250 Syrian Soldiers Marched into Desert, Stripped, and Killed


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

ISIL – or whatever they want to be called – is nothing but a bunch of murdering barbarians with no sense of civility. They will never bow to any rules of war and the only way to defeat them is to wipe every single one of them from the face of this earth!

Read the story @ ISIS slaughter 250 Syrian soldiers in desert mass execution Mail Online thanks to War News Updates
Start cluster bombing the son of a bitches. If they win in the middle east they will come after us. They will be much stronger.
I don't understand why nobody tries to fight back. You've got 250 men here, who were soldiers nonetheless, who have to know they are going to be executed regardless of what they do, so why not the take the chance and bum rush the guys with the guns? Yeah, some of you are still going to die in the onslaught, but a lot of you will survive now.
Now just what do you think those stripped-off uniforms might be used for?

Definitely not cleaning rags......
Syrian Soldiers, 250, I wondered how they did that. Seems so unlikely. Not saying you made it up, but I have to say Syria is in some serious trouble here if 250 of them, got captured.

Well we invested a lot of money in the rebels but I guess it doesn't matter. What is that they say, kill them all and let God sort them out.
Syrian Soldiers, 250, I wondered how they did that. Seems so unlikely. Not saying you made it up, but I have to say Syria is in some serious trouble here if 250 of them, got captured.

Well we invested a lot of money in the rebels but I guess it doesn't matter. What is that they say, kill them all and let God sort them out.

It would be cool of they told us the name of the army that we are funding. We could root for them and follow their progress. Hopefully the choose a PC name so everyone can enjoy the fun without being offended,
Looks like that Isis is very angry with Syria as they have been fooled by the army and medias. While army and medias announced that they will hold the Tabqa airbase till the very end to suggest Isis that it would have a lot of time to take the base, the evacuation of the base was already in full swing. Special forces covered the operation. Isis hoped to capture many weapons like tanks and artillery but all they got were four disabled Mig 21 and some ancient air-to-air missiles. Unfortnately, about 150 Syrian soldiers were lost but many of them arrived at army positions till now.
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