22 disasters with over a billion dollars of damage in the US in 2020 due to climate change

Why do you keep misapplying Dunning-Kruger? Your statement is a textbook example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Are you sure that's not the Stockholm Syndrome ... Alarmists have been held captive for so long, they've become sympathetic to their captors' cause ...
Why do you keep misapplying Dunning-Kruger? Your statement is a textbook example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Are you sure that's not the Stockholm Syndrome ... Alarmists have been held captive for so long, they've become sympathetic to their captors' cause ...
It could be that too. :lol:

But per dunning kruger anyone who sees themselves as more intelligent than they really are and sees others as less intelligent than they really are are actually the ones that are less intelligent. Because the dunning kruger effect is that intelligent people underestimate their intelligence and over estimate the intelligence of others.
But per dunning kruger anyone who sees themselves as more intelligent than they really are and sees others as less intelligent than they really are are actually the ones that are less intelligent. Because the dunning kruger effect is that intelligent people underestimate their intelligence and over estimate the intelligence of others.

I know nothing about Dunning/Kruger ... that means I'm entitled to have very strong opinions about it ...
Back in the 20's and 30's there was no advantage to fudging the numbers related to temperature extremes and the ways of calculating the yearly temperature were relatively primitive compared to day but yet 1934 still came in as the hottest year on record after the "scientists" rechecked their records. After the incredible abuse of the environment during WW2 where it wasn't uncommon for a merchant ship to be sunk every day spilling tons of haz-mat oil and junk into the sea and the post war circus of using A-Bomb tests as entertainment in Nevada, the "scientists" at the time determined that the globe was headed into another ice age. In the 21st century it is popular to blame the decadent U.S. for environmental disasters and political and monitory extortion is a way of life. The weather folks might place temperature censors on gigantic blacktop parking lots to record the extremes they need to promote their theory and obscure weather patterns are recorded that would have been unknown or ignored in the first half of the 20th century. The incursion of civilization on areas that would have been considered wilderness in the 1st half of the 20th century naturally results in an increase in the cost of environmental disasters but the warmers conveniently fail to factor it into their theory. The crazy claims by the global warming people a quarter of a century ago seem ludicrous today but they are forgotten and ignored while the global warming theorists forge ahead with more predictions of heat related doom and gloom while we freeze our butts off in the winter. They blame my 8 cylinder truck while a volcano in Mexico is spewing more sulfur dioxide into the air in a day than a century of vehicles.
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The cure to man made global warming is to kill all humans!!!!!!!
Oh my, what have we here, a Q-Anon clown? I revise my estimate of your mental abilities, obviously you never were above a single digit IQ. But now your kind is irrelevant. We will move forward in addressing climate change in about 11 days.
BLM or Antifa?
Is your dementia kicking in, or is it just Dunning-Kruger. We have a problem that is going to get worse every decade now, and all idiots like you can do is post nonsense.

How long have we been hearing this bullshit now?
For the time that it has been worse every decade.

The last time it was this hot, everything died.
I think we're building them everywhere, as long as they don't spoil the view from Martha's Vineyard.

West Texas has a reputation as a windy ass place ... number one place in the country for wind power produced ... plus they graze cattle on the same land ... #2 is Iowa, and #3 is Oklahoma ... all three bastions of liberalism ... it's the Red State that'll be paying them there carbon taxes ...
You have to admire the global warming fraternity. They have the argument locked up from both sides. How can you argue with them when it is hot it's global warming and when it's cold it's global warming? WW2 is less than a hundred years old and a drop in the bucket in geological terms when ecological damage and carnage of every kind was the rule of the day but lefties seem to think the world started on the day Al Gore lost the election.
Really have to admire the consistency of idiocy of most of the members of this board. One can trace the long term trend from 1979 to present on this site. Note the direction of the top temperatures and the bottom temperatures. Both very much up. But, really, why bother to explain that, beyond the intellect of the 'Conservatives' here.
Really have to admire the consistency of idiocy of most of the members of this board. One can trace the long term trend from 1979 to present on this site. Note the direction of the top temperatures and the bottom temperatures. Both very much up. But, really, why bother to explain that, beyond the intellect of the 'Conservatives' here.
View attachment 441953

One can trace the long term trend from 1979 to present on this site.

41 years......long term? Moron!
Really have to admire the consistency of idiocy of most of the members of this board. One can trace the long term trend from 1979 to present on this site. Note the direction of the top temperatures and the bottom temperatures. Both very much up. But, really, why bother to explain that, beyond the intellect of the 'Conservatives' here.
View attachment 441953

Now you are talking gibberish since no one here disputes the warming since 1979.

Your earlier post in another thread showed this chart:


In just TWO months time temperature has dropped .27C as the new La-Nina became official in November.

Really have to admire the consistency of idiocy of warmist/alarmists members of this board.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Really have to admire the consistency of idiocy of most of the members of this board. One can trace the long term trend from 1979 to present on this site. Note the direction of the top temperatures and the bottom temperatures. Both very much up. But, really, why bother to explain that, beyond the intellect of the 'Conservatives' here.
View attachment 441953
Too bad we can't compare "normal" fluctuations in temperature before we put eyes in the sky to previous millennium data. Why didn't Al Gore access the satellite data before he predicted the end of the freaking world in the ten or twenty years after he lost the freaking election? A mild winter used to be a blessing but angry lefties never have a good day.

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