2014 Primary Election calendar


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
2014 Primary Election calendar


Disclaimer: right now, a lot of these dates are still tentative, but the Green Papers does a really good job of updating any changes:

2014 Primary and Runoff Elections Chronologically

Also, here:

Daily Kos: Daily Kos Elections 2014*primary*calendar

Yes, KOS is a LEFT-wing site, but the table format in which they have published the tentative calendar is easy to read. You might find it easier on the eyes than the Green Paper website.

How can you use this information?

Well, in the case of possible marquee races, like the Kentucky primary on the GOP side between Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Tea-Party challenger Matt Bevin, we see that it is still a long way to May 20th, 2014. Long waits till major primary races mean more money will have to be raised, more polling will occur, which also probably means more potential 2016 polling numbers for those states as well. If a pollster is going to poll statewide, then he saves money by polling all the stuff in one fell-swoop. So, don't be surprised to see lots of Hillary vs. the GOP numbers out of states like KY and MS and GA, for instance, because of this very factor.

It looks like June 3, 2014 will be the date with the most primaries on one day (7, at current count). But there is no Super-Tuesday on the calendar like the one we saw in 2008.

The order of primaries can play a role in seeing who even stays in a race at all. For instance, if Tea Partiers start sweeping primaries and unseating incumbent GOPers for the nomination long before the election, then a moderate like Thad Cochran (R-MS), who has a later primary and who is now facing a challenge from not one, but two strong individuals, may just get out of the race and save him/herself the money. The MS primary is on June 3, 2014.

One last thing: there are always some surprises in every mid-term cycle. Unexpected resignation, retirement, death, illness, scandals - all of these things have happened at some point in the past, so no calendar is totally clean, changes are bound to happen. What could look to be a hot race can fizzle to nothing. Conversely, what was looking to be a sleeper primary race could suddenly get very, very hot.

But at least it is a start - and a helpful resource for people who are interested in the 2014 mid-term elections.

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There are some helpful notes from the KOS website in the OP that are worth reading:


Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Utah conduct nominating conventions prior to their primaries that can impact primary ballot access.

Georgia will also conduct a general election runoff on Jan. 6, 2015.

Iowa Republicans will conduct nominating conventions to select federal nominees if no candidate receives over 35 percent of the vote.

Nebraska incumbents must file by Feb. 18, 2014.

New York's state and local primaries are scheduled for Sept. 9, 2014.

Runoffs: A runoff is required if no candidates receives over 40 percent of the vote in North Carolina, 35 percent in South Dakota, and 50 percent in all other states with runoffs.

Virginia Republicans will conduct a nominating convention to select their Senate nominee."
2014 Primary Election calendar


Disclaimer: right now, a lot of these dates are still tentative, but the Green Papers does a really good job of updating any changes:

2014 Primary and Runoff Elections Chronologically

Also, here:

Daily Kos: Daily Kos Elections 2014*primary*calendar

Yes, KOS is a LEFT-wing site, but the table format in which they have published the tentative calendar is easy to read. You might find it easier on the eyes than the Green Paper website.

How can you use this information?

Well, in the case of possible marquee races, like the Kentucky primary on the GOP side between Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Tea-Party challenger Matt Bevin, we see that it is still a long way to May 20th, 2014. Long waits till major primary races mean more money will have to be raised, more polling will occur, which also probably means more potential 2016 polling numbers for those states as well. If a pollster is going to poll statewide, then he saves money by polling all the stuff in one fell-swoop. So, don't be surprised to see lots of Hillary vs. the GOP numbers out of states like KY and MS and GA, for instance, because of this very factor.

It looks like June 3, 2014 will be the date with the most primaries on one day (7, at current count). But there is no Super-Tuesday on the calendar like the one we saw in 2008.

The order of primaries can play a role in seeing who even stays in a race at all. For instance, if Tea Partiers start sweeping primaries and unseating incumbent GOPers for the nomination long before the election, then a moderate like Thad Cochran (R-MS), who has a later primary and who is now facing a challenge from not one, but two strong individuals, may just get out of the race and save him/herself the money. The MS primary is on June 3, 2014.

One last thing: there are always some surprises in every mid-term cycle. Unexpected resignation, retirement, death, illness, scandals - all of these things have happened at some point in the past, so no calendar is totally clean, changes are bound to happen. What could look to be a hot race can fizzle to nothing. Conversely, what was looking to be a sleeper primary race could suddenly get very, very hot.

But at least it is a start - and a helpful resource for people who are interested in the 2014 mid-term elections.

Thank you for the link, Statistikhengst. It's good to know that primaries are right around the corner for some, although I have to say, I'm so weary of elections and listening to the angered socialists with pantywaist screeds, hoping to destroy a system that fed and nurtured them into a decent way of life that made us the greatest human society on earth in the past. It will take 5 generations to erase the 50 million deaths they need to eliminate all that opposition. By then, their grandchildren will be barfing on the outcome, eating from garbage cans, and utterly angry at immorality foisted upon them by today's agents of chaos.

Unless the media takes its responsibility seriously and stops supporting smooth-sounding lies told to the public "for their own good" by socialists intent on ignoring the history of such madness in other societies which failed when the wealth ran to other shores that showed sanity and stability, charity and sharing, giving good to anyone who wanted to work hard enough to earn it.

Silly me, clattering on when I really just enjoyed at least knowing when the elections will be, although I have to say, no way will the crooked elections of the last one disappear. It's too convenient to get rich from a little investment in calumny that saddens the wise and angers the foolhardy into chasing their tails over it, not knowing how screwed they are when a Minnesota crook decides his second place in an election he thought he bought went bad, so arms were twisted until he stole a senate seat in front of God and everybody through Omuerta party tactics.

America reelecting a scam artist who ruled so poorly America's credit rating was downgraded twice?

That isn't what intelligent voters do, and likely didn't do. Stories about foreigners being bussed into several districts for voting who refused to look at identifications trickled down to some in the media who were bullied back by liars, con artists, and brownshirters masquerading as intellectuals of the press. I lost every shred of belief in fairness on that horrible day.

Dogs will be freer than Americans when the socialists are done destroying the Constitution and its Amendments.

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2014 Primary Election calendar


Disclaimer: right now, a lot of these dates are still tentative, but the Green Papers does a really good job of updating any changes:

2014 Primary and Runoff Elections Chronologically

Also, here:

Daily Kos: Daily Kos Elections 2014*primary*calendar

Yes, KOS is a LEFT-wing site, but the table format in which they have published the tentative calendar is easy to read. You might find it easier on the eyes than the Green Paper website.

How can you use this information?

Well, in the case of possible marquee races, like the Kentucky primary on the GOP side between Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Tea-Party challenger Matt Bevin, we see that it is still a long way to May 20th, 2014. Long waits till major primary races mean more money will have to be raised, more polling will occur, which also probably means more potential 2016 polling numbers for those states as well. If a pollster is going to poll statewide, then he saves money by polling all the stuff in one fell-swoop. So, don't be surprised to see lots of Hillary vs. the GOP numbers out of states like KY and MS and GA, for instance, because of this very factor.

It looks like June 3, 2014 will be the date with the most primaries on one day (7, at current count). But there is no Super-Tuesday on the calendar like the one we saw in 2008.

The order of primaries can play a role in seeing who even stays in a race at all. For instance, if Tea Partiers start sweeping primaries and unseating incumbent GOPers for the nomination long before the election, then a moderate like Thad Cochran (R-MS), who has a later primary and who is now facing a challenge from not one, but two strong individuals, may just get out of the race and save him/herself the money. The MS primary is on June 3, 2014.

One last thing: there are always some surprises in every mid-term cycle. Unexpected resignation, retirement, death, illness, scandals - all of these things have happened at some point in the past, so no calendar is totally clean, changes are bound to happen. What could look to be a hot race can fizzle to nothing. Conversely, what was looking to be a sleeper primary race could suddenly get very, very hot.

But at least it is a start - and a helpful resource for people who are interested in the 2014 mid-term elections.

Thank you for the link, Statistikhengst. It's good to know that primaries are right around the corner for some, although I have to say, I'm so weary of elections and listening to the angered socialists with pantywaist screeds, hoping to destroy a system that fed and nurtured them into a decent way of life that made us the greatest human society on earth in the past. It will take 5 generations to erase the 50 million deaths they need to eliminate all that opposition. By then, their grandchildren will be barfing on the outcome, eating from garbage cans, and utterly angry at immorality foisted upon them by today's agents of chaos.

Unless the media takes its responsibility seriously and stops supporting smooth-sounding lies told to the public "for their own good" by socialists intent on ignoring the history of such madness in other societies which failed when the wealth ran to other shores that showed sanity and stability, charity and sharing, giving good to anyone who wanted to work hard enough to earn it.

Silly me, clattering on when I really just enjoyed at least knowing when the elections will be, although I have to say, no way will the crooked elections of the last one disappear. It's too convenient to get rich from a little investment in calumny that saddens the wise and angers the foolhardy into chasing their tails over it, not knowing how screwed they are when a Minnesota crook decides his second place in an election he thought he bought went bad, so arms were twisted until he stole a senate seat in front of God and everybody through Omuerta party tactics.

America reelecting a scam artist who ruled so poorly America's credit rating was downgraded twice?

That isn't what intelligent voters do, and likely didn't do. Stories about foreigners being bussed into several districts for voting who refused to look at identifications trickled down to some in the media who were bullied back by liars, con artists, and brownshirters masquerading as intellectuals of the press. I lost every shred of belief in fairness on that horrible day.

Dogs will be freer than Americans when the socialists are done destroying the Constitution and its Amendments.


[MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION] -

First, I want to thank you for stopping by. That means a lot to me when people start enjoying looking for information.

Second, while I strongly disagree with some of what you wrote, I cherish your right to say it, and say it how you like.

Third, we are in strong AGREEMENT with each other that you and I, and probably most other people, are election weary. There is a simple reason for this:

With US reps up for re-election every two years and practically having to fundraise for the NEXT cycle the moment they walk into the door of their office after being sworn-in, we have a perpetual cycle of electioneering that is turning into a money racket.

We have this problem not because of the Right or the Left of the Middle. We have this problem because, other than the absolute barebones of election details, there are no real electioneering "nuts-and-bolts" in the US Constitution. This is one of the many areas in which I strongly believe that the Constitution is now flawed and needs to be amended.

Larry Sabato brought out a book in 2007, during the Bush 43 era, called "A more perfect Constitution":

A More Perfect Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this book, he outlines 23 proposals worked out by himself and his graduate students as to how to improve upon the US Constitution. One of those chapters is about electioneering and soon I will be putting out a major thread on what changes would be necessary, imo, to take the money-racket out of electioneering in the USA, which would give those were elected to govern the time needed to govern without having to look over their shoulder for the next donor.

It really is a nuts-and-bolts problem.

Hope you are well and prospering, good to hear from you!
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Do you know which states are Winner-Take-All on the GOP side?

[MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION] - thanks for stopping by!

I will research this for you. 40 years ago, the answer was easy: practically all of them. That really started to change in 2008 and changed even more in 2012.

It is not so important in a mid-term year, but in a presidential year, it is becoming critical. I think you are referring to the Presidential primary calendar that will form for 2016.

In August of 2011, I published the GOP primary calendar for 2012 and an extensive analysis of what states awarded their presidential delegates WTA vs. proportional or some combination of the two:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond: The 2012 Republican Primary/Caucus Calendar

Go take a look at the link, I think that will help. In 2012, 11 GOP primary states were completely WTA, 11 were completely proportional, 3 were absolute loophole primaries (described at the link), 2 were selected by the state GOP without any voter input at all, and the other 28 of the 55 or so GOP primary contests were some kind of mixture of the two, sometimes with just totally whacky rules, like:

In TX (152), If majority win (over 50%), then WTA per CD (108 of 152) and statewide (41 of 152). If minority win, then 2 +1 per CD for the top two winners (threshold: 20%) and proportional for the statewide delegates (threshold: 20%).

I will be doing something practically identica for 2016 come 2015.

Hope you are well and prospering! Happy Advent to you and your family!
2014 Primary Election calendar


Disclaimer: right now, a lot of these dates are still tentative, but the Green Papers does a really good job of updating any changes:

2014 Primary and Runoff Elections Chronologically

Also, here:

Daily Kos: Daily Kos Elections 2014*primary*calendar

Yes, KOS is a LEFT-wing site, but the table format in which they have published the tentative calendar is easy to read. You might find it easier on the eyes than the Green Paper website.

How can you use this information?

Well, in the case of possible marquee races, like the Kentucky primary on the GOP side between Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Tea-Party challenger Matt Bevin, we see that it is still a long way to May 20th, 2014. Long waits till major primary races mean more money will have to be raised, more polling will occur, which also probably means more potential 2016 polling numbers for those states as well. If a pollster is going to poll statewide, then he saves money by polling all the stuff in one fell-swoop. So, don't be surprised to see lots of Hillary vs. the GOP numbers out of states like KY and MS and GA, for instance, because of this very factor.

It looks like June 3, 2014 will be the date with the most primaries on one day (7, at current count). But there is no Super-Tuesday on the calendar like the one we saw in 2008.

The order of primaries can play a role in seeing who even stays in a race at all. For instance, if Tea Partiers start sweeping primaries and unseating incumbent GOPers for the nomination long before the election, then a moderate like Thad Cochran (R-MS), who has a later primary and who is now facing a challenge from not one, but two strong individuals, may just get out of the race and save him/herself the money. The MS primary is on June 3, 2014.

One last thing: there are always some surprises in every mid-term cycle. Unexpected resignation, retirement, death, illness, scandals - all of these things have happened at some point in the past, so no calendar is totally clean, changes are bound to happen. What could look to be a hot race can fizzle to nothing. Conversely, what was looking to be a sleeper primary race could suddenly get very, very hot.

But at least it is a start - and a helpful resource for people who are interested in the 2014 mid-term elections.

Thank you for the link, Statistikhengst. It's good to know that primaries are right around the corner for some, although I have to say, I'm so weary of elections and listening to the angered socialists with pantywaist screeds, hoping to destroy a system that fed and nurtured them into a decent way of life that made us the greatest human society on earth in the past. It will take 5 generations to erase the 50 million deaths they need to eliminate all that opposition. By then, their grandchildren will be barfing on the outcome, eating from garbage cans, and utterly angry at immorality foisted upon them by today's agents of chaos.

Unless the media takes its responsibility seriously and stops supporting smooth-sounding lies told to the public "for their own good" by socialists intent on ignoring the history of such madness in other societies which failed when the wealth ran to other shores that showed sanity and stability, charity and sharing, giving good to anyone who wanted to work hard enough to earn it.

Silly me, clattering on when I really just enjoyed at least knowing when the elections will be, although I have to say, no way will the crooked elections of the last one disappear. It's too convenient to get rich from a little investment in calumny that saddens the wise and angers the foolhardy into chasing their tails over it, not knowing how screwed they are when a Minnesota crook decides his second place in an election he thought he bought went bad, so arms were twisted until he stole a senate seat in front of God and everybody through Omuerta party tactics.

America reelecting a scam artist who ruled so poorly America's credit rating was downgraded twice?

That isn't what intelligent voters do, and likely didn't do. Stories about foreigners being bussed into several districts for voting who refused to look at identifications trickled down to some in the media who were bullied back by liars, con artists, and brownshirters masquerading as intellectuals of the press. I lost every shred of belief in fairness on that horrible day.

Dogs will be freer than Americans when the socialists are done destroying the Constitution and its Amendments.


@freedombecki -

First, I want to thank you for stopping by. That means a lot to me when people start enjoying looking for information.

Second, while I strongly disagree with some of what you wrote, I cherish your right to say it, and say it how you like.

Third, we are in strong AGREEMENT with each other that you and I, and probably most other people, are election weary. There is a simple reason for this:

With US reps up for re-election every two years and practically having to fundraise for the NEXT cycle the moment they walk into the door of their office after being sworn-in, we have a perpetual cycle of electioneering that is turning into a money racket.

We have this problem not because of the Right or the Left of the Middle. We have this problem because, other than the absolute barebones of election details, there are no real electioneering "nuts-and-bolts" in the US Constitution. This is one of the many areas in which I strongly believe that the Constitution is now flawed and needs to be amended.

Larry Sabato brought out a book in 2007, during the Bush 43 era, called "A more perfect Constitution":

A More Perfect Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this book, he outlines 23 proposals worked out by himself and his graduate students as to how to improve upon the US Constitution. One of those chapters is about electioneering and soon I will be putting out a major thread on what changes would be necessary, imo, to take the money-racket out of electioneering in the USA, which would give those were elected to govern the time needed to govern without having to look over their shoulder for the next donor.

It really is a nuts-and-bolts problem.

Hope you are well and prospering, good to hear from you!
Thanks, Statistinghengst, I was blowing off steam because I don't know what else to do. Previous congresses have protected Americans from interlopers who enter their midst with an eye on removing the assets from the US Treasury. The honest men and women are now in the minority, and the gold digging from the people's hard-earned tax money is now just booty for pet-rock projects that failed, and the only people benefitting from them are their motivated supporters and their own families, who walked away from Solyndra with a ton of money in their pockets, leaving Fremont, California with 1400 unemployed people on the same day with the Dear John letter that was posted on the entrance door that was nailed shut. This was 18 months after Barack Obama jumped all over the Treasury for not writing an immediate check to one of his supporters to "keep Solyndra's doors open." They dispensed with $535 million dollars or over half a billion dollars in less than 18 months because the business was busted before taxpayers were robbed through a hidden clause in some bill the Democrats passed to cheat the government well with and put money in their own campaigns.

That puts taxpayers in the category of fully funding their damn campaigns, fully funding all their friends' bankruptcies, who walk away with billions of dollars regular working people don't have to give, and declaring half the middle class as "poverty" to give them free stuff and turn the entire taxpayer group into slaves who are taxed in their sleep and taxed in their deaths now. They're destroying small businesses and making a future in a small business impossible while they drain the entire nation of its resources.

Obamacare wipes out (1) human privacy by governmentalizing people's health information, which becomes targets of freedom of information laws, (2) 1/6 of the nation's health care industry, (3) private insurers (4) the second amendment, gun ownership, (5) the first amendment, freedom of religion not to perform noxious surgeries that are against religious beliefs or get kicked out of the government health system (6) the fifth amendment, the right to not testify against oneself, abolished with information sharing between government agencies such as hospitals and the justice department, not to mention interference with those who follow the ten commandments of not killing other people, parental rights of disallowing children from engaging in immoral practices which can damage their minds and future, which puts all parents into a state of being completely dishonored by children who have the support of unionized teachers who will not be around when school is out for that child like a parent would if left the hell alone; (7) the utter destruction of family ties by training children to mine money from families but not do the do of honoring their parents, who will be placed in double jeopardy of being responsible not for children but sociopaths so self-centered and disrespectful by edict of law they will self-destruct someday with nobody there to catch them.

Obamacare is horrific, and I object to every page of the 2500 pages written to communize this nation, I don't care what sweet words you put to it, redistribution of wealth is not neighborly in any way, shape or form, and that's what Obamacare was designed to do by the likes of Diane Feinstein, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi who put all their pet rock longings into one bill, unread by everyone who got 2 weeks to go through 2 years of trashed constitutional privileges.

At lest you're letting us blow off hot air right now. When the powermongers aren't satisfied to listen any more, they will do what all communist countries do, and Bill Ayers said it best inn 1969 when our population was much smaller. He said "We'll have to kill at least 25,000,000 people." I left the link around the boards somewhere the other day. Im very mad at Barack Obama for lying for his committee who inserted him.
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Thank you for the link, Statistikhengst. It's good to know that primaries are right around the corner for some, although I have to say, I'm so weary of elections and listening to the angered socialists with pantywaist screeds, hoping to destroy a system that fed and nurtured them into a decent way of life that made us the greatest human society on earth in the past. It will take 5 generations to erase the 50 million deaths they need to eliminate all that opposition. By then, their grandchildren will be barfing on the outcome, eating from garbage cans, and utterly angry at immorality foisted upon them by today's agents of chaos.

Unless the media takes its responsibility seriously and stops supporting smooth-sounding lies told to the public "for their own good" by socialists intent on ignoring the history of such madness in other societies which failed when the wealth ran to other shores that showed sanity and stability, charity and sharing, giving good to anyone who wanted to work hard enough to earn it.

Silly me, clattering on when I really just enjoyed at least knowing when the elections will be, although I have to say, no way will the crooked elections of the last one disappear. It's too convenient to get rich from a little investment in calumny that saddens the wise and angers the foolhardy into chasing their tails over it, not knowing how screwed they are when a Minnesota crook decides his second place in an election he thought he bought went bad, so arms were twisted until he stole a senate seat in front of God and everybody through Omuerta party tactics.

America reelecting a scam artist who ruled so poorly America's credit rating was downgraded twice?

That isn't what intelligent voters do, and likely didn't do. Stories about foreigners being bussed into several districts for voting who refused to look at identifications trickled down to some in the media who were bullied back by liars, con artists, and brownshirters masquerading as intellectuals of the press. I lost every shred of belief in fairness on that horrible day.

Dogs will be freer than Americans when the socialists are done destroying the Constitution and its Amendments.


@freedombecki -

First, I want to thank you for stopping by. That means a lot to me when people start enjoying looking for information.

Second, while I strongly disagree with some of what you wrote, I cherish your right to say it, and say it how you like.

Third, we are in strong AGREEMENT with each other that you and I, and probably most other people, are election weary. There is a simple reason for this:

With US reps up for re-election every two years and practically having to fundraise for the NEXT cycle the moment they walk into the door of their office after being sworn-in, we have a perpetual cycle of electioneering that is turning into a money racket.

We have this problem not because of the Right or the Left of the Middle. We have this problem because, other than the absolute barebones of election details, there are no real electioneering "nuts-and-bolts" in the US Constitution. This is one of the many areas in which I strongly believe that the Constitution is now flawed and needs to be amended.

Larry Sabato brought out a book in 2007, during the Bush 43 era, called "A more perfect Constitution":

A More Perfect Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this book, he outlines 23 proposals worked out by himself and his graduate students as to how to improve upon the US Constitution. One of those chapters is about electioneering and soon I will be putting out a major thread on what changes would be necessary, imo, to take the money-racket out of electioneering in the USA, which would give those were elected to govern the time needed to govern without having to look over their shoulder for the next donor.

It really is a nuts-and-bolts problem.

Hope you are well and prospering, good to hear from you!
Thanks, Statistinghengst, I was blowing off steam because I don't know what else to do. Previous congresses have protected Americans from interlopers who enter their midst with an eye on removing the assets from the US Treasury. The honest men and women are now in the minority, and the gold digging from the people's hard-earned tax money is now just booty for pet-rock projects that failed, and the only people benefitting from them are their motivated supporters and their own families, who walked away from Solyndra with a ton of money in their pockets, leaving Fremont, California with 1400 unemployed people on the same day with the Dear John letter that was posted on the entrance door that was nailed shut. This was 18 months after Barack Obama jumped all over the Treasury for not writing an immediate check to one of his supporters to "keep Solyndra's doors open." They dispensed with $535 million dollars or over half a billion dollars in less than 18 months because the business was busted before taxpayers were robbed through a hidden clause in some bill the Democrats passed to cheat the government well with and put money in their own campaigns.

That puts taxpayers in the category of fully funding their damn campaigns, fully funding all their friends' bankruptcies, who walk away with billions of dollars regular working people don't have to give, and declaring half the middle class as "poverty" to give them free stuff and turn the entire taxpayer group into slaves who are taxed in their sleep and taxed in their deaths now. They're destroying small businesses and making a future in a small business impossible while they drain the entire nation of its resources.

Obamacare wipes out (1) human privacy by governmentalizing people's health information, which becomes targets of freedom of information laws, (2) 1/6 of the nation's health care industry, (3) private insurers (4) the second amendment, gun ownership, (5) the first amendment, freedom of religion not to perform noxious surgeries that are against religious beliefs or get kicked out of the government health system (6) the fifth amendment, the right to not testify against oneself, abolished with information sharing between government agencies such as hospitals and the justice department, not to mention interference with those who follow the ten commandments of not killing other people, parental rights of disallowing children from engaging in immoral practices which can damage their minds and future, which puts all parents into a state of being completely dishonored by children who have the support of unionized teachers who will not be around when school is out for that child like a parent would if left the hell alone; (7) the utter destruction of family ties by training children to mine money from families but not do the do of honoring their parents, who will be placed in double jeopardy of being responsible not for children but sociopaths so self-centered and disrespectful by edict of law they will self-destruct someday with nobody there to catch them.

Obamacare is horrific, and I object to every page of the 2500 pages written to communize this nation, I don't care what sweet words you put to it, redistribution of wealth is not neighborly in any way, shape or form, and that's what Obamacare was designed to do by the likes of Diane Feinstein, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi who put all their pet rock longings into one bill, unread by everyone who got 2 weeks to go through 2 years of trashed constitutional privileges.

At lest you're letting us blow off hot air right now. When the powermongers aren't satisfied to listen any more, they will do what all communist countries do, and Bill Ayers said it best inn 1969 when our population was much smaller. He said "We'll have to kill at least 25,000,000 people." I left the link around the boards somewhere the other day. Im very mad at Barack Obama for lying for his committee who inserted him.

Feel free to blow off steam, I will read it and try to understand you better. As for Bill Ayers, he is not my type.

But I do hope that the calendar information will be helpful to you when the time comes.

As I always say to people (and their political inclinations are none of my business, I don't care): make sure to register, make sure to vote. This is important.

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