2200 Ukrainian troops and 800 mercenaries approx facing starvation in Mariupol.

That does what.............Putin has put a price on his head........Yet he remains...............He remains because he LIVES THERE...........and is under attack...

Which part of defending your own home don't you get..............They are fighting to the death against Putin because it is THEIR HOME.............If Zalensky dies today.........they will still fight. Even if they lose the whole countries.........years from now the relatives of the dead will come back to fight Russia..........this has happened throughout history.
I understand all of that I think what Zalensky doesn't understand is that NATO is equally his enemy. " When the fox hears the rabbit screaming he comes running.... but not to help"...

Putin the master tactician, saw no logical reason to waste his soldiers lives on a few desperate holdouts, and directed the bulk of the Russian army to deploy to the eastern Donbas region for a major offensive. While leaving a small contingent to surround Mariupol and slowly bomb and starve the Ukrainian insurgents into either suicide or surrender.
He is moving to cut off all of the rest of the region he wants to take............Cut the supply lines and then wait them out........yes....He is not fighting with rules like our country does all the time.

He will still take heavy losses. Eventually they will have to go house to house.
I understand all of that I think with Zalensky doesn't understand is that NATO is equally his enemy.
How so..............they are giving him weapons .............Ukraine made agreements both sides..........NATO wasn't going to let them in for RISK OF WAR..........Putin used this as an excuse to take territory.

Putin is NOT THEIR FOR ALL THE BS that has been spouted all over this board.............HE WANTS THE BLACK SEA.............Being the good USSR KGB BITCH that he is.........

That is HIS ROOTS and they are deep.
Russia isn't finishing the job on account of civilians, but Russia's offers of an humanitarian corridor out are being ignored for the sake of demonizing Russia. Civilians always pay the price when the war is dependent on propaganda demonizing.

In fact, demonization of Putin has become the only hope for America's victory, when the people of Russia feel enough pain to turn away from Putin. As time passes, that becomes more unlikely.

America will appeal to the UNHCR.

We're back to the only two choices again:

A peace agreement
The end of the human experiment on earth.
Russia isn't finishing the job on account of civilians, but Russia's offers of an humanitarian corridor out are being ignored for the sake of demonizing Russia. Civilians always pay the price when the war is dependent on propaganda demonizing.

In fact, demonization of Putin has become the only hope for America's victory, when the people of Russia feel enough pain to turn away from Putin. As time passes, that becomes more unlikely.

We're back to the only two choices again:

A peace agreement
The end of the human experiment on earth.
More Nuke Fear Mongering again Mr. NWO.........

How about Putin just FUCKING LEAVE.
More Nuke Fear Mongering again Mr. NWO.........

How about Putin just FUCKING LEAVE.
The people of Russia think he's a hero.
How are you going to combat that?
The 20,000 or so bereaved families of dead Russian soldiers make up a very small percentage of his base.
The people of Russia think he's a hero.
How are you going to combat that?
The 20,000 or so bereaved families of dead Russian soldiers make up a very small percentage of his base.
He's not my HERO..........I don't care if they think he's a HERO......He has been part of the people who armed those who have killed our people and our allies for a long time.

While the USSR doesn't exist..............I think it exists in his WANT OF POWER.............You will see this when he takes and KEEPS MOST OF THE BLACK SEA Port areas........

He may fail in Odessa..........more arms and Mercs have moved in there I believe. He WILL PAY A PRICE..........How heavy a price is he willing to pay.........we shall see.
Nuke fear mongering is a good idea.
There can never be enough of it.
It is a dangerous game...............And Putin has used it too often...............

I don't think he is CRAZY though .......he knows it will end both of us.
Russia isn't finishing the job on account of civilians, but Russia's offers of an humanitarian corridor out are being ignored for the sake of demonizing Russia. Civilians always pay the price when the war is dependent on propaganda demonizing.

In fact, demonization of Putin has become the only hope for America's victory, when the people of Russia feel enough pain to turn away from Putin. As time passes, that becomes more unlikely.

America will appeal to the UNHCR.

We're back to the only two choices again:

A peace agreement
The end of the human experiment on earth.
I was on NATO right from the start on this one. It would not serve their purpose for Zalensky to defeat Russia.
Indeed the dark Lords will meet in the back room have no doubt surmised that Zalensky's very life is a danger to their plan. It explains why they give him only enough equipment to battle the Russians and not to defeat them.
I think NATO does not want Russia in Crimea and I think NATO also wants Sevastopol.... It would explain why the Russian cruiser was attacked. However I do think that Nana was willing to seed the Black Sea Coast to Putin as long as they get Ukraine. So to sum it all up Nana was fine using Ukrainian soldiers for the meat grinder as long as they get the territory they're looking for which also means Zalensky will most likely meet an untimely and unfortunate end.
Once NATO has secured what they want Zalensky will be an obstacle.
Much better finato if Zalensky gets off before this conflict is over. NATO is apparently giving him the orders not to surrender...At the same time they make sure he's never strong enough to win.
If the Ukrainian president has any thinkers around him at all surely they must have put this together by now.
He's not my HERO..........I don't care if they think he's a HERO......He has been part of the people who armed those who have killed our people and our allies for a long time.

While the USSR doesn't exist..............I think it exists in his WANT OF POWER.............You will see this when he takes and KEEPS MOST OF THE BLACK SEA Port areas........

He may fail in Odessa..........more arms and Mercs have moved in there I believe. He WILL PAY A PRICE..........How heavy a price is he willing to pay.........we shall see.

I'm not arguing with you on the particulars. I don't think Putin is a hero either but his people do so what I think is of no consequence.

The ruble has rebounded to pre-sanction levels. Do you know what that means? It means the Russian Banks forecasted and predicted what the West was going to do before they did it. The ruble has a mysterious value all of its own that we're not able to measure right now... I believe that's because there is unmonitored trade taking place overland between China Russia and India that we have no way of measuring.

What this means is that Putin does not have to rush into anything and that time is on his side. I do think it's been more costly than he wanted it to be but the Russian economy seems to be adapting to it. A new battlefield General has greatly reduced the Russian losses on the front lines. Mariupol is a catastrophe in the making and I think a microcosm of what Odessa can expect. Once a perimeter has been established Putin will starve them out also.
In my opinion, after the Donbas region is secured.
The Russian army will then head west and take the major post city of Odessa.
Which will effectively give Russia complete control of the entire northern coastline of the Black Sea, and thereby making Ukraine a land locked country.
I'm pretty sure Putin will then annex the long narrow strip of land located between Ukraine and Moldova called Transnistria, that is mainly populated by ethnic Russians who have wanted to be a part of Russia for decades.

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I'm not arguing with you on the particulars. I don't think Putin is a hero either but his people do so what I think is of no consequence.

The ruble has rebounded to pre-sanction levels. Do you know what that means? It means the Russian Banks forecasted and predicted what the West was going to do before they did it. The ruble has a mysterious value all of its own that we're not able to measure right now... I believe that's because there is unmonitored trade taking place overland between China Russia and India that we have no way of measuring.

What this means is that Putin does not have to rush into anything and that time is on his side. I do think it's been more costly than he wanted it to be but the Russian economy seems to be adapting to it. A new battlefield General has greatly reduced the Russian losses on the front lines. Mariupol is a catastrophe in the making and I think a microcosm of what Odessa can expect. Once a perimeter has been established Putin will starve them out also.
Yes I understand and have been warning about BRICS for a very long time.............This very well may be a smoke screen for BRICS.....as they move away from the Petro dollar along with China................China is saving them right now.

This WAS NO ACCIDENT. And they ARE AGAINST US........They want us to go under.........Yes I understand that and why on some threads I've told the Russian trolls to hit NATO and see what the hell happens to you.

Putin threatens Nukes because he can't win against us.........HE KNOW THIS.
He is moving to cut off all of the rest of the region he wants to take............Cut the supply lines and then wait them out........yes....He is not fighting with rules like our country does all the time.

He will still take heavy losses. Eventually they will have to go house to house.
He will still take heavy losses. Eventually they will have to go house to house.

He may choose to go house to house but I think he will have the option of simply sitting it out also. It depends on how much waiting he wants to do.
In my opinion, after the Donbas region is secured.
The Russian army will then head west and take the major post city of Odessa.
Which will effectively give Russia complete control of the entire northern coastline of the Black Sea, and thereby making Ukraine a land locked country.
I'm pretty sure they will then annex the long narrow strip of land located between Ukraine and Moldova called Transnistria, that is mainly populated by ethnic Russians who have wanted to be a part of Russia for decades.

View attachment 635047
I said he would do this from the start of it...........
Yes I understand and have been warning about BRICS for a very long time.............This very well may be a smoke screen for BRICS.....as they move away from the Petro dollar along with China................China is saving them right now.

This WAS NO ACCIDENT. And they ARE AGAINST US........They want us to go under.........Yes I understand that and why on some threads I've told the Russian trolls to hit NATO and see what the hell happens to you.

Putin threatens Nukes because he can't win against us.........HE KNOW THIS.
He will still take heavy losses. Eventually they will have to go house to house.

He may choose to go house to house but I think he will have the option of simply sitting it out also. It depends on how much waiting he wants to do.
That is if enough aid gets in there first...........then will be call in the heavy bombers where risk of WWIII grows...........we shall see.
I was on NATO right from the start on this one. It would not serve their purpose for Zalensky to defeat Russia.
Indeed the dark Lords will meet in the back room have no doubt surmised that Zalensky's very life is a danger to their plan. It explains why they give him only enough equipment to battle the Russians and not to defeat them.
I am of the firm opinion that this is the beginning of WW3 between America and Russia and probably Russia/China. The Ukraine is in my opinion, just a piece of Europe on which to start the fight. Of necessity (MAD) it will be an unusual war in the early stages.
I think NATO does not want Russia in Crimea and I think NATO also wants Sevastopol.... It would explain why the Russian cruiser was attacked. However I do think that Nana was willing to seed the Black Sea Coast to Putin as long as they get Ukraine. So to sum it all up Nana was fine using Ukrainian soldiers for the meat grinder as long as they get the territory they're looking for which also means Zalensky will most likely meet an untimely and unfortunate end.
Once NATO has secured what they want Zalensky will be an obstacle.
Much better finato if Zalensky gets off before this conflict is over. NATO is apparently giving him the orders not to surrender...At the same time they make sure he's never strong enough to win.
If the Ukrainian president has any thinkers around him at all surely they must have put this together by now.
I hear your opinions but I consider any parts of the Ukraine to not be of any great importance any longer.

With respect for your opinions of course and in hopes that we can continue to discuss the situation together.
Opinions of others without their own rational opinions, will undoubtedly spin off of our discussions.
I am of the firm opinion that this is the beginning of WW3 between America and Russia and probably Russia/China. The Ukraine is in my opinion, just a piece of Europe on which to start the fight. Of necessity (MAD) it will be an unusual war in the early stages.

I hear your opinions but I consider any parts of the Ukraine to not be of any great importance any longer.

With respect for your opinions of course and in hopes that we can continue to discuss the situation together.
Opinions of others without their own rational opinions, will undoubtedly spin off of our discussions.
I have some sympathy for the input of others because they are still heavily affected by the lying propaganda of Western media. I consider myself fortunate to have awakened from that state of ignorance several years ago.

To that end I was an intolerable snub.... totally hooked on the opinions of Western media with my feet staunchly planted in the mud of stupidity like a good little lemming. Opening my eyes to truer sources has been a refreshing change the likes of which I find difficult to compare to anything that I know of. I only wish I could share this gift but every time I try... I predictably run into the hard, spiny shell of defense that the Western media addicts have been told to hide behind. Part of waking up to reality includes looking at all of those things that you formally held sacred and heroes that you formally held in high esteem and seeing them for what they really are. Unfortunately not everyone can stand that shock. For those who catch a glimpse of it and run away from it I kind of get it....
I have some sympathy for the input of others because they are still heavily affected by the lying propaganda of Western media.
I consider myself fortunate to have awakened from that state of ignorance several years ago.
To that end I was an intolerable snub.... totally hooked on the opinions of Western media with my feet staunchly planted in the mud of stupidity like a good little lemming. Opening my eyes to truer sources has been a refreshing change the likes of which I find difficult to compare to anything that I know of. I only wish I could share this gift but every time I try... I predictably run into the hard, spiny shell of defense that the Western media addicts have been told to hide behind. Part of waking up to reality includes looking at all of those things that you formally held sacred and heroes that you formally held in high esteem and seeing them for what they really are. Unfortunately not everyone can stand that shock.
For those who catch a glimpse of it and run away from it I kind of get it....
I have no delusions that the Swamp is bad.............at the same time I have no delusions of Russia and China either..........they want power........and currently they want to DESTROY US.........via the dollar...........which the SWAMP IS DOING WITH THEM............

Russia is not my friend..........neither is China...........They WANT US DESTROYED............

Should we bend over drop our weapons and go KILL ME PLEASE...................Not gonna happen.........we are NOT FRENCH.
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