24 year ago today US government used chemical weapons on its own citizens

Your argument and your data packet would be much stronger and fatter, respectively, if you considered nonwhites to be human beings.
Clinton's and the gang were setting the stage for the death cult agenda that we see more prevalent today if we examine the whole situation around the globe. The media assisted in making light of that whole affair at Wacko.
The parents of the children roasted at Mt Carmel had every opportunity to send their kids to safety. The families with kids in day care in the Murrow Building had no such chance. I wish I believed in a place called Hell so I'd know Timmy's (and Vernon's) soul is being tortured right now.........
Clinton's and the gang were setting the stage for the death cult agenda that we see more prevalent today if we examine the whole situation around the globe. The media assisted in making light of that whole affair at Wacko.

Wait, made light? Or lit it up?
I will be extremely surprised if this thread lasts more than a couple of days before it gets moved to the conspiracy section since as you very well know,the mods around here somehow consider facts as conspiracy THEORIES.:rolleyes:

you should invite sealy bobo to this thread,that guy is a jerk and a sad excuse for a human being.He is so brainwashed and biased towards the democrats ignoring their corruption.He will acknowledge how 9/11 was an inside job because it happened under the REPUBLICANS watch.:rolleyes: BUT when you document how the clintons were murderers of women and children at waco or give evidence they were behind vince fosters death,the asshole mother fucker troll wont look at it.:rolleyes:

I provided him cold hard facts how clinton murdered these people along with janet reno proving how he lied about the events on national tv where he told TWO major lies,the first being lie# 1- "We did not start the fire,the davidians did" ,that lie was exposed of course when the film showed an army tank set fire onto a the compound shooting flames out of the nozzle of the tank. THEN I stated lie # 2 that he said-"we did not fire onto the compound.the davidians fired at us but we never fired back" . complete bullshit of course since the video also as well shows a gunner on the side of the helicopter with a machine gun firing onto the compound.

I took him to school and the asshole ignored all my evidence and facts. I used to have respect for him,no more though. He is such a hypocrite troll.anything that proves how the republicans are corrupt,he will taLk about such as reagan and bushs involvement in the october surprise as you can see in that link or Bush and cheneys involvement in 9/11 ignoring clintons and Obamas role in the coverup.:rolleyes: but anything where you expose how clinton is a mass murderer of women and children at waco ,the chickenshit coward wont look at it as you can see for yourself in this thread here in this link below.

as you can see,I took him to school and handed his ass to him on a platter that clinton murdered these women and children in posts # 24,# 33,and #37 here but that chickenshit disgraceful coward,wont look at the evidence or facts.

October Surprise
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I will be extremely surprised if this thread lasts more than a couple of days before it gets moved to the conspiracy section since as you very well know,the mods around here somehow consider facts as conspiracy THEORIES.:rolleyes:

you should invite sealy bobo to this thread,that guy is a jerk and a sad excuse for a human being.He is so brainwashed and biased towards the democrats ignoring their corruption.He will acknowledge how 9/11 was an inside job because it happened under the REPUBLICANS watch.:rolleyes: BUT when you document how the clintons were murderers of women and children at waco or give evidence they were behind vince fosters death,the asshole mother fucker troll wont look at it.:rolleyes:

I provided him cold hard facts how clinton murdered these people along with janet reno proving how he lied about the events on national tv where he told TWO major lies,the first being lie# 1- "We did not start the fire,the davidians did" ,that lie was exposed of course when the film showed an army tank set fire onto a the compound shooting flames out of the nozzle of the tank. THEN I stated lie # 2 that he said-"we did not fire onto the compound.the davidians fired at us but we never fired back" . complete bullshit of course since the video also as well shows a gunner on the side of the helicopter with a machine gun firing onto the compound.

I took him to school and the asshole ignored all my evidence and facts. I used to have respect for him,no more though. He is such a hypocrite troll.anything that proves how the republicans are corrupt,he will taLk about such as reagan and bushs involvement in the october surprise as you can see in that link or Bush and cheneys involvement in 9/11 ignoring clintons and Obamas role in the coverup.:rolleyes: but anything where you expose how clinton is a mass murderer of women and children at waco ,the chickenshit coward wont look at it as you can see for yourself in this thread here in this link below.

as you can see,I took him to school and handed his ass to him on a platter that clinton murdered these women and children in posts # here but that chickenshot disgraceful coward,wont look at the evidence or facts.

October Surprise

Get over yourself hon.
Clinton sent in the military to kill Americans. A clear violation of the posse comitatus act.
I will be extremely surprised if this thread lasts more than a couple of days before it gets moved to the conspiracy section since as you very well know,the mods around here somehow consider facts as conspiracy THEORIES.:rolleyes:

you should invite sealy bobo to this thread,that guy is a jerk and a sad excuse for a human being.He is so brainwashed and biased towards the democrats ignoring their corruption.He will acknowledge how 9/11 was an inside job because it happened under the REPUBLICANS watch.:rolleyes: BUT when you document how the clintons were murderers of women and children at waco or give evidence they were behind vince fosters death,the asshole mother fucker troll wont look at it.:rolleyes:

I provided him cold hard facts how clinton murdered these people along with janet reno proving how he lied about the events on national tv where he told TWO major lies,the first being lie# 1- "We did not start the fire,the davidians did" ,that lie was exposed of course when the film showed an army tank set fire onto a the compound shooting flames out of the nozzle of the tank. THEN I stated lie # 2 that he said-"we did not fire onto the compound.the davidians fired at us but we never fired back" . complete bullshit of course since the video also as well shows a gunner on the side of the helicopter with a machine gun firing onto the compound.

I took him to school and the asshole ignored all my evidence and facts. I used to have respect for him,no more though. He is such a hypocrite troll.anything that proves how the republicans are corrupt,he will taLk about such as reagan and bushs involvement in the october surprise as you can see in that link or Bush and cheneys involvement in 9/11 ignoring clintons and Obamas role in the coverup.:rolleyes: but anything where you expose how clinton is a mass murderer of women and children at waco ,the chickenshit coward wont look at it as you can see for yourself in this thread here in this link below.

as you can see,I took him to school and handed his ass to him on a platter that clinton murdered these women and children in posts # 24,33.and 37 here but that chickenshit disgraceful coward,wont look at the evidence or facts.

October Surprise

Get over yourself hon.
Hon? are you a SHE and not a HE ass I always believed?
OH and why dont you try and actually read what I post before making a moronic comment like that first?:rolleyes:

as I just got done saying,I proved in that link in SPADES in posts # 24,33,and 37 there that asshole sealybobos asshole hero Clinton murdered women and children,he ignores it all the time and goes around telling people i THINK clinton killed women and children at waco and that I THINK he killed vince foster.:rolleyes:He wont look at my FACTS i post that prove it is TRUE.:rolleyes:

so before being an asshole and telling me to get over myself,why dont YOU stop being an asshole and tell SEALYBOBO to grow the fuck up and stop living in denial that clinton murdered women and children as the OP here has helped prove my point FOR ME and stop acting like a jerk in the process?that being said,,:anj_stfu: go tell the REAL poster SEALYBOBO to get over HIMSELF asshole and tell HIM to stop being a child and admit he has been proven wrong on clinton by me that he murdered women and children.:fu::rolleyes:

Odium with MY help have proved on this thread clinton was a mass murderer of women and children at waco,that asshole sealybobo wont ADMIT these facts so go fuck yourself when telling me to get over myself jerk.
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You see the murderous Timothy McVeigh as a "patriot"?

Look! Out the window! There goes your credibility!
As much as I don't care for some of Odium's comments, the info in the article link is still good.

as is these two old videos that jerk sealybobo as i been talking about who worships clinton to no end,wont take a look at since they expose his asshole heroe for the mass murderer he is.:rolleyes:

"waco rules of engagement" is another great video but the asshole who posted the video on youtube is a real asshole indeed charging people to watch it,charging people to watch it on youtube should be a crime he should be jailed for unless it is for a good cause to raise money to imprison clinton for his crimes that day of course.which i seriously doubt it is for.
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You see the murderous Timothy McVeigh as a "patriot"?

Look! Out the window! There goes your credibility!
As much as I don't care for some of Odium's comments, the info in the article link is still good.

as is these two old videos that jerk sealybobo as i been talking about who worships clinton to no end,wont take a look at since they expose his asshole here for the mass murderer he is.:rolleyes:

"waco rules of engagement" is another great video but the asshole who posted the video on youtube is a real asshole indeed charging people to watch it,charging people to watch it on youtube should be a crime he should be jailed for unless it is for a good cause to raise money to imprison clinton for his crimes that day of course.

Under Bush' I recall Ruby Ridge. I had a very dear friend sit in at the trial as an observer. He was very disturbed about it all and told me "don't believe what the media is saying about this case".
You see the murderous Timothy McVeigh as a "patriot"?

Look! Out the window! There goes your credibility!
As much as I don't care for some of Odium's comments, the info in the article link is still good.

as is these two old videos that jerk sealybobo as i been talking about who worships clinton to no end,wont take a look at since they expose his asshole here for the mass murderer he is.:rolleyes:

"waco rules of engagement" is another great video but the asshole who posted the video on youtube is a real asshole indeed charging people to watch it,charging people to watch it on youtube should be a crime he should be jailed for unless it is for a good cause to raise money to imprison clinton for his crimes that day of course.

Under Bush' I recall Ruby Ridge. I had a very dear friend sit in at the trial as an observer. He was very disturbed about it all and told me "don't believe what the media is saying about this case".

Ruby Ridge,was that under Bush I? what i cant figure is the media actually did make a good tv movie that was dead on close to the truth to what really happened at ruby ridge a lot like oliver stone did with JFK.But what confuses me and what did not surprise me is they only told the official govenment version when they made a tv movie out of waco.

you would have thought they would have done the same thing with ruby ridge but somehow they got that one by on the networks,dont know if you remember it or not. kinda strange how they were able to expose the governments lies on ruby ridge isnt it? you would think the networks would have only given the governments version on that one as well same as they did with waco right?o_O
Your argument and your data packet would be much stronger and fatter, respectively, if you considered nonwhites to be human beings.
oh great another clinton loving troll.no WONDER you sided with asshole sealybobo,you hate to hear us both speak the truth about your hero obviously.:rolleyes:
Clinton's and the gang were setting the stage for the death cult agenda that we see more prevalent today if we examine the whole situation around the globe. The media assisted in making light of that whole affair at Wacko.


you nailed it.then Bush and Obama expanded what he got going of course and it looks like Trump will be no different sad to say.
You see the murderous Timothy McVeigh as a "patriot"?

Look! Out the window! There goes your credibility!
As much as I don't care for some of Odium's comments, the info in the article link is still good.

as is these two old videos that jerk sealybobo as i been talking about who worships clinton to no end,wont take a look at since they expose his asshole here for the mass murderer he is.:rolleyes:

"waco rules of engagement" is another great video but the asshole who posted the video on youtube is a real asshole indeed charging people to watch it,charging people to watch it on youtube should be a crime he should be jailed for unless it is for a good cause to raise money to imprison clinton for his crimes that day of course.

Under Bush' I recall Ruby Ridge. I had a very dear friend sit in at the trial as an observer. He was very disturbed about it all and told me "don't believe what the media is saying about this case".

Ruby Ridge,was that under Bush I? what i cant figure is the media actually did make a good tv movie that was dead on close to the truth to what really happened at ruby ridge a lot like oliver stone did with JFK.But what confuses me and what did not surprise me is they only told the official govenment version when they made a tv movie out of waco.

you would have thought they would have done the same thing with ruby ridge but somehow they got that one by on the networks,dont know if you remember it or not. kinda strange how they were able to expose the governments lies on ruby ridge isnt it? you would think the networks would have only given the governments version on that one as well same as they did with waco right?

Yes Ruby Ridge happened under the Bush administration. Late August, 1992, the FBI investigation went sour. It was basically a setup to extort/strong-arm Randy Weaver into assisting them. That would have been ran out of the regional office in charge of the Oregon, Washington, Idaho Districts. There was a group of white supremacist camp/group up near Hayden Lake but I don't think Weaver was entangled with them. (We went up to that area for a contract bid and stopped in to see a relative. We teased him about the locals that lived in the woods because we'd seen a group riding in an ol' truck just outside of town on our way into that town. The family member was a local mayor. He did not appreciate our humor)

William Pelham Barr was the attorney general at the time and William Steele Sessions was the director of the FBI at that time. I think the worse for Weaver was that they tried to prosecute him after they killed his family. The man would already suffer that loss for the rest of his life, they added to his misery.

BTW, the distant between where the white supremacist group camp was near Hayden and Ruby Ridge would be approximately a 130 miles.
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The parents of the children roasted at Mt Carmel had every opportunity to send their kids to safety. The families with kids in day care in the Murrow Building had no such chance. I wish I believed in a place called Hell so I'd know Timmy's (and Vernon's) soul is being tortured right now.........

well the parents at Mt Carmel actually had no chance either.David Koresh was not the monster that he was made out to be by the CIA controlled media.we know that because of all the suevivors witness testimonys.so they never had a reason to WANT to leave till our corrupt government came in. also they would have killed them had they tried to leave when they did come there.the suvivors who survived,talked about how some came out with their arms up and yelled DONT SHOOT but they shot at them anyways.

sealybobo troll will also ignore the facts of the murrow buidling,how clinton murdered women and children there as well.:rolleyes: i wonder when fenton troll will come on here again and say get over myself again.:rolleyes:
The parents of the children roasted at Mt Carmel had every opportunity to send their kids to safety. The families with kids in day care in the Murrow Building had no such chance. I wish I believed in a place called Hell so I'd know Timmy's (and Vernon's) soul is being tortured right now.........

well the parents at Mt Carmel actually had no chance either.David Koresh was not the monster that he was made out to be by the CIA controlled media.we know that because of all the suevivors witness testimonys.so they never had a reason to WANT to leave till our corrupt government came in. also they would have killed them had they tried to leave when they did come there.the suvivors who survived,talked about how some came out with their arms up and yelled DONT SHOOT but they shot at them anyways.

sealybobo troll will also ignore the facts of the murrow buidling,how clinton murdered women and children there as well.:rolleyes: i wonder when fenton troll will come on here again and say get over myself again.:rolleyes:

Koresh wasn't a monster? :lmao: He told people he was Jesus and wouldn't let husbands sleep with their own wives... the wives had to have kids with him instead. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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