29 percent of the world has confidence in Trump

Based on the link, if you look at the countries where Trump’s poll numbers are high, it is in India, where Modi is head of a nationalist government; the Philippines where Duarte kills journalists and death squads are on the rise; Israel is self-evident; Kenya is a mystery.

Those are the only countries that have a favorable view of Trump. Well, hell even in the USA Trump’s poll favorability never tops 45%.

You were saying in your utter desperation.

Trump Approval Surpasses Obama to 45% At Same Point In His Presidency
News Commentary
By Jack Hadfield | December 18, 2019 8:14PM

President Donald Trump’s approval rating has hit 45% in a recent Gallup poll, three points higher than Barack Obama’s was at this time in his presidency.

Trump Approval Surpasses Obama to 45% At Same Point In His Presidency
Let’s see now. The leader of the free world arbitrarily murders a leader of a foreign nation, and SOME Americans believe the world should love Dear Leader. WTF!
Are you fucking serious ? The guy was a terrorist who supported groups like Hezbollah. Susan Rice seemed to indicate that the Obama administration would have taking him out if they got the opportunity. I'm no Trump cheerleader but you hacks are seriously losing it.
Do you want your president having the power to execute? I don’t.

They could have easily arrested him at the airport. Flown him to The Hague for trial. That is what a just fair minded leader does.

Trump is not Caesar.
It was immoral, wrong, and dangerous.
So Obama shouldn't have taken out Bin Laden ?

Why is obama always your go to guy when trump screws up on a daily basis? Obama's busy collection his millions from wall street after his eight years as a corporate demorat, but at least he wasn't an ignorant and dangerous dipshit like trump. .
My question was a legitimate one and very relevant to the post I was addressing. What Trump is doing now was done for 8 years during the Obama administration and not a peep from the hacks. Does it make you uncomfortable when someone calls out hypocrisy.
Let’s see now. The leader of the free world arbitrarily murders a leader of a foreign nation, and SOME Americans believe the world should love Dear Leader. WTF!

As you know, as well as the failed Democrat leadership, there was nothing arbitrary about the killing of Soleimani. Obviously, it was also meticulously planned carried out with surgical precision.

The desperation exhibited by Progressives today is off the rails!
Broad and wide is The Path to Hell. You and Obama walk on the same trail.

What a ringing endorsement of our leader!

On world stage, Trump loathed as much as Obama loved, Pew survey says

Pew survey: World has little confidence in Trump on global affairs

For comparison, 64 percent had confidence in Obama

Judge not lest you be judged, Tree. No one has to accept your slanderous judgements, or listen to your Old Testament bullshit.
Do you want your president having the power to execute? I don’t.

They could have easily arrested him at the airport. Flown him to The Hague for trial. That is what a just fair minded leader does.

Trump is not Caesar.

It was immoral, wrong, and dangerous.

Then the killing of Osama bin Laden was murder?

Wrong. Rank has its privileges.
Are you saying only your betters can follow the lead monkeys?
No. If that’s what I was saying I would have said that.

It’s a fact of life that rank has its privileges. You asked why the rulers would be upset if the followers did as they do. That’s why the rulers would mind. Because rank has its privileges. Followers can’t do everything the rulers do.

Now do you understand?
Based on the link, if you look at the countries where Trump’s poll numbers are high, it is in India, where Modi is head of a nationalist government; the Philippines where Duarte kills journalists and death squads are on the rise; Israel is self-evident; Kenya is a mystery.

Those are the only countries that have a favorable view of Trump. Well, hell even in the USA Trump’s poll favorability never tops 45%.

You were saying in your utter desperation.

Trump Approval Surpasses Obama to 45% At Same Point In His Presidency
News Commentary
By Jack Hadfield | December 18, 2019 8:14PM

President Donald Trump’s approval rating has hit 45% in a recent Gallup poll, three points higher than Barack Obama’s was at this time in his presidency.

Trump Approval Surpasses Obama to 45% At Same Point In His Presidency
Yes, Trump's approval did surpass Obama's for a day or two in December, but that has reverted back to normal since then. You might note that Trump's rating during that short time was near his maxim rating, but Obama's rating was near his all time low. Trump being ahead for the blink of an eye isn't much to brag about.
RealClearPolitics - President Trump, President Obama Job Approval
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What a ringing endorsement of our leader!

On world stage, Trump loathed as much as Obama loved, Pew survey says

Pew survey: World has little confidence in Trump on global affairs

For comparison, 64 percent had confidence in Obama
That is because Obama was a liar. And the world believes the lies they are told because it is about all they here. So who fucking cares? Not the people making more money or the people that now have a decent job. Do not forget about the 401K's that have almost tripled.
What a ringing endorsement of our leader!

On world stage, Trump loathed as much as Obama loved, Pew survey says

Pew survey: World has little confidence in Trump on global affairs

For comparison, 64 percent had confidence in Obama
That is because Obama was a liar. And the world believes the lies they are told because it is about all they here. So who fucking cares? Not the people making more money or the people that now have a decent job. Do not forget about the 401K's that have almost tripled.
Obama is a liar

That is a good one from a Trump voter
When did pollsters first learn about the Electoral College? Do they routinely poll inner city democrats and pretend that they represent the will of the people?

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