25 bone chilling creepy photos of the bill and her.

Creepy ass shit. Convinced they are possessed.

Let's forget that the one you can see without clicking on the video is doctored.

I mean, you people defend Trump to the hilt, and then make shit up and then attack it for those who are Democrat. It's quite sad.

Especially when you have a president attacking people for stuff that he himself does, and you don't see the irony.

Creepy ass shit. Convinced they are possessed.

--------------------------------------------- COOL [chuckle] , Thanks OWL !! Have you seen one of the latest where she is falling down the steps on some Temple steps in India OWL .
looks like a cast to immobilize the 'carpal tunnel' bone imo . I had that kind of cast for over a year . My blood supply to the bone was cut off and eventually they took a piece of bone from my right hip shaped it and installed it Grandpa . [ its no big deal]
Until the Hildebeast fades into the sunset she's fair game for anything because of the bullshit she regularly spews. That she's an ugly obese bitch has nothing to do with it.
The left, who still wants her to be president and whines about the fact that the kuunt isn't EVERY FUCKING DAY, is saying we are obsessed with her.

The left are such pathetic fucking blobs. It truly is amazing how they are so completely fucking self UNAWARE.

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