3 Congressional Investigations.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
There were 3 separate Congressional investigations into whether anyone lied us into a war with Iraq. Guess what? All 3 agreed no such event occurred, including both Republican and Democratic controlled Congresses.

Further if Bush lied then so did Clinton and his Administration and all the Western allies.

So all you ignorant boobs that claim otherwise, the facts do not support your claims.
Give up a talking point, the commies never give up talking points, accuracy has no bearing on talking points so they never get old or proven wrong. And the commies say conservatives are afraid of change, ROFLMFAO.
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WASHINGTON — A long-delayed Senate report endorsed by Democrats and some Republicans has concluded that President Bush and his aides built the public case for war against Iraq by exaggerating available intelligence and by ignoring disagreements among spy agencies about Iraq’s weapons programs and Saddam Hussein’s links to Al Qaeda.

The report was released Thursday after years of partisan squabbling, and it marks the close of five years of investigations by the Senate Intelligence Committee into the use, abuse and faulty assessments of intelligence leading up to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003

That some Bush administration claims about the Iraqi threat turned out to be false is hardly new. But the report, based on a detailed review of public statements by Mr. Bush and other officials, is the most comprehensive effort to date to assess whether policymakers systematically painted a more dire picture about Iraq than was justified by available intelligence.

The 170-page report accuses Mr. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other top officials of repeatedly overstating the Iraqi threat in the emotional aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks. Its findings were endorsed by all eight committee Democrats and two Republicans, Senators Olympia Snowe of Maine and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska.

In a statement accompanying the report, Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, the West Virginia Democrat who is chairman of the Intelligence Committee, said: “The president and his advisers undertook a relentless public campaign in the aftermath of the attacks to use the war against Al Qaeda as a justification for overthrowing Saddam Hussein.”


Bush lied to get us in a war.
WASHINGTON — A long-delayed Senate report endorsed by Democrats and some Republicans has concluded that President Bush and his aides built the public case for war against Iraq by exaggerating available intelligence and by ignoring disagreements among spy agencies about Iraq’s weapons programs and Saddam Hussein’s links to Al Qaeda.

The report was released Thursday after years of partisan squabbling, and it marks the close of five years of investigations by the Senate Intelligence Committee into the use, abuse and faulty assessments of intelligence leading up to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003

That some Bush administration claims about the Iraqi threat turned out to be false is hardly new. But the report, based on a detailed review of public statements by Mr. Bush and other officials, is the most comprehensive effort to date to assess whether policymakers systematically painted a more dire picture about Iraq than was justified by available intelligence.

The 170-page report accuses Mr. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other top officials of repeatedly overstating the Iraqi threat in the emotional aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks. Its findings were endorsed by all eight committee Democrats and two Republicans, Senators Olympia Snowe of Maine and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska.

In a statement accompanying the report, Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, the West Virginia Democrat who is chairman of the Intelligence Committee, said: “The president and his advisers undertook a relentless public campaign in the aftermath of the attacks to use the war against Al Qaeda as a justification for overthrowing Saddam Hussein.”


Bush lied to get us in a war.
Based on the lies from clinton and the rest of the left. Try again idiot.
Are people still babbling about this shit? Seriously? No wonder we can't fix the economy, everyone's still crying about Bush.
Are you still sucking Bush's cock?

20k OEF/OIF vets are on the streets of America after fighting a pointless war that the CIA designed to never end. 47% of homeless vets are still leftover from Vietnam. And we put thousands of people in prison each year for growing the same plant that provided our military with the means to stop the Holocaust.
Hey, good answer, "Swim Expert". That's one of the most intelligent responses that I've seen from a GOP voter on these boards.

Stick to swimming because politics aren't your area of expertise.
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Bush lied to get us in a war.
Yes. He did indeed. And nothing has or will be done about it because America's political elite have gradually and quietly been transformed into a de facto nobility in which our Presidents enjoy the equivalent of the Divine Rights of Kings. And unless the voters wake up and start purging the millionaires from the Congress this Nation is poised to go the way of Rome.
Hey, good answer, "Swim Expert". That's one of the most intelligent responses that I've seen from a GOP voter on these boards.

Stick to swimming because politics aren't your area of expertise.


Okay, we get it. You have a sick fascination with Emma Stone gifs. But we're talking about George W. Bush lying the country into an illegal preemptive torture war. Emma Stone gifs only prove that you are entirely out of your league.

Instead of looking for more Emma Stone gifs, try clicking on those links that I posted and reading. There's even one from FOX News to show how fair and balanced the argument is that Bush lied this country into a $4t illegal torture war.
One must IGNORE the comments and policies of the Clinton Administration to make a claim Bush lied. One must ignore the intell from France, Germany, United Kingdom and other western powers to believe Bush lied.

Further one must believe that the entire intelligence community lied to Congress about the intel as well. You see retards the Congress gets separate briefs from Intel agencies.

All you have is a committee of Congress making a bogus claim. What I have is 3 full investigations from Congress, one from a Democratic Congress that all State Bush did not lie us into war.

I have statements from Clinton and his closest advisers and Executive heads as late as summer 2001 that all state Saddam Hussein was doing exactly what Bush claimed.

We further have the captured records from Saddam Hussein's regime that clearly show he was planning to do EXACTLY what Bush said he was planning to do.

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