2 Afghan Refugees Facing Charges Of Sex Crimes Against A Minor, Domestic Abuse

It wasn't his job to end the civil war in Afghanistan. It was his job to protect our troops and support our ally, the Afghan Army, in its defense of an elected government. He did neither. The war has been over in Germany and Japan for over 70 years. We still have bases, equipment and troops in both of those nations. All Biden did was give total control of Afghanistan to the Taliban and increase the threat to the United States and the rest of the world regarding future terrorism emanating from there.

Fuck Joe Biden!
What happened happened. No matter the outcome any Pres would have dead military.

Why didn't tramp do it, oh he lost.
Yet they are not held in the federal facility in which they reside? Just more piss poor planning from the Biden administration. The locals do pay, these prisoners require special treatment. All of which creates secondary costs to the locals which are not paid by the federal government. Do you think Dane County jail keeps an interpreter on hand 24 hours a day? What the federal government pays and what it actually costs are two different things.
I have no idea what you are saying.

Our state's largest city has an overcrowded jail. Federal prisoners are kept in a rural county's jail that is 80 miles from that city.

What are these secondary costs? It is doubtful that these men need interpreters because the most likely speak English already from their associations with Americans in Afghanistan.

Where would you put them?

This is what happens when you have no plan to pull out of Afghanistan and just start packing planes with whoever happens to be at the airport without vetting them.

The sexual assault of a minor is on Joe's failed Afghanistan Withdrawal.
Take them back to Afghan, and toss them out in mid-flight.
What happened happened. No matter the outcome any Pres would have dead military.

Why didn't tramp do it, oh he lost.
No PENE.....stop speaking out of your butt....BIDEN fucked over our troops with his inept corrupt withdrawal---which caused the specific deaths of the 13 troops during pull out. These 13 troops would still be alive if any normal military and administration had been in----these troops were murdered because of gross incompetence of the Biden team or more likely flat out corruption of.
I have no idea what you are saying.

Our state's largest city has an overcrowded jail. Federal prisoners are kept in a rural county's jail that is 80 miles from that city.

What are these secondary costs? It is doubtful that these men need interpreters because the most likely speak English already from their associations with Americans in Afghanistan.

Where would you put them?
They should remain at Fort McCoy. How many beds are locals supposed to give up for these refugees? You assume they speak English, when in fact it just as likely they don't. The vast majority of refugees were not interpreters nor in any way previously involved with the US government. Nor is there any clear long term resolution in sight.

Just about every city in America has overcrowded jails. Every bed a refugee gets is one less for local criminals. Crime rates are increasing, not decreasing. That is part of the secondary costs. Secondary costs include the additional time, effort, and stress on an already overburdened staff. States and municipalities are having enough trouble keeping staff now, this doesn't help. Federal dollars won't fix that.
Should only allow nice Japanese and Jews in

USA is the new 5th World

This is what happens when you have no plan to pull out of Afghanistan and just start packing planes with whoever happens to be at the airport without vetting them.

The sexual assault of a minor is on Joe's failed Afghanistan Withdrawal.
The really crazy part is that biden will let them stay in the US even after this
They should remain at Fort McCoy. How many beds are locals supposed to give up for these refugees? You assume they speak English, when in fact it just as likely they don't. The vast majority of refugees were not interpreters nor in any way previously involved with the US government. Nor is there any clear long term resolution in sight.

Just about every city in America has overcrowded jails. Every bed a refugee gets is one less for local criminals. Crime rates are increasing, not decreasing. That is part of the secondary costs. Secondary costs include the additional time, effort, and stress on an already overburdened staff. States and municipalities are having enough trouble keeping staff now, this doesn't help. Federal dollars won't fix that.
Fort McCoy? Do you realize most military posts have no facilities to hold suspected criminals? The old idea of "slap them in the brig" doesn't exist anymore. They closed the brig on the Army post where I work about 15 years ago due to BRAC. Besides, you cannot keep civilians in a military detention facility.

If they have no involvement with the US government, they should be sent back to Afghanistan as they got here via fraudulent circumstances, but we know Biden won't do that.
Yes any Pres would have the same outcome.
In what branch of the service did you serve and for how long?
What was your AFSC / specialty code?
Have you ever been in combat?
Have you ever been a team leader or commander?

I'm just trying to gauge your experience and ability to speak intelligently on this subject. From your original statement I am guessing you have never served.

Biden's (and your) claim that no matter who was in charge the 13 Americans who were killed would have died is a lie based on the desire to protect his own ass and NOT one based on military / combat experience or personal knowledge.

Both strategically and tactically, the President, Secretary of Defense Austin, Chairman of the JCS Milley, and USCENTCOM Commander McKenzie, Commander of that AOR - to include Afghanistan, made HUGE, serious, critical mistakes in attempting to carry out the withdrawal.

The 1st mistake, the biggest mistake, was the withdrawal of the military before evacuating US citizens and allies. This was like shooting yourself in the foot, or more realistically, tying one arm behind you back. Reducing the amount of troops you have limits what you can do.

With the number of troops they had left after taking out the mass majority of troops there:
- They were unable to keep Bagram Air base. This is significant because Bagram was more defensible than the airport, it had 2 runways critical to bringing in more planes and taking off with evacuees, AND the moment Bagram was surrendered 6,000 hardcore terrorists were released, free to attack the military and Americans trying to get out. Bagram should have beenheld until the last plane out were wheels up.

- They were unable to accept the Taliban's offer to secure Kabul until we had evacuated everyone because we did not have the manpower to do so. Securing Kabul was CRITICAL because
Without securing the entire city:
--- The terrorists were able to encircle the airport with checkpoints, preventing Americans and allies from making it to the airport

--- Terrorists were free to make it all the way up to the airport from where they could launch attacks from 'point blank range', conducting car bombs, rocket attacks, and firing on planes as they came in and left.

Not having enough troops means the military was limited to securing and holding the International airport, an airport eventually no one could get to, and were unable to go out, locate, and rescue stranded Americans.

Key mistakes were made along the whole way, many that compounded their problems and put the military in an indefensible / hard to defend position that led to Americans being killed.

Fort McCoy? Do you realize most military posts have no facilities to hold suspected criminals? The old idea of "slap them in the brig" doesn't exist anymore. They closed the brig on the Army post where I work about 15 years ago due to BRAC. Besides, you cannot keep civilians in a military detention facility.

If they have no involvement with the US government, they should be sent back to Afghanistan as they got here via fraudulent circumstances, but we know Biden won't do that.
That's a federal problem, and most certainly should have been solved before the first refugee set foot in this country. There is no excuse for this bungled mess. Overburdening local resources is no solution in the short or long term.

They aren't here fraudulently, Biden let them in. All while abandoning half of the Afghans that were supposed to get special visas. The administration knew what they were getting, unvetted and unaffiliated refugees. Don't take my word for it, look it up, and perhaps you will see for yourself just why so many are upset about this.
The ones Biden sent over were all vetted, probably it was Beck that brought them here with no vetting. I remember a lot of republicans sending over a private planes.
Another lie SHERI. BTW, PLEASE tell us why he left American’s AND our Military Equipment over there. PLEASE tell us why he left Afghans with GREEN CARDS over there or in many cases children were NOT allowed to leave even if one parent was able to
PLEASE tell us why many of them that Biden sent here couldn’t even speak English yet we are to believe they assisted our Military?
PLEASE tell us SHERI why the Afghan gentleman who SPEAKS ENGLISH and saved Biden’s life many years ago is still there?
SHERI will have no response
I'm afraid I have to defend Penelope here, mate.

She is is both insane and incredibly stupid and so lacks the self awareness necessary to understand whether or not she is being truthful.
Her name is SHERI. Can you imagine if this was Trump who pulled out, leaving all our Documents as to where everybody is that the Taliban is hunting down and killing, all our Military Arsenal there, and GOD knows how many Americans?
Unbelievable.... How much dumber do we all have to be before hell starts recording more and more of our names for enlistment ??

As opposed to the numerous Insurrectionists of 01-06 who have multipal counts sexual abuse/sexual assault/spousal abuse.

This is what happens when you have no plan to pull out of Afghanistan and just start packing planes with whoever happens to be at the airport without vetting them.

The sexual assault of a minor is on Joe's failed Afghanistan Withdrawal.
Screw you.

This is what happens when you have no plan to pull out of Afghanistan and just start packing planes with whoever happens to be at the airport without vetting them.

The sexual assault of a minor is on Joe's failed Afghanistan Withdrawal.
It's their culture, unlike ours maybe you ought to consider Trump's sexual propensities. A wife for example who accused him of rape, and a dozen or more accusing him of sexual battery.
It's their culture, unlike ours maybe you ought to consider Trump's sexual propensities. A wife for example who accused him of rape, and a dozen or more accusing him of sexual battery.
As opposed to an ACTUAL pussy-grabbing, child sniffing / fondling pedophile whose son films family porn home movies?!

It's their culture, unlike ours maybe you ought to consider Trump's sexual propensities. A wife for example who accused him of rape, and a dozen or more accusing him of sexual battery.
It’s their “ culture” to commit sex crimes and child abuse? How sick . Trump was “ accused?” Where is the proof?

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