19.5% of America is on Welfare?

I will post this again for the war mongers
In 2021, the latest year for which data was published, the group said that of 141 casualties from cluster bomb remnants, 97% were civilians, and two-thirds of those were children.
Well to have a discussion on welfare it is important to understand why some are on welfare. What cause people to need welfare? The idea that we live in one of the top economies in the word and everyone should prosper is just a dream.

It is not like the want to live in poverty on purpose.

There are many factors from criminal records, deadbeat dad, illness, birth defects, etc

There are circumstances that create conditions that make it hard to escape poverty.

I am not saying it is impossible but the odds are not in your favor.

poverty rates by country. Canada, USSR and China to name a few have lower poverty rates that the US. The US rate is not bad. The ones who have better rates

Two are communist countries and one is a democracy but has a strong socialist inclination to provide support to its citizen with health care, unemployment benefits, etc.
What cause people to need welfare?

What cause people to need welfare? Well, I contributed wages to the IRS and Social Security my entire working career for when I got old and couldn't work any more. Not only do I deserve my afternoon naps when I'm sick or tire. My husband and I paid for them in advance, and am only getting what we put in. He passed away 7 years ago because dementia not only is mental dysfunction, physical problems can dysfunction overnight with no waking up in the morning. :(
Before the wetback invasion a journeyman roofer was making a middle class wage.
20-40 million thirdworlders and millions more of their taxpayer dependent anchor babies = shit wages all across the wage spectrum.
We have had somewhere around 11
Million illegals here for decades.

That number had not increase exponentially. Not even sure that it has increased significantly.

As far as trades being hurt by illegals. That is true. But understand that the trades (companies)have welcomed that low cost labor pool and found ways to make that work for them.

You wanna bitch… bitch at the businesses that hire them.

Bitch at the homeowners who save a couple bucks by hiring illegals
Aw, I made a typo and your trying to use that to obscure the fact that you don't know the difference between grammar and vocabulary.
as I made a typo, now you are trying to cover up. And no, you are not making just typos. You miss use words all the time. I would not of pointed it out repeatedly but dicks, when losing an argument, or they cannot logically express why their opinion is valid, will put on the grammar police hat.

And of course, you continue to make grammatical errors, it is, "you're", not "your". As in you are.

You attacked my typo, and now you cry and whine like an imbecile when I do to you what you did to me.

Dick, you're really that stupid. A person that does not get his/her grammar right certainly does not know the difference between vocabulary and grammar and how they are interconnected.
We have had somewhere around 11
Million illegals here for decades.

That number had not increase exponentially. Not even sure that it has increased significantly.
That number is bullshit and has been for decades. There’s 11 million in South Mexifornia alone
As far as trades being hurt by illegals. That is true. But understand that the trades (companies)have welcomed that low cost labor pool and found ways to make that work for them.
EVERYTHING is hurt by the parasites….Education, healthcare, social services, public services, infrastructure, court systems, incarceration facilities…..etc etc
You wanna bitch… bitch at the businesses that hire them.
We do but businesses do not secure our border nor do they write and enforce immigration law/policy.
Bitch at the homeowners who save a couple bucks by hiring illegals
We do but homeowners do not secure our border nor do they write and enforce immigration law/policy.
as I made a typo, now you are trying to cover up. And no, you are not making just typos. You miss use words all the time. I would not of pointed it out repeatedly but dicks, when losing an argument, or they cannot logically express why their opinion is valid, will put on the grammar police hat.

And of course, you continue to make grammatical errors, it is, "you're", not "your". As in you are.

You attacked my typo, and now you cry and whine like an imbecile when I do to you what you did to me.

Dick, you're really that stupid. A person that does not get his/her grammar right certainly does not know the difference between vocabulary and grammar and how they are interconnected.

You didn't make a typo, you used a word which you had no understanding of what it means. That's a vocabulary issue, not a grammar issue or a typo.

Now, if you have some comment on the statistical accuracy of the OP, we'd all like to hear it.

Otherwise STFU!
11 million is about right.

Metaphorically kick anyone in the mouth who lies about it.
Because that number sits well with purple haired, neck tattooed filth in cyberspace?
I always trust whackos in cyberspace before listening to those uber intelligent MiT Yale folks.
Because that number sits well with purple haired, neck tattooed filth in cyberspace?
I always trust whackos in cyberspace before listening to those uber intelligent MiT Yale folks.

Wait! A MAGA idiot that suddenly believes in science!

Not when it comes to global warming or vaccines, just when they support your point of view on a issue I'm sure!

I'd rather live with 22 million hard working, honest, morally descent illegal immigrants, then 74 million nasty, spoiled brat Trump voters!
You didn't make a typo, you used a word which you had no understanding of what it means. That's a vocabulary issue, not a grammar issue or a typo.
To a simpleton that statement may seem 'convoluted', but to anyone intelligent, it's pretty straight forward.

BTW - Before you use big words, you should try to find out what they mean (Hope your brain doesn't melt):

Such a simpleton, convoluted is not convolution, you fucking moron. But you are right, I did not make a typo. I got the spelling right and everything, dick.

It is dick that lacks skills of comprehension and spelling when dick went to wikepedia to figure out the sentence cause it did contain, what dick sees as a, "big word".

Convoluted is a big word dick? Such a hard word you looked up the meaning of, "convolution"?
Convoluted, extremely complex and difficult to follow. Sorry dick, I had no idea you could not follow such a simple word.

Dick, give us a list of them there big words, so we can all help you with them then you dont have to get your spelling wrong when you go to wikipedia

Dick, you are a joke, I used convoluted, a word that has nothing in common with convolution. Yet like an idiot, dick looks up convolution. moron
Such a simpleton, convoluted is not convolution, you fucking moron. But you are right, I did not make a typo. I got the spelling right and everything, dick.

It is dick that lacks skills of comprehension and spelling when dick went to wikepedia to figure out the sentence cause it did contain, what dick sees as a, "big word".

Convoluted is a big word dick? Such a hard word you looked up the meaning of, "convolution"?
Convoluted, extremely complex and difficult to follow. Sorry dick, I had no idea you could not follow such a simple word.

Dick, give us a list of them there big words, so we can all help you with them then you dont have to get your spelling wrong when you go to wikipedia

Dick, you are a joke, I used convoluted, a word that has nothing in common with convolution. Yet like an idiot, dick looks up convolution. moron
"Convoluted" means something that has undergone "Convolution".

It's slang definition is "extremely complex and difficult to follow."

I knew that you did not mean the mathematical definition of "Convoluted", idiot, but I've kept you going for 2 days before you've been able to figure that out. It's fun to jerk around a moron like you.

Besides you proved that you're too ignorant to know the difference between vocabulary and grammar. That was just an extra laugh for me.

Either way there was nothing "extremely complex and difficult to follow." in my original statement - nothing "convoluted" about it - except to a total moron.
Republicans, I will agree with you that this is unacceptable.

Overall: In 2019, 19.5 percent of the total population received or lived with a family member who received a benefit in any amount from TANF, SNAP, or SSI at any point during the year.

Glad to read this

With some exceptions, non-citizens entering the United States after August 22, 1996, the date of enactment of the welfare reform legislation, are not eligible for most welfare benefits, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), SSI, Medicaid, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), ...


Well then let's support all the workers in America who are trying to unionize. Enough of the CEO's and VP's getting all the raises. Give the workers raises. Make the middle class so big fat and successful you don't deserve welfare.

Make it so Walmart workers can raise a family on their income.

Did you know that Walmart workers get a lot of welfare money? Isn't that sad? The working poor. I don't vote for that. I don't like it that CEO pay has gone up 1000x in the past 2 decades while our pay has stalled. Time to unionize.

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