2 Studies: Marijuana raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke by up to a THIRD

Seems there is very little in our world these days that is not linked to cancer
True enough, But the criteria it takes to link the two, could be suspect.
The quantities it would take to create a possible link between the two, for example.
just my opinion
It is such a simple thing, if you are worried about the risk of pot use, don't use it.

Just do not force your views on everyone else
Good grief. This is a message board where people express their opinions. Expressing an opinion you don't like is NOT forcing views on anybody else. Or do you think you are the only voice that should be allowed here?

But back on topic, the problem with tobacco use for non users is second hand smoke. That can be remedied by simply banning tobacco use in public. The problem with cannabis use is that the users can be impaired in judgment, reaction time, ability to focus or concentrate etc. and in many situations that can be dangerous for others.
Back in the early 20th century when factory made cigarettes became popular they actually managed to promote the lie that cigarettes are healthy and good for you. We laughed at that lie for the better part of 100 years. I guess what goes around comes around because here we are in the 21st century and the lie is back. They tell us that smoking the nefarious weed is good for you and pot heads actually believe it. Cheech and Chong isn't a comedy, it's a documentary.
who said its "good" for you?....who is they?....
Good grief. This is a message board where people express their opinions. Expressing an opinion you don't like is NOT forcing views on anybody else. Or do you think you are the only voice that should be allowed here?

But these same people support pot being outlawed.

The problem with cannabis use is that the users can be impaired in judgment, reaction time, ability to focus or concentrate etc. and in many situations that can be dangerous for others.

The same holds true for booze. Should we ban it again?
Good grief. This is a message board where people express their opinions. Expressing an opinion you don't like is NOT forcing views on anybody else. Or do you think you are the only voice that should be allowed here?

But back on topic, the problem with tobacco use for non users is second hand smoke. That can be remedied by simply banning tobacco use in public. The problem with cannabis use is that the users can be impaired in judgment, reaction time, ability to focus or concentrate etc. and in many situations that can be dangerous for others.
Fox people have been out in public high on pot for the last 60 years....today aint no different than yesteryear in that regard.....
Yep. Simple fix...eat a gummy and don't smoke it.
Edibles take longer to produce the desired effect in the user but they do have the same downsides in cognitive impairment, slowed reaction time, lessened ability to concentrate, focus, etc.

In many cases of medical marijuana that doesn't matter as the user is unlikely to be in a situation where drug induced impairment creates any kind of risk to others. But it can be a problem in recreational users who should not be impaired on the roads or job or whatever.
But these same people support pot being outlawed.
Seeing how you were responding to my post, I didn't ever bring up that pot should be outlawed or not.
My premise was that I have never seen where there was a definitive link between Pot and cancer.
Fox people have been out in public high on pot for the last 60 years....today aint no different than yesteryear in that regard.....
Yes people have been racist for centuries. People have consumed foods harmful to them for centuries. People have been dishonest, cruel, deadly, hateful, stupid for centuries.

The length of time something has been going on does not make something okay or a good thing.
Seeing how you were responding to my post, I didn't ever bring up that pot should be outlawed or not.
My premise was that I have never seen where there was a definitive link between Pot and cancer.
That California study Weatherman2020 cited did establish a link between smoking pot and cancer. But it was a fairly small study and while it should not be considered conclusive by any means, neither should it be dismissed out of hand. I file thing like that in the back of my head in case it should become more significant later on.

The huge study that was the inspiration for this thread however does not seem to establish a definite link between smoking pot and lung cancer. At least the articles citing it haven't mentioned that. But as I have mentioned, smoking pot can cause lung scarring. And there is a link between lung scarring and lung cancer risk. I think that is something to consider.
Yes people have been racist for centuries. People have consumed foods harmful to them for centuries. People have been dishonest, cruel, deadly, hateful, stupid for centuries.

The length of time something has been going on does not make something okay or a good thing.
and no one said it did.....but like those other things you mentioned.....you have to deal with them....not much in our lives are going to change in regards to our vices or how we are,its just the way it is.......there are 2 parties going on....one has people smoking pot,the other is a bunch of guys drinking beer.....after an hour or 2....which party do you think will eventually have the cops called?.....
My point is that I have never seen where pot was linked to cancer.
You can argue my snarky comment about Willie if you like.
But, you not addressing the link between pot and cancer didn't go unnoticed. :smoke:
It doesn’t need addressing because it would be superfluous. It’s been long determined that lining your lungs with carbon leads to cancer. Duh.
Smoking one joint equals seven cigarettes because of how the pot is ingested. Held in the lungs for prolonged periods.
It doesn’t need addressing because it would be superfluous. It’s been long determined that lining your lungs with carbon leads to cancer. Duh.
Smoking one joint equals seven cigarettes because of how the pot is ingested. Held in the lungs for prolonged periods.

But these same people support pot being outlawed.

The same holds true for booze. Should we ban it again?

I'm not seeing any opinions here suggesting pot should be outlawed. Who said it should?

As for alcohol, a glass of wine at dinner or a beer at the ball game is highly unlikely to seriously impair judgment or ability in any way. One marijuana joint or one gummy can.

Alcohol use can be banned in the work place and every state has strict limits on blood alcohol levels for which it is legal to drive and do some other tasks. And a blood test easily determines whether a person has been drinking and how much alcohol is in the person's system. And all alcohol from that glass of wine or that beer leaves the body within an hour or two. (If the person really has a snoot full it will take the body much longer to expel the alcohol.)

It is much more difficult when it comes to cannabis. Effects from smoking a joint can last up to 8 or 10 hours for many people. The effect of edibles can last up to 24 hours. But if the effects of that joint have worn off, you will still test positive in a saliva test for roughly 24 hours. And your urine can test positive up to 30 days and there is no way to test how impaired a person might be with saliva or blood tests.
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and no one said it did.....but like those other things you mentioned.....you have to deal with them....not much in our lives are going to change in regards to our vices or how we are,its just the way it is.......there are 2 parties going on....one has people smoking pot,the other is a bunch of guys drinking beer.....after an hour or 2....which party do you think will eventually have the cops called?.....
Alcohol tends to make people more loud and raucous and sometimes violent than does pot but both can impair judgment and ability. So the cops showing up are no better guide for us than is the length of time people have been stupid.

The thread isn't about societal behavior though but is to inform on the findings re marijuana. There are valid uses for marijuana and I would never deny it to someone who benefits from it especially for medical purposes. (It NEVER needs to be smoked however.)

But of course those who want to use it for recreational use don't want to hear about the downsides of that. That's when cognitive dissonance and maybe even a bit of intellectual dishonesty kick in.
Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. ;)

Can I assume that you are a heavy pot smoker?
You assume wrong. I get regular drug tests due to my job. Something goes wrong on a charter ya head from the boat or ship straight to the hospital to pee in a cup. This new law won't change that not for anyone regulated by DOT or the coast guard. We can all still lose our license with a dirty drop. So no real change for my lifestyle. So if the pot smoker wants to smoke let him smoke. Does not effect me. You can still rest assured the people transporting goods and people will be strictly regulated. Already voted.
You assume wrong. I get regular drug tests due to my job. Something goes wrong on a charter ya head from the boat or ship straight to the hospital to pee in a cup. This new law won't change that not for anyone regulated by DOT or the coast guard. We can all still lose our license with a dirty drop. So no real change for my lifestyle. So if the pot smoker wants to smoke let him smoke. Does not effect me. You can still rest assured the people transporting goods and people will be strictly regulated. Already voted.
I'm pretty much a live and let live person myself. But I also see no harm in giving people a chance to educate themselves about anything. The people exposed to that education have every bit as much ability as before to ignore it, reject it, try to change the subject to something else, accuse/insult people providing the education, etc.

But there is also the hope that those who get good information will have the self discipline and intelligence to use it wisely.

And unless you never drive on public roads, never have to have medical treatment, never had to depend on the mental clarity of the pharmacist filling your prescription or the guy inspecting or repairing your car or furnace or doing electrical work etc. etc. etc., whether or not that person is impaired from pot or anything else is sort of important.

And smart people should be interested in whatever health risks are involved in whatever products or substances they use.
So alcohol is used as a drug?
Alcohol use is as old as mankind. It is grandfathered in like aspirin is.
Marijuana was made illegal prior to the FDA and is therefore not grandfathered in.
Of course it is. Do you think alcohol isn't a drug?

It's used the same way recreational marijuana is used and has actually been used by humans longer than alcohol has.

FYI pot wasn't made illegal because it was bad for you.

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