1938:Chamberlain The British Prime Minister has been hailed as bringing "peace to Europe"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
1938: 'Peace for our time' - Chamberlain
The British Prime Minister has been hailed as bringing "peace to Europe" after signing a non-aggression pact with Germany.

PM Neville Chamberlain arrived back in the UK today, holding an agreement signed by Adolf Hitler which stated the German leader's desire never to go to war with Britain again.
BBC ON THIS DAY 30 1938 Peace for our time - Chamberlain

Iran deal reached, Obama hails step towards 'more hopeful world'
U.S. President Barack Obama hailed a step towards a "more hopeful world" and Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said it proved that "constructive engagement works". But Israel pledged to do what it could to halt what it called an "historic surrender".
The agreement will now be debated in the U.S. Congress, but Obama said he would veto any measure to block it.

Sound familiar???

"This deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction," Obama said. "We should seize it."
Iran deal reached Obama hails step toward more hopeful world Reuters
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I don't know why some of the politicians keep thinking that you can deal with tyrants when history shows it fails every single time.
So, uh...healthmyths. Where'd you hear this meme you are parroting? Because this is like the third or fourth topic on this forum where Obama = Chamberlain. You rubes are clearly getting your topic ideas from someone else.

Is there some kind of email chain? Do you have a big red firebell over your bed that goes off to alert you of an incoming missive?

Let me ask you something else.

If Obama = Hitler, how can he be a Hitler appeaser?

How can he be Hitler AND Chamberlain?
hm has created a very good Fallacy of false derivative analogy.

The two situations are very, very different.

The only alternatives were to crank up sanctions or go to war. War will not produce the results wanted by the West, and sanctions may have led to the collapse of major portions of the Middle East, which would lead to catastrophic results for the world.

You far right neo-cons need to think with your head on your shoulders not the head of your dick.
I like how all these rubes are regurgitating manufactured bullshit fed to them. They have not even seen the agreement, have not read one single word of it, but that does not stop them from parroting the lines fed to them by their manipulators.


Pretty bird! Pretty bird!
The biggest disaster in modern US history was Bush's decision to go to war in Iraq. Was that appeasement, or the opposite?
hm has created a very good Fallacy of false derivative analogy.

The two situations are very, very different.

The only alternatives were to crank up sanctions or go to war. War will not produce the results wanted by the West, and sanctions may have led to the collapse of major portions of the Middle East, which would lead to catastrophic results for the world.

Actually that is kind of the situation that Chamberlain was in.

THey wanted to stop Hitler but the only way to do it was a war they could not win, so, appeasement.
The analogy requires an assumption that Iran's aim is a thousand year Reich.
The OP fails as a false comparison fallacy.

And you are being redundant. "false comparison fallacy.".... what else is can "false" be but a fallacy?

But where is the "false comparison"?
Hitler was threatening Europe.
Iran has SAID clearly within the last two weeks:
July 14, 2015 at 4:00 am
Tehran staged its traditional Quds Day[1] rallies on July 10 in 770 cities across Iran. Quds Day was established by the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the late Imam Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini, ostensibly to unify the Muslim world to "liberate" the Palestinian people from the "Zionist Entity's" disputed "occupation."

However, in reality, Quds Day has become a day in which Iran and protestors in other societies attack the legitimacy of the state of Israel ("The Little Satan") and threaten the United States ("The Big Satan").

In the lead-up to Quds Day, the former President of Iran, Al Akbar Rafsanjani, mused in an interview about the eventual disappearance of Israel from history. [2]

The chants at this year's rallies were familiar: "Death to America" and "Death to Israel."

Reportedly, President Hassan Rouhani attended a rally in Tehran and was treated to posters of Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Obama, and King Salman of Saudi Arabia being burned. He did not protest.
The ritualistic rally-cries of death to America and Israel, and the burning in effigy of the leaders of Israel, America, and Saudi Arabia underscore the basic lie that underpins Quds Day: the Iranian regime is focused on Iran's revolutionary extremist agenda, not on the welfare of Palestinian Arabs.
Iran s Quds Day Death to America Death to Israel
Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 10.17.31 AM.png

I'm trying to understand how a "This deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction," Obama said. "We should seize it."
when participants what the destruction of Israel and the U.S.
Do we see ANY similar protests in Israel/U.S. calling for the destruction of Iran or the burning of Iranian flag?

Distance can be emotionally deceiving. The nuclear deal imperils the United States as much as Israel, just not as immediately. The Supreme Leader directs crowds in chanting "Death to America." The Iranian navy practices blowing up U.S. aircraft carriers, and its armed forces bear responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers who fought bravely in Iraq.

Ex-envoy Iran deal bad for Israel U.S. and world - CNN.com
Has there been any similar practices of blowing up Iranian vessels?
The biggest disaster in modern US history was Bush's decision to go to war in Iraq. Was that appeasement, or the opposite?
That was keeping the "1991 Cease Fire" in case you forgot, Saddam continued to ignore it and in doing so ignored the 576,000 children that starved,
the destruction of Mesopotamia, the gassing of Kurds, the cheering of 9/11 attacks and the possible Anthrax attacks on the US.
But of course all of that is forgotten right?

Also forgotten was this:
What was the "1998 Liberation of Iraq" Act signed into law by Clinton?
The 1998 Liberation of Iraq authorized by Congress' Resolution of 2002 (Public law 107-243, 116 Stat. 1497-1502) "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq " "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling .
"It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."
On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated Operation Desert Fox, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.
In spite of that Saddam allowed In five years 576,000 children to starve BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com
I like how all these rubes are regurgitating manufactured bullshit fed to them. They have not even seen the agreement, have not read one single word of it, but that does not stop them from parroting the lines fed to them by their manipulators.


Pretty bird! Pretty bird!
Well why haven't we seen the agreement from this "Most transparent administration" in history?
The analogy requires an assumption that Iran's aim is a thousand year Reich.
Doesn't require 1,000 year plan...
ISIS has formally declared the establishment of a caliphate, or Islamic state, in the vast stretches of the Middle East that have fallen under its control, and has outlined a vision to expand into Europe.

The announcement was described as the 'most significant development in international jihadism since 9/11'.

Upon declaring a caliphate, the Sunni militants - whose brutality in attempting to establish control in Iraq and Syria has been branded too extreme even by Al Qaeda - demanded allegiance from Muslims around the world.

With brutal efficiency, ISIS has carved out a large chunk of territory that has effectively erased the border between Iraq and Syria and laid the foundations of its proto-state.

Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 10.31.12 AM.png

ISIS militants outline chilling five-year plan for global domination Daily Mail Online

Now if this isn't a plan that Iran supports...
An honored, competent and respected ally is deeply concerned over this deal calling it "A bad mistake of historic proportions". An avowed enemy of our country celebrates the deal. An international financier of terrorism has just been handed billions of dollars to expand its terrorist efforts. The Death to America crowd is cheering.

And how is this good?


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