2,000 refugees to be injected into America against the will of the public and Trump administration


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Even though the majority of Americans as well as the entire Trump administration do not want so-called “refugees” brought into America, they’re being forced down our throat by the deep state.

This is straight treason.

From RT:
2,000 'Refugees' To Be Injected Into America Against The Will Of The Public And Trump Administration -

Nothing is going to get through to the lunatics and their bleeding hearts for refugees they think are going to be angels from heaven. They think because they are feeling from terror they can live next to the average person in America , Germany etc. That is not to say every single one of them are loons we have good people who have come here, BUT THEY CAME HERE LEGALLY THEY CAME HERE IN THE RIGHT WAYS. They wanted the American way.

Oh there is no use trying to show the dumbasses of society what is going to happen they will find out all on their own...................

Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knife point in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.

The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report.

The Idaho Refugee Rape Coverup
Women allegedly forced into prostitution
Report: Muslim Migrants Raping Women & Children at German Refugee Camp
The public needs to have their noses continually rubbed in muslim shit until they get the message.

The rapes, the attacks, the murders, democrats want it like that. It's their utopia.
View attachment 110833
Even though the majority of Americans as well as the entire Trump administration do not want so-called “refugees” brought into America, they’re being forced down our throat by the deep state.

This is straight treason.

From RT:
2,000 'Refugees' To Be Injected Into America Against The Will Of The Public And Trump Administration -

Nothing is going to get through to the lunatics and their bleeding hearts for refugees they think are going to be angels from heaven. They think because they are feeling from terror they can live next to the average person in America , Germany etc. That is not to say every single one of them are loons we have good people who have come here, BUT THEY CAME HERE LEGALLY THEY CAME HERE IN THE RIGHT WAYS. They wanted the American way.

Oh there is no use trying to show the dumbasses of society what is going to happen they will find out all on their own...................

Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knife point in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.

The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report.

The Idaho Refugee Rape Coverup
Women allegedly forced into prostitution
Report: Muslim Migrants Raping Women & Children at German Refugee Camp

So goes judicial activism.

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To be straight on the story of the little girl being raped and pissed on in Idaho go here; New Details in Idaho 5-Year-Old Muslim Migrant Rape Case: Here’s Exactly What Happened That Terrible Day - Freedom Outpost

Many male refugees from these shit-hole countries have absolutely no respect for females. It is disgusting that anyone in this country would think that bringing them in is okay-dokey for cash, investments or their own political agendas. There are people gaining money to take in the unwanted soon to be or already are criminals and they also need to be exposed at every level regardless of their party affiliation. In the Idaho case it is also ME Muslim money backed company (possibly more if someone is near enough to check on it), an .org ran from the local college and a local real estate businessman/council member.
View attachment 110833
Even though the majority of Americans as well as the entire Trump administration do not want so-called “refugees” brought into America, they’re being forced down our throat by the deep state.

This is straight treason.

From RT:
2,000 'Refugees' To Be Injected Into America Against The Will Of The Public And Trump Administration -

Nothing is going to get through to the lunatics and their bleeding hearts for refugees they think are going to be angels from heaven. They think because they are feeling from terror they can live next to the average person in America , Germany etc. That is not to say every single one of them are loons we have good people who have come here, BUT THEY CAME HERE LEGALLY THEY CAME HERE IN THE RIGHT WAYS. They wanted the American way.

Oh there is no use trying to show the dumbasses of society what is going to happen they will find out all on their own...................

Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knife point in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.

The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report.

The Idaho Refugee Rape Coverup
Women allegedly forced into prostitution
Report: Muslim Migrants Raping Women & Children at German Refugee Camp
When is the national socialist right wing, going to stop providing for the general warfare?
What will of the people?

One, you did not accept polls before, so you get laughed at when you talk about polls now.

Two, go read the Constitution.
Hey, California has plenty of room for all of them.

Then, once they declare independence all those potential terrorists stay right there where they can do the most good.
This rapefugee and NWO scam is falling apart at the seams. Trump Trump'd them once more by denying one of Obama's last minute political mine fields for whoever would succeed him.

I recall last year reading the plight of several locals on these islands that are being used by Australia for its illegal aliens brought into Australia by smugglers.

These local inhabitants that were being beaten and misplaced by local law enforcement officers in their home island country cried out for help on FB and to anyone who would listen. They lived on these islands prior to Australia deciding to send their illegal aliens that had been smuggled in from East Africa and the Middle East. The Islanders did not know why this was happening to them all of the sudden when the law enforcement would not protect them and was instead beating them up when they complained. The pieces are coming together now if one can look at all the ins and outs of it.

The illegals are being detained in camps on these islands. Abuse is rampant in these camps and the UN and other agencies started putting heat on the Aussie government. The young girls, children and women among the refugees are the ones as usual paying the price of Australia's mismanagement. Is there a prison for profit company taking care of these camps? If so who is it? Is Turnbill worried the voters there are going to boot him so he tried to pulled a fast one at the American public's expense? Or is he just attempting to get the UN and relief agencies off his ass and Trump didn't want any part of it?

nauru island refugees - YouTube

Nauru was a rich little island country until it was mined out....

Manus Island the other detention center for Australia
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I have no problem taking them in. If the neo-cons would stop bombing their countries there wouldn't be refugees.
I don't believe that Somalia nor any of the other countries they are coming out has been bombed and that is where some of those rapefugees are coming from.
What will of the people?

One, you did not accept polls before, so you get laughed at when you talk about polls now.

Two, go read the Constitution.

Still nothing about immigration in the constitution. Although the President's executive powers are clearly stated in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

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What will of the people?

One, you did not accept polls before, so you get laughed at when you talk about polls now.

Two, go read the Constitution.

Still nothing about immigration in the constitution. Although the President's executive powers are clearly stated in the Immigration and Nationality Act. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
So you posed yourself a conundrum. Keep reading.
View attachment 110833
Even though the majority of Americans as well as the entire Trump administration do not want so-called “refugees” brought into America, they’re being forced down our throat by the deep state.

This is straight treason.

From RT:
2,000 'Refugees' To Be Injected Into America Against The Will Of The Public And Trump Administration -

Nothing is going to get through to the lunatics and their bleeding hearts for refugees they think are going to be angels from heaven. They think because they are feeling from terror they can live next to the average person in America , Germany etc. That is not to say every single one of them are loons we have good people who have come here, BUT THEY CAME HERE LEGALLY THEY CAME HERE IN THE RIGHT WAYS. They wanted the American way.

Oh there is no use trying to show the dumbasses of society what is going to happen they will find out all on their own...................

Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knife point in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.

The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report.

The Idaho Refugee Rape Coverup
Women allegedly forced into prostitution
Report: Muslim Migrants Raping Women & Children at German Refugee Camp
When is the national socialist right wing, going to stop providing for the general warfare?

When people stop blaming the left right blame game
What will of the people?

One, you did not accept polls before, so you get laughed at when you talk about polls now.

Two, go read the Constitution.

Still nothing about immigration in the constitution. Although the President's executive powers are clearly stated in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

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Try to actually listen to the guy half this dumb ass Country can't get this through their gawd damn heads it's sickening as people warn and warn wtf is going to happen with this OPEN BORDER BS!!
View attachment 110833
Even though the majority of Americans as well as the entire Trump administration do not want so-called “refugees” brought into America, they’re being forced down our throat by the deep state.

This is straight treason.

From RT:
2,000 'Refugees' To Be Injected Into America Against The Will Of The Public And Trump Administration -

Nothing is going to get through to the lunatics and their bleeding hearts for refugees they think are going to be angels from heaven. They think because they are feeling from terror they can live next to the average person in America , Germany etc. That is not to say every single one of them are loons we have good people who have come here, BUT THEY CAME HERE LEGALLY THEY CAME HERE IN THE RIGHT WAYS. They wanted the American way.

Oh there is no use trying to show the dumbasses of society what is going to happen they will find out all on their own...................

Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knife point in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.

The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report.

The Idaho Refugee Rape Coverup
Women allegedly forced into prostitution
Report: Muslim Migrants Raping Women & Children at German Refugee Camp


Try to actually listen to the guy half this dumb ass Country can't get this through their gawd damn heads it's sickening as people warn and warn wtf is going to happen with this OPEN BORDER BS!!

PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN OVER THERE, KNOW WHAT'S OVER THERE The liberal idiots who are too busy rioting and never went anywhere than across the state have no fkn clue about reality just like the trendy feminazis who are dumber than a box of rocks.
Try to actually listen to the guy half this dumb ass Country can't get this through their gawd damn heads it's sickening as people warn and warn wtf is going to happen with this OPEN BORDER BS!!"
No open borders exist, you dork. Try listening to the great majority of the country, please.
it doesn't matter if they are vetted many are still committing crimes esp. overseas



What will of the people?

One, you did not accept polls before, so you get laughed at when you talk about polls now.

Two, go read the Constitution.

Still nothing about immigration in the constitution. Although the President's executive powers are clearly stated in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Try to actually listen to the guy half this dumb ass Country can't get this through their gawd damn heads it's sickening as people warn and warn wtf is going to happen with this OPEN BORDER BS!!
View attachment 110833
Even though the majority of Americans as well as the entire Trump administration do not want so-called “refugees” brought into America, they’re being forced down our throat by the deep state.

This is straight treason.

From RT:
2,000 'Refugees' To Be Injected Into America Against The Will Of The Public And Trump Administration -

Nothing is going to get through to the lunatics and their bleeding hearts for refugees they think are going to be angels from heaven. They think because they are feeling from terror they can live next to the average person in America , Germany etc. That is not to say every single one of them are loons we have good people who have come here, BUT THEY CAME HERE LEGALLY THEY CAME HERE IN THE RIGHT WAYS. They wanted the American way.

Oh there is no use trying to show the dumbasses of society what is going to happen they will find out all on their own...................

Three Syrian refugees reportedly raped a little girl at knife point in Idaho before urinating on her body, an incident that prompted furious residents to accuse Twin Falls city council members of covering up the assault.

The sexual assault allegedly took place on June 2, but has received virtually no media attention aside from one vague KMVT report.

The Idaho Refugee Rape Coverup
Women allegedly forced into prostitution
Report: Muslim Migrants Raping Women & Children at German Refugee Camp


Try to actually listen to the guy half this dumb ass Country can't get this through their gawd damn heads it's sickening as people warn and warn wtf is going to happen with this OPEN BORDER BS!!

That was badass.

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Why won't Trump just load them up on planes and take them back to where they came from? No one is really going to stop those planes.

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