21 States targeted by Russian hackers during the 2016 election cycle


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
CNN)Russian government-linked hackers potentially targeted as many as 21 states' election systems last year, a Homeland Security official warned Congress on Wednesday.None of those systems were involved in vote counting, however. DHS' acting Director of Cyber Division of the department's Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Samuel Liles, said that by late September the intelligence community concluded that 21 states "were potentially targeted by Russian government-linked cyber actors" with scanning of Internet-connected election systems. Liles did not specify which 21 states he was referring to. The comments came during a hearing of DHS and FBI cybersecurity officials before the Senate intelligence committee.

Liles said of the 21, a small number were attempted for an intrusion unsuccessfully, "as if someone rattled the door knob and was unable to get in," and in a small number "they made it through the door."
DHS officials: 21 states potentially targeted by Russia hackers pre-election - CNNPolitics


"Department of Homeland Security contacted election officials in 21 states Friday 09/22/2017 to notify them that they had been targeted by Russian government hackers during the 2016 election campaign.“It’s unacceptable that it took almost a year after the election to notify states that their elections systems were targeted, but I’m relieved that DHS has acted upon our numerous requests and is finally informing the top elections officials in all 21 affected states that Russian hackers tried to breach their systems in the run up to the 2016 election,” said Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee."
DHS tells states about Russian hacking during 2016 election

It looks like the states they went after, were primarily purple states--ones that are capable of going either direction.
50 states are targeted by hackers every year. That is a true story. You should find a way to meld Trump into those facts too. Reality of course doesn't matter here either.
Come to think of it a few years ago my bank card was hacked. Took weeks to get all my money back. It was done via overseas purchases every few minutes in the middle of the night.

I bet it was Trump & Putin! Them bastards....
50 states are targeted by hackers every year. That is a true story. You should find a way to meld Trump into those facts too. Reality of course doesn't matter here either.

Of course you have a link to where other foreign countries are hacking into all 50 states voting registration databases. I won't be holding my breath waiting for one--:badgrin:
The FBI already said that NO VOTES were manipulated dumb ass. This is just more of the make a big enough lie and people will believe it crap.
Your source is CNN. You got anybody honest?
Vett the content not the source. Not sides on this site try to play this stupid game which essentially eliminates the need for ever supplying a source or link.
The content is via CNN the last source in honesty. How many times you got to be lied to before you tire of the liar?
CNN is a despicable outfit. Doesn't mean every story is false.

No it's all over the place. Haven't you people learned to use your go line on your computer yet---:badgrin: You'll see something like this if you try it.
Russians targeted 21 election systems, U.S. official says
Feds tell 21 states they were targeted during election
Russians targeted election systems in 21 states, but didn't change any results, officials say

This came out today during a Senate intelligence hearing.


I know, it's all FAKE NEWS--:badgrin: The people in this picture are FAKE too.
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The FBI already said that NO VOTES were manipulated dumb ass. This is just more of the make a big enough lie and people will believe it crap.

Yeah, the point is the Russians TRIED real hard--and we don't know what is going to come out next week, when these 21 states that were told today, that Russians tried to invade their election databases are going to do. They may seek a complete audit of their vote count and registrations.
See targeting or talking about or wanting to but not taking any act does not count except in Fairy Tale land
See targeting or talking about or wanting to but not taking any act does not count except in Fairy Tale land

Nonsense. Look up conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

You don't have to actually commit the act to go away for a long time.

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