2200 Ukrainian troops and 800 mercenaries approx facing starvation in Mariupol.

I am of the firm opinion that this is the beginning of WW3 between America and Russia and probably Russia/China. The Ukraine is in my opinion, just a piece of Europe on which to start the fight. Of necessity (MAD) it will be an unusual war in the early stages.

I hear your opinions but I consider any parts of the Ukraine to not be of any great importance any longer.

With respect for your opinions of course and in hopes that we can continue to discuss the situation together.
Opinions of others without their own rational opinions, will undoubtedly spin off of our discussions.
Okay so I'm seeing a pattern with your reasoning now. NATO was going to pick this fight at some time in some place regardless of where and when it was.

What do you think is the underlying motivation for all of this???? I have always relied heavily on the money motivation and the manipulative greed of the central bankers.

What is your input on that matter?

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I have some sympathy for the input of others because they are still heavily affected by the lying propaganda of Western media. I consider myself fortunate to have awakened from that state of ignorance several years ago.

To that end I was an intolerable snub.... totally hooked on the opinions of Western media with my feet staunchly planted in the mud of stupidity like a good little lemming. Opening my eyes to truer sources has been a refreshing change the likes of which I find difficult to compare to anything that I know of. I only wish I could share this gift but every time I try... I predictably run into the hard, spiny shell of defense that the Western media addicts have been told to hide behind. Part of waking up to reality includes looking at all of those things that you formally held sacred and heroes that you formally held in high esteem and seeing them for what they really are. Unfortunately not everyone can stand that shock. For those who catch a glimpse of it and run away from it I kind of get it....
Very few are capable of expressing an opinion that is worth the effort of a response. That's the environment that is imposed upon us if we want to take part here.

I'm just allowing the ignorant spammers to walk away confident that they can be happy with their non-contribution.
They're quite happy to be defeated by those of us who go to the effort of a sound argument.

(There, that should hook a few!) (screeching profanity or an attempt to measure up; who cares?)
Okay so I'm seeing a pattern with your reasoning now. NATO was going to pick this fight at some time in some place regardless of where and when it was.
So I glanced down to similar threads and I found this:

Somewhat accurate.

What do you think is the underlying motivation for all of this I have always relied heavily on the money motivation and the input of the central bankers.
No ruling empire will willingly fall to the upcoming competition. It's a fatal flaw of mankind and nothing to be ashamed of.
What is your input on that matter?

Most people on this board are upholding that which they know in their hearts is wrong. Their lack of being able to stay their course with discussion, condemns them. Eagle has just demonstrated that with me.
Very few are capable of expressing an opinion that is worth the effort of a response. That's the environment that is imposed upon us if we want to take part here.

I'm just allowing the ignorant spammers to walk away confident that they can be happy with their non-contribution.
They're quite happy to be defeated by those of us who go to the effort of a sound argument.

(There, that should hook a few!) (screeching profanity or an attempt to measure up; who cares?)
aka Agree with me or else.............You lifted your skirt in another thread and praised the NWO.......

I was right about you............CANUCK......if you are a Canuck.

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