3 million sent to aid muslims.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2012
theres were the new money congress let Obama have., It stead of helping the needed people in this country he sends his to his Muslim friends. nice hu? All these politicans in both parties need to be voted out....not one of them wanting to be reelected again should be voted out. And I am sick of the career politicians the Clintons.
what we need is new faces and new people....not the same repeat bunch of worthless, selfserving career politicians.
vote them all out.
theres were the new money congress let Obama have., It stead of helping the needed people in this country he sends his to his Muslim friends. nice hu? All these politicans in both parties need to be voted out....not one of them wanting to be reelected again should be voted out. And I am sick of the career politicians the Clintons.
what we need is new faces and new people....not the same repeat bunch of worthless, selfserving career politicians.
vote them all out.

3 million sent to aid muslims

Probably a lot less than the U S government spends on toilet paper.
Its no laughing matter. If we the people don't stand together and do something, then we will stay in the same situtions year after year. It doesn't matter what party you are registered under, its a matter of the people standing together against what they are doing to all of us. Vote every single incumbant out. Lets stand together and vote all these politicians out that have been in there for years and want to stay longer.. We need new people and new politicians. Not the same ones every year. Please i ask all of you to stand together and lets vote them all out. Then we might see a real change for the better.
Liberals are convinced that once muslims help them kill off Christians, those muslims will NOT hang gays.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee made up of D's and R's decide who gets what and how much. Fuck the Christians, they can move if they are subjected to hate and discrimination.
theres were the new money congress let Obama have., It stead of helping the needed people in this country he sends his to his Muslim friends. nice hu? All these politicans in both parties need to be voted out....not one of them wanting to be reelected again should be voted out. And I am sick of the career politicians the Clintons.
what we need is new faces and new people....not the same repeat bunch of worthless, selfserving career politicians.
vote them all out.

Only $3 million? Which Muslims? Link?

Did you compare that number to what previous Administrations have sent before you decided it must have something to do with Obama loving Muslims?

Obama loves those bad ol' Muslims so much. That's why he has been drone bombing the shit out of Muslim terrorists for four years now.
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theres were the new money congress let Obama have., It stead of helping the needed people in this country he sends his to his Muslim friends. nice hu? All these politicans in both parties need to be voted out....not one of them wanting to be reelected again should be voted out. And I am sick of the career politicians the Clintons.
what we need is new faces and new people....not the same repeat bunch of worthless, selfserving career politicians.
vote them all out.

Only $3 million? Which Muslims? Link?

Did you compare that number to what previous Administrations have sent before you decided it must have something to do with Obama loving Muslims?

Obama loves those bad ol' Muslims so much. That's why he has been drone bombing the shit out of Muslim terrorists for four years now.

No shit! What do you think it costs just for the Drones that are being used against the Muslims we are fighting around the world? My guess is that we spend a thousand times as much trying to kill Muslims just with Drones than we spend trying to help Muslims world wide.

We obviously love the Muslims TO DEATH !!!

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