
Freedom First!
Nov 2, 2008
BBC ON THIS DAY | 4 | 1979: Militants storm US embassy in Tehran

1979: Militants storm US embassy in Tehran
Militant Islamic students in Iran have stormed the US embassy in the Iranian capital,Tehran, and taken more than 90 people hostage.

The students have demanded that the Shah of Iran, who fled the country in January, be extradited from the US, where he is currently receiving medical treatment for cancer, to stand trial in Iran.

It is reported that revolutionary guards and police did nothing to stop the take-over and Iranian television has indicated its support for the action by broadcasting live pictures of the siege.

Ayatollah Rubollah Khomeini, who assumed control of Iran in February, has also voiced his support for the occupation.

....................... more on that link above
Another failed liberal president gave us Iran. Obama might just give the radical muslims the rest of the Middle East
I remember it well. Let's hope we don't have a repeat of this horrible situation, this time in Africa.
BBC ON THIS DAY | 4 | 1979: Militants storm US embassy in Tehran

1979: Militants storm US embassy in Tehran
Militant Islamic students in Iran have stormed the US embassy in the Iranian capital,Tehran, and taken more than 90 people hostage.

The students have demanded that the Shah of Iran, who fled the country in January, be extradited from the US, where he is currently receiving medical treatment for cancer, to stand trial in Iran.

It is reported that revolutionary guards and police did nothing to stop the take-over and Iranian television has indicated its support for the action by broadcasting live pictures of the siege.

Ayatollah Rubollah Khomeini, who assumed control of Iran in February, has also voiced his support for the occupation.

....................... more on that link above

What is ironic about that entire sequence of events, before, during and after, is that it could have been Carter's ticket to re-election. All he had to do was declare that we were going to war with Iran and start building up for an all out strike on Iran, and American voters would have re-elected him with a landslide victory.
Strange that a war declared to support a brutal dictator in another nation would have a positive affect on an election in the nation that declares itself to be the world's leading democracy.
Another failed liberal president gave us Iran. Obama might just give the radical muslims the rest of the Middle East

Ummm, we don't own the Middle East. Other than the fact that it holds oil that we want, I don't anyone in the US really gives a crap about the Middle East, yet we are constantly getting involved in wars and who knows what over there. Leave it the fuck alone and stay out of there and we would be much better off. They have to sell the oil on the open market and if we weren't sticking our nose in their affairs all the time, they probably wouldn't have such a problem with us.

We all know they are a backward people, but dammit, we can't change the entire fucking world to be just like us.
Another failed liberal president gave us Iran. Obama might just give the radical muslims the rest of the Middle East

Ummm, we don't own the Middle East. Other than the fact that it holds oil that we want, I don't anyone in the US really gives a crap about the Middle East, yet we are constantly getting involved in wars and who knows what over there. Leave it the fuck alone and stay out of there and we would be much better off. They have to sell the oil on the open market and if we weren't sticking our nose in their affairs all the time, they probably wouldn't have such a problem with us.

We all know they are a backward people, but dammit, we can't change the entire fucking world to be just like us.

We had a choice, to support the Shaw who was starting to make reforms or support the Islamic revolution. Carter chose the latter... idiot
Deja vu. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Obama's Egypt...

Another failed liberal president gave us Iran. Obama might just give the radical muslims the rest of the Middle East

Ummm, we don't own the Middle East. Other than the fact that it holds oil that we want, I don't anyone in the US really gives a crap about the Middle East, yet we are constantly getting involved in wars and who knows what over there. Leave it the fuck alone and stay out of there and we would be much better off. They have to sell the oil on the open market and if we weren't sticking our nose in their affairs all the time, they probably wouldn't have such a problem with us.

We all know they are a backward people, but dammit, we can't change the entire fucking world to be just like us.

We had a choice, to support the Shaw who was starting to make reforms or support the Islamic revolution. Carter chose the latter... idiot
And barack Carter is doing the same sad thing.

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