20000 Russian troops at Ukraine border

Those troops are on the same Russian base they have been on for 200 years. The base is Crimea which is part of Russia.
At this point it seems Putin is just trying to decide how much farther he wants to go and when if he goes farther into Ukraine he will get a fight from them but without support from the west at least in the supply of weapons if not troops Ukraine won't win out and at this point it does not seem like Obama or anyone in the west is willing to do this.
Beating the war drum again Rambo? Just going to have to wait for it to rain death and body parts.
It's really a shame that the NSA was so busy monitoring the Tea Party that they complete missed Putin's machinations to rebuild the USSR.
And if Obabble were a penis, his name would be "Innie".

Just sayin'.
So, what's the deal?

I hear from various news services (BBC, CNN, Fox, etc.) that the Russians have deployed very large numbers of troops on the Eastern border with Ukraine; not the Crimea, but the Eastern mainland border.

In quantities that are glaringly atypical - in strength sufficient to overwhelm the Russian-majority eastern states/provinces of the Ukraine.

Which sounds rather alarming to me, unless I heard incorrectly, when tuned to the news earlier today.

Are the reports of large-scale Russian mobilization on Ukraine's mainland Eastern border true?

And, if true, will the goddamned Russians overrun the whole friggin' thing, ending at the Polish border?

Or will they settle for the eastern half, so that we end up with either a Rump Ukraine in the western half, or a split into East Ukraine (Russian-controlled) and West Ukraine (ethnic Ukrainian -controlled)?

Interesting times.

Especially in light of the feeble response being served-up by The West so far.

Not that I, personally, have a clear solution.

I simply realize that more must be done, and that it is not getting done, and that Putin doesn't seem to "sweat" the West in all of this.

Interesting times.

Troubling times.
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Bbbbbut Bush from a huff post bag of wind...from Austin of all places.
20000 Russian troops at Ukraine border

Where did the other 40,000 Russian troops go?


Crimeans Choose to Join Russia in Vote, Exit Poll Shows - Bloomberg

Crimeans Choose to Join Russia in Vote, Exit Poll Shows

By Stepan Kravchenko and Helena Bedwell Mar 16, 2014 12:22 PM PT


As the West threatens to ratchet up sanctions if Russia doesn’t back down from annexing Crimea, Russia has deployed about 60,000 troops along the Ukrainian border, the government in Kiev said.
20000 Russian troops at Ukraine border

Where did the other 40,000 Russian troops go?


Crimeans Choose to Join Russia in Vote, Exit Poll Shows - Bloomberg

Crimeans Choose to Join Russia in Vote, Exit Poll Shows

By Stepan Kravchenko and Helena Bedwell Mar 16, 2014 12:22 PM PT


As the West threatens to ratchet up sanctions if Russia doesn’t back down from annexing Crimea, Russia has deployed about 60,000 troops along the Ukrainian border, the government in Kiev said.

They have second jobs at mcdonalds
Unless the Ukraine decides to go after ethnic Russians within their borders as the ex President threatened I don't think Putin will move past Crimea.

From the get go there was no way on the planet he was going to give up that port to the EU and NATO. I'm still in shock that our leaders actually thought Russia would just give it up. Fools.
20000 Russian troops at Ukraine border

Where did the other 40,000 Russian troops go?


Crimeans Choose to Join Russia in Vote, Exit Poll Shows - Bloomberg

Crimeans Choose to Join Russia in Vote, Exit Poll Shows

By Stepan Kravchenko and Helena Bedwell Mar 16, 2014 12:22 PM PT


As the West threatens to ratchet up sanctions if Russia doesn’t back down from annexing Crimea, Russia has deployed about 60,000 troops along the Ukrainian border, the government in Kiev said.

It would seem the goons in Kiev have been exaggerating.
Ukraine hasn't earned the right to be a country, they must be under the imperial domain of mother Russia.
20000 Russian troops at Ukraine border

Where did the other 40,000 Russian troops go?


Crimeans Choose to Join Russia in Vote, Exit Poll Shows - Bloomberg

Crimeans Choose to Join Russia in Vote, Exit Poll Shows

By Stepan Kravchenko and Helena Bedwell Mar 16, 2014 12:22 PM PT


As the West threatens to ratchet up sanctions if Russia doesn’t back down from annexing Crimea, Russia has deployed about 60,000 troops along the Ukrainian border, the government in Kiev said.

It would seem the goons in Kiev have been exaggerating.

They were counting the Crimeans as Russians. They are Russians but ..... you know what I mean.
Was there any talk of Sevastopol going to the EU and NATO?

As in: was there any serious talk of making Unkraine a NATO member?

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