2 Afghan Refugees Facing Charges Of Sex Crimes Against A Minor, Domestic Abuse


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

This is what happens when you have no plan to pull out of Afghanistan and just start packing planes with whoever happens to be at the airport without vetting them.

The sexual assault of a minor is on Joe's failed Afghanistan Withdrawal.
Unbelievable.... How much dumber do we all have to be before hell starts recording more and more of our names for enlistment ??
You better keep a gun on you because they’re coming to every city

They've been here since I was a kid; my mother and one my aunts who was a nurse always carried one when they worked in the hospital district, which in most cities always seemed to be next to barrios and Hoodz for some reason. Saved her ass twice in the parking lots, and no police officer ever said a word about her carrying, even when it was illegal to carry concealed firearms. Same with most all the nurses and doctors and employees who worked in the district.

This is what happens when you have no plan to pull out of Afghanistan and just start packing planes with whoever happens to be at the airport without vetting them.

The sexual assault of a minor is on Joe's failed Afghanistan Withdrawal.
Probably Beck brought them here without any vetting.
The camel jockey will find out about American laws.
In Afghanistan.
Rape victims in Afghanistan are more stigmatized than the rapists. Women who are raped can be and often are punished, while their male counterparts rarely face jail time when accused of rape. Women are often punished as "fornicators" under the zina, the part of Islamic law that has to do with unlawful sexual intercourse.
Women are often persuaded to marry their rapist in hopes of restoring honor to her family. This is also done so the rapist can avoid facing charges. Thus putting women in the, very often dangerous, position of either marrying the man who raped and attacked them or facing honor crimes, possibly murder, at the hands of their own family members.

This is what happens when you have no plan to pull out of Afghanistan and just start packing planes with whoever happens to be at the airport without vetting them.

The sexual assault of a minor is on Joe's failed Afghanistan Withdrawal.
How do you vet someone and prevent them from getting on the plane BEFORE the crime is committed? Your lack of logic is is typical of a liberal.

That being said, we know there was little to no verification of their identity or eligibility to get on the planes. Biden and Blinken are responsible for that failure.
How do you vet someone and prevent them from getting on the plane BEFORE the crime is committed?
So you are advocating the practice of letting unknown Afghanis on US planes bound for the US just because they happen to be there inside the airport?

Yeah, Biden already did that, which is why we reportedly have approx 100 Afghanis on the Terrorist Watch List and/or connected to terrorist groups brought to the US and why we have a violent pedophile Afghanis sexually molesting kids now.

The US was extremely lucky the flights weny off without a hitch -

Ever hear of / about 'Extortion 17'? In the dark of night, twenty-five US Special Ops Forces and a five-man flight crew on board Extortion 17, a CH-47 Chinook helicopter. At the last minute seven unidentified Afghan Commandos were added to the mission without prior coordination and boarded the helicopter. Evidence shows an explosion occurred inside the Chinook, killing everyone aboard and bringing the helicopter down. 25 US Special Operations warriors were killed in 1 horrific event.

THAT is the kind of stuff that happens when you allow un-vetted, un-cleared persons onboard a US aircraft. Again, the flights out of Afghanistan that had terrorists on the Terrorist Watch List onboard.
Camels in Afghanistan?
FYI: YES, there are Camels in Afghanistan

"Both are native to the dry and desert areas of Asia and northern Africa. ... It is thought that there are about 1,000 wild Bactrian Camels in the Gobi Desert, and small numbers in Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey and Russia."\

I have no idea if there are any 'Camel Jockeys' in Afghanistan.

So you are advocating the practice of letting unknown Afghanis on US planes bound for the US just because they happen to be there inside the airport?

Yeah, Biden already did that, which is why we reportedly have approx 100 Afghanis on the Terrorist Watch List and/or connected to terrorist groups brought to the US and why we have a violent pedophile Afghanis sexually molesting kids now.

The US was extremely lucky the flights weny off without a hitch -

Ever hear of / about 'Extortion 17'? In the dark of night, twenty-five US Special Ops Forces and a five-man flight crew on board Extortion 17, a CH-47 Chinook helicopter. At the last minute seven unidentified Afghan Commandos were added to the mission without prior coordination and boarded the helicopter. Evidence shows an explosion occurred inside the Chinook, killing everyone aboard and bringing the helicopter down. 25 US Special Operations warriors were killed in 1 horrific event.

THAT is the kind of stuff that happens when you allow un-vetted, un-cleared persons onboard a US aircraft. Again, the flights out of Afghanistan that had terrorists on the Terrorist Watch List onboard.

Why didn't you read the rest of my post?

I said in the SAME POST:
That being said, we know there was little to no verification of their identity or eligibility to get on the planes. Biden and Blinken are responsible for that failure.

In regards to Extortion 17, the aircraft was destroyed by an RPG that entered the cabin of the aircraft through the open rear door. Vetting the occupants had nothing to do with that. All you seem to have is a conspiracy theory not supported by the facts.

"A Taliban fighter shot the helicopter out of the sky with a rocket-propelled grenade and all aboard were killed—the single greatest loss of American life in the Afghan war."

The odds are that I was a volunteer that helped train that SEAL squadron in Urban Combat before their deployment as I was usually OP4 against just about every SEAL unit that deployed from 2007-2018. The only exception was the west coast based units who built their own MOUT site.

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