties, including involvement with juvenile justice and adult corrections. They are at increased risk of engaging in delinquency and crime.

So for you to doubt that people who don't want to be parents are going to be bad parents if they are forced to be parents, is just ridiculous.

Even adopted kids grow up to be more fucked up than regular kids.

Children who are adopted may have behavioral issues such as violent tantrums and/or sensory self-stimulation in times of either stress or excitement, oppositional behaviors, aggression, depression and anxiety.

Adoptees are statistically known to be more at risk for mental health problems, both due to the initial trauma and genetics.

You fucking idiot Republicans have no idea what you've done by overturning Roe V Wade. I'm just glad it's happening in red states.

And we are making a fortune off your women coming here to our blue states to get abortions.
I have been predicting this for years. Is there actually a study now out proving my theory correct? It's obvious. Suddenly women who didn't want to be parents and wouldn't raise their kids properly could just abort? Problem solved.

So now we have how many fewer unwanted children running around?

I believe 70% of the prisoners receive zero visitors while in prison. Unwanted people.

I don't need a study to show me that if people who don't want to be parents are forced to have them, crime is going to go up because they aren't going to be good parents.

616,000 abortions a year means at least 300,000 fewer criminals running around.

The studies that made me the saddest are the ones that said unwanted children don't do as well in school, socially, and they're more likely to be divorced or jailed - as you said. I have a friend who says that she is the 7th of 8 children in a Catholic family. She is certain news of her impending arrival was not greeted with joy or happiness. She's carried this feeling around all of her life.

As an adopted child, my parents told me that I was special. Out of all of the little boys and girls in the world, they picked me. That when parents have a baby, they're stuck with whatever they get. My parents had a choice and they picked me. Ok there's a lot of bullshit there. But unlike my friend, I never felt unloved or unwanted, even though my biological mother had given me up. I've said prayer of thanks all of my life that she did that.
The studies that made me the saddest are the ones that said unwanted children don't do as well in school, socially, and they're more likely to be divorced or jailed - as you said. I have a friend who says that she is the 7th of 8 children in a Catholic family. She is certain news of her impending arrival was not greeted with joy or happiness. She's carried this feeling around all of her life.

As an adopted child, my parents told me that I was special. Out of all of the little boys and girls in the world, they picked me. That when parents have a baby, they're stuck with whatever they get. My parents had a choice and they picked me. Ok there's a lot of bullshit there. But unlike my friend, I never felt unloved or unwanted, even though my biological mother had given me up. I've said prayer of thanks all of my life that she did that.
That's called owner mentality compared to victim mentality.

Some people say, "I'm depressed and a loser because my biological parents didn't want me" But you say, "Despite my biological parents, I was lucky enough to find good parents and I became a success despite this rough start in life.

They say there is trauma when a baby is taken away from their mother. Even if the adopted parents take the baby immediately, just like a calf instinctively knows which cow is their mama, I'm sure human babies know this too.

It's like getting circumsized. I don't remember it but damn that had to affect my psychi some right? That's a pretty traumatic experience right? Well so is being separated from your mother.

P.S. I am not trying to disrespect people who adopt or people who've been adopted. Just trying to make a point to people who tell other people to have and raise a baby they don't want. Or have and give up a baby they don't want.

The weird thing is, a lot of women who probably didn't want to have the kid keep the kid. And then blame the kid their whole life for "ruining" their life. It's not the kids fault.

You know what would make this planet great again? MTPGA? If only people who wanted to get pregnant got pregnant. I believe only 50% of us were wanted. That includes myself. My parents didn't want to have me or my brother. They were broke. Not ready. Lucky for them my grandmother didn't make them/us pay rent to live with her.
I need to start asking follow up questions when someone asks for a link after I state the obvious. One question I would ask you is "do you still deny Trump tried to steal the 2020 election?" If the answer is yes, then I'm not going to waste my time providing you with a link. If you still don't know Trump tried to steal 2020 then no amount of evidence is ever going to change your mind on any subject. You believe what you want to believe despite evidence.

Evidence is your enemy.

And then you won't like the source. Or you'll just blow it off as fake news.

I think everyone who believes global warming is a hoax and biden stole the election need to have a symbol on their avatar here so we know they are loons. Are you still supporting Trump? It's crazy 50% of Republicans are loons.

Now I'm not counting my brother and nephew who will vote for Trump over Biden. That's different. I'm talking about Republicans who prefer Trump over all the other Republicans running in the primaries. You guys are so brainwashed you can't even get yourselves to pick another candidate despite how flawed of a candidate Trump is.

I guess Trump is going to have to lose for you to wake up. I guess there's always 2028. But than you for giving us another 8 years of running the White House. Christie or Haley might have beaten Biden but we will never know because Republicans remember running moderates like McCain and Romney. They think the only way to win is to go with an extreme right winger.
Do you think it means there is something wrong with those people or maybe it says something about unregulated free market capitalism?

I showed you that CEO pay has skyrocketed 1322% since 1978. Our pay only went up 18%. And union membership has declined from 35% to 9% in that time. 45 years roughly.

In 1964, 19.0 percent of the population lived in official poverty. The rate fell to 11.1percent by 1973 following the economic expansions in the 1960s and early 1970s. Following the recessions in 1980, 1981, and 1990, the official poverty rate increased tojust above 15 percent.3The rate fell substantially with the growing economy of the1990s, once again approaching 11 percent by 2000. Beginning with the brief recession in 2001, the official poverty rate began to rise nearlycontinuously during the first decade of the new century, growing more quickly with theonset of the Great Recession in 2007 before beginning to decline again during economicrecovery.
Our system is a failure. Clearly.

This isn’t free market capitalism. It’s a quasi fascist system where big government and big business combine.

Do we finally agree on something?
With a minium wage of $7.50, and you saying it shouldn't be raised, why are you surprised by this.

Wages, as a percentage of costs, are now at the same level as the Guilded Age of the 1800's - before unions, and the rise of the American Middle Class. The American middle class is shrinking, with more falling into poverty than rising into wealth.

And still you refuse to rewrite labour laws and tax codes to give workers a better cut of the pie.
Lol. Where have I stayed the Mw shouldn’t be raised? You once again confuse me with a republican. When will you ever learn?

There isn’t just the two sides of the duopoly, in which you’re stuck.
Lol. Where have I stayed the Mw shouldn’t be raised? You once again confuse me with a republican. When will you ever learn?

There isn’t just the two sides of the duopoly, in which you’re stuck.

Because you continue to support the party that keeps eroding worker compensation and benefits.
I don't have a link. I just knew it.

It's like predicting that the population would stop increasing at such a rapid pace when abortion was made legal. Of course i will.

And of course if suddenly in 1970 women who before for forced to have and raise a child they didn't want, suddenly could just kill it and continue their lives.

I don't have a link for that but I found this. What is it you tell people to do instead of get an abortion? You say put the kid up for adoption? Did you know that doing that also increases crime? So those people would have done us all a favor if they would have aborted instead of putting the kid up for adoption. Here is what I found

The evidence is overwhelming. Children aging out of the foster care system experience numerous difficulties, including involvement with juvenile justice and adult corrections. They are at increased risk of engaging in delinquency and crime.

So for you to doubt that people who don't want to be parents are going to be bad parents if they are forced to be parents, is just ridiculous.
So you lied.

Im shocked, shocked I tells ya!:laughing0301:
Even adopted kids grow up to be more fucked up than regular kids.

Children who are adopted may have behavioral issues such as violent tantrums and/or sensory self-stimulation in times of either stress or excitement, oppositional behaviors, aggression, depression and anxiety.

Adoptees are statistically known to be more at risk for mental health problems, both due to the initial trauma and genetics.

You fucking idiot Republicans have no idea what you've done by overturning Roe V Wade. I'm just glad it's happening in red states.

And we are making a fortune off your women coming here to our blue states to get abortions.
The studies that made me the saddest are the ones that said unwanted children don't do as well in school, socially, and they're more likely to be divorced or jailed - as you said. I have a friend who says that she is the 7th of 8 children in a Catholic family. She is certain news of her impending arrival was not greeted with joy or happiness. She's carried this feeling around all of her life.

As an adopted child, my parents told me that I was special. Out of all of the little boys and girls in the world, they picked me. That when parents have a baby, they're stuck with whatever they get. My parents had a choice and they picked me. Ok there's a lot of bullshit there. But unlike my friend, I never felt unloved or unwanted, even though my biological mother had given me up. I've said prayer of thanks all of my life that she did that.
You are “special “, Simp.:laughing0301::laughing0301::itsok::itsok::itsok:
I’ll take a picture of all the Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana license plates parked out in front of our abortion clinics.

We should charge them like college out of state tuition. Double the cost if you come from another state. My baby is growing an extra week because there’s a waiting list now.
Do you think it means there is something wrong with those people or maybe it says something about unregulated free market capitalism?

I showed you that CEO pay has skyrocketed 1322% since 1978. Our pay only went up 18%. And union membership has declined from 35% to 9% in that time. 45 years roughly.

In 1964, 19.0 percent of the population lived in official poverty. The rate fell to 11.1percent by 1973 following the economic expansions in the 1960s and early 1970s. Following the recessions in 1980, 1981, and 1990, the official poverty rate increased tojust above 15 percent.3The rate fell substantially with the growing economy of the1990s, once again approaching 11 percent by 2000. Beginning with the brief recession in 2001, the official poverty rate began to rise nearlycontinuously during the first decade of the new century, growing more quickly with theonset of the Great Recession in 2007 before beginning to decline again during economicrecovery.

I showed you that CEO pay has skyrocketed 1322% since 1978. Our pay only went up 18%.

You lied.
Something is wrong when our countries largest employer (Walmart) has a business model that has so many of their employees who qualify and receive welfare.

Don't call them lazy. They work. Just they work for shit wages. So they qualify for snap. I know, you would take that food away from them. Only give them grits and flour if they are hungry. But Walmart loves it that their own employees can spend their welfare on anything they want so long as they spend it at Walmart. Where else are they going to spend it?

Something is wrong when our countries largest employer (Walmart) has a business model that has so many of their employees who qualify and receive welfare.

Their business model involves hiring low-skilled employees.

Walmart loves it that their own employees can spend their welfare on anything they want so long as they spend it at Walmart. Where else are they going to spend it?

They get a 10% discount.
Republicans, I will agree with you that this is unacceptable.

Overall: In 2019, 19.5 percent of the total population received or lived with a family member who received a benefit in any amount from TANF, SNAP, or SSI at any point during the year.

Glad to read this

With some exceptions, non-citizens entering the United States after August 22, 1996, the date of enactment of the welfare reform legislation, are not eligible for most welfare benefits, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), SSI, Medicaid, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), ...
It’s pretty amazing how since FDR the safety net the democrats sold everyone thought of it as a net to catch your fall and spring you back up. It never was that, it’s more like a fishing net you can never get out of.

That net restricts you, it doesn’t help, it’s not a life saver, it’s a trap. It strips you of opportunity, it strips you of freedom. You are now a government ward.

The worst thing to happen to communities across the nation is the welfare safety net.

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