1968 Chicago...Demonstrators were not Victims...Threw Bags of Piss and Golf Balls Full of Nails


May 23, 2014
I served in the Illinois National Guard back when I was in high school + time and members of my unit were in Chicago during 1968 convention when communist tried to disrupt it by carrying enemy colors, attacking police, and soldiers. These protesters were not heroes. But the liberal historians and media will make you believe it. Heard the stories from guys who were there. Should of shot the hippie scumbags. Chicago used to be a great city under Mayor Richard J. Daley. Vote Republican in 2018 Chicago and collar counties! Vote for America!
Those were the good old days: Democrats protesting Democrats, Chicago police beating the crap out of and tear-gassing Democrats.

What fun times those were. :banana:
Ah yes, the good old days back when the conventions were worth watching. Yes 1968 was wild. Then in '72 (poor old state delegation chairman Frank King and his infamous, "Ohio passes") we had labor and the left fighting each other resulting in McGovern giving his acceptance speech in the wee hours of the morning. Must have actually been fun to be a journalist back in those days. Now everything is so scripted.

Oh almost forgot the '88 convention when Bill Clinton performed a filibuster giving the Michael Dukakis nomination speech. Clinton went on for over an hour and afterwards was getting hammered in the press. The Tonight Show the next night had him on and he took the heat good naturedly, played the sax and things blew over.
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Protesters in ‘68 were anti-United States...just as anti-Trump protesters are today.

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