911 Attacks and the Real Culprits

Engineering schools are accessories after the fact. When have you heard any "experts" discuss how the steel has to be distributed down skyscrapers?

How can ChatGPT figure it out?
The distribution of steel in a skyscraper more than 1,000 feet tall is generally such that the majority of the steel is concentrated in the lower sections of the building. This is because the lower portions must bear the weight of the entire structure above them, requiring more robust and stronger materials. Here is a generalized breakdown of how the steel might be distributed by percentage in each 10% segment of the building's height:

1. Bottom 10% (0-10%): Approximately 25-30% of the total steel
2. 10-20%: Approximately 15-20% of the total steel
3. 20-30%: Approximately 10-15% of the total steel
4. 30-40%: Approximately 8-10% of the total steel
5. 40-50%: Approximately 7-8% of the total steel
6. 50-60%: Approximately 5-7% of the total steel
7. 60-70%: Approximately 4-5% of the total steel
8. 70-80%: Approximately 3-4% of the total steel
9. 80-90%: Approximately 2-3% of the total steel
10. Top 10% (90-100%): Approximately 1-2% of the total steel

These percentages are illustrative and can vary depending on the specific design, structural requirements, and architectural choices of the building. The key point is that the lower sections require significantly more steel to support the structure, while the amount of steel needed decreases as you move higher up the building. - ChatGPT
Oh yeah, ABC News, one of the lapdogs for Deep State, incessantly repeating the official narrative.

Then show us a better source than actual eye witness testimony.

Your imagination isn't it.
Indeed so surada , so we let the sauds (who hired OBL along with his yemite pals) fly out under lockdown on 9/12, then invaded Iraq

Which makes OBL a tool, as well as my point


The Saudis didn't hire OBL. He went to Afghanistan to build roads to fight against the Soviets and became the darling of the US and Saudi Arabia. He was the face of recruiting young men to join in the fight against the Soviets.

Didn't turn out so well. He was a gung ho religious fanatic of the Muslim Brotherhood agenda so the whole thing blew up in their faces.

By 1992 the Saudis knew he was a renegade that's why they revoked his citizenship.
The eye witness accounts are only from AFTER the towers were hit. None from before. That's the evidence.

You have jack shit that they were recording before the towers were hit. Literally nothing. You've imagined it.

And as Truthers do, you're demanding that I present evidence to disprove your imagination.

Um, no. You provide the evidence that they were filming before the towers were hit. Or admit you have none. And we both know you have none.

With NONE of those witnesses reporting anything before the towers were hit.

Which, of course, you already know.

You IMAGINE that they were filming before the attack. And then laughably insist that your imagination be disproven.

I was out visiting my mother when the attacks came on the news, obviously first plane hit where ch then prompted BREAKING NEWS on the TV. As we sat and watched, the second high followed and the likes of the Pentagon reported.

It seemed all real to me, no Israelites, Russians, Cubans etc..

The group funded by America to fight Russia in Afghanistan formed Al Qaeda. That bit the US on the butt big style. When countries go thumping other countries around the globe, they should expect retaliation.

But one thing is clear, those that come up with conspiracy theories need to write for the film industry because there's some fantastic story lines going on.
The Saudis didn't hire OBL. He went to Afghanistan to build roads to fight against the Soviets and became the darling of the US and Saudi Arabia. He was the face of recruiting young men to join in the fight against the Soviets.

Didn't turn out so well. He was a gung ho religious fanatic of the Muslim Brotherhood agenda so the whole thing blew up in their faces.

By 1992 the Saudis knew he was a renegade that's why they revoked his citizenship.
ok, then why is our government, now that the petro$$ deal between us and the house of Saud has failed, resulted in revisiting them as the perps?

Even if the airliner impact and fire could cause the top of the North Tower to fall, talking about it destroying everything below the impact zone in less than 30 seconds is absurd without knowing the distributions of steel and concrete.

The $16,000,000 NCSTAR1 report by the NIST does not even specify the total amount of concrete. I downloaded it and burned it to DVD in 2007. Their only explanation for the destruction of the lower portion of the tower is "global collapse ensued".
The Saudis didn't have advanced knowledge of the attack. What a vicious lie. It was a small, closely held conspiracy.. based on Muslim history teachings which is illegal in Arabia since the earlier 1970s.

They had revoked bin Laden's citizenship in 1992. He hated the Saudis.
Wrong loser,
Whatever you say smellybozo err Zebra sealybobo sockpuppet shill.as always smellybozo you prove to the whole world what a sad little paid shill you are having to go through the archives to bring back and resurrect old dead buried threads on 9/11 constantly.you can’t debunk evidence so your handlers instruct you resurrect old dead buried threads on 9/11 and you blindly obey them.how sad and pathetic you are.you sure lead a really sad pathetic life the fact that’s all you have to do in your life is resurrect these old dead buried threads on 9/11 right PeterPilot

This fellow Matthew Tower has done a great job in documenting 911 and so much more, the Israeli role in the attacks.

It reminds me a little bit, a newly updated version of Loose Change. His being Jewish and a former Zionist gives it particular credibility.

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