19.5% of America is on Welfare?

Nobody ever said that getting the vaccine meant that you wouldn't get Covid. But it does mean that if you get it, it will be less severe.

BTW - I doubt any of the people in your image actually said those things. You've been dup'd again!
Yes, they did.
E3 and below WITH FAMILIES?????? There should be no such thing.

BTW, I'm on SS, and feel free to count me among the welfare recipients. I think 20% is much too low.
So young married people with a child cannot join the military? We had a requirement in Navy Recruiting they could have 2 dependents and more than 2 if they had a higher paygrade or employable spouse.
See post 308, Moron.
Holy cow you are stupid.

You mean that out of the thousands of discussions on Covid by thousands of people, you managed to cherry-pick a few slight misstatements and are trying to make a big thing of it.

Grow up!

Only an idiot would believe that the Vaccines would absolutely cure Covid - or that anyone intentionally meant that it would.
You mean that out of the thousands of discussions on Covid by thousands of people, you managed to cherry-pick a few slight misstatements and are trying to make a big thing of it.

Grow up!

Only an idiot would believe that the Vaccines would absolutely cure Covid - or that anyone intentionally meant that it would.
You claimed nobody ever said it, Simp.

You lied.
That's a pretty bad strategy when you take into account

Poorer Americans have much lower voting rates in national elections than the nonpoor, a study finds.​

And how many of them voted for Trump because they saw him on the Apprentice? And why were so many of them white? Did Trump blow his dog whistle? Yup.

only 46 percent of potential voters with family incomes less than twice the federal poverty line voted in the 2016 presidential election, compared with 68 percent of those with family incomes above twice the poverty line.
Maybe Democrats need to take them to vote in 2024
That's legal isn't it? I love it that blacks drive around Detroit on election day asking people if they need a ride to go vote. LOVE IT!
Sure, it is, didn't say otherwise, did I? Dems are always looking for a way to get their base to vote.
I have yet to see any real proof that anyone said it.

Either way you grasping onto some insignificant statements and trying to make some political point is a FAIL!
Just admit you got caught in yet another lie and move on, Dumbass.
Sure, it is, didn't say otherwise, did I? Dems are always looking for a way to get their base to vote.
Well consider your white ass lucky. You have a car and don't need a ride.

And yes, we are the labor party or party for the masses.

You know what percent of Americans should vote GOP? 18%. And hell, I'm in that 18% and I don't even vote GOP.

18% of individual Americans make over $100k per year. 34.4% of US households make over $100k per year.

If it takes 2 or more of you to make over $100K then you shouldn't be voting GOP.
Just admit you got caught in yet another lie and move on, Dumbass.

Your post does not prove that anyone actually said what you assert.

The fact is that your entire argument is invalid because even if what you say is true, it is absolutely insignificant. You are grasping at straws.
Your post does not prove that anyone actually said what you assert.

The fact is that your entire argument is invalid because even if what you say is true, it is absolutely insignificant. You are grasping at straws.
They said it, Stupid. Your ignorance is astounding.

Like I said, just admit you lied and move on, Simp.
Sure I'll move on. Arguing with an idiot like you is a waste of my time.

If out of the thousands of discussions of the Covid vaccine by thousands of people, you've cherry picked a few to make some political point:

Hey Stupid, YOU claimed nobody ever said it.

You have been proven to be a liar. Deal with it.
Hey Stupid, YOU claimed nobody ever said it.

You have been proven to be a liar. Deal with it.

No, I did not review every statement made by everyone in the world to find out if anyone actually said what you assert, so let me correct myself:

If anyone ever said that the Covid vaccine would absolutely 100% protect from Covid, and you believed them:

You are an IDIOT!!!

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