3 trillion spending package pass ?

w[ll it pass ?, raise inflation ?
If it passes it will provide a large number of high paying jobs, jobs which create dollars circulated on Main Street America. All of which will provide revenue to the Treasury and The FED will do what The Fed has been created to do, prevent excessive inflation or deflation.
More than a few dem senators will end up voting no...these people are from red states and won't vote yes on a doomed bill....
If it passes it will provide a large number of high paying jobs, jobs which create dollars circulated on Main Street America. All of which will provide revenue to the Treasury and The FED will do what The Fed has been created to do, prevent excessive inflation or deflation.
Ok. So Bush spent a ton of money then Obama spent a ton of money then Trump spent a ton of money now Bidens going to spend a ton of money. When do we stop spending more than we take in?
If it passes it will provide a large number of high paying jobs, jobs which create dollars circulated on Main Street America. All of which will provide revenue to the Treasury and The FED will do what The Fed has been created to do, prevent excessive inflation or deflation.
Go give someone a parking ticket, Rye. Nobody believes your bullshit.
That package will be the biggest boondoggle this country has ever experienced since the Great Depression.
Ok. So Bush spent a ton of money then Obama spent a ton of money then Trump spent a ton of money now Bidens going to spend a ton of money. When do we stop spending more than we take in?
When the economy crashes....we could be heading for a depression era economic collapse....and still no one in Washington is talking about making China pay for the pandemic....I do not get it...are all of them beholden to the CCP?....
Can you imagine these multi colored hair twitter tic toc kids dealing with eating out of a soup kitchen?...do you think that's an impossibility?....remember the government cheese lines in the 70's that were even longer than the 3 mile gas lines....oh yeah it sure can happen again....
The only thing that the 3.5 trillion will bring is corruption.
Donors will be paid, certain businesses will get the contracts and all on the backs of
working America. gee, thanks
Inside the 3.5 trillion dollar bill is wording that gives the feds the right to control state voting laws....turning the nation into CA....where will you move to then?....
It's interesting as hell. The progressives are saying they won't vote for anything less than $3.5 trillion but the moderates are saying they won't vote for even that much. On top of that, the House dem moderates sat they won't support the bigger bill until the bipartisan Infrastructure bill is passed and signed by Biden, but the progressives say they won't support the smaller bill until the larger one goes with it. So who's going to cave?

IMHO, the dems are going to lose the House in the next election anyway, the only question is by how many seats. The Senate is a bit more murky, but another question there is whether or not Biden can last for the rest of his term in office. To me, he looks like he's ready to quit right now, and here's the thing: if he resigns or has a stroke or something to where he can't do the job or even dies, then Kamala Harris will be sworn in as the next prez. Which means the office of the VP is vacant, and the dems do not have enough votes in the Senate to confirm whoever they pick to fill that position. All they got is 50 votes and you gotta have 51, which they ain't got. So - they don't get to confirm judges including SCOTUS justices unless somebody on the GOP side votes with them.

Will the dems get their $3.5 tril spending bill passed? I'm guessing not, but that party will squeeze the crap out of anyone who disobeys.
Well, the Bill IS 10,000 pages, so there are a lot of those pills hidden among those pages, no doubt.

Interesting. The 10 House moderate dems said they wanted at least 3 days to read the bill before they would support it, so hopefully the days of passing the bill to find out what's in it are over.

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