Diamond Member
Seriously, SNORT, why would you think "thousands of people" would have been required to wire all three towers? And, btw, the only way to find an objective answer to your valid questions would be to join the call for a fully independent and public investigation into WTC7's collapse, right?I'll ask again, just to see if even one of you Fruit Loops can come up with the answers,..has even ONE of the victims who were on those planes that tragic day ever been found to be alive?.....Of the thousands of people who would have HAD to have been involved in this alleged conspiracy, why has not ONE come forward to let the cat out of the bag, seeing as though they would become instant millionaires by exposing such a thing?"On the 11th of September 2001 the twin towers of the World Trade Centre (WTC) were hit byHas anybody found even ONE of the victims who occupied those planes on that day, still alive?
Has even ONE of the thousands of people who would have had to have been involved in this conspiracy come forward and ratted out the plan.....seeing as though, they would no doubt be instant millionaires had they done so?
aircraft and collapsed with tragic loss of life shortly afterwards.Videos of these collapses have
been shown repeatedly on television.
"About seven hours later building 7 of the WTC also collapsed. This caused astonishment as it had not been hit by a plane.
"Despite the intriguing nature of this event videos of this collapse have rarely been shown and most of the population is unaware that a third building fell that day.
"This paper will deal only with that building."
What are you most ashamed of, Jester?
The fact that your government is controlled by sick, rich fucks who kill thousands of innocent human beings for money and market share, or the fact you're (only) a small cog in their cabal?
Come on, loon, answer the damn questions, and quit trying to deflect with the usual loony tune twoofer bullshit that has been debunked, repeatedly.....Seriously, what are ya' affraid of, quack?