2 Officers shot in liberal Bay State!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Just has to be fake news, right?

2 Falmouth officers shot; state police units responding

Hey, it's a small-town nesapaper, so what do they know?

What WE know is that Massachusetts (aka "Taxachusetts") is a very liberal state that always votes Democrat and has some of the most restrictive anti-self protection ("gun control" laws) is America. And Falmouth? A posh little extraordinarily liberal town on "The Cape".

Was it a liberal ignoring liberal laws?

Was it an ordinary American?

Was it a "crazy"? If so, why was he/she/it roaming the streets with some sort of assault weapon. Wait a minute....who said "assault".......be patient.....to the left a BB gun is an "assault rifle"!

Film at 11........?
Wait so you are using the shooting of law enforcement officials to push your partisan political agenda? That's pretty sick.
Wait so you are using the shooting of law enforcement officials to push your partisan political agenda? That's pretty sick.

When the school year starts, we'll hear it's never the time to talk about gun violence in schools. Apparently discussion of gun violence is a summertime hobby.
Wait so you are using the shooting of law enforcement officials to push your partisan political agenda? That's pretty sick.

When the school year starts, we'll hear it's never the time to talk about gun violence in schools. Apparently discussion of gun violence is a summertime hobby.
------------------------------------- talk about gun violence and also talk about guns saving lives and then its cool Candy .

The two police officers shot in the uber-liberal community on Cape Cod have survived:

Officials release names of Falmouth police officers hurt in shootout

The shooter is identified in the linked article and his behavior strengthens the suspicion that he was simply a liberal doing what liberals do. Breaking bottles in the street, screaming at passing motor vehicles. Just demonstrating. Alone, of course, but just doin' wot come naturally!

Major point: What in the hell was he doing with a gun in the state with one of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation? Oh wait.....yeah, I keep forgetting that progressives are above. Right, Hillary?

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