2 Studies: Marijuana raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke by up to a THIRD

Sugar kills. Industrial chemicals cause cancer. The chemicals in processed food kill. Then there's fast food. It's awful.
Most Americans consume too much sugar and fatty foods. Obesity is a problem in our country and can lead to diabetes and heart disease.
yet there has never been a thread on here attacking cigarettes and there are daily ones going after pot.

It shows it is not about health and all about control
No need for threads attacking cigarettes. Everybody, even smokers, know that cigarettes will kill you.
Yep, if you do not smoke it but get it otherwise many of these issues are not a problem.

I know a lot of people that use it for one reason or another and the only ones I know that smoke it are the ones that grow their own
That explains why we agree on practically nothing

I dont know anyone that uses pot
Well have not used such a thing in quite the while. I will vote to legalize recreational use in my state today. Let the individual choose to use or not not. It is the individual choice not mine to make. They wanna be high all the time it's on them.
Well have not used such a thing in quite the while. I will vote to legalize recreational use in my state today. Let the individual choose to use or not not. It is the individual choice not mine to make. They wanna be high all the time it's on them.
The problem is that the user gets high and the whole community has a hangover.
They are outlawed in many places. Try to light up in any restaurant, or other public place, even outside.

They are not outlawed anywhere, they are just not allowed in some places. They are still 100% legal to buy
Yes marijuana is harmful but so is too much sugar or sodium.
It’s OK to shoot someone because people get hit by buses and fall off cliffs, too.
The point is that the harmful effects of pot are being quashed by the creepy pot industry. We know what sugar and sodium and alcohol can do but pot is being promoted as though it’s safe and harmless. Very dangerous.
I expect pot lawsuits to pick up where asbestos left off.
That explains why we agree on practically nothing

I dont know anyone that uses pot
Yes you do. You may not know they use pot, but somebody you know does. Probably several somebodies.

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