2 days after libs worst day of the year, Trump kills it in Poland.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Poor libs needing to endure another celebration of the birth of the greatest nation on earth that they despise but never move out of, even though they are perfectly free to do.

Trump's speech was amazing in Poland and the left gnash their fucking teeth.

They chanted his name....

Gnash those fucking teeth!
how dare he praise Poland for the fact that they have fought for liberty! How dare he mention God! The noive!
Regressives are going to start offing themselves. Thank goodess.
Poor libs needing to endure another celebration of the birth of the greatest nation on earth that they despise but never move out of, even though they are perfectly free to do.

Trump's speech was amazing in Poland and the left gnash their fucking teeth.

They chanted his name....

Gnash those fucking teeth!

From your European Patriot brothers and sisters we welcome the American Patriot President Donald J. Trump to our Continent.

Poland has a good Right-Wing Populist Nationalist Government and Prime Minister Beata Szydło and her Law and Justice Party are kindred spirits and European Patriots who love our Continent and want to protect it against the evil International Globalists who fanatically want to flood all Western nations with Middle Eastern savages and African savages.

The Law and Justice Party won the 2015 election in a landslide, the Leftist parties in Poland were annihilated, there is no Leftist representation at all in Mainstream Polish society, the Leftists are confined to the fringes with the other degenerates.

Poor libs needing to endure another celebration of the birth of the greatest nation on earth that they despise but never move out of, even though they are perfectly free to do.

Trump's speech was amazing in Poland and the left gnash their fucking teeth.

They chanted his name....

Gnash those fucking teeth!

What part qualifies as "great"?
The libs are over in another thread claiming that the Poles are hating on Trump. Further proof that they don't live in reality.
Poor libs needing to endure another celebration of the birth of the greatest nation on earth that they despise but never move out of, even though they are perfectly free to do.

Trump's speech was amazing in Poland and the left gnash their fucking teeth.

They chanted his name....

Gnash those fucking teeth!

What part qualifies as "great"?

The polar opposite of Ears
The libs are over in another thread claiming that the Poles are hating on Trump. Further proof that they don't live in reality.

In typical fashion the Leftists don't know anything about the Government of Poland or how Nationalistic 80%-90% of the population of Poland are.

That thread you refer I didn't comment in it because it's completely retarded, Leftist Maniacs wetting their underwear about the FAR LEFT ORGANISATION GREENPEACE with some idiotic slogan about the Paris Accord crap on a building = Poland HATES Trump :uhoh3:
The libs are over in another thread claiming that the Poles are hating on Trump. Further proof that they don't live in reality.

Trump has a 22 percent approval rating abroad.....not exactly beloved
Poor libs needing to endure another celebration of the birth of the greatest nation on earth that they despise but never move out of, even though they are perfectly free to do.

Trump's speech was amazing in Poland and the left gnash their fucking teeth.

They chanted his name....

Gnash those fucking teeth!

What part qualifies as "great"?

The polar opposite of Ears

Great....lets see an example

I can provide some examples of Obama's international leadership....what do you have on Trump?
The libs are over in another thread claiming that the Poles are hating on Trump. Further proof that they don't live in reality.

In typical fashion the Leftists don't know anything about the Government of Poland or how Nationalistic 80%-90% of the population of Poland are.

That thread you refer I didn't comment in it because it's completely retarded, Leftist Maniacs wetting their underwear about the FAR LEFT ORGANISATION GREENPEACE with some idiotic slogan about the Paris Accord crap on a building = Poland HATES Trump :uhoh3:
Let me straighten out your lie. The lit sign said: Trump NO, Paris , yes.
Polish government to bus people to Warsaw to cheer Donald Trump during his speech
Measure reminiscent of days of Soviet rule, when crowds would be bussed to Warsaw to ensure visiting bigwigs from Moscow saw a warm welcome on their arrival.

Poland is going to bus crowds to Trump's speech to cheer him

Poland is Right-Wing, the Leftists in Poland were shown the door, just like Leftism in the West by 2020 will be shown the door.

The Polish Government is bringing people from across Poland to the capital because so many want to see Donald Trump, the Polish Ministry of the Interior was deluged with requests from people across Poland who wanted to travel to see Donald Trump.

No matter what idiotic gibberings you post, the fact is Poland LIKES Donald Trump, Poland elected a Right-Wing Populist Nationalistic party to be the Polish Government, Poland is staunchly Roman Catholic, Poland doesn't like the Faggot Agenda, Poland doesn't WANT ANY Kebab savages or African savages, Poland is NOT Leftist, Poland doesn't WANT Left-Wingers.

No matter what you gibber you cannot change the concrete facts and you know zero about Poland, the Government of Poland or the population of Poland.
The libs are over in another thread claiming that the Poles are hating on Trump. Further proof that they don't live in reality.

In typical fashion the Leftists don't know anything about the Government of Poland or how Nationalistic 80%-90% of the population of Poland are.

That thread you refer I didn't comment in it because it's completely retarded, Leftist Maniacs wetting their underwear about the FAR LEFT ORGANISATION GREENPEACE with some idiotic slogan about the Paris Accord crap on a building = Poland HATES Trump :uhoh3:
Let me straighten out your lie. The lit sign said: Trump NO, Paris , yes.

Um Paris yes means the Paris Accord you dimbulb. Hello? Greenpeace? Hello Paris Accord?

Unlike you I'm educated, you are uneducated as your posts illustrate.

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