280 People Missing in Michael


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
280 unaccounted for in Hurricane Michael as FEMA warns 'people do not live to tell the tale' of storm surges

500,000 were given mandatory orders to evacuate, over 300,000 stayed. 2 are dead, 280 missing. One man who stayed said several times after seeing terrible things, he wish he'd have evacuated.

"3 hours ago"

Prayers up.
On Inside Edition this afternoon, a person who had stayed behind had video as his house was being ripped apart. He was sitting on the couch when the whole wall behind him was ripped from the house by the winds.

They also showed a video of a woman who had stayed behind sounding like she was in shock, because she kept repeating that staying was a stupid thing to do, and she never should have done it. She said it several times in a row, and you could hear the stress in her voice.
Wow! the houses look like matchboxes! so light.....

Very sad.
Hurricanes ain't no joke.... As a retired utility lineman I have seen my share of destructive hurricanes over the years.
Hurricanes ain't no joke.... As a retired utility lineman I have seen my share of destructive hurricanes over the years.

Tornadoes are bad also, I was in one when I was young, scary. They sound like a freight train coming and usually with little warning.
Hurricanes ain't no joke.... As a retired utility lineman I have seen my share of destructive hurricanes over the years.

One question....do brick or concrete homes also fall like those....when a hurricane hits?? :confused-84:
You know, if I was going to live in a place like that which could be hit by hurricanes and floods, I'd be looking into building a watertight house out of steel with steel shutters you could pull down over the windows and doors when stuff like this hit.

Also, I'd be making it in the shape of a geodesic dome (one of the strongest structures around), which would be good in the case of high winds.
Hurricanes ain't no joke.... As a retired utility lineman I have seen my share of destructive hurricanes over the years.

One question....do brick or concrete homes also fall like those....when a hurricane hits?? :confused-84:

Depends on how it was built. If you anchor the roof and the walls to each other with steel, chances are, the building will be standing when you get back.
Hurricanes ain't no joke.... As a retired utility lineman I have seen my share of destructive hurricanes over the years.

Tornadoes are bad also, I was in one when I was young, scary. They sound like a freight train coming and usually with little warning.
Had a twister come through this summer... That wasn't no joke, but thank goodness the damage was minimal in the area.
Hurricanes ain't no joke.... As a retired utility lineman I have seen my share of destructive hurricanes over the years.

One question....do brick or concrete homes also fall like those....when a hurricane hits?? :confused-84:
Storm surge will destroy the best built home. The water with waves is incredible destructive.

In regards to just the wing.........depends on how they are built no matter the material made of...........concrete anchors to the walls following up to the roof are the best ways to tie down any new home. That way the entire weight of the concrete is holding the walls and roofs............Old houses used to be built with 45 degree wood on all exterior walls........aka like pushing a log against a gate being hit with a battering ram..........and helps them stand up better..........So sometimes you'll see new houses gone and old houses still standing because they are better built.

We call the tornadoes ........SKIPPERS.........because they bounce a lot during the storm.........they don't stay on the ground long and bounce through the neighborhood.
Hurricanes ain't no joke.... As a retired utility lineman I have seen my share of destructive hurricanes over the years.

One question....do brick or concrete homes also fall like those....when a hurricane hits?? :confused-84:

Depends on how it was built. If you anchor the roof and the walls to each other with steel, chances are, the building will be standing when you get back.

You are right.

So people who buy light houses or houses that are not properly built in hurricane areas, they know all that can happen...they probably are mentally prepared for that.

It's not like the tragedy comes as a surprise so to speak...... of course it is terrible all the same.:(
You know, if I was going to live in a place like that which could be hit by hurricanes and floods, I'd be looking into building a watertight house out of steel with steel shutters you could pull down over the windows and doors when stuff like this hit.

Also, I'd be making it in the shape of a geodesic dome (one of the strongest structures around), which would be good in the case of high winds.
Best built homes now are of concrete.........using rebar in the walls.........strongest thing out there............used by the military overseas for outposts.

You know, if I was going to live in a place like that which could be hit by hurricanes and floods, I'd be looking into building a watertight house out of steel with steel shutters you could pull down over the windows and doors when stuff like this hit.

Also, I'd be making it in the shape of a geodesic dome (one of the strongest structures around), which would be good in the case of high winds.
Best built homes now are of concrete.........using rebar in the walls.........strongest thing out there............used by the military overseas for outposts.

When I was in the USN SeaBees, we put rebar every 4' on center n the CMU block of the buildings we erected. Every 4' high we core filled with concrete on top of horizontal rebar. After I got out of the service, I used to do some block work on the side. When I had the inspector come out he was like...." good grief, you going to drive a tank into this wall?"

Told him sorry, SeaBee trained

You know, if I was going to live in a place like that which could be hit by hurricanes and floods, I'd be looking into building a watertight house out of steel with steel shutters you could pull down over the windows and doors when stuff like this hit.

Also, I'd be making it in the shape of a geodesic dome (one of the strongest structures around), which would be good in the case of high winds.
Best built homes now are of concrete.........using rebar in the walls.........strongest thing out there............used by the military overseas for outposts.

When I was in the USN SeaBees, we put rebar every 4' on center n the CMU block of the buildings we erected. Every 4' high we core filled with concrete on top of horizontal rebar. After I got out of the service, I used to do some block work on the side. When I had the inspector come out he was like...." good grief, you going to drive a tank into this wall?"

Told him sorry, SeaBee trained


I work with a guy right now that were in the Seabees..........LOL

And that Rebar and concrete will take one hell of a hit. The forms they have now are pretty awesome........solid as a rock.........wish I had one.....LOL
Hurricanes ain't no joke.... As a retired utility lineman I have seen my share of destructive hurricanes over the years.

Tornadoes are bad also, I was in one when I was young, scary. They sound like a freight train coming and usually with little warning.

We had an unexpected storm last summer, and almost never have tornadoes in this country. I had 5 cluster (small) tornados that took my neighbor's roof, 60 ft. of my wood fence put in 3 years ago, multiple other places, and trees down everywhere on my 14-acres. But it left my house alone. Only 10 feet away, a huge branch of a tree on the north side of my house was snapped off, but it left my house alone. I was inside praying for them to please spare my house and dissipate. That they did, moved on. The only severe damage that happened was out front, all the screens have holes in them where multiple flotsam and jetsam hit during the storm. It sounded like a freight train, and when I looked outside, the circular air with stuff flying around it was 10 ft. higher than my roof. The angels lifted the storm over the top of my roof. My neighbor, whose farmhouse is at least 200 yards away lost nearly all of his roof. It was torn off like flypaper. I couldn't get to the back of my property due to the standing water left over from the water, and we had rain for several days after that part of the storm. 3 weeks later, the sun actually came out for 3 days, and I drove my tractor back there. It took out a dozen trees on either side of my shotgun-shaped land. All the trees around the lake were on their sides, roots out of the ground. One of my tall pines about 30 feet from the house was snapped off in the middle. These several months later, the one that got snapped just turned that deathly orange color that tells you the tree is close to being dead. The storm felled another tall pine and stripped all the bark and limbs from another. There was no evacuation given because that's the first tornado cluster that has been anywhere close. Nobody expected it.

I lived through dozens of hurricanes, having grown up on the gulf coast of Texas. Hurricane Carla stands out in my mind, because the water came up to our house and was only an inch or two from the concrete sidewalk at the entrance--the front yard was under water, and it was knee deep in the street. My mama looked worried that day, but we were spared.

May those 280 people who are missing just be staying with loved ones right now.
Hurricanes ain't no joke.... As a retired utility lineman I have seen my share of destructive hurricanes over the years.

One question....do brick or concrete homes also fall like those....when a hurricane hits?? :confused-84:
All depends on the build. Shoddy construction is never good... Most structures out of bounds from the surge, and built right can withstand alot.

There are old homes been standing for hundreds of years that have weathered many storms, but the right storm can destroy anything.

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