2 Studies: Marijuana raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke by up to a THIRD

It’s OK to shoot someone because people get hit by buses and fall off cliffs, too.
The point is that the harmful effects of pot are being quashed by the creepy pot industry. We know what sugar and sodium and alcohol can do but pot is being promoted as though it’s safe and harmless. Very dangerous.
I expect pot lawsuits to pick up where asbestos left off.
Most intelligent people realize there are health risks in smoking marijuana but there are health risks in many things we consume.
Nicotine doesn't kill you. The other junk inherent in cigarettes and the smoke of any freaking weed is what does you harm. It's amazing that they want to lock you up for smoking a cigarette in some areas but they legalize a drug that is probably far worse for your physical and mental health.
People usually don't steal, kill, or ruin their lives and that of their families to get their caffeine fix.

i have never known anyone to do that to get some pot either.

Plus, it it were not illegal they would not need to
Yes you do. You may not know they use pot, but somebody you know does. Probably several somebodies.
I figured some lib would nitpik that line and chime in like you did

You totally miss the point
Lol, no they don't. Plenty of people I know got High as hell yesterday and likely this morning. I am sitting here just fine absolutely zero effect on me.
Most are affected whether they realize it or not. Money spent on law enforcement and drug treatment could be put to better use.
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Most intelligent people realize there are health risks in smoking marijuana but there are health risks in many things we consume.
Obviously they don’t or they wouldn’t condone it or smoke it in public putting others at risk including babies in car seats and strollers.
You have no idea what kind of mental issues come from that drug. Which is exactly where the pot industry wants you.
Obviously they don’t or they wouldn’t condone it or smoke it in public putting others at risk including babies in car seats and strollers.
You have no idea what kind of mental issues come from that drug. Which is exactly where the pot industry wants you.
You do realize that marijuana was a legal substance throughout our history until FDR banned it?
Lol, no they aren't. You are just an ass wipe that thinks they no better for other people. Meanwhile it is not one damn bit of your business.
Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. ;)

Can I assume that you are a heavy pot smoker?
What approval process did alcohol go through?

There's a reason people who prefer alcohol don't call it a drug.
So alcohol is used as a drug?
Alcohol use is as old as mankind. It is grandfathered in like aspirin is.
Marijuana was made illegal prior to the FDA and is therefore not grandfathered in.
Obviously they don’t or they wouldn’t condone it or smoke it in public putting others at risk including babies in car seats and strollers.
You have no idea what kind of mental issues come from that drug. Which is exactly where the pot industry wants you.
you have no idea yourself roshan....you are the guy who said it is injected into your body....
Willie Nelson is the Joe Camel of the pot industry.
Eubie Blake smoked and drank daily and lived into his 90’s. According pot heads, this means cigarettes and liquor are safe and healthful.
My point is that I have never seen where pot was linked to cancer.
You can argue my snarky comment about Willie if you like.
But, you not addressing the link between pot and cancer didn't go unnoticed. :smoke:
As a 'gateway' drug it's mild effects can lull one into a false sense of security in regard to other drugs.

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