24 year ago today US government used chemical weapons on its own citizens

This only works if we can find caucasion examples doesn't it, all the other shyte is nonevent status stuff.

Not following. He is a caucasion isn't he?
1. The Waco incident could have been handled differently. Seeing the mental midget was on the compound mean he was contained.

Had he killed everyone on the compound without government agents involvement then the blood would have been on his and his followers hands.

Wait for the idiot to stroll outside the compound and could have snatched him then.

2. If you believe using Tear Gas is the same thing Assad regime did, well it is not.

3. Tim McVeigh is not a hero and is a coward and if you consider pulling a truck up and blowing up innocent kids is heroic, well you have a lot in common with ISIL\ISIS!
He should have done the accepted manner of just running people over. Happens every day (in Europe), and hopefully (thanks to Obama) it will be happening here in America. Appears McVeigh would be alive today if he had just shouted Allah Akbar.

And there are people here at USMB who still think McVeigh is a hero- (see the OP)- because he got 'revenge' on the government by killing babies.
David Koresh abused the people who worshipped him and eventually killed them

The Government tried to stop him
I see that Odium and talks alot and a few others have seen the truth how I have exposed that hypocrite sorry excuse for a human being chickenshit coward sealybody for the troll he is.same as how the Bush dupes cowardly run off with their tail between their legs when people expose that 9/11 was an inside job done by neocons in the Bush administration,HE does the exact same thing when people like myself and Odiom here give evidence and documented FACTS how clinton murderered women and children at waco.

I know he is not a government paid shill like many other Israel shills that have pentrated this forum such as WRONGwinger,sayit and so many others that troll in the Israel and conspiracy section so that being case what he OBVIOUSLY is,is a paid troll for the DNC committe the fact he trolls here everyday defending those mass murderers the Clintons and Obama.:rolleyes:

this is another troll i MIGHT consider putting on ignore.have not decided just yet.He is no different than pooper or anquity who same as him,can never own up to it and admit when they have been proven wrong even after me and odium both took him to school too many times to remember on this thread how clinton murdered women and children at waco which of course is what someone on the DNC payroll WOULD do of course.:D

sealy you wont be seeing much of me in the sports section during football season anymore thats for sure. that is because with first the chargers leaving san diego and the raiders now getting approval to move to vegas,that was the final straw for me.I am DONE with the NFL ,it was corrupt enough as it was rigging games for the patriots to win all the time and letting them off with scandal after scandal but this is the final straw.

stan kroneke of the rams went from being my hero to being as much of an asshole evil motherfucker same as the woman bitch was who moved them to st louis that is because he along with every other owner other than the dolphins owner,voted in favor of the raiders leaving oakland.

the raiders leaving oakland is like the yankees or cowboys leaving dallas or new york for florida,you just dont do that,OAKLAND is their identity,if they dont play in OAKLAND,they are not the raiders same as the Rams are not the Rams if they dont play in LA.

the NFL owners clearly do not care about preserving history or tradition,they just voted for the move so they can all make money for the relocation fees they are all paying them.the NFL has been ruined by GREED. so fuck the NFL.I am done with it. I dont care if you believe me or not,but i DO only stick to classic games from yesteryear when the game was not corrupt as it is now.

so fuck the NFL and fuck you for selling your soul to the devil for money to defend these mass murderers clinton and obama.:fu:
oh and fuck you especially to that FENTON troll who has his head up sealybobos ass as well.:asshole:
During the administration of the first George Bush, the ATF engaged in an illegal conspiracy to force a U.S. citizen to become a government informant. In the ensuing "Siege at Ruby Ridge" a Veteran lost his son and his wife who was killed by an FBI sniper while she was holding an 18 month child in her arms. The same ATF idiots were promoted and went on to another violation of the U.S. Constitution. Lucky for the ATF the criminal conspiracy in the MSM was on their side during the George HW Bush administration and the Clinton administration. David Koresch could have been arrested in the Waco 7-11 but the ATF was facing a budget crisis and they needed a high profile case. It's ironic that the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school while the ATF was attacking American citizens in Texas. The crux of the initial ATF search warrant centered around allegations that some members of the Branch Dividians were converting surplus British WW2 rusty junk into functioning automatic weapons. The allegations were ludicrous and no evidence was ever obtained but the mainstream media conveniently forgot about the search warrant. It's ironic that members of the U.S. Military would be indicted for and courts martialed for the same conduct in a combat area.
whatever the government paid shill WRONGwinger is posting,you know just the OPPOSITE is what happend.:biggrin:

And by 'patriots' you mean assholes killing babies- yeah- they are patriots to you.

according to trolls such as wrongwinger and sealybobo,clinton and reno did not murder all those women and children that day.:haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao:
During the administration of the first George Bush, the ATF engaged in an illegal conspiracy to force a U.S. citizen to become a government informant. In the ensuing "Siege at Ruby Ridge" a Veteran lost his son and his wife who was killed by an FBI sniper while she was holding an 18 month child in her arms. The same ATF idiots were promoted and went on to another violation of the U.S. Constitution. Lucky for the ATF the criminal conspiracy in the MSM was on their side during the George HW Bush administration and the Clinton administration. David Koresch could have been arrested in the Waco 7-11 but the ATF was facing a budget crisis and they needed a high profile case. It's ironic that the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school while the ATF was attacking American citizens in Texas. The crux of the initial ATF search warrant centered around allegations that some members of the Branch Dividians were converting surplus British WW2 rusty junk into functioning automatic weapons. The allegations were ludicrous and no evidence was ever obtained but the mainstream media conveniently forgot about the search warrant. It's ironic that members of the U.S. Military would be indicted for and courts martialed for the same conduct in a combat area.

that was what I was saying earlier,the ATF had NUMEROUS chances to arrest Koresh and could have avoided waco but they did not because they WANTED waco to happen on orders from clinton and Reno.that cannot be disputed by all the lies clinton told which i documented earlier in one of my earlier posts.
During the administration of the first George Bush, the ATF engaged in an illegal conspiracy to force a U.S. citizen to become a government informant. In the ensuing "Siege at Ruby Ridge" a Veteran lost his son and his wife who was killed by an FBI sniper while she was holding an 18 month child in her arms. The same ATF idiots were promoted and went on to another violation of the U.S. Constitution. Lucky for the ATF the criminal conspiracy in the MSM was on their side during the George HW Bush administration and the Clinton administration. David Koresch could have been arrested in the Waco 7-11 but the ATF was facing a budget crisis and they needed a high profile case. It's ironic that the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school while the ATF was attacking American citizens in Texas. The crux of the initial ATF search warrant centered around allegations that some members of the Branch Dividians were converting surplus British WW2 rusty junk into functioning automatic weapons. The allegations were ludicrous and no evidence was ever obtained but the mainstream media conveniently forgot about the search warrant. It's ironic that members of the U.S. Military would be indicted for and courts martialed for the same conduct in a combat area.

that was what I was saying earlier,the ATF had NUMEROUS chances to arrest Koresh and could have avoided waco but they did not because they WANTED waco to happen on orders from clinton and Reno.that cannot be disputed by all the lies clinton told which i documented earlier in one of my earlier posts.
Oswald acted alone
During the administration of the first George Bush, the ATF engaged in an illegal conspiracy to force a U.S. citizen to become a government informant. In the ensuing "Siege at Ruby Ridge" a Veteran lost his son and his wife who was killed by an FBI sniper while she was holding an 18 month child in her arms. The same ATF idiots were promoted and went on to another violation of the U.S. Constitution. Lucky for the ATF the criminal conspiracy in the MSM was on their side during the George HW Bush administration and the Clinton administration. David Koresch could have been arrested in the Waco 7-11 but the ATF was facing a budget crisis and they needed a high profile case. It's ironic that the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school while the ATF was attacking American citizens in Texas. The crux of the initial ATF search warrant centered around allegations that some members of the Branch Dividians were converting surplus British WW2 rusty junk into functioning automatic weapons. The allegations were ludicrous and no evidence was ever obtained but the mainstream media conveniently forgot about the search warrant. It's ironic that members of the U.S. Military would be indicted for and courts martialed for the same conduct in a combat area.

that was what I was saying earlier,the ATF had NUMEROUS chances to arrest Koresh and could have avoided waco but they did not because they WANTED waco to happen on orders from clinton and Reno.that cannot be disputed by all the lies clinton told which i documented earlier in one of my earlier posts.
Why did they want it to happen?
whatever the government paid shill WRONGwinger is posting,you know just the OPPOSITE is what happend.:biggrin:

And by 'patriots' you mean assholes killing babies- yeah- they are patriots to you.

according to trolls such as wrongwinger and sealybobo,clinton and reno did not murder all those women and children that day.:haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Because they didn't. Only nutters agree with you
I will be extremely surprised if this thread lasts more than a couple of days before it gets moved to the conspiracy section since as you very well know,the mods around here somehow consider facts as conspiracy THEORIES.:rolleyes:

you should invite sealy bobo to this thread,that guy is a jerk and a sad excuse for a human being.He is so brainwashed and biased towards the democrats ignoring their corruption.He will acknowledge how 9/11 was an inside job because it happened under the REPUBLICANS watch.:rolleyes: BUT when you document how the clintons were murderers of women and children at waco or give evidence they were behind vince fosters death,the asshole mother fucker troll wont look at it.:rolleyes:

I provided him cold hard facts how clinton murdered these people along with janet reno proving how he lied about the events on national tv where he told TWO major lies,the first being lie# 1- "We did not start the fire,the davidians did" ,that lie was exposed of course when the film showed an army tank set fire onto a the compound shooting flames out of the nozzle of the tank. THEN I stated lie # 2 that he said-"we did not fire onto the compound.the davidians fired at us but we never fired back" . complete bullshit of course since the video also as well shows a gunner on the side of the helicopter with a machine gun firing onto the compound.

I took him to school and the asshole ignored all my evidence and facts. I used to have respect for him,no more though. He is such a hypocrite troll.anything that proves how the republicans are corrupt,he will taLk about such as reagan and bushs involvement in the october surprise as you can see in that link or Bush and cheneys involvement in 9/11 ignoring clintons and Obamas role in the coverup.:rolleyes: but anything where you expose how clinton is a mass murderer of women and children at waco ,the chickenshit coward wont look at it as you can see for yourself in this thread here in this link below.

as you can see,I took him to school and handed his ass to him on a platter that clinton murdered these women and children in posts # 24,# 33,and #37 here but that chickenshit disgraceful coward,wont look at the evidence or facts.

October Surprise
Let's get one thing straight. Only conspiracy nuts and rwnjs believe the foster or Waco conspiracies.

Did you believe Obama was born in Kenya or a Muslim? Be honest. Simple yes or no
I will be extremely surprised if this thread lasts more than a couple of days before it gets moved to the conspiracy section since as you very well know,the mods around here somehow consider facts as conspiracy THEORIES.:rolleyes:

you should invite sealy bobo to this thread,that guy is a jerk and a sad excuse for a human being.He is so brainwashed and biased towards the democrats ignoring their corruption.He will acknowledge how 9/11 was an inside job because it happened under the REPUBLICANS watch.:rolleyes: BUT when you document how the clintons were murderers of women and children at waco or give evidence they were behind vince fosters death,the asshole mother fucker troll wont look at it.:rolleyes:

I provided him cold hard facts how clinton murdered these people along with janet reno proving how he lied about the events on national tv where he told TWO major lies,the first being lie# 1- "We did not start the fire,the davidians did" ,that lie was exposed of course when the film showed an army tank set fire onto a the compound shooting flames out of the nozzle of the tank. THEN I stated lie # 2 that he said-"we did not fire onto the compound.the davidians fired at us but we never fired back" . complete bullshit of course since the video also as well shows a gunner on the side of the helicopter with a machine gun firing onto the compound.

I took him to school and the asshole ignored all my evidence and facts. I used to have respect for him,no more though. He is such a hypocrite troll.anything that proves how the republicans are corrupt,he will taLk about such as reagan and bushs involvement in the october surprise as you can see in that link or Bush and cheneys involvement in 9/11 ignoring clintons and Obamas role in the coverup.:rolleyes: but anything where you expose how clinton is a mass murderer of women and children at waco ,the chickenshit coward wont look at it as you can see for yourself in this thread here in this link below.

as you can see,I took him to school and handed his ass to him on a platter that clinton murdered these women and children in posts # 24,33.and 37 here but that chickenshit disgraceful coward,wont look at the evidence or facts.

October Surprise

Get over yourself hon.
Hon? are you a SHE and not a HE ass I always believed?
OH and why dont you try and actually read what I post before making a moronic comment like that first?:rolleyes:

as I just got done saying,I proved in that link in SPADES in posts # 24,33,and 37 there that asshole sealybobos asshole hero Clinton murdered women and children,he ignores it all the time and goes around telling people i THINK clinton killed women and children at waco and that I THINK he killed vince foster.:rolleyes:He wont look at my FACTS i post that prove it is TRUE.:rolleyes:

so before being an asshole and telling me to get over myself,why dont YOU stop being an asshole and tell SEALYBOBO to grow the fuck up and stop living in denial that clinton murdered women and children as the OP here has helped prove my point FOR ME and stop acting like a jerk in the process?that being said,,:anj_stfu: go tell the REAL poster SEALYBOBO to get over HIMSELF asshole and tell HIM to stop being a child and admit he has been proven wrong on clinton by me that he murdered women and children.:fu::rolleyes:

Odium with MY help have proved on this thread clinton was a mass murderer of women and children at waco,that asshole sealybobo wont ADMIT these facts so go fuck yourself when telling me to get over myself jerk.
She probably doesn't agree with you
The parents of the children roasted at Mt Carmel had every opportunity to send their kids to safety. The families with kids in day care in the Murrow Building had no such chance. I wish I believed in a place called Hell so I'd know Timmy's (and Vernon's) soul is being tortured right now.........

well the parents at Mt Carmel actually had no chance either.David Koresh was not the monster that he was made out to be by the CIA controlled media.we know that because of all the suevivors witness testimonys.so they never had a reason to WANT to leave till our corrupt government came in. also they would have killed them had they tried to leave when they did come there.the suvivors who survived,talked about how some came out with their arms up and yelled DONT SHOOT but they shot at them anyways.

sealybobo troll will also ignore the facts of the murrow buidling,how clinton murdered women and children there as well.:rolleyes: i wonder when fenton troll will come on here again and say get over myself again.:rolleyes:

Koresh wasn't a monster? :lmao: He told people he was Jesus and wouldn't let husbands sleep with their own wives... the wives had to have kids with him instead. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
La ram fan zero for 3
The parents of the children roasted at Mt Carmel had every opportunity to send their kids to safety. The families with kids in day care in the Murrow Building had no such chance. I wish I believed in a place called Hell so I'd know Timmy's (and Vernon's) soul is being tortured right now.........

well the parents at Mt Carmel actually had no chance either.David Koresh was not the monster that he was made out to be by the CIA controlled media.we know that because of all the suevivors witness testimonys.so they never had a reason to WANT to leave till our corrupt government came in. also they would have killed them had they tried to leave when they did come there.the suvivors who survived,talked about how some came out with their arms up and yelled DONT SHOOT but they shot at them anyways.

sealybobo troll will also ignore the facts of the murrow buidling,how clinton murdered women and children there as well.:rolleyes: i wonder when fenton troll will come on here again and say get over myself again.:rolleyes:

Koresh wasn't a monster? :lmao: He told people he was Jesus and wouldn't let husbands sleep with their own wives... the wives had to have kids with him instead. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
No doubt the guy was off the wall but geez' just gas them, and light them on fire, children and all?
Are you a Republican? Might explain why you're so willing to believe fake news

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