2 Studies: Marijuana raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke by up to a THIRD

Nicotine doesn't kill you. The other junk inherent in cigarettes and the smoke of any freaking weed is what does you harm. It's amazing that they want to lock you up for smoking a cigarette in some areas but they legalize a drug that is probably far worse for your physical and mental health.
Nicotine can indeed kill you.
".....pot is a carcinogen" When did this happen, I never heard that before.

Better let Willie Nelson know this.
Just about any combustion byproduct can be a carcinogen.

But you no longer have to actually burn pot to partake

Plus pot is a carcinogen.
There’s reasons users want to call it a drug but avoid the drug approval process.
Using marijuana regularly is ‘strongly’ linked to heart failure and stroke, two major studies suggest.
One paper that tracked 160,000 adults over 54 years old for four years found those who smoked marijuana daily had a 34 percent higher risk of heart failure.
And in a second, researchers found hospitalized people over 65 years old who had used marijuana — but not cigarettes — were 20 percent more likely to suffer a major heart event or stroke.

Smoking anything is very bad for the respiratory system, at the very least. Particulate matter accumulates in the lungs, and causes damage, some of it irreversible. Carbon monoxide accumulates in the blood, and greatly reduces its oxygen-carrying capacity. Heart disease and strokes are probably connected to much of this as well.

This is before you even start to consider the effects of any drugs-like substances being carried in the smoke.

It seems a study on the long-term effects of “edibles” might be more useful, to get a better handle on how the active ingredients themselves are harmful , isolated from the effects of smoking anything.
I looked at the Mayo Clinic study, they say there needs to be a long term study.
I am not really arguing the point of it being bad, just that there hasn't been a definitive
link to it.
Sorry, I just can't take the state of Ca. word on anything....they are just too political.
Which is bullshit. In 2023 they’re trying to tell people a study is needed?

Give me a $10 M Grant, I’ll collect data of 5 million heavy users and have it published by January.
And besides all of that pot STINKS! And pot smokers STINK!

Tell me about it.

Several weeks ago, I had a three-day work assignment at what turned out to be a marijuana farm. The agency that sent me there had no idea that was what it was, until I told them. It had a name that suggested some sort of legitimate, reputable scientific company.

On arriving at the site, I had to roll down my window to check in with a guard, and the stench hit me hard, immediately. Initially, I assumed that the guard had been smoking pot, while on the job, and made a mental note that once I met my supervisor, I should mention this.

It didn't take me long to figure out that the entire site smelled like that; and rather disturbingly to me, the use of marijuana by workers while at the site, was allowed, even encouraged. On a lunch break, I noted a table set up, with a sign proclaiming it to be a “weed bar”, with products available for sale and immediate use.

The stench on the entire site was awful, and I felt ill most of the time I was on the site, and for at least a few days afterward. It took me a good week or so after the assignment ended, to get the stench out of myself, out of my lungs, out of my clothes, out of my tools, out of my car, out of everything that I had taken to the site.
All the drugs people wanted to take for Covid the Left banned, even some of them that were used by doctors in Europe.
But now people just need to be informed about not taking things that will kill them?

Along with efforts connected therewith, to actively coerce us into taking a category of dangerous, experimental drugs being fraudulently pushed as “vaccines”. Some people forced to take these dangerous drugs, or else lose their jobs.

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